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COMICS! July |OT| - Independents Day

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*sniff sniff* OK, ill actually put up an image and not just a link

Click image to read the comic

Okay, sat down and read it today.

I'm more of a visual guy, so I'll comment on that.

Use more blacks. To better indicate volume on figures, shadow, and just to fill in negative spaces. Big empty spaces stick out like a sore thumb.

I’d like to see more rendering in the illustration instead of just computer coloring fill ins. Solid line art should stand on its own. If you have a wooden box, add some texture in the inking.

Action needs more exaggeration. There is a realistic style here, but Ong Bak is full of real people and those wonderful martial artists and stuntmen sell the action. This is why Blade 2 is one of the best comic book movies out there. Action! See also Will Eisner's Comics and Sequential Art for a master course on using gesture and body language to help tell your story.


Panel flow is confusing on some pages. Large black spaces or asymmetrical panel layouts make me question which panel to read next. A well laid out comic page will read in a Z pattern.

Visual storytelling is a bit weak. Particularly in the fight scenes. They're framed poorly, establishing shots only need be done once, and when done right the rest of the fight will fall into place.

The scene with the super powered guy and the weirdo going after the guy hiding under the desk is a good example. I don't recall the two antagonists being foreshadowed or staged at any point prior to the action, so when the security detail leaves it's unclear if they beat him up, or if he was in on it with them? Plus there's no tension / suspense in the scene despite the use of the Big Bad Wolf reference. Perhaps it was the way it was written, but as the artist you should advise the writer on how to better sell the story.

The Film Director has some good advice for cartoonists on how to use looks and eye contact to transition between panels.


Also look into P. Craig Russell's master new video series Guide to Graphic Storytelling. $62 to kickstarter will get you both DVD's shipped!

Word balloons should flow left to right. Moving right to left in the middle of a page in unnatural for the reader. If you can’t get the dialogue to flow left to right, reconsider the page layout so you can make it work, or use “...” to carry over the dialogue to the next panel.

It's a solid start and you're about at the level that bell-end Kevin Mellon was at when I first saw his work, but keep at it to hone your craft and you'll lap that dude in no time.
Something like this? http://www.comixology.com/Uncanny-X-Force/comics-series/4832

And is GotG really too reliant on tie-ins? That's sad if so...I was really excited about the concept (and Rocket Raccoon looks like a badass, haha). Also, what do you mean by the bolded statement?

I never read any of the cosmic stuff and I jumped on GotG sales, I still like it. it start of as the team being made, talks about choosing the name etc, so I think it's a good jumping point. sure as a first time reader, you'll notice that these character have interact before, referencing previous event you missed etc, but that really hasn't hinder my enjoyment really.

the big thing to remember is something big bad event happened in previous story arc, which made Starlord wanting to make a team for protecting the universe.

the only thing you need to consider though, the comixology GoTG comic is not finished, it's only up to vol 18, ends with a cliffhanger, and you cannot buy vol 19-25 yet. so that is a big factor to consider before buying the series


Saint Nic
I never read any of the cosmic stuff and I jumped on GotG sales, I still like it. it start of as the team being made, talks about choosing the name etc, so I think it's a good jumping point. sure as a first time reader, you'll notice that these character have interact before, referencing previous event you missed etc, but that really hasn't hinder my enjoyment really.

the big thing to remember is something big bad event happened in previous story arc, which made Starlord wanting to make a team for protecting the universe.

the only thing you need to consider though, the comixology GoTG comic is not finished, it's only up to vol 18, ends with a cliffhanger, and you cannot buy vol 19-25 yet. so that is a big factor to consider before buying the series

I did some reading about the tie-ins and events leading up the GotG - holy wow...There are a LOT of events. I probably should hit up a local store and see if there's an anthology available. That's probably a good way to play catch up.

Unrelated, I'm finally getting back onto reading my Walking Dead collection. I really do prefer the comic to the show.



Why did I think it will be bad?

I have begining to read the incredible Snyder/Capullo's relaunch of Batman. God ... best graphic I have ever see a masterpiece <3 That is story-telling!

Aside Detective comics, Batman and Robin and Batgirl are very average.


Uncanny X-force #25: Good times, but i could have done without the 4.99 price tag and extra "stories". The Deadpool extra one was okay i guess. Still....money.

Amazing Spidey #68Lizard: Okay, not great. I didn't like the look of Parker with the new artist and the MJ/Carlie stuff does nothing for me. I should probably drop this book, it's the one i always want to like more than i end up doing.

Fables #118: I like the Discardia toys, decently good arc so far.
Aye, OK. I'll ignore them for now then.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Marvel's ".1" issues are not "in-between" issues.

For example, Amazing Spider-Man #679.1. That issue does not occur between #679 and #680. It is issue #679, they just added that "dot one" to indicate that it was a good jumping-on point for new readers.

Though the Venom ongoing used the decimal numbering to create a weekly event within the same month. That's a different thing.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Marvel's ".1" issues are not in-between issues as the numbering might lead you to believe.

For example, you'll have issue 10, issue 11, and then 12.1. Which is really issue 12 but they add that "dot one" to indicate that it's a good jumping-on point for new readers.

Though Venom used the decimal numbering to create a mini-event within the same month, which went up to about .4 if I remember well. That's a different thing.

I never realized that but you might be right.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Marvel's ".1" issues are not in-between issues as the numbering might lead you to believe.

For example, you'll have issue 10, issue 11, and then 12.1. Which is really issue 12 but they add that "dot one" to indicate that it's a good jumping-on point for new readers.

Though the Venom ongoing used the decimal numbering to create a five-part(ish) weekly event a few months ago. That's a different thing.

Most of the time the .1 issues go 10, 11, 11.1, 12. Numbers aren't typically skipped.

I don't like .1 issues, they seem like glorified recap issues to me. Not a true one shot because it doesn't actually have to have a good story, and not a summary as they want to bait current readers into buying it. So it's a weird combo of the two.


I edited my post to hopefully make it more clear.

No deal!


Maybe i'm missing your point though, but there was a 679. But then we have something like Uncanny X-Force 19.1 which isn't even an uncanny x-force book but a one-shot-esque intro to Age of Apocalypse. .1 issues are kind of like Avenging Spider-Man, " just do whatever"
No deal!


Maybe i'm missing your point though, but there was a 679. But then we have something like Uncanny X-Force 19.1 which isn't even an uncanny x-force book but a one-shot-esque intro to Age of Apocalypse. .1 issues are kind of like Avenging Spider-Man, " just do whatever"

God dammit.

Forget everything I said then.



Was able to read the Detective Comics Vol.1 Faces of Death trade from my library. Meh. I like Daniels' art but the story seemed so generic. Far different from Snyder's Batman.
Damn I didn't know Alan Davis did the Fantastic Four Annual. That sucked to put back on the shelf but maybe I'll get it later. :/

also .1 is pretty much shit to me. Maybe there's been like 2 or 3 good ones but mostly I've regretted getting them.
Damn I didn't know Alan Davis did the Fantastic Four Annual. That sucked to put back on the shelf but maybe I'll get it later. :/

also .1 is pretty much shit to me. Maybe there's been like 2 or 3 good ones but mostly I've regretted getting them.

Iron Man 500.1 was the best issue of the series, hands down.
Okay, sat down and read it today.

I'm more of a visual guy, so I'll comment on that.

Hmm...so it looks like I have to work on...everything, especially lettering, I'm an especially shitty letterer haha

This is really good advice, thanks for taking the time to read it and give your thoughts on it.

Too bad you're banned. You gotta stay from ban bait threads
Hmm...so it looks like I have to work on...everything, especially lettering, I'm an especially shitty letterer haha

This is really good advice, thanks for taking the time to read it and give your thoughts on it.

Too bad you're banned. You gotta stay from ban bait threads

Before anyone even THINKS about lettering comics, you need to read all of these things:

So my reviews for today (I don't have a pull list of hundreds for print comics since I mostly read digital or trades later down the road):

AvX #8: This was actually...not bad. Pleasantly surprised. Kind of a cool ending, but also makes you wonder why this didn't happen oh say three or four years ago. I also appreciated that there was actual fighting in this one and not just a "check out actual stuff that's happening in AvX VS".

Captain (Ms.) Marvel: Well, it was your typical first issue...but it's a 2.99 book. When the guy at the comic store checked me out he said, that'll be 7something...wait 6 something. Gotta love those 2.99 books. I'm not hot on the art, but it seemed to get better as the issue went on. I don't really like impressionistic art much because I like well defined faces and brighter colors. It reminded me of the X-Force run that ended with Necrosha. I'll see how this one pans out over the next few months. But there is definitely nothing in this issue that screams "must buy!".

Aside: Does anyone know what issue explains her new costume and haircut, because it isn't in Issue #1 oddly enough.
This week's AvX had a lot of horrid Bendis dialog, but it also had Adam Kubert/Laura Martin doing some of the coolest looking action sequences you'll see all week, so it kinda evens out.


Fuck it, i'm gonna put my before watchmen thoughts here: it's got sex, drugs, awkward music numbers, a point about culture and mass consumerism. Silk Spectre #2 is an Alan Moore-ass Alan Moore comic.
Eventually, I'm gonna just pay someone to letter it for me. Writing, penciling/inking,editing take a toll. Although it never hurts to learn more about comic making.

It's really not hard though, man. And it covers so much of your just starting out phases. Back when I couldn't draw for shit, my lettering still looked boss thanks to Comicraft's illing book:

And thus my comics looked at least somewhat pro. Beautiful art still looks like amateur hour with shitty lettering. But good lettering helps everything look pro.
So my reviews for today (I don't have a pull list of hundreds for print comics since I mostly read digital or trades later down the road):

AvX #8: This was actually...not bad. Pleasantly surprised. Kind of a cool ending, but also makes you wonder why this didn't happen oh say three or four years ago. I also appreciated that there was actual fighting in this one and not just a "check out actual stuff that's happening in AvX VS".

Captain (Ms.) Marvel: Well, it was your typical first issue...but it's a 2.99 book. When the guy at the comic store checked me out he said, that'll be 7something...wait 6 something. Gotta love those 2.99 books. I'm not hot on the art, but it seemed to get better as the issue went on. I don't really like impressionistic art much because I like well defined faces and brighter colors. It reminded me of the X-Force run that ended with Necrosha. I'll see how this one pans out over the next few months. But there is definitely nothing in this issue that screams "must buy!".

Aside: Does anyone know what issue explains her new costume and haircut, because it isn't in Issue #1 oddly enough.

None really do. But Secret Avengers #28 is when Mar-Vell dies, and she says his name should live on.

I liked the art for the issue, but it made the speech bubbles seem so out of place. Like you're reading one of Seanbaby's comic edits.

And despite other opinions, I don't actually hate AvX. It's not bad, imo.
It's really not hard though, man. And it covers so much of your just starting out phases. Back when I couldn't draw for shit, my lettering still looked boss thanks to Comicraft's illing book:

And thus my comics looked at least somewhat pro. Beautiful art still looks like amateur hour with shitty lettering. But good lettering helps everything look pro.

Very sly way to show me your lettering portfolio, BB.... You're hired!

Be sure to check out Brubaker and Lark's (Phillips inks after the first issue) Scene of the Crime miniseries for Vertigo. It's just a really rich character-driven detective story. Sadly it seems to be out of print.

I couldn't find it here (France) but thanks for the recommandation anyway.

Lawless was so fucking good, i went on a Brubaker shopping spree.

Today's pickups:



Marvel Comics:
Avengers Academy #33
Avengers vs X-Men #8
Captain Marvel #1
Daredevil #15
The Infernal Man-Thing #2
Uncanny X-Men #16
Wolverine #309
X-Factor #240


Other Publishers:
Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #13 (Dynamite)

That's way too much Marvel brah.

The Massive, what else is there to say about this fucking book? I heard brahs say it is boring, but this has such a great silent vibe to it and futuristic master and commander. You feel like you are on the ship with them, constantly disoriented and lruking in the fog. Shit is forcing me to get in on this Conan The barbarian.
I didn't think a whole lot of #1, but didn't dislike it. It was just kinda there. I picked up #2, but I didn't get around to reading it yet. Good to hear some positive feedback, although I don't think we have the same tastes.
That's way too much Marvel brah.

The Massive, what else is there to say about this fucking book? I heard brahs say it is boring, but this has such a great silent vibe to it and futuristic master and commander. You feel like you are on the ship with them, constantly disoriented and lruking in the fog. Shit is forcing me to get in on this Conan The barbarian.

I'm glad the second issue is better than the first. It was pretty, but boring.
Captain Marvel #1 reminded me: does anybody use the lol-worthy AR app for their Marvel comics? The Captain Marvel ones were especially hilariously bad.
Captain Marvel #1 reminded me: does anybody use the lol-worthy AR app for their Marvel comics? The Captain Marvel ones were especially hilariously bad.

Alonso said though that these comics will look like pong once the AR app gets going. I'm really excited about readin Miss Marvel though. I keep trying to hold myself back, but now I gotta check out Wood's Conan. And why doesn't Marvel have Terrance Howard play Falcon?
Alonso said though that these comics will look like pong once the AR app gets going. I'm really excited about readin Miss Marvel though. I keep trying to hold myself back, but now I gotta check out Wood's Conan. And why doesn't Marvel have Terrance Howard play Falcon?

He'd probably get top billing over Chris Evans and then wouldn't be able to casted for the threequel...history repeating itself baby...err...I mean brah.
Alonso said though that these comics will look like pong once the AR app gets going. I'm really excited about readin Miss Marvel though. I keep trying to hold myself back, but now I gotta check out Wood's Conan. And why doesn't Marvel have Terrance Howard play Falcon?

Go back and read Busiek's Conan issues. He is a huge student of the fiction,and the art matches the book. Wood's run has been ok, and the art while good, is not a fit for the genre.
Go back and read Busiek's Conan issues. He is a huge student of the fiction,and the art matches the book. Wood's run has been ok, and the art while good, is not a fit for the genre.
Becky Cloonan's artwork may not have been, but the last couple of issues were by James Harren and they are stunning.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I tried. I tried to stay away from comics, and I managed to succeed for a few months, but here I am again, having dropped by the comic book store after work today. I had initially decided to give up comics due to how expensive they were as a hobby, but I've decided to only buy the comics that I really, really like, so hopefully I won't be burning through as much cash going forward.

My haul today:

Captain Marvel
Avengers vs. X-Men
Uncanny X-Men

Captain Marvel is the most beautiful comic I have ever read. I said this about Winter Soldier when it first came out, but damn this Dexter Soy dude is a freaking genius. Supergirl and Daredevil were as fantastic as ever, and AvX continues to entertain me with every issue. Good stuff.
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