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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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I wish y'all bought more Dark Horse comics. Dark Horse Presents, Grindhouse, Buzzkill and Bloodhound are some of my favorite pulls these days.

Also read the Thought Bubble Anthology 2013. A good variety of playful and contemplative pieces. The contributions by Brandon Graham, Gabriel Ba, and Fabio Moon were some of my favorites. The newspaper style presentation was kinda of neat, too.
As far as Dark Horse goes I'm waiting for Hellboy in Hell and Black Beetle to come back. Sweet sweet Black Beetle.....

I assume you can jump into Dark Horse Presents whenever, right? New stories every week? Is that Thought Bubble Anthology readily available, it sounds cool.


Darkhorse does have some interesting books. I've tried a few of their miniseries. They're right up there with Image for oddball and unique titles.
As far as Dark Horse goes I'm waiting for Hellboy in Hell and Black Beetle to come back. Sweet sweet Black Beetle.....

I assume you can jump into Dark Horse Presents whenever, right? New stories every week? Is that Thought Bubble Anthology readily available, it sounds cool.

Yeah, you can definitely jump into Dark Horse Presents anytime. Of course, month to month your investment in the stories grow just like in any other book. A lot of the stories featured are continued in 2, 4, or more parts, but others are stand alone. The most recent issue, number 29, was really cool with a number of particularly awesome pieces. Just ignore the Neal Adams piece of crap at the end. Or jump in next round. It's eight bucks but worth it for the quantity and quality of stories. It's a nice way to preview stuff that sometimes evolves into it's own series. And it's a great way to sample genres you might not normally be inclined to give a chance. Can't speak highly enough of it.

The Thought Bubble Anthology was a really fun, easy read that put a smile on my face.


Good to see you back, TTOB. That Huntress print is amazing.

Quick question to all:
I've been enjoying the Ennis Fury series and the his Battlefields as well. Are there any other good war comics that I'm missing out on?


I have a question. How do you pronounce Thanos? The vowel sounds confuse me. Is the "a" pronounced like in cat or in cane? And is the "o" like in boat or hot? That's 4 different combinations and I don't know which one to use. I was trying to explain to my dad about Avengers, Guardians Of The Galaxy, etc. and it was tricky.

Oh, has anyone seen Thor: The Dark World yet?
I have a question. How are you pronounce Thanos?

I've always pronounced Than- like "man" and the -os like "no".

I'm pretty sure its accurate, since in the old Marvel Superheroes fighting game, he would say "Thanos Reigns!" during one of his win poses.


I wish y'all bought more Dark Horse comics. Dark Horse Presents, Grindhouse, Buzzkill and Bloodhound are some of my favorite pulls these days.

Also read the Thought Bubble Anthology 2013. A good variety of playful and contemplative pieces. The contributions by Brandon Graham, Gabriel Ba, and Fabio Moon were some of my favorites. The newspaper style presentation was kinda of neat, too.

I'm still pulling Itty Bitty Hellboy, and I've been trying out Creepy and Eerie and following the ATLA comics (still waiting for The Search to drop on hardcover, lol). Speaking of which, I have been wanting to get into Hellboy more, but the trades can be hard to track down locally.


I wish y'all bought more Dark Horse comics. Dark Horse Presents, Grindhouse, Buzzkill and Bloodhound are some of my favorite pulls these days.

I've been wanting to check out Mind MGMT and Shaolin Cowboy. Would you recommend either of those?

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I wish y'all bought more Dark Horse comics. Dark Horse Presents, Grindhouse, Buzzkill and Bloodhound are some of my favorite pulls these days.

Also read the Thought Bubble Anthology 2013. A good variety of playful and contemplative pieces. The contributions by Brandon Graham, Gabriel Ba, and Fabio Moon were some of my favorites. The newspaper style presentation was kinda of neat, too.

I'm reading Killjoys but I don't know why. It's a hell of a letdown so far, despite the Cloonan art.

Also, Graham, Ba, and Moon is a hell of an art/writing orgy for one compilation. I'mma see if I can find that anthology. Are they new stories or previously released ones?


Just read Saga #15. What a fantastic issue. I seriously love the art. Front to back my favorite series that I read. Its painful waiting each month for a new issue. I love how hilariously cheesy the cover is for this issue.

And that ending
poor Sophie had no idea what she was doing. That crazy eye look she had at the end freaked me out.

Oh and Klaras reaction when she sees Alana giving Marko a blowjob had me rolling.

I think I love Alana most out of all of the characters. Although Marko reminds me so much of Zach Levi. I am not sure if that is a good or a bad thing.
I'm still pulling Itty Bitty Hellboy, and I've been trying out Creepy and Eerie and following the ATLA comics (still waiting for The Search to drop on hardcover, lol). Speaking of which, I have been wanting to get into Hellboy more, but the trades can be hard to track down locally.

Mike Mignola is what inspires me to want to check out Hellboy. Mignola has a hand in Baltimore which I think is stellar, judging by the two issues I've read.

I've been wanting to check out Mind MGMT and Shaolin Cowboy. Would you recommend either of those?

I'm curious about Mind MGMT myself, but can't comment on it as I haven't read any. The relaunched Shaolin Cowboy #1 that just dropped was alright. What everyone talks about with that issue is the highly detailed art and the lack of story or minimal progression. There isn't much else to say about it really. It's ok? I like that the hero is old and fat. Pick up Baltimore #1 for $1 instead. Or Bloodhound: Crowbar Medicine #1!

I'm reading Killjoys but I don't know why. It's a hell of a letdown so far, despite the Cloonan art.

Also, Graham, Ba, and Moon is a hell of an art/writing orgy for one compilation. I'mma see if I can find that anthology. Are they new stories or previously released ones?

I bought Killjoys #1 and couldn't for the life of me finish it and I usually try to make myself finish stuff. 'Cause your opinion can turn around, right? But man, I hated that issue. I wanted to burn it or at least get it out of my house.

I like Graham's bit in Thought Bubble, but it's not the Best Graham Ever. Also Ba and Moon is a collaboration and it's a single (huge) page. Still one of my very favourite bits though. Not trying to dissuade you, just don't want to misrepresent. But, yeah, it's 4 bucks. Get it. The opening story is an Elephantmen/Judge Dredd mashup. I mean, come on. They are new stories and all proceeds go to a children's charity. So basically, you are a monster if you don't buy it. Here's a trailer for the anthology.


What are some good trades on the Marvel side? I've been reading mainly DC/Image stuff since I got into comics.

Old or new, I don't care. I just want some stuff to read.
What are some good trades on the Marvel side? I've been reading mainly DC/Image stuff since I got into comics.

Old or new, I don't care. I just want some stuff to read.
Any characters you're interested in?

I really recommend both Waid's and Bendis' run on Daredevil.


Any characters you're interested in?

I really recommend both Waid's and Bendis' run on Daredevil.

No one in particular. I was an Iron Man fan as a kid, but that was mainly because of Marvel vs Capcom series.

I'll look into Daredevil though, thanks


Marvel side...Nextwave Agents of Hate Ultimate Collection and the upcoming Immortal Iron Fist Ultimate Collection that is releasing this fall collecting all of Fraction's work on the book.


What are some good trades on the Marvel side? I've been reading mainly DC/Image stuff since I got into comics.

Old or new, I don't care. I just want some stuff to read.

I'm a huge fan of Whedon's Astonishing X-Men. Although I know there are people that prefer Grant Morrison's New Xmen, but I can't get over how fugly Quietly drew the X-crew.


Man, the Teen Titans got clusterfucked after 'One More Year'.

Not sure I want to continue. I like Rose though. Rose is cool.
Joe mad medusa concept art

Pretty rad


In other news, I read my issue of #1 for $1 Baltimore: The Plague Ships. Great stuff. I so want to read the Baltimore comic series but before I delve into the comics, I'd like to read the illustrated novel that started it all. Though it isn't necessary to appreciate the comics, I've heard its a great novel and the ideal place to start.

If it helps, I don't like Golden's prose at all so after reading the first few chapters of Baltimore I skipped on to the comics, and didn't suffer a bit. They are cool comics, and nice collections, although I rate Mignola's own work on Hellboy miles above by virtue of him doing the script as well as the plot, whereas in Baltimore, Golden scripts Mike's ideas ( which definitely can work obviously, ala BPRD). After Hellboy and BPRD though, I do like it, I'll keep up with it but Baltimore doesn't blow me away the way the others do. If you like Baltimore, I can't wait to see what you think of Hellboy. I'd recommend The Sixth Gun on the side too, I probably rate that and Baltimore similarly.

Nice paper? On a Vertigo trade?!

I'm interested

I know, right? It was a shock. Better even than the unwritten trades. The paper has this amazing matte kind of feel. Probably the only only thing I hold against the series is as the seasons change in Africa, Ponticelli changes his colour style to match the oppressive heat. It certainly works narratively and psychologically on the reader, but straight up just doesn't look quite as nice ha. But it's greatgreatgreat. I felt like I was genuinely educated by too, but without feeling like I'd been subjected to someone's agenda.


So just got done reading Hellblazer Vol. 1 and I've decided I need more John Constantine in my life.

Where do I go from here?
So just got done reading Hellblazer Vol. 1 and I've decided I need more John Constantine in my life.

Where do I go from here?

Depends how whole hog you want to go man. You could literally just work straight from the beginning and go along. They were putting out new prints of the older trades during the last few years, so you should be able to get them. You could pick out creators you really like and get their runs, you don't have to worry too much about jumping in on a particular writer's run and things not making sense, at least in my experience. I haven't read everything though. Milligan did the most recent and last, I think his run started with the volume "Scab".
How is dark horses Empowered? Seen a deluxe copy in the store and was kind of curious.

It's a superhero satire with heavy bondage overtones [seeing as you like Sunstone, it should be right up your alley ;) ]. Once you accept that, it's friggin' hilarious. I still need to grab the second deluxe edition.

Awesome. I will give that a go then. Heavy bondage overtones you say :p. Speaking of Sunstone, I want more pages. Its seems like those folks are swamped with work. Its been like a month and a half with no real updates :(.

Another thing I am curious about. I want to read an X-Men book, would I be lost if I started with this new one this month?
EMPOWERED is my favorite non-monthly book, by a large margin. You should definitely read it and, if you can, start by reading the first Deluxe Edition which collects the first three volumes. The creator Adam Warren didn't have faith that Emp could take off the way that it did, so the first volume is very episodic and somewhat haphazard as a result; later volumes flesh out the stories and expand on the characters, but you only get a real sense of that by reading the first three together. The series is very bondage heavy, as that is the character's real-life origin; as Adam tells it, he was at a low point in his career and always getting commissioned to do bondage-themed artwork at cons, and so created an original superheroine who's constantly getting humiliated and tied up, and channeled all of his thoughts and anxieties about the perceived failures of his professional life into the character's personality. The story is unabashedly cheesecake-y but also endearing, heartwarming, full of action and comedy, memorable characters who are instantly likeable and have a surprising amount of depth... and, EMPOWERED features some of the best couples relationships in comics bar none. Adam's style of writing dialogue can be a bit off-putting for some people (even me, sometimes), but it's unique and adds to the book's quirky charm.

Plus, Emp is totally adorkable. You just want to hug her and tell her she's awesome. :D

Volume Eight is out next month! :O


I know I am late on this one but I finally got caught up on Batman with Batman #24. I know most of you love this book and I just want to Echo that sentiment. Holy shit that whole issue was just fantastic. Loved everything about it. Bruce is so very cool. Fantastic art as usual, but I really think they knocked it out of the park in this issue. The first few pages are beautiful and bright. Can't wait for the next one now.

Also read Superman/Wonder Woman #1. Beautiful art and good start to the story. I'm in for a few issues at the very least as I <3 Wonder Woman

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I honestly think this event has just straight up killed what was left of my interest in the X-books. I ended up dropping WatXM and X-Men due to it dragging them down, and I'm in no rush to pick them back up again. I've had zero interest in Bendis' books, and as much as I like Aaron's stuff I'm not bothered about his upcoming Amazing X-Men.

Makes me sad. I'm almost there with you, but I am excited for Amazing if only because its hopefully self-contained. WatXM has had such a shit run of being event'd that I need Aaron to grow balls and put his foot down and mandate Jean Grey School goings on are his and his only to plot out. Not sure where that would place Wood's X-Men, but at least he doesnt take huge liberties with Aaron setup like Bendis has.

Seems futile though because with the O5 not gone, you know theyre only gonna be part of some "time is fucked up" mega-event, and we're back to square one again with stop and start arcs just never really going anywhere.
List 11/6



List 11/6


Batman black and white #3
East of West #7

Small week but I'm gonna try get some back issues of some books and maybe that wonder woman Bombshells statue
wow sorta tiny week
Skipping Batman Superman while Booth's on it

Forever Evil #3
Green Lantern #25
Swamp Thing #25

Legends Of Red Sonja #1

Amazing X-Men #1


List for 11/6

Amazing X-Men #1
Captain Marvel #17
Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #10
Ghostbusters #9
Legends of Red Sonja #1
Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #2
Mighty Avengers #3
The Movement #6
Regular Show #5
Regular Show: Skips #1
Transformers: Dark Cybertron #1


Amazing X-Men #1
Drumhellar #1
East Of West #7
Hinterkind #2
Transformers Dark Cybertron #1
X-Men Legacy #19

Fairly small week. Should give me a chance to catch up on my backlog (in theory).


Super Robot Gaffer Team Hyper List GO!

Batman Superman #5
Earth 2 #17
Forever Evil #3
Green Arrow #25
Movement #6
Superman Unchained #4
Amazing X-Men #1
Captain America #13
Mighty Avengers #3
Caught up my Wolverine & the X-Men reading to #35 over the weekend. Just about ready to continue with Battle of the Atom (I'm late I know haha)..

Have to agree with pretty much everyone else, it's a fantastic book, and for me the only real low-point was the circus stuff. I didn't mind the Pheonix five tie-ins, but they weren't of the same calibre of the other stuff for sure.

I've quite liked the Hellfire Club 5-part too. Excellent art in those again.

The series has been really good fun.
Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe this month too. Hype.

Pretty excited for that after seeing the preview cover for #3..


Awww yeah.
Listy time of lists.

Movement #6
Trillium #4
Alex+Ada #1
East of West #7
Fatale #18
Morning Glories #34

Wow, no Marvel this week. May pick up Amazing X-men instead of Movement (which I'm pretty close to dropping anyhow).
Hellboy: The Midnight Circus is out this week guys, special 56 page little HC from Dark Horse. It's really cheap so whyyy noooot.

I spotted this at my LCS last week. $15 isn't that cheap for 56 pages. It's hardcover but, eh, still. Li'l Hellboy running away to join the circus does sounds interesting, though.
I spotted this at my LCS last week. $15 isn't that cheap for 56 pages. It's hardcover but, eh, still. Li'l Hellboy running away to join the circus does sounds interesting, though.

Haha. If it helps, I was looking at £7.50 in the uk, I consider that pretty cheap. Sure you get plenty more image books for the same price with like 6 times the content, but I don't expect anything to actually get much cheaper than £7 regardless of size, brand new at retail, just due to printing costs, especially with it being a HC. I don't know, it's Fegredo coming back to do a new Hellboy story, the first one of these they did a few years ago was great. We're paying for the entertainment value guys, not the page count or something haha. I suppose I could as well just recommend the first hellboy trade for the same price. Plus, while I'm making excuses for it in a completely bias fashion, you guys pay like $3/4 for paperbacks that are 20 odd pages that are held together with staples!, it's almost the exactly same price per page but this is SHINY.
My list,, perrty good week,,

Amazing X-Men _#1
Batman: Black & White _#3
Forever Evil _#4
Green Arrow _#25
Hinterkind _#2
Reality Check _#3
Marvel Knights: Spider Man _#2
Trillium _#4


Pizza Dog
Here's my list for the week, think I'm keeping it fairly manageable.

All-New X-Men #18
Superior Spider-Man #21
Ten Grand #5

Captain Marvel #17
Cataclysm Ultimates Last Stand #1
East of West #7
Fatale #18
Iron Man #18
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