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Conduit 2 for Wii.


pakkit said:
Disagree. Private Rooms sure, but I get enough racist 12 year olds in Halo. It's a twisted benefit to having Nintendo so poorly support an online infrastructure.

I'm surprised that they're not supporting the MotionPlus, but in the end it doesn't really add too much. It would have been nice just as an option, though.

Dont care for console makers trying to appease socially inept gamers or protect children from bad parenting. Extensive Communication is required for any teamwork based game anywhere, period. Will avoid any teamwork based multiplayer game that does not have this.

Fear of a 12 year olds mouth is not a good trade off for crippling teamwork.

Besides, any good voice communication system has a mute player button. Simply utilize this.


There are few things weirder then someone making sure to enter every High Voltage thread, just to say how much they hate their products and will not buy them.

Multiple times.

In a day.


I did buy their first product, and I am in this thread to say how much I like Conduit's use of WiiSpeak.

You must learn to read before you can play with the big boys.


But in the Silent Hill thread for example you lamented the horrible possibility that High Voltage might be the ones behind the new game.

You would see how that could confuse me.

Plus your posts in the previous page broke several sarcasm meters!

This whole thread is a mystery trapped in a riddle.


That's not a High Voltage thread, that was a Silent Hill thread. And High Voltage just seemed like the perfect example of a bad developer who would make me scream in horror if they got to work on Silent Hill.

However, I try to be topical. You suggest I was being negative, and I was saying I liked that Conduit used WiiSpeak and wish more games used (a more unrestrictive) Wii Speak interface for communication on the Wii platform. I find it impossible to play any team-based game online without such a form of communication, and it was nice that Conduit had that feature.

Let's try to stay on topic here. You seem pretty defensive about High Voltage so I think it's safe to assume you appreciate WiiSpeak support in Conduit.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I'm more for games where the design itself is tight enough to consistantly and accurately convey orders and expectations of team members without the need to constantly yack on the mic, of which is reserved for very specific information sharing.

See: Team Fortress 2.


I am in agreement with staying on topic.

But I originally came in here to say, (once I saw it had been bumped with no videos)

If Sega/HV really wanted to get more people excited, instead of releasing super awkward screenshots. The should release a full 1 minute video of gameplay from the first level NP described where the rain is beating down on you, you're on a frigate that's capsizing, and your fighting a sea monster boss.

That alone would make some be like, "Whoa...looking slightly less generic now!"


EatChildren said:
I'm more for games where the design itself is tight enough to consistantly and accurately convey orders and expectations of team members without the need to constantly yack on the mic, of which is reserved for very specific information sharing.

See: Team Fortress 2.

Imo The best TF2 games are always with full microphone! I won't play with people who don't use a mic on my team!

It's not that I want to play with people who are all singing crappy songs and being annoying. But that's why I mute those I dont want to hear and generally play with a group of people I trust and have the same attitude as me (in terms of not being retarded over the mic)

Anyway, Conduit 2 just really badly needs lightning and some depth. Everything looks so flat.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Amir0x said:
Imo The best TF2 games are always with full microphone! I won't play with people who don't use a mic on my team!

I enjoy the mic banter too, but my point is TF2 doesnt require a flurry of orders and demands over mic for a team to work. The game is designed in such a way that you can very quickly know where to go and what you, as your class, should be doing to benefit the team. Chat over mic can be pretty casual, yet extremely informative when its useful information (turret placement, good uber use, enemy/spy sightings, etc).

I dont like games like, say, Call of Duty and The Conduit where there's really not a whole lot of depth to the class selection and 'team' mic banter becomes aggressive, demanding, and constant due to the 'leader'.

I guess what I'm saying is I like games where chatting over the mic is used to relay information, not orders, as 'orders' come naturally from knowing what to do with the class you're playing.


I really don't think mic is essential for teamwork to work. It sure helps, specially on high level competition, but otherwise I think it's just fine as long as your team members aren't retarded.

I play a lot of MGO and Uncharted 2 without headset and it's fine. Even on MGO survivals my team usually do pretty well without it. Everybody knows what to do, when to do it and how to do it.

That said, mic does make things more fun with friends. With complete strangers I don't even bother turning it on.


Oh, I missed this. Nice, I sort of didn't expect a sequel. I enjoyed the first game for what it was: a pretty mediocre shooter with awesome controls. Thanks to the controls - mainly the fact that I was actually pretty decent with them - I actually managed to enjoy the online mode. At least, until hackers took over.

I'll probably get it at full price if:

1) They actually take measures to prevent and counter hackers online;
2) The online has less lag, or at least has a better way to deal with it than players teleporting through walls and bullets missing for no reason, and;
3) They disallow lock-on in multiplayer.

And regardless of the above, I'll probably get it at $20 just for the split-screen.

From the interview on the Sega blog, it sounds like they at least recognize a lot of the issues with the first game (specifically the hackers and bland levels). Who knows whether they'll actually fix them in this one, but at least they know what's up.

Though... I'm not sure about the changes they're making to the multiplayer. Seems like they're trying to make it more Call of Duty this time around with the perks, loadouts, and sprint button, but I liked the Halo feel of the first one. I liked weapon sets because it gave matches some variety instead of everyone just using their favorite weapons all the time.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Am I the only one who really hated the sluggish, chunky character movement? The aiming was fine, but I hated how you moved in regards to the analogue stick.


EatChildren said:
I enjoy the mic banter too, but my point is TF2 doesnt require a flurry of orders and demands over mic for a team to work. The game is designed in such a way that you can very quickly know where to go and what you, as your class, should be doing to benefit the team. Chat over mic can be pretty casual, yet extremely informative when its useful information (turret placement, good uber use, enemy/spy sightings, etc).

I dont like games like, say, Call of Duty and The Conduit where there's really not a whole lot of depth to the class selection and 'team' mic banter becomes aggressive, demanding, and constant due to the 'leader'.

I guess what I'm saying is I like games where chatting over the mic is used to relay information, not orders, as 'orders' come naturally from knowing what to do with the class you're playing.

Plus nobody should be giving orders anyway. I like to use mics for coordination. I.e., "I can see a guy coming up on you, turn around quick!"

It really takes a good level headed group of guys though. Sometimes, people take the games too seriously.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Amir0x said:
Plus nobody should be giving orders anyway. I like to use mics for coordination. I.e., "I can see a guy coming up on you, turn around quick!"

It really takes a good level headed group of guys though. Sometimes, people take the games too seriously.

Yeah exactly, thats what I like. I think the game design has a lot to do with it though. As I said, something like TF2 is designed in a way that you should know what to do without being told, so it encourages more information sharing, and thats a good thing.

I've had a few bad TF2 games with people flipping out over the mic because I wasnt playing a class exactly how they wanted to. I remember once some guy was cracking it because I apparently wasnt playing the spy right, and it didnt take long before I was way ahead of him on the scoreboard.

But yeah, I think the game's design really helps filter the kind of crap you get over mics. I hate mics in games like Call of Duty. They're absolutely useless for anything other than casual banter, and thus people barking orders are annoying fucks.


EatChildren said:
Am I the only one who really hated the sluggish, chunky character movement? The aiming was fine, but I hated how you moved in regards to the analogue stick.

Yeah, the default speed in multiplayer was way too slow. I liked that they let you turn it up in single player, though.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
KevinCow said:
Yeah, the default speed in multiplayer was way too slow. I liked that they let you turn it up in single player, though.

Single player too though. The movement speed was fine, but I felt the responsiveness of analogue control was sluggish. Never really felt like I had a tight control on my movements, like say Call of Duty or Red Steel 2.


Amir0x said:
I was saying I liked that Conduit used WiiSpeak and wish more games used (a more unrestrictive) Wii Speak interface for communication on the Wii platform.

So you're in full support of Monster Hunter 3's use of Wii Speak, then.


EatChildren said:
Single player too though. The movement speed was fine, but I felt the responsiveness of analogue control was sluggish. Never really felt like I had a tight control on my movements, like say Call of Duty or Red Steel 2.
Yeah, that's true. It wasn't as responsive as those games. Didn't bother me though.


Swittcher said:
There are few things weirder then someone making sure to enter every High Voltage thread, just to say how much they hate their products and will not buy them.

Multiple times.

In a day.
It's why I left Gametrailers. :lol

Amir0x said:
I don't know exactly how it's done in Monster Hunter 3, but I love Monster Hunter and so you mean chatting is completely unrestrictive? Can talk to anyone?
In some areas its restricted but that's only due to the performance of the game and it's not meant to stop people from conversing. So yeah the game supports you talking with strangers.


donny2112 said:
So you're in full support of Monster Hunter 3's use of Wii Speak, then.

I don't know exactly how it's done in Monster Hunter 3, but I love Monster Hunter and so you mean chatting is completely unrestrictive? Can talk to anyone?


Amir0x said:
I don't know exactly how it's done in Monster Hunter 3, but I love Monster Hunter and so you mean chatting is completely unrestrictive? Can talk to anyone?

I don't know how wii speak works in mh3, tho we know that you don't need friend codes so this would suggest that you can speak to any one, I do know that the people who have it have a icon about their head telling you so.


Cool. I cannot fucking wait for Monster Hunter 3 :D

Er, but, how about that Conduit 2! (sorry Monster Hunter talk excites me)


The grindy nature of Monster Hunter (now that I've played one on PSP a bit longer instead of relying on rumours) is a serious turn off for me. :(

wait which thread is this again
Give us more options and customization for wiispeak. The Conduit's wiispeak setup made it difficult to quickly turn the mic off while playing. I would appreciate it if HVS would add an option to turn it off/on with a press of a single button or only turn it on while you're holding said button. The always on nature of wiispeak is cool but sometimes I like to mumble to myself and only myself. I would also like to adjust how much I want the volume reduced while talking. I don't play my games too loud but I still have trouble hearing myself talk when machine guns are blazing away right next to my character.


Gamestop has some new screens. I think one of them was in the magazine.





It looks almost as good as Unreal 2.

Glad to see varied environments though, level repetition was one of the biggest drawbacks of the original.
I remember the second half of the Conduit being much better than the first as far as level design and gunplay is concerned. Even the art direction and overall visual appeal seemed like it took a step forward. I'm hoping this one starts up as nice as the last one left off and grows from there.

EatChildren said:
Why is the weapon design so bad? Why?
Man, I asked myself the same question :lol


Everything is tsundere to me
First screen kinda reminds me of Half Life 2. That's a good thing. I've been waiting for a company to at least replicate the ability of the source engine on the Wii for a good long time now...


doomed1 said:
First screen kinda reminds me of Half Life 2. That's a good thing. I've been waiting for a company to at least replicate the ability of the source engine on the Wii for a good long time now...
The second screenshot looks to be inspired by Metroid Prime and the third screen mostly resembles the Modern Warfare games with a bit of Halo mixed in.


From what little we've seen, I already get the feeling that the game is going to be a clusterfuck of artstyles.


not tag worthy
I think HVS are doing what they did before leaking, screens of the game that are from the prototypes then they will bring out the final versions nearer release date with some tarted up graphics etc... still the cavern level looks nice :D


The weapon in the 2nd pic looks like a very early build, i am positive that it isn't the final design/build.


not tag worthy
(just back from night shift excuse ramblings, i picked up ONM UK)
Offical Nintendo Magazine has some more details about this game, Article overview is:

article mentions,

Levels (so far)
  • Helipad, located in a Jungle.
  • Oil Derrick (rig)
  • Atlantis
  • Siberia
  • Lost City of Z (could be part of the Helipad Level)
  • levels to have greater sense of scale and multiple paths, larger more varied enviroments to explore.

    Other stuff (too tired to catergorize it all)
  • Story, is basically a centuries old truce has been broken allowing two rival alien factions to come out of hiding and start vying for world domination.
  • 28 Weapons, one screen shot showing a portable monitor for booby traps. also Turret guns are mentioned. so far can only see human type weapons.
  • what looks like a robot "dog" thing, as an enemy, dude in a haze/dead space suit in day glow orange (hmm tangy)
  • Improved enemy AI.
  • Shot of a giant mecha sea serpent thingy, that they are comparing to Rayquazza
  • more online modes, better online security, some online maps will return from the first on, as well as addition maps for online.
  • also high voltage accepting short comings of the first game and looking to improve on it.
  • footage that Sega have shown them that takes place on the oil rig, mayan ruins ( city of z?), siberia,under water (atlantis) and a level carved into sand stone cliffs
  • Higher character customisation.
  • high voltage insist sequeal "will focus on art direction"
  • Christmas 2010 release date
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