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Could a Half Life 3 ever live up to expectations if it ever came to be?


No because expectations are probably insane at this point.

I do think it could be a good resolution to Episode 2 and a good game overall regardless of the fantasies people make up in their own head as to what HL3 should be.


The expectations for 2 were also astronomical at the times, especially considering it was 2004 and the internet was a different place.


I just want the cliffhanger resolved.

That's all I want.


I just want an Episode 3. It doesn't even need to be HL3.

End the damn arc.

That said, I don't see why it wouldn't since we don't know what they would do with the game; There's no expectations to have right now.
I've given up on any hope for HL3. At this point, the only way my expectations wouldn't be met is if it did somehow get announced and wasn't built for VR.

That's the technological advancement that would be needed to bring the wow factor that people associate with the release off this series.

However, I recognize that it would also disappoint a lot of people if it was a VR only title as the majority of gamers that remember this series fondly either don't have access to, haven't tried or don't care about VR as a platform.


Maybe not, but it could still be a great game anyway. Unfortunately, given what Valve has said about how uninterested they are in doing it, I don't think it is ever going to happen. I would love for them to change their minds, however.
Half life 2 didn't live up to my expectations, so I doubt 3 would be any different.

That said it's impossible to guess the reception of an entirely hypothetical, imaginary game that it's creators have said they have no interest in making.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.


If they made it VR exclusive I think they could recapture some of the wow factor of 2. I say this as a non VR guy I don't have any sets. But VR is a disruptive tech which nobody has fully committed to in the AAA space. Half life gave us in game storytelling , 2 further developed that with physics, three as a VR only title would be pretty revolutionary and mind blowing. The problem would be cost versus audience.


Based on the standards of the HL games that came before it? Hell no. Based on some of the current best fps games of the generation like Wolfenstein and Doom? Yes.

And I'll say HL3 won't be VR exclusive until the price for VR comes down considerably and there is a better solution for locomotion. The cost alone would price most people out of the market instantly. While their room scale stuff and teleporting works now, I'm not sure I'd want to play a new PC HL game with a controller or where my movement was contrainted.


I think what Valve developers dislike the most about those types of games is after a few days on the market a good majority of the people will have beaten Half Life 3 and be asking them when will there be expansions or Half Life 4. I don't think Valve is interested in that type of business anymore.


provides useful feedback
Absolutely not. But it doesn't mean I won't rush out to preorder it the moment it's officially announced with a release date and footage and other things to prove that it's an actual, real thing.


It *only* needs to be as good as Portal 2 to be a success in my eyes. I don't even like puzzle games as a rule, but I was driven forward by the narrative, setting and humour.

Come to think of it, I've never even completed Half-Life 2. I remember Gabe posting on forums in the run-up to the release (that's how old I am)... what happened to that guy? Not really for me to say, but I'd hazard a guess he's lost all enthusiasm for the project. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

Probably got bigger fish to fry with Steam these days.
If they made it VR exclusive I think they could recapture some of the wow factor of 2. I say this as a non VR guy I don't have any sets. But VR is a disruptive tech which nobody has fully committed to in the AAA space. Half life gave us in game storytelling , 2 further developed that with physics, three as a VR only title would be pretty revolutionary and mind blowing. The problem would be cost versus audience.
Releasing it for VR exclusively is a surefire way to get completely hated by 95% of their fans. Announcing it's never coming out would generate way less anger.


People who think Valve isn't going to release a game because of fear don't really understand Valve. They're waiting for the next leap in technology for them to release Half-Life 3 and I think VR is it IMHO.


I'd be happy with a really good Half Life game that would give a conclusion to the story. That's all. I wouldn't expect it to revolutionize games, just to feel like a modern take on Half Life.


People who think Valve isn't going to release a game because of fear don't really understand Valve. They're waiting for the next leap in technology for them to release Half-Life 3 and I think VR is it IMHO.

In an EGX Q&A session with one of Valve’s top writers, Chet Faliszeck, one member of the audience asked whether or not Half-Life 3 would be a virtual reality game. Sadly, Faliszeck’s response was a quick and resolute “No.”

Chet said this about 11 months ago, so things can change, but I don't think HL3 is going to be a VR game.


I think what Valve developers dislike the most about those types of games is after a few days on the market a good majority of the people will have beaten Half Life 3 and be asking them when will there be expansions or Half Life 4. I don't think Valve is interested in that type of business anymore.

The issues with the ending of every HL game outside of the original ends on a cliffhanger. It'd be different if they had some resolution to their overall arc or was able to stick to their episodic release schedule. Sure there would be people asking for an expansion or sequel, but I think the biggest thing to squash most of that is giving their series a proper send off and tie up most of the loose ends left hanging.
At this point Valve could adopt a baby asian elephant, name it Half Life 3, and re-release it into the wild and I would be more satisfied than I am right now.
Well, they first need to want to work on it. Then we can talk of they can meet expectations.

Also most people thought TF2 was vaporware and that turned out pretty well. If anything Valve has a history of delivering quality games after working on them for more then half a decade.

That history was a while ago. Their rep nowadays is working on things for years and still releasing them halfbaked.


I think most people just want a continuation of the story. Doom and Wolfenstein showed us that classic modern shooters are possible. Do we want Half Life to change it's shooting mechanics? I don't.


Half Life 2 had some very specific technological advances that blew people's minds back in the day. The gravity gun, the facial animations and the source engine in general. Half Life 2 is a well designed game, but so were a ton of other games throughout history. HL2 is so legendary because of the synthesis of being a well designed game, and also being on the cutting edge of technology both graphically and in terms of physics and world interactivity, then also nailing a lot of aspects of the cinematic, linear shooter that would come to dominate the landscape for years to come. The right game at just the right time in history.

Fast forward to today, releasing a game up to the standards of HL2 is only going to impress in one area, game design. It will be appreciated and considered a good game, but it's never going to be an earth shattering title that echoes through time and space like people remember HL2 for being. Valve has been left in the dust technologically, instead choosing to focus on games that perform well and are saleable across a wide variety of machines. It has been exceeded many times over in creating linear cinematic experiences. The artwork valve produces is still very beautiful, although not singularly unique in the industry.
Unless HL3 advanced technology again (which is possible in VR).

So my answer is yes. Don't forget, this is also the same company that made Portal 2 - which did nothing advanced technologically at the time but still exceeded everyone's expectations. It's a total classic.

Valve is still capable of blowing our minds.



Even if we get it, it probably won't be what we're hoping for. Expect some weird online co-op game as a service microtransaction cosmetic gun skins loot box key crap.

I'd honestly rather have Left 4 Dead 3.


Imo; It doesn't frickin matter.

Doom and Wolfenstein had some big expectations. Did they meet them? I'm really not sure, but who cares, we got two great games.

Expectations aren't a reason to not release a good game.
I dunno, some overly-analyzing nerds and Youtubers might whine but I think if HL3 came out and it was just more of the HL2 formula I think most people would be fairly happy with it and move on with their lives.

If it's pretty and polished and fun to play, I doubt there will be many complainers. And I mean, Half-Life is a great shooter franchise but it's just another FPS at the end of the day. To most people who played them late, it's not a mind blowing step ahead.


I don't think so. If Valve ever release something I'm willing to bet that they will drop the Half Life title and put something else.


Of course.
My only expectation is that it's a decent FPS that concludes the story and they can certainly still do that if they wanted to.

It doesn't need to be revolutionary.


What are the expectations? Personally I expect it to be 5-10 hour, very enjoyable single player experience that finishes the story.
Of course not. But it doesn't have to.

I think most fans would be more than happy with a solid game that just follows up the damn cliffhanger ending, and gives some closure to the series.
Pretty sure that Valve would find a way to astonish us all.
Probably you think it's hard, but I think not. There's still a lot of room for changes and new stuff in gaming.
My expectation that my once-fav dev who I fanatically supported for over a decade will have the decency to finish the story of which they sold me the first parts?

No, I don't expect them to live up to that expectation.

Daffy Duck

I am currently playing through Half Life 2 now for the first time (I know, I know, how LTTP can you be?) and I have Ep1/Ep2 to play after and these may extend a lot of what I am not 100% on but if I am honest Half Life 2 seems like a big disappointment compared to Half Life.

I am currently just starting Anti-Citizen 1 but so far the levels have largely been very forgettable, where are the maps like Surface Tension and On a Rail, We Got Hostiles?

Aside fromt he impressive physics I'm not seeing what is so great about Half Life 2 at the moment (and that hurts to say A LOT), and as I say, I am a huge Half Life 1 fan, it's my favourite FPS game.

So in my eyes, if Half Life 3 was to be on the same level 2 then (from what I have seen so far) it would be even lower on the scale than Half Life.
I am currently playing through Half Life 2 now for the first time (I know, I know, how LTTP can you be?) and I have Ep1/Ep2 to play after and these may extend a lot of what I am not 100% on but if I am honest Half Life 2 seems like a big disappointment compared to Half Life.

I am currently just starting Anti-Citizen 1 but so far the levels have largely been very forgettable, where are the maps like Surface Tension and On a Rail, We Got Hostiles?

Aside fromt he impressive physics I'm not seeing what is so great about Half Life 2 at the moment (and that hurts to say A LOT), and as I say, I am a huge Half Life 1 fan, it's my favourite FPS game.

So in my eyes, if Half Life 3 was to be on the same level 2 then (from what I have seen so far) it would be even lower on the scale than Half Life.

I dunno, I remember Ravenholm, Nova Prospekt, the water canal levels with a helicopter dropping bombs on you constantly, and the car stuff pretty vividly. Plus the opening of the game is super strong and really fricking cool. And some of the later levels are fantastic and epic, with genuinely new gameplay mechanics thrown your way

Half-Life 2 also has some cool puzzles, nothing too difficult but it makes you think for a moment, as well as probably some of the best pacing and variety in a shooter.

There are some parts that haven't aged well or go on for too long but it's really a great game. Episode 2 is even better.
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