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Could the Avengers (MCU) have stopped the invasion of Earth by Zod (MoS)?

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As has been stated, it depends entirely on how long the fight goes on. Thor could easily one man all of them at the beginning. His hammer is crazy powerful when fully unleashed, even in the MCU. It kills multiple leviathans in avengers, destroys an ice fortress in thor, level a city in thor, and was powerful enough that thor thought he had a reasonable chance of destroying the aether in dark world. He could easily fry everyone, including the world engine.

That won't happen though. Not his style. The longer the battle goes, the more likely the kryptonians get strong enough to overwhelm the avengers. Hulk would absolutely be able to take em out at first before eventually being contained, though probably not killed. Iron Man is pretty durable, he was able to tank being tossed around a turbine with moderate damage. IM3 showed heat is a major weakness though. However, the kryptonians don't know that, and it seems like a pretty advanced technique. He'd get pried out of the armor eventually. Repulsor blasts can deliver similar blows to what the kryptonians can dish out, at least for awhile, so he'll at least be able to tango for awhile. He's also much more mobile with experienced flight.

Cap and the others have to play support on this one. Maybe they could disable the world engine from within. They're not taking out any enemy combatants though.

Overall, I'd give the avengers the edge but not by much. I'm thinking 55/45 avengers. They throw hulk into the evemy ship and it's toast. Thor would last a long, long time, and probably fry up some kryptonians steaks. Hulk is slower but once he grabs a limb, it's smash tine. Ultimately, I don't think the kryptonians have enough numbers to get the job done. The avengers start out with the edge and since time is a factor, they're more likely to win, but just barely. If Zod's numbers were higher, they'd last long enough to crush em.


Does Kryptonite even exist in MoSverse?

They kind of skirted around it with the whole "atmosphere" thing.

I don't understand the question at all, same with the previous guy who said Kryptonite doesn't exist in the MCU. If we are talking Kryptonians fighting against the Avengers, then logic assumes Kryptonite exists. They are literally two universes combining. You can't pick and choose what exists.
Every superman level character has the ability to pick you up and launch you into the sun (in seconds too), Hulk cant fly, he would be dead before he knows what happend. Thor can fly but I dont know his space endurance would he be able to withstand the power of them launching him into space. The rest of the avengers are a joke to them.

tell me again where the part in Man of Steel was, where people were throwing each other into the sun from the earth's surface.

I don't understand the question at all, same with the previous guy who said Kryptonite doesn't exist in the MCU. If we are talking Kryptonians fighting against the Avengers, then logic assumes Kryptonite exists. They are literally two universes combining. You can't pick and choose what exists.

The movie universes are separate from the comic book universes. There is no kryptonite in man of steel. the vulnerability was established to be adaptation to the kryptonian atmosphere.


Not at all. Superman alone would have stopped the invasion in avengers, no way could the avengers take out 3 warriors. Not that rag tag group.
btrboyev said:
I don't understand the question at all, same with the previous guy who said Kryptonite doesn't exist in the MCU. If we are talking Kryptonians fighting against the Avengers, then logic assumes Kryptonite exists. They are literally two universes combining. You can't pick and choose what exists.

Have you actually seen MOS? He is saying that Kryptonite doesn't exist in MCU or Snyderverse, they skirted around the premise by using the 'atmosphere' within the kryptonians ship.


MCU Thor and Hulk would destroy the Kryptonians from Man of Steel. One-on-one, Iron Man would probably have a decent chance, sober and fully powered/armed.

Pre-New 52 comic book Kryptonians? All the MCU Avengers are dead before they can blink, except maybe Hulk, who takes three or four good shots before going down. The Kryptonians in Man of Steel are waaaaaaaay weaker than what we're used to in the comics, although that may reflect the New 52 power levels of Kryptonians, but since I haven't read any of the New 52 Superman stuff I don't know if that's the case.
Even kryptonian ones? Who knows what the hell they're made of.

I don't think they'd be any stronger than Earth weaponry since they're not really superpowered beings on their own planet. But who knows.

Just assuming what we know from the films, either the blade wouldn't penetrate Hulk's skin or he'd just heal anyways. At worst, maybe you do enough damage to force him back to Banner, and then they'd easily be able to kill him I guess.


Have you actually seen MOS? He is saying that Kryptonite doesn't exist in MCU or Snyderverse, they skirted around the premise by using the 'atmosphere' within the kryptonians ship.

Oh yeah... I did forget that. However it is still not really known if Kryptonite doesn't exist yet. Let's wait until the next movie to see if it continues to be ignored.
Erhm, superman made it to the other side of the planet in like 1 minute. Tony stark had a hard time keeping up with a nuke missile.

To be fair these movies play fast and loose with time and speed. Iron Man flies from New York to Germany in what editing can fool you into seeing as a couple minutes. Superman drags Zod into orbit in seconds.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I think Black Widow and Hawkeye would be the first to go. They really wouldn't put up much of a fight. I don't think Cap would last too much longer either.

Thor is tricky. He gave Hulk a few tasty hits in the Helicarrier but otherwise that fight was Hulk's hands down. I don't recall Thor performing any feats of strength or agility comparable to any of the MoS:Kryptonians, but is his level of durability similar to one...? I'm not so sure, he couldn't even handle being poked by what amounts to a pen knife. I've really not seen anything that puts him on their level.

Iron Man might last a little while longer than BW and HE but I'm sure he wouldn't be carrying anything that could dent the MoS:Kryptonians out of the box, so to speak. If the others ran interference, he might be able to cook something up in a SHIELD lab, but they'd have to defend against aliens that can kill a room full of people in pretty much the blink of an eye.

The Hulk is the only real 100% no argument threat to the MoS:Kryptonians. Although Zod might give him trouble alone, I could see The Hulk taking the lot down (if his "angrier = stronger" is active), but only then if they weren't really tightly co-ordinated.
To be fair these movies play fast and loose with time and speed. Iron Man flies from New York to Germany in what editing can fool you into seeing as a couple minutes. Superman drags Zod into orbit in seconds.

orbit actually isn't that far, it's only about 50 to 60 miles up.

an ICBM can cross half the planet (thousands of miles) in about a half an hour.


Another thing to consider is how better coordinated Zod's army is when compared to Loki's.

Loki's shocktroops didn't come off particularly great in the fighting or wits category. The Kryptonians were military trained fighters.
Thor & Hulk would take them out easily especially Thor since he's one of the best fighters from his planet and he uses magic as well. Lightning and hammer equals death for those kryptonians


Another thing to consider is how better coordinated Zod's army is when compared to Loki's.

Loki's shocktroops didn't come off particularly great in the fighting or wits category. The Kryptonians were military trained fighters.

Yeah kinda just flying around and stuff wasn't really co-ordinated as much as the kryptonians were.


Thor & Hulk would take them out easily especially Thor since he's one of the best fighters from his planet and he uses magic as well. Lightning and hammer equals death for those kryptonians

Assuming MoS Kryptonians have the magic vulnerability. I don't think they'd even need to be particularly vulnerable to it for MCU Thor to fry them, though.
Comic HULK would wreck them all, but MCU HULK would probably get his ass kicked. He's not at that power point yet.
Same goes for Thor, his power potential is much greater than Zod, but he hasn't been pushed yet and hasn't shown it.


Re: Thor being stabbed by Loki that WAS a God stabbing another God. I think it's safe to say Loki is stronger than any non Hulk/Thor Avenger and can apply more force in that case.


Comic HULK would wreck them all, but MCU HULK would probably get his ass kicked. He's not at that power point yet.
Same goes for Thor, his power potential is much greater than Zod, but he hasn't been pushed yet and hasn't shown it.

I keep thinking back to the Cap'n & Iron Man fight with Thor, though.

I can't imagine Zod would give Thor a chance to charge up lightning or something. He's vicious.


Comic HULK would wreck them all, but MCU HULK would probably get his ass kicked. He's not at that power point yet.
Same goes for Thor, his power potential is much greater than Zod, but he hasn't been pushed yet and hasn't shown it.

Makes me think about if Zod invaded comics avengers.

Cap: "Hyperion, Hulk, and Starbrand, take out the trash."


Wasn't it stated in the movie that earth's atmosphere limited zod and the bunch? So if they had the chance to adjust to being on earth before the battle how would that change things?
Makes me think about if Zod invaded comics avengers.

Cap: "Hyperion, Hulk, and Starbrand, take out the trash."


"What am I, Chopped Liver?"


Wasn't it stated in the movie that earth's atmosphere limited zod and the bunch? So if they had the chance to adjust to being on earth before the battle how would that change things?

You'd have an army of military trained Supermen.

It'd be ugly.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Re: Thor being stabbed by Loki that WAS a God stabbing another God. I think it's safe to say Loki is stronger than any non Hulk/Thor Avenger and can apply more force in that case.

They aren't "Gods" in any meaningful sense, though. We're not talking The Living Tribunal. They are very tough aliens, like the MoS:Kryptonians.


I don't think they'd be any stronger than Earth weaponry since they're not really superpowered beings on their own planet. But who knows.

Just assuming what we know from the films, either the blade wouldn't penetrate Hulk's skin or he'd just heal anyways. At worst, maybe you do enough damage to force him back to Banner, and then they'd easily be able to kill him I guess.

Yeah, that would be one possible scenario. Or maybe a powerful kryptonian sleep dart could take him down, if that even exists.


Wouldn't they be easy pickings once Thor messed up their masks with some lightning (maybe a giant blast that hits everything in a circle around him ala Thor 1)? I seem to remember the Kryptonians all being brought to their knees when the masks were fucked with because they see and hear everything (or something like that). At that point the Avengers probably wouldn't have too many qualms about murdering them while they are weakened. Hulk and Thor could snap their necks.

Zod could be interrogated by putting Mjolnir on his chest.

Meanwhile Stark, Cap, Black Widow and Hawkeye could take out the terraforming machine.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Assuming MoS Kryptonians have the magic vulnerability. I don't think they'd even need to be particularly vulnerable to it for MCU Thor to fry them, though.

He'd have to hit them first. XD Plus, these guys seem pretty durable, I'm not even sure if standard lightning would actually hurt them.
Cap leads SHIELD, Hawkeye, Widow and his heavyweight, Thor, in a hit-and-run effort to distract the Kryptonians and buy time. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are two of the smartest dudes in the MCU, all they need is time and resources to synthesize Kryptonite. Avengers win.


I think it'd actually be doable if they were to recruit Degrasse-Tyson for a cameo, so he could come up with some scientific bullshit to enable them to defeat the villain.

After all,
Neil before Zod


Wouldn't they be easy pickings once Thor messed up their masks with some lightning (maybe a giant blast that hits everything in a circle around him ala Thor 1)? I seem to remember the Kryptonians all being brought to their knees when the masks were fucked with because they see and hear everything (or something like that). At that point the Avengers probably wouldn't have too many qualms about murdering them while they are weakened. Hulk and Thor could snap their necks.

Zod could be interrogated by putting Mjolnir on his chest.

Meanwhile Stark, Cap, Black Widow and Hawkeye could take out the terraforming machine.

Yea, hawkeye and his never ending satchel of arrows.


Yea, hawkeye and his never ending satchel of arrows.


Also are we assuming that Zod comes instead of Loki in the MCU? If that is the case then SHIELD still has the Tesseract and Stark and Banner could probably weaponize that quickly.


They aren't "Gods" in any meaningful sense, though. We're not talking The Living Tribunal. They are very tough aliens, like the MoS:Kryptonians.

Aye. My point was Captain America wouldn't have got that blade through Thor's skin. Loki's naturally strong enough to pierce Asgardian flesh.




Have you actually seen MOS? He is saying that Kryptonite doesn't exist in MCU or Snyderverse, they skirted around the premise by using the 'atmosphere' within the kryptonians ship.

I assumed the "atmosphere" stuff was analogous to comic book red sun radiation, not Kryptonite. It didn't straight up kill Supes (at least once he was used to it), just removed his abilities.

Just because we haven't seen Kryptonite doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Superman in MoS tried multiple times to move the fight away from Metropolis and Zod just dragged it back there every time. Every time they went through a building it was because of Zod. The one time he fucked up was when he jumped the truck and then immediately realized his mistake and scanned to seeif aanyone had been hurt, which got him attacked.

I have a lot of problems with that movie, but this nonsense needs to stop.


The Adder

Sure, but he would have murdered a million civilians and flattened an entire city all by himself and cried like a baby after snapping a space-worm's neck.

Superman in MoS tried multiple times to move the fight away from Metropolis and Zod just dragged it back there every time. Every time they went through a building it was because of Zod. The one time he fucked up was when he jumped the truck and then immediately realized his mistake and scanned to seeif aanyone had been hurt, which got him attacked.

I have a lot of problems with that movie, but this nonsense needs to stop.
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