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Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Well, after all the obligatory jokes about how Aeris' Flowershop Simulator, Shinra Motorcycle Highway Patrol, Yuffie Gaiden, Bushiroth Blade, Cid the Rocketman.EXE, Barfight Wrestling: Tifa Edition and Midgar City 2005 will follow, all I can say is, news like this makes me giddy like a schoolgirl :D.


A remake of FF7 for the PSP would get my to buy one. However, this does not appear to be a remake - and I can't get excited about a game we know virtually nothing about (thus far).


Still Tagged Accordingly
So I guess PSP has this game as its big hit and the DS has that Jump Stars game (the one with characters from Naruto, One Piece and DBZ).


Bregor said:
A remake of FF7 for the PSP would get my to buy one. However, this does not appear to be a remake - and I can't get excited about a game we know virtually nothing about (thus far).

Nothing appeals to me on the PSP, but a FFVII remake/port would get me interested.

I still pray for a Next Gen remake though.

*It worked for Zelda*



Don't see what's wrong with that. Ppl love these characters and the story. Square loves money. Everyone win. Except the ppl that now hate Square, again...

And the people that'd rather see new Final Fantasy stuff... or a FF7 remake instead of all these tangential projects.


Zaptruder said:
And the people that'd rather see new Final Fantasy stuff... or a FF7 remake instead of all these tangential projects.

Final Fantasy XII -PS2
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles 2 -DS
Final Fantasy III remake -DS
Final Fantasy XIII - PS3(EGM)

Don't worry, Square is milking nonFinalFantasyVII Final Fantasies also. :D


jiggle said:
Don't see what's wrong with that. Ppl love these characters and the story. Square loves money. Everyone win. Except the ppl that now hate Square, again...
What about those of us that like Square but dislike FF7? We lose, too.



since i don't care what they do with FFVII, i say, bring on the wackiness.

Socreges said:
What about those of us that like Square but dislike FF7? We lose, too.
does anyone who likes square but hate FFVII care what square is doing these days? o_O
This game is actually by the director of Before Crisis. Hopefully they'll be able to use the PSP to get a good framerate. I put up something on IGNPSP about it (minus the framerate shot).
You know, I'm getting a strange vibe from the Crisis Core name. Because I myself would call FFVII itself the >CORE< of that compilation's story. We can be sure that the handy crap Before Crisis isn't that major in facts of story, because it shows us the position of the turks shortly before FFVII. Advent Children doesn't look like it will be the same big catastrophe for that world that was FFVII and I don't know what to think of Dirge of Cerberus yet.
So...remake? But >ACTION< RPG...they can't...or can they? :mad:
Guns N' Poops said:
You know, I'm getting a strange vibe from the Crisis Core name. Because I myself would call FFVII itself the >CORE< of that compilation's story. We can be sure that the handy crap Before Crisis isn't that major in facts of story, because it shows us the position of the turks shortly before FFVII. Advent Children doesn't look like it will be the same big catastrophe for that world that was FFVII and I don't know what to think of Dirge of Cerberus yet.
So...remake? But >ACTION< RPG...they can't...or can they? :mad:

Could be a story about Cloud to lead into the real sequel. Maybe one that describes what happened between FF7 and Advent Children.


Bearing in mind the number of people who have seen Advent Children here, this thread could well descend into BIG spoiler territory, so tread carefully with leading statements like that.


SolidSnakex said:
Could be a story about Cloud to lead into the real sequel. Maybe one that describes what happened between FF7 and Advent Children.

AC UMD will surely have a video preview of this, if not playable...
jiggle said:
AC UMD will surely have a video preview of this, if not playable...

I think it'll be a playable version. If Square really wants to sell the UMD version, there's no better way than having an actual game demo packed along with it.


Producer: Yoshinori Kitase (Director Final Fantasy X)
Director: Hajime Tahata (Director Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII)
Character Design: Tetsuya Nomura (Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X).

Great core staff.


Deepthroat said:
Producer: Yoshinori Kitase (Director Final Fantasy X)
Character Design: Tetsuya Nomura (Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X).

Great core staff.

This is great! Just what a FFVII related game needs.
Nomura gets his wish. Which of his 5(6?) games did he finish I wonder.


SolidSnakex said:
I think it'll be a playable version. If Square really wants to sell the UMD version, there's no better way than having an actual game demo packed along with it.
LOL... I don't think they've even started making CC yet. Where is the logo, the character art? AC is complete and should be shipping early 2005. You are not likely to get a playable demo, or even a preview movie for a game that won't be released for another year.
XS+ said:
I noticed Sakaguchi isn't listed on the 'main staff' credits.. what's that guy doing nowadays?

He has left Square Enix more than a half year ago. Right now he is building up his own studio called Mist Walker and from his own words they'll try to get out 1-2 unique RPGs for one of the next generation system. It may even turn out that Square Enix is going to be his publisher.
TheGreenGiant said:
well, why are you guys excited? SE output this gen has been pathetic and FFX was rubbish. The fact that they're milking one of the Greatest game ever to death is a huge disgrace. I don't really care for the SE namebrand anymore. Last gen, they were huge; this gen; they've somehow managed to become unexciting and commonplace.

Fuck this shit. We need new franchises. BOO

WTF? I like FFX!


SantaCruZer said:
And the DS get the FF: Crystal Chit :(
DS gets FFIII remake too. Really we have no idea what FFCC on the DS will be like or this CC-FF7 business. If both rock, that's good news. I'm seriously hoping FFCC is better than the GC game, at least.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
So, what do you guys think? Any chance we're gonna get some Famitsu/Jump/whatever scans anytime soon? Seems a bit weird to announce a game this way, slated for 2006, without giving a little bit more away.
Rei_Toei said:
So, what do you guys think? Any chance we're gonna get some Famitsu/Jump/whatever scans anytime soon? Seems a bit weird to announce a game this way, slated for 2006, without giving a little bit more away.

Maybe there will be a teaser/showing on this year's Jump Festa in December. DQVIII will be out by then and they'll have to concentrate on the upcoming line-up, including new informations about FFXII. Also there are 4 announced NDS games to be shown.
It´s milk time!!!


jiggle said:
This is great! Just what a FFVII related game needs.
Nomura gets his wish. Which of his 5(6?) games did he finish I wonder.

Yeah but look whose actually doing the most important job on it:
Director: Hajime Tahata (Director Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII)

Now I can't say anything about that directly since I haven't played it, but I can say I haven't heard a single postive thing about it yet and visually it's pretty ugly.


explodet said:
Who was it that said the only thing missing was CC after AC (Advent Children), BC (Before Crisis) and DC (Dirge of Cerebus)?


This is great news, I think, but the indicator lists it as an action/RPG, and it's not due 'til 2006. :(


TekunoRobby said:
Japanese translators get on this stat!

Compilation of FFVII, so is this some sort of upgraded port?
That logo has since been sighted in numerous mediums, from banners in the Japanese subway system to various magazines including V-Jump. "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII" refers to the recent resurrection of Final Fantasy VII-related characters and stories. This explains the logo's appearance alongside information pertaining to the Advent Children film, Before Crisis mobile game, and now Crisis Core.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Erm, but do you think it's just gonna be something to refer to the sum of the new FFVII projects? My guess (at first) was that SE was going to put AC, BC, DC and whatever in a box with some goodies and call it compilation. But if Crisis Core isn't going to arrive until 2006, some of the content will be pretty 'old' - for Japanese standards, at least. Then again it seems weird to use the term 'compilation' just to link the various projects together.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Action RPG? Final Fantasy VII characters? Hmm...like Kingdom Hearts? Cool.
Before Dirge of Cerberus was revealed less then 2 months ago Nomura said there is only 1 part missing in the compilation - which DoC is supposed to be, or? I don't get it how CC came out of nowhere. Must have been an impulse decision, or something. Thinking like that they may even not have anything to show yet. As I said on the first site, PS2 is the served in case of this compilation. Shooter crap...


Rei_Toei said:
Erm, but do you think it's just gonna be something to refer to the sum of the new FFVII projects? My guess (at first) was that SE was going to put AC, BC, DC and whatever in a box with some goodies and call it compilation. But if Crisis Core isn't going to arrive until 2006, some of the content will be pretty 'old' - for Japanese standards, at least. Then again it seems weird to use the term 'compilation' just to link the various projects together.
I wouldn't be surprised, at one point, to see a huge box with all the various FF7-related products in it, but that's a long ways off yet, especially if these games sell as well as they're hoping. For right now, I really think they're just using it to link the various projects together. It's just the way the logo appears alongside anything relating to BC, AC, etc.


Bebpo said:
Yeah but look whose actually doing the most important job on it:
Director: Hajime Tahata (Director Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII)

Now I can't say anything about that directly since I haven't played it, but I can say I haven't heard a single postive thing about it yet and visually it's pretty ugly.

Not familiar with his work...

But with Nomura on board, at least visually it'll stay close to its predecessors. Can't wait to see his updated character desigsn.

Did Kitase produce or direct FFVII/VIII/X?
What's wrong with just doing a remake?

It seems like Square will doing everything *but* remake the original, which by now could really use an update.


soundwave05 said:
What's wrong with just doing a remake?

It seems like Square will doing everything *but* remake the original, which by now could really use an update.

Maybe after they remake IV(?????), V, and VI.


Unconfirmed Member
Prince of Space said:
Thus, the reason for its early announcement.
It's not like Square isn't big on early announcements or anything. Remember this is the company that announced Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy X, and Final Fantasy XI all AT THE SAME TIME.

Standard operating procedure for Square.
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