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Crysis 2 PC Gamer Details


PC GAMES posted the scans of their OWN magazine on the site (why post internet-scans and not small versions of the original file?).

EDIT: Too late.


BattleMonkey said:
If the Aliens are invading why are we seeing the raptor team fighting humans still?
I guess those are humanoid aliens :/

Or another necessary shitty third faction - Alien Tech Corps.
What now, are those Screens Console or PC? If Console -> WTH! Nice!
If PC -> Mhm, not the improvent I hoped for, but those screens are small, so maybe they fool me.


Page 27 of the magazine posted on InCrysis. I think that the comparison screenshot isn't looking all to hot. I hope the screenshot was taken on different game times because pretty much all the lighting from the sunrise is missing and a huge amount of foliage is gone.


Second-rate Anihawk
Sho_Nuff82 said:
If those are 360 screens a lot of devs need to pack their shit up and start over.
Unless I am missing something, why would there be 360 screens in PC Gamer?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
JADS said:
Page 27 of the magazine posted on InCrysis. I think that the comparison screenshot isn't looking all to hot. I hope the screenshot was taken on different game times because pretty much all the lighting from the sunrise is missing and a huge amount of foliage is gone.
That's a comparison shot between a tech demo that was shown for the consoles and the actual Crysis game. Not exactly the same scene, just a scene that appears similar.


dark10x said:
That's a comparison shot between a tech demo that was shown for the consoles and the actual Crysis game. Not exactly the same scene, just a scene that appears similar.
One big difference that I see between crysis PC and Crysis CONSOLE, is the color palette. I don't why, maybe it's practical to have grey-to-brown color palette for consoles, but thathow I see it in CE3 techdemo....

Not to mention Crysis 2 heading artistically that way....."dark and gritty."

Blame me, but I feel a 'consolization' kniving my spine. A shiver of utmost fear.


ScHlAuChi said:
If there is one thing that we really need more of, its games taking place in *beep*ing New York!


Theres thousands of cities that are way more interesting architecturally than NYC, like Paris, Lyon, Berlin, Munich, Rome, Milan, Barcelona, London, Prague, Moscow and so on.
WHY did it have to be NYC again? WTF was Crytek thinking?
You think that's bad, wait until you see a list of movies set in NYC.

edit: And here it is.


Archie said:
Unless I am missing something, why would there be 360 screens in PC Gamer?
Maybe because the article says that the presentation was done on a XBox 360 ?? (scan 2/3; "präsentiert wird auf einen XBox 360")

Those scans are beautiful. :D . I was curious about whether Crytek could continue the same technological achievement in consoles, but after seeing those scans (which is shown on xbox360 I assume) I'm starting to believe that Crytek is again going to impress everyone.


ScHlAuChi said:
Haha Wikipedia really knows everything, and ouch at that list ;)
Yeah, my main beef is with the "New York City destroyed on film" sub-list. That's like 90% of all disaster movies. I know everyone hates Yankee accents but other dislikeable cities need to be destroyed too :mad:.


I doubt those are xbox shots. That´d be unpossible.

The shot on the first page is 3840x2130 and they say they try to get the console versions to 720p and maybe 2xMSAA. All the shots are way too clean for the console version not to be massive bullshots.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
BattleMonkey said:
If the Aliens are invading why are we seeing the raptor team fighting humans still?
They completely changed what the aliens look like apparently. Frankly, I don't think they give a fuck. I'm sure they'll figure out some weird explanation that doesn't really make any sense for all of this.


I hope they just have humanoid aliens. I hate flying enemies.

I also hope a computer that can run Warhead can run Crysis 2 decently.


Caesar III said:
short info summary of what I read, not complete and all:

- 4 types of ways to use the nanosuit
- infiltrate - while in this mode you are invisible and can see enemies through walls

So, instead of addressing the over-powered 'Cloack' ability in the first game, Crytek only makes it even worse. 'Infiltrate' will just render all the other powers useless -there's simply no need to use them if you can be invisible most of the time and spot every enemy. It just deflates all the gameplay potential and reduces challenge\difficulty to basiclly zero - the same issue with the first Crysis.


Saty said:
So, instead of addressing the over-powered 'Cloack' ability in the first game, Crytek only makes it even worse. 'Infiltrate' will just render all the other powers useless -there's simply no need to use them if you can be invisible most of the time and spot every enemy. It just deflates all the gameplay potential and reduces challenge\difficulty to basiclly zero - the same issue with the first Crysis.

I blame consoles.


Saty said:
So, instead of addressing the over-powered 'Cloack' ability in the first game, Crytek only makes it even worse. 'Infiltrate' will just render all the other powers useless -there's simply no need to use them if you can be invisible most of the time and spot every enemy. It just deflates all the gameplay potential and reduces challenge\difficulty to basiclly zero - the same issue with the first Crysis.
Apparently Power is both speed and strength combined into one, which would be very, very useful, so I disagree. Other powers will be just as useful.


Saty said:
So, instead of addressing the over-powered 'Cloack' ability in the first game, Crytek only makes it even worse. 'Infiltrate' will just render all the other powers useless -there's simply no need to use them if you can be invisible most of the time and spot every enemy. It just deflates all the gameplay potential and reduces challenge\difficulty to basiclly zero - the same issue with the first Crysis.
Overpowered? Maybe if you played on Normal.

The Cloak ability was vital for survival on Delta. And I loved feeling like the Predator.


Saty said:
So, instead of addressing the over-powered 'Cloack' ability in the first game, Crytek only makes it even worse. 'Infiltrate' will just render all the other powers useless -there's simply no need to use them if you can be invisible most of the time and spot every enemy. It just deflates all the gameplay potential and reduces challenge\difficulty to basiclly zero - the same issue with the first Crysis.
If you were playing Crysis in stealth most of the time, you probably already had the entire enemy base tagged and tracked before moving in. This just gives you the same advantage in less open environments.


Not an asshole.
so I spoke to lead designer of crysis 1 about this game and he had a few things to say:

  • He has nothing to do with this game.
  • He wanted the sequel to be set in a city. He was pretty pleased they went with the idea :lol
  • He designed all the levels for crysis and far cry. The shitty parts of crysis (the spaceship level and the vehicle level) were forced upon him by higher ups, who are now leading the design of this game.
  • He said the design will be more like ODST - you have an open world map that leads to single player levels.
  • He is worried that the level design won't be anywhere near as open or sand-boxy as either of the previous two cry games.

Keep in mind he has no official involvement with Crysis 2 but he was very outspoken about this stuff. Take it as you will.


Well, over-powered in Normal is still over-powered. All i'm saying is once you use Cloack, there's really no reason not to stick with it. The cloack meter recharges quite rapidly and the game doesn't really push you or present situations where Cloack isn't viable.
You could practicly play all the game cloacking in and out, killing enemies and go un-noticed.

You could argue that the game leaves it up to the player to decide how to tackle each segemnt, but when there's one approach which seems to always deliver with the least 'down-side' then players tend to use that all the time, so i'd rather the developer to balance the system better or 'force' the player and not make him rely on that single tactic, 'cause the way Crysis was set-up, a great portion of its gameplay and the positive features end up 'side-lined'.


Don't know if posted but that central park picture is the next issue clue in this months EDGE. So there will definitely be a Crysis 2 feature in the March issue of EDGE. I'm still undecided about the screens, don't know if I preferred the visual style of Crysis.


I loved Cloak as an idea (being predator ftw) however normal stealth mechanics were really lacking. I hope that's one of the main things they improve.


Kodiak said:
so I spoke to lead designer of crysis 1 about this game and he had a few things to say:

  • He has nothing to do with this game.
  • He wanted the sequel to be set in a city. He was pretty pleased they went with the idea :lol
  • He designed all the levels for crysis and far cry. The shitty parts of crysis (the spaceship level and the vehicle level) were forced upon him by higher ups, who are now leading the design of this game.
  • He said the design will be more like ODST - you have an open world map that leads to single player levels.
  • He is worried that the level design won't be anywhere near as open or sand-boxy as either of the previous two cry games.

Keep in mind he has no official involvement with Crysis 2 but he was very outspoken about this stuff. Take it as you will.
Who? Jack Mamais, Sten Hübler...?


Kibbles said:
Where are people getting the idea these are 360 shots?

I agree. Just because the article says that the presentation was done on a XBox 360 doesn't mean that these screenshots are from a console. More likely PC (max. settings) and super-high resolution.


Kodiak said:
so I spoke to lead designer of crysis 1 about this game and he had a few things to say:

  • He has nothing to do with this game.
  • He wanted the sequel to be set in a city. He was pretty pleased they went with the idea :lol
  • He designed all the levels for crysis and far cry. The shitty parts of crysis (the spaceship level and the vehicle level) were forced upon him by higher ups, who are now leading the design of this game.
  • He said the design will be more like ODST - you have an open world map that leads to single player levels.
  • He is worried that the level design won't be anywhere near as open or sand-boxy as either of the previous two cry games.

Keep in mind he has no official involvement with Crysis 2 but he was very outspoken about this stuff. Take it as you will.

Welp, looks like I'm not getting Crysis 2 until it hits the bargain bin. Or an awesome steam sale of less than $20.

The open sandbox is what made Crysis so good. And now the higher-ups who made the shitty levels (I hated the spaceship level it was so god damn confusing) are in charge.

Yeah, no thanks.


Smash88 said:
Welp, looks like I'm not getting Crysis 2 until it hits the bargain bin. Or an awesome steam sale of less than $20.

The open sandbox is what made Crysis so good. And now the higher-ups who made the shitty levels (I hated the spaceship level it was so god damn confusing) are in charge.

Yeah, no thanks.
Oh give me a break. You hear one anecdote from one random person on the internet who claims to have had a conversation with the former Crysis designer who is obviously at odds with the rest of Crytek, and you've suddenly made up your mind about your opinion about the game, when you'll purchase it, and how much you'll purchase it for?



relies on auto-aim
Caesar III said:
short info summary of what I read, not complete and all:

- big new element is the vertical axis of the game
- this time you can go up the skycrapers to jump off of them for example or to check and mark your targets before you attack
- there is a third fraction in the game which is attacking the player AND the aliens
- aliens do not look like in Crysis but like Predators. Walking on two legs and has some kind of dreadlocks
- this alien is totally badass and fearful
Yes yes yes yes yes.

Hype through the roof.
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