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Dante's Inferno demo coming this month, hitting PSN first, XBL two weeks later


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Do people expect crazy levels and super long combos at the very beginning of the game?
well, Bayonetta


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Do people expect crazy levels and super long combos at the very beginning of the game?
If by "people" you are referring to me, then no, people do not expect "crazy levels" or super long combos. I don't actually care about building combos in games like GoW at all. You are not scored.

Rez said:
well, Bayonetta

Man, what a fun demo that was :)

Crazy levels like the intro of the game being a falling clock tower? Well, dunno. Bars been raised, man. Crazy levels like fighting the Colossus of Rhodes through Ancient Sparta? Bars been raised.

Dude Abides

It seems pretty clear after Dead Space and this demo that Visceral is very good at borrowing gameplay elements from great games, to a shameless degree, and executing them at a top-notch level with minor tweaks and an engaging new story/world/aesthetic/whatever. Loved the hand-drawn cutscenes.

That's good enough for me. Day 1
00 because Q1 2010 is damn crowded already.
Y2Kev said:
If by "people" you are referring to me, then no, people do not expect "crazy levels" or super long combos. I don't actually care about building combos in games like GoW at all. You are not scored.

No I'm talking about people in general.


GillianSeed79 said:
On a serious note, though, how did Viceral get away with this? It's more than a GoW rip off. It almost smacks of copywrite infringement. Isn't there a legal precedent for Sony to sue? Didn't Capcom sue SNK back in the day because of some arcade game, World Heroes or something, that was a blatant rip-off of SFII? The game is fun, but it feels like even Dante's moveset is a carbon copy of Kratos.
I've seen a few comments like this throughout the thread, but how exactly is it close to copyright infringement? It's not like the character is named Kratos. Games are always derivative, some more-so. If we were to write a list of games that inspired God of War and that God of War inspired, we'd be here all day.
TheFallen said:
I've seen a few comments like this throughout the thread, but how exactly is it close to copyright infringement? It's not like the character is named Kratos. Games are always derivative, some more-so. If we were to write a list of games that inspired God of War and that God of War inspired, we'd be here all day.

I guess every FPS is copyright infringement of another FPS. Yeah it's a pretty poor argument.
Whatever, I'm buying both Dante's Inferno and God of War III on day one. I'm only here to discuss them and be 'enlightened' about game development and stylistic choices.

Mrbob said:
God of War 3 is the third installment in a highly acclaimed, universally loved franchise. DI is a new IP which is trying to mimic God of War (for better or for worse). Why wouldn't gamers have higher expectations for God of War 3, and why wouldn't it be the better game? It has a higher standard for quality than Dantes Inferno. Now I'm about to go play DI right now but I find your comment a bit odd.

God of War 1 & 2 are very similar games, COO was very similar to 1 & 2, the demo for 3 felt similar to 1 & 2 with minor tweaks and upgraded graphics.

Mrbob said:
I don't even understand what this means or what point you are trying to make?

Considering that DI and GOW have very similar formulas, I wanted to relay that I felt DI is more fun. Haven't most of the people in this thread done the exact same thing considering most of us have played both demos by now??

TheFallen said:
I've seen a few comments like this throughout the thread, but how exactly is it close to copyright infringement? It's not like the character is named Kratos. Games are always derivative, some more-so. If we were to write a list of games that inspired God of War and that God of War inspired, we'd be here all day.

Kill/Switch begot Gears of War begot Uncharted. It's not as if God of War was the first 3D action game FFS.

Let's stop attacking games for being similar especially when they're just there to provide entertainment.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
it's odd, as you run up to the church the camera remains at a really awkward low angle. I keep getting the urge to move it up with the non-existent camera-stick. You'd think they would want the player to see the looming church in the distance? Maybe it's a tech thing.
Rez said:
it's odd, as you run up the church the camera remains at a really awkward low angle. I keep getting the urge to move it up with the non-existent camera-stick. You'd think they would want the player to see the looming church in the distance? Maybe it's a tech thing.

Probably, I don't know though, some of the far-off storm/lightning shots looked pretty great and established a huge distance, maybe they ran out of time or just didn't see it?

IDK, seems strange to me too. There are a few things about the DI demo that didn't make sense to me, like why they would put orbs where you need to jump down? I mean a ledge is a ledge, and I must have spent more time trying to attack the orbs for power ups than I would have just tried to jump around to find the next spot. :lol

Same thing goes for the CIRCLE QTE that looks like it's asking you to push the left stick up and then down. I really think the GOWIII demo had better QTE design, how they put the buttons at the side of the screen where they reside on the controller, that was a better design choice IMO.


Many playing Bayonetta before DI was not a great idea. Completely ruined DI, it just felt so wooden and inferior. Plus it felt like I was playing GOW3, especially the monster controlling part. Talk about derivative.


Well I just downloaded and tried the demo for this. I really wanted to enjoy it a great deal and I did. But it feels like I really only enjoyed it because it plays almost identically to God of War. In some parts they really aren't even trying to make it seem different from God of War. When you drink from that green fountain or whatever and you have to QTE it and getting a magic power from the entity is almost a direct ripoff of God of War when you get Poseidon's Rage from him appearing. The only thing that actually felt different was the absolve/punish thing. And I think they're trying to make a social commentary about the game by pointing out that it's harder to absolve someone than to punish them, but your reward may be greater. The air launch stuff and all of that just feels like quintessential God of War. Dodging with the right analog stick, etc. They really did not try to make it feel any different at all. I do appreciate that it looks good and runs at a flawless 60 FPS. I liked some of the environments I saw and there's an emphasis on style that doesn't show in the earlier trailers. I think it'll suit this game well but I really have a hard time getting over that it basically is Kratos' Inferno and all it does is serve to remind me that I'm really waiting for God of War 3.


Y2Kev said:
I really think they just haven't really got the hang of that yet-- at least in this demo. Too much combat facing the same enemies in squarish arenas. They would be really well suited to mix up the enemy variation and, most importantly, the attack patterns. That one encounter in the green fields after Beatrice flashes her tits at you is bizarre--the enemies all do the same pattern like one after another. I thought maybe it was to teach you how to counter.

You can counter?


I know for sure, the next topic that pops up bitching about why there's a lack of innovation in games today, I'm posting a link to this thread.


I thought the demo was a bit bland at first, but started having fun after upgrading some moves. I'll very likely pick the game up some day.
Don't have much experience as I only played it for like 8 minutes then had to head to work (it's 7am over here). What I did play, I really really dug. Tight controls, smooooth framerate WITH good visuals, excellent sound design that used the rear channels rather well, unbashed M-Rating, cool as balls setting.

Can't wait to play it some more :D


y'all should be ashamed
permutated said:
Considering that DI and GOW have very similar formulas, I wanted to relay that I felt DI is more fun.

With this quote?

It's funny to see all the Sony faithful bashing this game. :lol
That is NOT what you were trying to relay at all. You were suggesting the fact that the "Sony faithful" had to bash a multiplatform game in order to make an exclusive look better or something. Give me a freaking break. It's a stupid, trollish post to make.
chubigans said:
With this quote?

That is NOT what you were trying to relay at all. You were suggesting the fact that the "Sony faithful" had to bash a multiplatform game in order to make an exclusive look better or something. Give me a freaking break. It's a stupid, trollish post to make.

Was it a stupid thing to say? Yes, it was a stupid thing to say and I regret saying it, I take it back. Even though I own the platform and have played both demos I can see (in retrospect) how it would appear considering the nature of the online community.

I won't say anything like that again, I'm not here to fuel the fire.


Played the demo. Much too short and kept me wanting for a little more after it ended.

Combat feels satisfying once you get a few upgrades going. Awesome framerate with no tearing, which is great for a PS3 game, but overall textures, details, and lighting is nothing noteworthy. Love the settings though, especially from seeing the different dev diaries.

I wonder if the full game will include more besides the campaign/story mode. I hope there's more to it than that.


It's the first time I actually enjoy a God of War ripoff. It's one of the most shameless copy of an excellent game.. but it's pretty well copied in fact.. so much that it's enjoyable. The art is terrible though.:lol

Will buy.

Oh and 60fps FTW.


Wow. OK, I was expecting the game to be similar to GoW, but it's practically a carbon copy pasted into a different setting. A year ago I'd have been hyped...but squeezed between the Bayonetta and the real thing, and only a month from either, it's tough to be excited.

I will buy it, though, if the rest of the game is as good as/better than the demo. The demo was better than expected and I love these type of games. Pretty crazy start to 2010. If Darkstalkers turns out well, too, that's four of these type of games well within three months.
Played the demo. I didn't think it would be identical to GOW gameplay. Couldn't they come up with something original instead of just coping and pasting
chubigans said:
With this quote?

That is NOT what you were trying to relay at all. You were suggesting the fact that the "Sony faithful" had to bash a multiplatform game in order to make an exclusive look better or something. Give me a freaking break. It's a stupid, trollish post to make.
I was going to comment on that as well. What a random outburst :lol

Anyway I know what everyone here feels is "missing" from the game. It's the camera angles. Notice how during combat in GOW, as you pull moves off(especially finishers) it zooms in quite close, slows down with high level attacks and the music as well ramps up to suit the situation. At first I wasn't sure what it was myself, but that's it!

I think choosing this part of the game to show off was a poor idea. They should have run the Beatrice FMV and then dropped you into a hell level for a quick run through. Right now it feels like you're basically chasing after a ghost from point A to B with enemies every so often. Oh and that's the other thing. The plot is all over the place and jumps around too much with different ways of showing key elements off(Drawn, FMV, Ingame) way off putting.

I was interested in this but I'm not sure if I'll get it or not now. It's a little bit underwhelming for me. The combat just isn't as violent as I thought it'd be.


Downloading now. This will have to be exceptional for me to even consider buying it when I have Bayonetta and Gow3 coming out so soon.


Just finished the demo and was shocked at how it's literally God of War with a Dante's Inferno skin slapped on it. Even the story is almost a carbon copy. It was still pretty fun though, was quite surprised at how polished it seemed to be and the graphics are pretty nice. I'll probably pick this up on the cheap though since the king (God of War III) comes out exactly a month later.:lol


george_us said:
Just finished the demo and was shocked at how it's literally God of War with a Dante's Inferno skin slapped on it. Even the story is almost a carbon copy. It was still pretty fun though, was quite surprised at how polished it seemed to be and the graphics are pretty nice. I'll probably pick this up on the cheap though since the king (God of War III) comes out exactly a month later.:lol

Excuse me, but the king is actually a queen and she goes by the name of Bayonetta.


well not really...yet
DR2K said:
They're more jarring than Mirror's Edge's Esurance cut-scenes.
I wouldn't mind them if they weren't barely more passable than sliding still pictures on the screen


How can people hate QTEs when done like GoW and here?

It's not like you are breaking into QTE in the middle of combo-ing? When you BEAT THE ENEMY they sit still and you do a QTE finisher. In NG or DMC they would have just turned to corpse dust at that point.

The QTEs don't effect the gameplay at all. They're just flashy finishers. They don't remove skill from the gameplay. You still have to beat the enemy just as you would in NG/DMC.

I can understand being anti-QTE when it's like Shenmue or Ninja Blade. But QTE finishers seem harmless in action games.


Unlimited Capacity
I love how both Dante and Kratos have no respect for dying. Kratos has busted out of Hades like 4 times. Dante dies, then was like "fuck it" and cut Death in half with his own scythe when he was just doing his damn job. Afterwards, he kicks down the door to hell, starts killing all its citizens and workers just to get his girlfriend back.

Damn guys.


As mentioned a ton, shameless GOW clone. Feels way too familiar. However, I enjoyed the demo. I still hate the fact they thought it was a good idea to name this after the poem, as it's about as uninspired by it as something can be. If they had named it Hellnipples I'd at least have given them kudos for embracing what their game really is all about.

I wasn't wowed by the GOW3 demo graphics, but I like to imagine that build is early enough where the visuals will be improved upon a good deal by the time it releases. Then again, I'm the type of person that held onto hope that Sega might tune up the Bayonetta PS3 port before it hits the states. Overly optimistic or not, the 60 FPS in Hellnipples (I'm going to run with this for the remainder of the post) go a long way in this genre. It won't be winning any awards but I appreciate the smoothness of the gameplay.

The varying trees and the punish/absolve system are cool enough additions, and there seem to be an absolute ton of moves to unlock. I felt like what you get to play with in the demo is already pretty fun (by the end of it) so that's kind of exciting.

The story seems to be something about sinning, dying, fighting the urge to have sex, nipples, and sinning. That's what I took away from it at least. I.e. it's kind of a mess as presented in the demo. I especially got a kick out of the opening few moments where Dante kills 400 or so of his foes with superhuman abilities and is brought down by one sneaky guy with a dagger. Hilarious! I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to battle Dracula after finishing Death off, but I imagine he'll be there down the road.

So yeah, super ridiculous (largely unintentional I imagine), blatant GOW clone, but ultimately pretty fun. I'll be picking it up when it's cheap.


So, just played the demo
What can I say. The gameplay is very solid. I really enjoyed the combat. More so than God of War. The graphics on the other hand. Man, it's like night and day compared to God of War 3.

Ooh and I love the fact that the holy cross burns away the skin of the enemies. I though that was a great touch.


Neo Member
Should be a good game. Nothing jaw-dropping or new but still a good game! I hate the fact that a lot of people keep refering to GoW. As if Sony invented the genre and playing style.

After playing the demo's of GoW3, DI, and Bayonetta I only need to check Darksiders en Castelvania. Bayonetta will surely win but who'll be second best...? Prolly GoW3 but I think many gamers are not giving Darksiders enough credit.
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