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DARKSIDERS |OT| More like Zelda than God of War


LOL Steam. I never had a problem with the achievements unlocking until right at the end. For some reason the achievements for beating the final boss and completing the game didn't unlock. :lol


duckroll said:
When you hit a wall which says "go walk around in the area you just exploded, and find those glowing things which will bring you to a generic circular room with a challenge, complete all 4 and come back to me" then that is just totally lazy presentation. Flavoring and disguising an otherwise generic chore is the difference between a great game and a good game, even if both games contain the exact same actual mechanics.

I actually really liked those parts because they broke the pace up a bit. All the challenges were fun, but none excruciatingly hard. Plus, some of them can teach you stuff you didn't use before.

I'm at the part where I have to collect the pieces of the sword, but I gotta say the most annoying part so far was the puzzle tower. I felt that the portal gun was totally unnecessary, and just added more tools that are semi-useful which is another one of my small gripes about the game.

EDIT: Also, this was a pretty big problem for me when I started playing the game - the camera lock on after you rotate it is badly implemented. If you watch closely, after you rotate the camera and it returns to center on your character, it does this stutter where it actually zooms out for a split-second.


FunBoy said:
Was looking forward to playing this tonight but I've been afflicted with the scrolling up menu bug.

Tried reinstalling my mouse and keyboard and my 36- wireless controller works fine on other games :(.

Try disconnecting your usb devices one at a time and see if it stops.
Had the same problem, it was my bluetooth dongle.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
I've been playing this over the holidays, just collected my last collectible and now ready to go face the ending.

I really enjoyed this game, it does have a few rough edges, but its still allot of fun and I am not going to complain about getting more games with the overworld - dungeon formula.

I am a bit lttp, but it allowed me to play the game hype free, and enjoy it for what it is.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Deacan said:
I've been playing this over the holidays, just collected my last collectible and now ready to go face the ending.

I really enjoyed this game, it does have a few rough edges, but its still allot of fun and I am not going to complain about getting more games with the overworld - dungeon formula.

I am a bit lttp, but it allowed me to play the game hype free, and enjoy it for what it is.

Darksiders is pure video game comfort food. It is basically a giant sloppy plate of angry demonic lasagna. It doesn't have to be prime rib to accomplish that goal.

You are correct in that it's a good game to come into after the hype and bitterness has evaporated; it is the sort of game that tons of people will jump on and rip to shreds because it's not exactly like <insert title> in their favorite genre, while ignoring that it strikes a nearly perfect balance between all the disparate themes it pulls together.

Also, it's really nice to see a western dark fantasy game, complete with angry burly men and demony demons of demonicness, that isn't That One Angsty Style in brown grit. The Joe Mad 90's comic art is a breath of fresh air - image that.


I've been playing this lately too, after having it hanging around for a year or more. Currently up to the Ashlands, and it's been quite fun so far, although I'm not fond of some of the gameplay mechanics
Chronosphere for example
. It's pretty good fun though.


Turns out the game runs like crap at the first boss my laptop (ATI5650 and Core i3). Until then I had a decent 25-40 fps but at the boss it goes down to about 10-15 which makes it near impossible to beat the darn thing. Thats €7 down the drain :/
Apart from that it's a really well polished game, just should have bought it on PS3 instead, lesson learned!


Picked this up for cheap during BF and finally got around to playing it. Pretty cool so far, if a bit rough around the edges.

It's been a pretty linear experience so far, with a couple of obviously blocked paths that I'm assuming will be opened later. Glad to read that the game opens up after Tiamat. I think I'm pretty close to getting to that point.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Well the game is done and dusted, one problem when you have every powerup, the final boss was a bit easy then again its a bit of a reward for collecting everything, still I loved the ending.

Time to move on to my next holiday game Vanquish.


twdnewh_k said:
Try disconnecting your usb devices one at a time and see if it stops.
Had the same problem, it was my bluetooth dongle.

Thanks for that forgot about my blue tooth device was still plugged in. All working fine now I'm enjoying the game alot :D.


Recently got this, I'm kinda having fun with it but I sort of feel like I'm just going through the motions, but I'm early in. I think I just arrived at the twilight cathedral or something.

Anyway, rather than Zelda/GOW, it reminds me A LOT of the Maximo games, in mechanics and overall visual look. The guys behind Maximo have got to be part of Vigil, right? :p


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
My portals are bugging out. Some sort of bug? They just randomly decide to work after the 20th time I press it on a portal spot.


jett said:
Recently got this, I'm kinda having fun with it but I sort of feel like I'm just going through the motions, but I'm early in. I think I just arrived at the twilight cathedral or something.

Anyway, rather than Zelda/GOW, it reminds me A LOT of the Maximo games, in mechanics and overall visual look. The guys behind Maximo have got to be part of Vigil, right? :p

It doesn't really feel like Zelda until the Twilight Cathedral. The non-dungeon parts of the game, especially early on, feel like a mixture of a lot of general 3D action games instead of feeling like any particular thing. But very soon you'll see why the game is compared mostly to Zelda for the core game design.


twdnewh_k said:
Try disconnecting your usb devices one at a time and see if it stops.
Had the same problem, it was my bluetooth dongle.
Is there any other fixes for this? The menu just keeps scrolling and I've tried unplugging everything.

I'm playing through bootcamp on my 27" iMac if that makes any difference.


duckroll said:
It doesn't really feel like Zelda until the Twilight Cathedral. The non-dungeon parts of the game, especially early on, feel like a mixture of a lot of general 3D action games instead of feeling like any particular thing. But very soon you'll see why the game is compared mostly to Zelda for the core game design.

Yeah I just remembered I played the twilight cathedral in the demo. Just did it again. Ehhh it was okay. Does this game get better later on?


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.

Just beat the game. That ending was fucking sick. I'm totally sold on the second one. Day effin' one. Gotta thank Steam for making me pick this up. Caught me totally off guard. Amazing game.


EvaPlusMinus said:

Just beat the game. That ending was fucking sick. I'm totally sold on the second one. Day effin' one. Gotta thank Steam for making me pick this up. Caught me totally off guard. Amazing game.
It was an above average game for me, but the ending made it amazing. Never before has an ending to a game made me go "holy shit".

"You will be hunted! The White City for certain... The Council... and... there will be others! You would wage this war alone?"

"No..Not alone."



I beat the first dungeon early today. Man it felt really long for some reason. It's only gonna feel longer from here on out I imagine.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
vocab said:
I beat the first dungeon early today. Man it felt really long for some reason. It's only gonna feel longer from here on out I imagine.

While a lengthy game, it's well balanced in that there's four main "Zelda" dungeons rather than six or eight, but they're a bit longer than Zelda due to so much combat. You'll notice that your worldmap has a lot more areas to fill in than just four dungeons tho; Darksiders mixes in some nice variety so that the Zelda-esque formula doesn't feel as stale as you might suspect, further in.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Einbroch said:
It was an above average game for me, but the ending made it amazing. Never before has an ending to a game made me go "holy shit".

"You will be hunted! The White City for certain... The Council... and... there will be others! You would wage this war alone?"

"No..Not alone."


Right?! I mean, don't get me wrong. It wasn't the best game ever, and it had quite a bit of problems. But for a first for the company (I think?) and a new IP, I think they really nailed it. I love the world they've invisioned and the characters. And that fucking art style, man. Really digging it. Combat felt pretty great, but could use a bit more depth. If anything, my problem was the platforming/zelda esque parts. Sometimes they felt just way too drawn out.

Also the soundtrack was pretty great. I'm really impressed.


So I made it to the Black Throne or Black Tower or something, after killing the queen spider thingy. Game has grown on me, the part in the desert with Ruin was pretty awesome.

Only downside is that I'm playing the PC port, and it seems to be kind of a crappy one. It runs and looks fine, but there's random stuttering when you walk around and also during cut-scenes, which causes audio and video to go out of sync. :( I've been searching on the intarwebs and it seems there's no fix for this...it's getting annoying.


jett said:
So I made it to the Black Throne or Black Tower or something, after killing the queen spider thingy. Game has grown on me, the part in the desert with Ruin was pretty awesome.

Only downside is that I'm playing the PC port, and it seems to be kind of a crappy one. It runs and looks fine, but there's random stuttering when you walk around and also during cut-scenes, which causes audio and video to go out of sync. :( I've been searching on the intarwebs and it seems there's no fix for this...it's getting annoying.

I don't have any of the stuttering in cutscenes, but I got random short pauses at certain points when playing (especially at the start of Serpent Holes). The port is definitely kinda average, and the total lack of video settings is lulz. On the plus side I'll say at least it has native controller support, and well, it was 10 bucks. :lol


...a fetch quest YES, how do developers know we love this garbage so much!?

I was also hit with a dumb game design decision. A boss popped out of nowhere while I was searching for pieces of whatever. I died, respawned to fight the boss again...only now with zero wrath meter and only 4 lifebars...


EvaPlusMinus said:

Just beat the game. That ending was fucking sick. I'm totally sold on the second one. Day effin' one. Gotta thank Steam for making me pick this up. Caught me totally off guard. Amazing game.
Just goes to show how important ending the game on a high note is to leave a positive impression on players.

I mean, I already liked the game beforehand, but man, that ending just set a sequel up so perfectly I couldn't help but admire the perfect execution on that one.


jett said:
...a fetch quest YES, how do developers know we love this garbage so much!?

I was also hit with a dumb game design decision. A boss popped out of nowhere while I was searching for pieces of whatever. I died, respawned to fight the boss again...only now with zero wrath meter and only 4 lifebars...

Wouldn't be a Zelda game without a Triforce hunt!!! :lol


duckroll said:
Wouldn't be a Zelda game without a Triforce hunt!!! :lol

I was actually half-expecting it. :p There's so much filler shit in this game. I had to do virtually the same thing in the Black Tower three times.
I played it for the first time, and I'm only like 45 - 50 minutes in. Basically just wanted to test the waters, and so far I am REALLY digging this. There needs to be more games of this style made.


So first off...getting intense Okami vibes (awesome)
in game videos remind me of jak and Daxter (lip synching is utterly fantastic)
I think this game is....great....like what I thought Brutal Legend was going to be


Finished it. I was expecting more from the ending after all the gushing praise about it. :p Overall a good game.


Tiamat is such a bullshit boss. I didn't have time to make more than a few attempts before leaving the house, but I didn't even manage to damage her once.

I'm assuming I need to stick a bomb to her and then use the boomerang (or whatever it's called) to carry the fire from the fire-pot to the bomb, right? Yet every time I stick a bomb to her, I have to then dodge a fireball, and then the bomb is gone and I have to do it again, and again, and again. I swear on my final attempt I stuck 15 bombs to her and none stayed for more than 1 or 2 seconds, which didn't give me enough time to bring up the aiming reticule, much less lock in two targets and fire the boomerang.

Am I going about this completely wrong? I don't see any other method of attack given that she's flying around. I tried using a charged-up boomerang shot, but that didn't accomplish anything either.


Brashnir said:
Tiamat is such a bullshit boss. I didn't have time to make more than a few attempts before leaving the house, but I didn't even manage to damage her once.

I'm assuming I need to stick a bomb to her and then use the boomerang (or whatever it's called) to carry the fire from the fire-pot to the bomb, right? Yet every time I stick a bomb to her, I have to then dodge a fireball, and then the bomb is gone and I have to do it again, and again, and again. I swear on my final attempt I stuck 15 bombs to her and none stayed for more than 1 or 2 seconds, which didn't give me enough time to bring up the aiming reticule, much less lock in two targets and fire the boomerang.

Am I going about this completely wrong? I don't see any other method of attack given that she's flying around. I tried using a charged-up boomerang shot, but that didn't accomplish anything either.

If you do it quick enough you can blow the bomb up without her doing an attack the first time. The second time you have to dodge like 3 of her charges before sticking her.

Just started playing today, stopped mid-way through the Water Temple. This game is just bringing back all the memories of playing Zelda on the 64. I love it. All it needs is awesome orchestral music. I must say though, the voice work is top notch. Kudos for that.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
I dunno dude, that boss was pretty straight forward. Was pretty easy for me.


Man I love this game. I've played it now multiple times on PS3 and working on it again on PC.

It doesn't help that I've been a huge fan of Joe Mad for years. It also doesn't help that I'm huge on this type of adventure/action game.

Love the art direction, love the combat, love the adventuring, love the voice acting. It's just all gravy.

If you guys haven't picked up the artbook or soundtrack you should! They are both great!


kurahadol said:
Is there any other fixes for this? The menu just keeps scrolling and I've tried unplugging everything.

I'm playing through bootcamp on my 27" iMac if that makes any difference.

Unfortunately thats the only fix I know of.
Try to go over everything again including any controlers or connected bluetooth devices, it took me sometime to figure out it was the dongle.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
The Black Tower has to be one of the more tedious dungeons I've played in a game in a long time. Good god.


Maddness said:
Man I love this game. I've played it now multiple times on PS3 and working on it again on PC.

It doesn't help that I've been a huge fan of Joe Mad for years. It also doesn't help that I'm huge on this type of adventure/action game.

Love the art direction, love the combat, love the adventuring, love the voice acting. It's just all gravy.

If you guys haven't picked up the artbook or soundtrack you should! They are both great!

Pretty much exactly how I feel. Fucking LOVE the creature designs in this.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Jangaroo said:
The Black Tower has to be one of the more tedious dungeons I've played in a game in a long time. Good god.

Yeah, that was probably my biggest annoyance. That place took way too damn long. It was fun the first time... Not so much the second or third.


my only problem with the game is:Why so much empty long hallways ?they really didn't find a better way to make the level design "match"?


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Tokubetsu said:
Pretty much exactly how I feel. Fucking LOVE the creature designs in this.
I was on Darksider wiki earlier and I learned that War's left hand wasn't actually just an oversized piece of armory but that he had it replaced due to it getting cut off. There seems to be a lot of backstory that was only detailed in the comic that came with preorders.

EvaPlusMinus said:
Yeah, that was probably my biggest annoyance. That place took way too damn long. It was fun the first time... Not so much the second or third.
Yeah seriously, I'm on the second part of the dungeon and it got tedious to the point that I had to stop playing.


Jangaroo said:
I was on Darksider wiki earlier and I learned that War's left hand wasn't actually just an oversized piece of armory but that he had it replaced due to it getting cut off.

That doesn't make it any less ridiculous or ugly though.


never left the stone age
Been playing this for a good while now and hit the first dungeon. Shit is kickass. Tiamat sure loves to rape me to death though. But I almost managed to beat her.

This game reminds me a lot of Lords of Shadow for some reason. The way they both look, Gabriel wouldn't exactly look out of place next to War.


Just beat Tiamat. Playing on PC w a 360 controller and I love it. Framerate is all over the place though. 60+ when no enemies around and about 25-40 when in combat.

Game seems real awesome, all the mini bosses and tricks. I actually like the combat, flipsaw is <3


Jangaroo said:
The Black Tower has to be one of the more tedious dungeons I've played in a game in a long time. Good god.
Yeah, that was annoying. Now for the ... fetch quest :(


Oh man.... DAT ENDING! :D

Can't wait for the sequel. Day 0. Great action/adventure game, really opens up when you get more into it. Loved getting the 4 legendary artifacts and the 10 Abyssal armor pieces to become an unstoppable death machine. :D
Paco said:
Seems like this game was released so long ago. Do we really have to wait until 2012 for a sequel?
almost a year is not THAT long....
And if you want the game to be good just give them all the time they need, more chance that the game will turn out better in the end.
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