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DARKSIDERS |OT| More like Zelda than God of War

I've completed the fetchquest and I've just got the final boss to do (I think, depend if they pull any twists out the bag). I don't know what compelled me but I played on Apocalpytic difficulty from the getgo, which was suprisingly manageable.

I have to say for the sequel I think I'd prefer them to cut back on the dungeons and focus more on the overworld stuff as I found that more fun. The dungeons just felt like they went on and on and on, especially the Black Throne. Considering how right they got the horse riding, easy to control and fight on, can be summoned and dismissed easily without fussing about in menus or playing a fucking instrument, I didn't think they made as much virtue of it as they could have.


Just finished this game today. The ending was a bit of a let-down :(. I collected all of the abyssal armor and pretty much everything else (was missing one wrath shard and one of those containers for holding items). I expected there to be a final dungeon at least. The final battle was really anticlimactic and easy. Overall I enjoyed the game and am excited for a sequel.

I did have those issues with steam/darksiders registering some achievements. It's a little annoying but not really important.


Die Squirrel Die said:
I've completed the fetchquest and I've just got the final boss to do (I think, depend if they pull any twists out the bag). I don't know what compelled me but I played on Apocalpytic difficulty from the getgo, which was suprisingly manageable.

I have to say for the sequel I think I'd prefer them to cut back on the dungeons and focus more on the overworld stuff as I found that more fun. The dungeons just felt like they went on and on and on, especially the Black Throne. Considering how right they got the horse riding, easy to control and fight on, can be summoned and dismissed easily without fussing about in menus or playing a fucking instrument, I didn't think they made as much virtue of it as they could have.

Can't say I agree. The dungeons were one of the best features of Darksiders, and it wouldn't be a Zelda-esque game without them. I want them to do even more dungeons for their next game. But I agree that they should improve the overworld. It didn't feel like you explored, and the horse felt quite unnecessary to have.


Die Squirrel Die said:
I've completed the fetchquest and I've just got the final boss to do (I think, depend if they pull any twists out the bag). I don't know what compelled me but I played on Apocalpytic difficulty from the getgo, which was suprisingly manageable.

I have to say for the sequel I think I'd prefer them to cut back on the dungeons and focus more on the overworld stuff as I found that more fun. The dungeons just felt like they went on and on and on, especially the Black Throne. Considering how right they got the horse riding, easy to control and fight on, can be summoned and dismissed easily without fussing about in menus or playing a fucking instrument, I didn't think they made as much virtue of it as they could have.
I thought horse riding was great out in the open, but had a lot of trouble in tight quarters. In particular, the "spirit bridge" or whatever it is that leads to the Iron Curtain, gave me a lot of trouble when trying to get Ruin to ride up to it. There's a little step leading up to the slate, and sometimes I needed to gallop into it for upwards of twenty seconds before actually moving up. Then there's a small jump before the bridge, and half the time Ruin completely whiffed it and fell short, causing me to have to clamber back to it all over again.

Also, it seemed like there was always serious slow down whenever Ruin was onscreen (360). Would be nice if that didn't happen in the sequel, since, you know, riding a horse should feel faster than walking.
Maffis said:
Can't say I agree. The dungeons were one of the best features of Darksiders, and it wouldn't be a Zelda-esque game without them. I want them to do even more dungeons for their next game. But I agree that they should improve the overworld. It didn't feel like you explored, and the horse felt quite unnecessary to have.
The dungeons felt pretty empty, to me. I hated the constant "kill all enemies to pass" rooms, and not a single puzzle took even a second of thought to figure out. They looked cool, but the progression through them wasn't fun. At best it was passable, at worst it was tedious and grating.


So I missed out on this game last year. Out of PS3,360,PC version was there a clear "best" version? Also, what's the length/replayability for the game in case I rent or buy it?
zlatko said:
So I missed out on this game last year. Out of PS3,360,PC version was there a clear "best" version? Also, what's the length/replayability for the game in case I rent or buy it?

Get the PC version (assuming your PC can handle it), and use a 360 pad if you want.
It will look and run the best.
It's about 20 or so hours long, and I suppose it can have some re-playability, if you like to replay these kinds of games.
PC version is the best. Even if the tearing is fixed on the consoles there is some slow down in different parts of the game. It is rather noticeable and drags the experience down.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
zlatko said:
So I missed out on this game last year. Out of PS3,360,PC version was there a clear "best" version? Also, what's the length/replayability for the game in case I rent or buy it?
The game feels really nice on the 360 pad on the PC version. The game looks quite stunning at times at 1080p with AA forced and 60 fps.


Lostconfused said:
PC version is the best. Even if the tearing is fixed on the consoles there is some slow down in different parts of the game. It is rather noticeable and drags the experience down.

I played the majority of the game on 360 after the patch (tearing was driving me a little crazy) and I don't recall any slowdown. Was it in the beginning of the game?
zlatko said:
Alright. Thanks for the input everyone. PC version when it goes cheap it is. :D

It was $10 on Steam during the Holiday sale, so you might see it again during the Summer sale (if you can't find the disc version on clearance or something).


Paco said:
I played the majority of the game on 360 after the patch (tearing was driving me a little crazy) and I don't recall any slowdown. Was it in the beginning of the game?
It was nearly everywhere. Drowned Pass was particularly bad for it, and the fps dropped literally every time Ruin was onscreen.


Crunched said:
It was nearly everywhere. Drowned Pass was particularly bad for it, and the fps dropped literally every time Ruin was onscreen.

Going to play it again in a couple months, will try to take notice.


anyone know how to enable AA in the pc version? i found this on the nhancer forums


but the Compatibility section of nvidia inspector doesn't exist in what do i do?


I'm down to the last trophy I need for the Platinum (Ride your horse 100 miles). :D
I tied a rubber band around my analog sticks and now Ruin is riding around in circles.
DonMigs85 said:
I'm down to the last trophy I need for the Platinum (Ride your horse 100 miles). :D
I tied a rubber band around my analog sticks and now Ruin is riding around in circles.
I wonder how I am going to get that one on PC.


John said:
yep, my drivers are brand new. i only just installed this OS a week ago

I had the same issue with the Compatibility section not showing up. There should be a file called "CustomSettingNames_en-EN.xml" that comes with the actually .exe, make sure they are in the same directory when you run the program or the Compatibility section doesn't show up. I pulled my hair out trying to figure that out, I just assumed it was some pointless file at first so I never bothered extracting it. :lol


Finished it....
In Conclusion:
Its next-gen Jak and Daxter with a bit of everything else


Kinda wish its not 4 player coop....but damn if the ending didnt get me pumped


Colkate said:
I had the same issue with the Compatibility section not showing up. There should be a file called "CustomSettingNames_en-EN.xml" that comes with the actually .exe, make sure they are in the same directory when you run the program or the Compatibility section doesn't show up. I pulled my hair out trying to figure that out, I just assumed it was some pointless file at first so I never bothered extracting it. :lol

yeah, that's it, thanks a lot. i only extracted the exe

@Lonely1 download nvidia inspector, use the settings posted on this page


Unconfirmed Member
Just got gifted this on 360, and I'm liking it a lot so far.

After hearing all the comparisons with action/adventure games around launch, I've finally been able to put all those voices away and just appreciate this for what it is.

- Even though I love games with rich combat systems (Bayonetta, DMC), I'm enjoying the accessible (and surprisingly responsive) combat. Plus some of the finishing (B/O button) moves are pretty savage :D

- Even though I'm not a huge fan of typical western 'fantasy' art, I'm really digging the chunky, epic visuals.

- Even though nothing can top things like Zelda in terms of pure adventure, I'm getting a real sense of progression through 'exploring', and enjoying what little hidden gems the world has offered so far.

These are really basic initial impressions, but I'm looking forward to delving deeper and unlocking more of the map. Voice acting is also top-notch, considering how OTT everything else is!


DonMigs85 said:
Get a 360 controller, comes in handy for a lot of other games anyway

That's how I got the achievement on PC as well. I don't think there's any way to keep going in circles with the keyboard and mouse controls (which control just fine otherwise though) and getting the achievement legitemately takes some annoying grinding.

Getting all the the achievements on PC added a whole extra layer of metagame to it, given how sometimes they wouldn't unlock: several time I had to reload saves to do an achievement a couple of times to get them to pop up.


Yah, I think I'm done with this game. Up until now I enjoyed most of the puzzles, but they're starting to get a little annoying.
I'm on the redirect the light puzzle, not the first one but the one after you do it the first time and the big circle of stones starts spinning around the angel.

It is just getting tedious having to rearrange blocks, scales, whatever. This is always where games like this fall short for me, sure, I love the feeling of figuring out a quick easy puzzle, but when it involves moving several pieces around, it just becomes too cumbersome to be fun, especially if you don't get it on the first or second try.

Game was pretty fun while it lasted. I'm pretty sure I'm very close to beating it too.
I can't for the life of me get this to run. I get past the initial two videos and it hard-locks and I have to reboot my whole PC. I'm wanting to try it windowed but I can't figure out how (Normal options aren't working [-window, -windowed, Alt+Enter]). Any ideas?

I surpass the specs they want.


Buttonbasher said:
I can't for the life of me get this to run. I get past the initial two videos and it hard-locks and I have to reboot my whole PC. I'm wanting to try it windowed but I can't figure out how (Normal options aren't working [-window, -windowed, Alt+Enter]). Any ideas?

I surpass the specs they want.

Try starting up the executable outside of Steam. Fixed an issue for my brother (though it was the game freezing, not a hard lock that required a reboot)


coopolon said:
Yah, I think I'm done with this game. Up until now I enjoyed most of the puzzles, but they're starting to get a little annoying.
I'm on the redirect the light puzzle, not the first one but the one after you do it the first time and the big circle of stones starts spinning around the angel.

It is just getting tedious having to rearrange blocks, scales, whatever. This is always where games like this fall short for me, sure, I love the feeling of figuring out a quick easy puzzle, but when it involves moving several pieces around, it just becomes too cumbersome to be fun, especially if you don't get it on the first or second try.

Game was pretty fun while it lasted. I'm pretty sure I'm very close to beating it too.
I am the opposite of you. No puzzle in Darksiders took me longer than fifteen seconds, they were all so pitifully easy I got sick of them halfway through because they didn't do anything but pad my game time.

I wish the puzzles were much, much more difficult. It's the cerebral stuff in games like this that interest me. The one-button combat droned on and on so much it was mindnumbing.

I guess I am in the minority here?
Volcynika said:
Try starting up the executable outside of Steam. Fixed an issue for my brother (though it was the game freezing, not a hard lock that required a reboot)
Tried it. No dice. I see the mini-map start to fade in but it locks up in the process.

It's just weird because I don't see anyone else talking about having this problem across multiple forums. I've verified the integrity files, and just about everything else aside from just redownloading it which I don't really think is the answer. I want to try it windowed before I do that anyway, I'm just having a tough time figuring out how to do that.


on second thought? fuck this game. assigning block, dodge, and dash all to the same button would be a mistake even if the button fucking worked
Well I finished it. Need another playthrough to clean up some missing trophies (duskbats, angelic beats and 100 miles on the horse). Between bumping the difficulty to normal and getting to keep the Abyssal Armour this should be a relaxing playthrough to dip in and out of.

Also I'm playing Sengoku Basara 3 as well and I realised that War is voiced by the same person as Ieyasu.


John said:
on second thought? fuck this game. assigning block, dodge, and dash all to the same button would be a mistake even if the button fucking worked
Dodge is directional dash......so yeah...and you dont have to block if you can dodge out of the way
Neuromancer said:
For what it's worth I never really blocked, always dodged.
Isn't there a block-triggered combo? I used that one from time to time. It took me a while to get the moves right but there's a post in this thread which explained the thought behind the block vs dash vs dodge and helped me understand how to use it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
John said:
but i frequently find myself in situations where i have a preference for either dodging or for blocking

Blocking is basically useless in this game. Don't bother with it.


i never have over playthroughs until now, where i'm on hard fighting two of these big armor dudes whose axes turn blue and spiky when they attack and it's ten times easier to block their horizontal hits than it is to dodge them because they swing wide and far. but it's a blockable move. i also have to dodge the vertical swings. problem.


Woah, so I bought this for 7,50 during the Steam holiday sales and I'm about 15 hours in...

Holy crap I'm in love with this game! What a pleasant surprise. I never expected it to be this good. I mean it doesn't quite match up the world design and variety of Zelda games nor does the combat quite match up the DMC games, but everything is still excellent. The level design is great, the combat is rewarding, the puzzles are fun and it has enough unique little things to give the game its own identity. Camera and controls could be a little tighter though and I wish there was more of an overworld in map design to connect everything and harbor collectibles than having to backtrack and re-enter dungeons if you want to hunt for secrets, but oh well.

On that note I got a quick question: Once I enter
the Black Throne after I give the last heart to Samael and he teleports me there,
can I go back to the rest of the world to look for more collectathingies or am I stuck there and to get out I'll have to reload an older save?
Thanks. :)


Aha so there's an actual mandatory fetch quest still to do. Glad I asked then because going on a fetch quest twice might've been a little too much. Thanks again. :)
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