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Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 Discussion

fusoya59 said:
this game is immensely TIME consuming.
just trying to unlock one achievement takes literally dozens of hours.
i mean, god damn, i thought rumble roses xx achievements were time consuming to get, doax2 just blows rrxx away in that respect.

That's funny since a couple days ago I traded DOAX2 in and got RRXX.

RRXX is better btw. :)


Chalk up another for RRXX. It's on the desk beside me, still in its wrapper. Can't wait. :D

Maybe I'll check out DOAX2 after a price drop. I loved the first - so cute and fun and relaxing. Wishing they'd truly improved on the formula for the second outing.

All right, girls, time to rassle!


Public Health Threat
Blimblim said:
Yeah I can confirm this is a 30 fps game. But for some reason I saw virtually no difference in the animation quality compared to DOAX in 60 fps. I only realized it was 30 fps when I started encoding a video. There is a few places where there is tearing too, it's very rare but it's there. WTF.
The only time I notice it is during the volleyball, otherwise everywhere else seems okay. I just stick it in during my off hours with GoW. :D


The Inside Track
icecream said:
The only time I notice it is during the volleyball, otherwise everywhere else seems okay. I just stick it in during my off hours with GoW. :D
You can easily see some tearing when using the camera. That is if you manage to get used to the retarded controls :(
Yeah I was extremely disappointed with DoAX2 graphically...which is saying a lot.

Really the first DoAX and DoA4 were quite clean, extremely smooth experiences but DoAX2 in comparison has such poor image quality that it becomes frustrating to well... "relax" :) )

Easily this is my biggest disappointment of 2006. Even ignoring the obvious graphics issues the game feels very rushed and a lot of elements aren't even accessible to casual players.

Also noticed the game is actually missing outfits from the first DoAX1(Compare Lei-Fang's selection sometime) just ridiculous. I'd like it if these things were brought up in the next Itagaki interview but alas Sigma/NG2/Project Progressive/DoA5/rookie/???? will be the talk of it all...meh.

Oh well RRXX is nice. Hurray for having actual asses in the game!
Also liking the moves, some of them just look freaking painful.


former Navy SEAL
gconsole said:
I stopped playing after half an hour into the game. Really had nothing to do, I want to play game not just watching the girl and play some crab mini game with awful control. Sorry, if i want girl then i go outside and see the real one.

There is a girl outside? And she is the real one? Pics pls, thx.



there's age restriction on these files, so beware.. and absolutely not work-safe. You will have to register/log-in to Youtube to see these...

These, I hear you can unlock by getting many jackpots in casino. (I think Christy's slot mahcine, probably - and after you get certain amount of jack-pots, you are give the choice of your character for special dance sequence... and to say the least, it's really well animated - but as I said before, they are all same dances/music. After all, it's like an easter-egg kinda bonus, anyhow.


Well, after spending time with Marvel and beating it, I couldn't risk it going down in trade value at this point when I knew I would never play it again.... Got 32 bucks for it and I picked up DOAX2, despite the wife being opposed to it. I have plenty of free time to play it when she isn't around or is busy doing other things. I liked the first DOAX, and what I have heard is that it is basically the same game with added content and in high res.... That is good enough for me. I assume I will be playing it off and on for the next several years whenever the mood strikes (as I did with the first one)

Sho Nuff

WTF is with this game's:

-Load times
-Frame rate
-Not being able to see the girls in the hotel/casino <-- dumbest shit ever


former Navy SEAL
I'm further in now, more engaged in the collecting aspect and it's just ****ing work at this point. Playing the game to play the game is decent enough, but trying to collect suits is maddening. The relationship aspect and the girls capriciously rejecting expensive suits makes it less than fun. I don't understand these relationship games, but I'm not opposed to the idea. It could be engaging at some level if it was designed as a game and not as some kind of psycho girlfriend reality simulator. It doesn't need to be this difficult and it's a stupid design decision that hurts the game's sense of whimsy.

Sho Nuff

Itagaki wants all his games to be f*cking hard and frustrating, not just Ninja Gaiden and the final boss of DOA4. Because he's a dick.


former Navy SEAL
Sho Nuff said:
Itagaki wants all his games to be f*cking hard and frustrating, not just Ninja Gaiden and the final boss of DOA4. Because he's a dick.

Exactly. Every Team Ninja game I've played, I feel like I'm playing against Itagaki and his only goal is to frustrate me. And there's nothing I can do because he makes the ****ing rules!
From those videos I have two problems already:

1. The breast physics are totally wrong. Sometimes I wished mine would just float in orbit like these ones tend to do, would make things easier on my back. ;p

2. The hair clipping through the body.

I actually enjoyed playing a little bit of the first one, but it looks like they didn't pick it up for the 2nd.

Sho Nuff

Agh, that cheat is not easy to pull off.

God this game sucks a big fatty. Can't believe how badly they screwed it up.


dang, I thought some people who were fans of the first one enjoyed this.... I didn't expect to see all this backlash....


The inherent problem with DOAX2 when compared to the first one is that for the most part it's the exact same game now in 720p. There are aspects wich feel very rushed to get this game out in time for the US shopping season.

At a base level I have to say it is better then the original but not by a whole lot, by having more minigames to play there are simply more things to do during the day but every minigame also has a small flaw.

The volleyball- in the original it was very hard to lose at volleyball, the game practically won for you, this made rally's that lasted upwards of 4 or 5 minutes with no score. They've toned down the autotracking for 2 but didn't readjust the camera to compensate and half the time you can't tell where the ball is. There are also many small glitches to do with the girls setting up and failing to actually hit the ball, almost like the playtesting for this game had to be cut short for whatever reason. stuff like the ball never coming down from the air and the girls in a jumping loop never able to actually hit it back. There weren't any glitches in the volleyball of part 1 I can say that much. To put it simply, the volleyball is a bit worse in this one. 2.5/5

The marine race- it's nice looking , has some decent water physics and is capable of being fun to play BUT stray off the course at all and the problems show up. Problems like having your jetski stuck in a permanent loop of driving around in a circle next to the rocks when all you want to do is get back on the course. Problems like getting on the beach by accident and being unable to simply drive back onto the track without alot of frustration. The biggest issue is the course layouts , the premise has you driving around bouy's to build up 7 points for a turbo boost but after the 1st track it's basically impossible to actually loop through the bouy's, the AI doesn't even bother and if you try yourself you take so long that the resulting turbo boost merely catches you up to the girls that just passed you while were slowly driving through the bouy's. It's still almost prefereable to the volleyball though and get's you about as much money. 3/5

pool hopping- it's just like the first , becuase of the lack of pressure sensetive buttons though you can just press the button or hold it to do a long jump. The water pillows are color coded so if you want you can hit the same color buttons as the pillows for a few bonus points. The problem is that when anyone else is at the pool you have to fight against them and it can waste a slot of your almost instantly if you say fell off the pillow righ toff the bat, when there by yourself you can keep retrying but there is no retry allowed against the AI. The AI of course NEVER screws up.
Singles- 3/5
Vs AI- 1/5

Butt Battle- A silly diversion made popular on japanese game shows, it largely seems to be a luck thing weather you win this or not and you don't get very much money for doing it well. 2/5 This game also costs 100K to unlock

Beach Race- Set up like those old school track and feild games , unfortunatly the AI seems completly unbeatable here. I can hit the button 70+ times in a minute thanks to chrono trigger and even at that insane pace the AI still handidly beat me. I'm doubting that the winnings are even worth it anyway. 1.5/5 this game also costs 100k to unlock

Tug of war- I didnt' actually unlock this one so you have to go by reviews, sounds like it's almost the same as butt battle thouh.

The waterslide- This can be an entertaining diversion once you figure it out , unfortunatly that'll take you near 10 tries to do and screwing it up wastes a piece of your day. Even when you do get it right it doesn't win you a whole lot of money though. 2.5 also costs money to unlock

The casino- it's better then the first becuase the poker is no longer VLT poker but regular style instead and you can play it against the ai's. The other games are about the same quality though. I enjoy the casino in this game though and dont' really care that they didnt' make 3d models for everyone to stand there and hold their cards. To me that stretches the line a bit into expecting the casino to be a stand alone product, if this were DOA texas holdum or whatever then yeah I could see that. It's merely 1 minigame out of a few though. 4/5

So yeah, there's more games to play even though alot of them kind of suck. It still gives the game a bit more variety then playing volleyball 4 times a day and spending a half million at the casino every night. If you are playing this game simply to collect everything like you may have done in the first one it's going to be a bit harder to accomplish becuase of the problems with the volleyball. The reason it's generally scored below the 1st game is becuase for the most part it's so similar to part 1. If this were a PC game it'd be considered the marine race expansion pack and as such the highest score I could possibly give it is a 6/10. The first one for it's time was a 7/10 game but I'd say it has aged down to being a 5.9/10, barely worse then 2. The only people I could possibly reccomend this game to are the fans of the original who own 360's and dont' care that it's basicaly just DOAX in HD with a jetski race. Anyone else might want to rent it as a party joke or just stay away alltogethor.


Pachinko said:
The only people I could possibly reccomend this game to are the fans of the original who own 360's and dont' care that it's basicaly just DOAX in HD with a jetski race.
Would you recommend it to someone who has never played the first game? Do you think I'd like it more since the whole game will be a completely new experience to me?


How many courses does the wave racing have? And can you do them at different times of the day?

Still have not opened the plastic on this, but most likely will simply because there is nothing else that is appealing to me on 360 right now (already got the good stuff in the collection, or pre-ordered...)


lachesis said:

there's age restriction on these files, so beware.. and absolutely not work-safe. You will have to register/log-in to Youtube to see these...

These, I hear you can unlock by getting many jackpots in casino. (I think Christy's slot mahcine, probably - and after you get certain amount of jack-pots, you are give the choice of your character for special dance sequence... and to say the least, it's really well animated - but as I said before, they are all same dances/music. After all, it's like an easter-egg kinda bonus, anyhow.
I think I just filled the cup. :lol


dirtmonkey37 said:
For someone who has never played the previous game, is DOAX2 any fun?
I too am interested in the answer to this question. I never played the original, and DOAX2 here is about half price a normal game on Xbox 360 anyway, so if it's worth it I'll pick it up.:lol


Pachinko said:
The volleyball- in the original it was very hard to lose at volleyball, the game practically won for you, this made rally's that lasted upwards of 4 or 5 minutes with no score. They've toned down the autotracking for 2 but didn't readjust the camera to compensate and half the time you can't tell where the ball is. There are also many small glitches to do with the girls setting up and failing to actually hit the ball, almost like the playtesting for this game had to be cut short for whatever reason. stuff like the ball never coming down from the air and the girls in a jumping loop never able to actually hit it back. There weren't any glitches in the volleyball of part 1 I can say that much. To put it simply, the volleyball is a bit worse in this one. 2.5/5
I've never had the looping bug, and I agree with the camera is fairly lousy, but volleyball can still be fun if you want a challenge... and you don't play as Tina. Those ape arms are only good for tug of war. The failing to hit the ball seems less like a glitch and more like a stumble, plus its always in my favor anyway. The big problem with it is it looks the same as the previous game, but it doesn't play the same. Now you need to pick a good partner to play up close to the net, while sticking to the center and keeping your eye on the ball. As long as you don't face Christie, who's a damn monster at the game, you should be able to get every game around 7-2. The super spike and a failed block are the only things you'll need to be wary of.

The marine race- it's nice looking , has some decent water physics and is capable of being fun to play BUT stray off the course at all and the problems show up. Problems like having your jetski stuck in a permanent loop of driving around in a circle next to the rocks when all you want to do is get back on the course. Problems like getting on the beach by accident and being unable to simply drive back onto the track without alot of frustration. The biggest issue is the course layouts , the premise has you driving around bouy's to build up 7 points for a turbo boost but after the 1st track it's basically impossible to actually loop through the bouy's, the AI doesn't even bother and if you try yourself you take so long that the resulting turbo boost merely catches you up to the girls that just passed you while were slowly driving through the bouy's. It's still almost prefereable to the volleyball though and get's you about as much money. 3/5
Like any good racer, you need to know the course, and the courses here are pretty generous for mistakes anyway. Know when to follow the bouys and know when to take shortcuts, and you should win all the courses with 200,000+ rewards for the larger ones. Easy money. Just takes practice to get the handling of the jetskis down, but once you do it's a fun racer, and takes over the carefree aspect that was in the volleyball from the first.

pool hopping- it's just like the first , becuase of the lack of pressure sensetive buttons though you can just press the button or hold it to do a long jump. The water pillows are color coded so if you want you can hit the same color buttons as the pillows for a few bonus points. The problem is that when anyone else is at the pool you have to fight against them and it can waste a slot of your almost instantly if you say fell off the pillow righ toff the bat, when there by yourself you can keep retrying but there is no retry allowed against the AI. The AI of course NEVER screws up.
Yeah, this is a complete bitch now. Races are almost impossible. I wish you could set seperate buttons for short and long like in the original. Then it would actually be fun.

Butt Battle- A silly diversion made popular on japanese game shows, it largely seems to be a luck thing weather you win this or not and you don't get very much money for doing it well. 2/5 This game also costs 100K to unlock
Less luck, and more of who you're playing as and who's your oponent. That's true about pretty much all the mini-games though. This one has got terrible controls.

Beach Race- Set up like those old school track and feild games , unfortunatly the AI seems completly unbeatable here. I can hit the button 70+ times in a minute thanks to chrono trigger and even at that insane pace the AI still handidly beat me. I'm doubting that the winnings are even worth it anyway. 1.5/5 this game also costs 100k to unlock
It's winnable, but it again depends on the girls involved. It's a little too simple though.

Tug of war- I didnt' actually unlock this one so you have to go by reviews, sounds like it's almost the same as butt battle thouh.
Nope, this one is actually fun, and quite beatable, unless you face Tina and her ogre strength. It's a guessing game, more or less, thinking if your opponent will fake or pull, and trying to counter them. Low rewards though.

The waterslide- This can be an entertaining diversion once you figure it out , unfortunatly that'll take you near 10 tries to do and screwing it up wastes a piece of your day. Even when you do get it right it doesn't win you a whole lot of money though. 2.5 also costs money to unlock
Pure fun, if a waste of time. What I play when I don't care about money.

The casino- it's better then the first becuase the poker is no longer VLT poker but regular style instead and you can play it against the ai's. The other games are about the same quality though. I enjoy the casino in this game though and dont' really care that they didnt' make 3d models for everyone to stand there and hold their cards. To me that stretches the line a bit into expecting the casino to be a stand alone product, if this were DOA texas holdum or whatever then yeah I could see that. It's merely 1 minigame out of a few though. 4/5
Slots suck, but yeah everything else is much improved. I really enjoy the poker, and I've also earned a stack of zacks from it with very little loss.

The game is definitely an expansion more than a sequel, but it's got more variety and is generally easier on the player overall, where items are no longer tossed, and gift wrapping saves you from struggling to remember which gift was for who. Once you get good at the jetski races, money is plentiful, and getting love stats on all the girls is much easier... except for Tina. Once a bitch, always a bitch.

Maybe not worth full price, but it's a good game for me to play a little here and there between more substantial releases. I was a fan of the first, and I consider this an improvement in almost every way. The loss of offline 2 player and little things like sand deformation is a bit of a bummer.
Very rushed with a lot of minor annoyances abound.

Beach Race 1/5
Button mashing, not that fun, and doesn't make much money either.
Butt battle 2/5
This game is somewhat amusing purely from knocking the other girl off.
Casino 2/5
Basic stuff in any type of casino game. The addition of the voice overs is better since you get a sense of atmosphere. It's too bad they don't use images to show facial expressions of the other girls playing.
Marine race 4/5
Nice graphics and pretty simple mechanics. It seems really difficult to stay within the buoys, maybe it gets easier with more practice. A lot of the times going for the turbo ends up putting you in last place. It's annoying when you start fishtailing/losing control because you don't get stopped by the cliffs. It would be nice if there was a "reset" position button. Makes decent amount of money but I think overall volleyball makes more money faster.
Pool Hopping 3/5
Another game that will take a while to master. Taps for short jumps and presses for long jumps; this game seems simple enough as it was in DOAX. Adding 4 colors makes its it more challenging since you have to memorize/get used to the controller. I still need to get this down in single before I start competing against the AI. Probably the easiest game when playing single but makes very little money.
Tug of War 3/5
Very simple and makes a little money. It is basically a better version of butt battle.
Water slide 2/5
I haven't really played this and it seems pretty difficult not to mention that the slide not very safe if you have people falling off the slide right at the beginning of the slide. Not sure how much it makes either.
Volleyball 5/5
Everybody that complained about this must suck ass. The volleyball position is about the same as the first DOAX in that it didn't indicate where it was (minor gripe) but most of the time you can just eye it and the girls will track to it. The rallys are shorter which is nice because in DOAX you could basically go on forever. It's a bonus that special maneuvers will get you even more money and the new spike setup is useful and hard to counter. Like the original (i think?) you can move your parter with the right thumb stick. On average I can make like 150K per match.

Gripes (quite a few):
Loading is quite long, for something that should be instant, DOA4 was very fast.
Annoying how objects in the game are streamed/loaded after time in the menus. Why not just use static images and only load the model in for the viewing / display window. Often you can't see what the object is until like 3 seconds later.
Annoying how the locale's 3D model has to be fully loaded in before you can access it.. like the Accessory Store or the Sports Shop.
There is not enough clues on what/who likes what.
There is no easily accessable/constant indication of how "good" your relationship is which any of the particular girls and it seems the only way to find out is to confront them with a gift.
Horrible implementation of achievements, even with some descriptions that are wrong or totally retarded (see "secret" achievement's description).
No indication/documentation on how close you are a to particular achievement. I believe certain achievements need you to receive X number of suits from a particular girl, etc.
No local multi-player :/
Seems like in the shops there is no indicators to show which outfits/items that you already have in your collection.
Useless items; DOAX had things such as unlockable Ninja Gaiden Trailer that was cool. DOAX2 has a 360 you can get which plays the boot screen sound, neat. Then you have things like a book or something and it just displays some lame text which often times is generic and doesn't have a response for the girl i'm using. It would have been nice to have the text response specific to the girl and voiced by the actor as well, it shouldn't be hard.

Yay for voyeurism, its pretty fun to be an amateur model photographer, although it sucks you can't change the controls. Aim with left thumb stick, and move with right..? ew.
Hopefully a more expensive camera will let you take images with the quality of ones Tecmo releases.

Possible features:
There should have been 4-player local/live on most if not all the games.
Get ranked / money for photos taken or something like Dead Rising. I think this could be a fun game as well.
Some kind of rhythm / dance mini-game. Like when the girls are dancing or doing their Kata's.
MoCap please.
Facial animations please, or make it so they seem less like robots.. and atleast make their eyes track the camera from time to time.
Maybe a taunt / victory quote selection somehow (for volleyball).

I don't think I can recommend this to people unless they like the DOA IP, or like to ogle virtual girls. But then again I only paid $40 for the Asian version.


Yeah, I guess I forgot to mention wether anyone curios should go for it if they never bothered with the first... well ask yourself the following-

Do you like dead or alive?
Do you like the DOA girls ?
Do you care to play a game that has no real goals?
do you want to look at doa girls in swimsuits?

I think you'd want to answer yes to all 4 and if you do go nuts, just know that my mini review and the 2 others listed prettty well sum up the whole shebang there. It's just simply not that great a game , more of a diversion.


yeah, after some common sense came to me and seeing this responses to this thread and reading more reader reviews and pro reviews... I determined that used copies of Oblivion + Table Tennis was a better investment of 60 bucks cash....

At least I can play those with my wife around.... I'm trading back that copy of DOAX2 tomorrow for those and am going to be done with it. I can still play DOA4 if I need to revisit the universe....

Sho Nuff

anotheriori said:

Wow dude, you pretty much summed up every problem I had with the game too.

The balance is just f*cked up and whoever signed off on the design was an idiot. The new minigames are just too f*cking hard, and if you put in the practice and time to perfect them, you hardly get any money at all! What the hell is that shit? Christ, Itagaki.


Sho Nuff said:
Wow dude, you pretty much summed up every problem I had with the game too.

The balance is just f*cked up and whoever signed off on the design was an idiot. The new minigames are just too f*cking hard, and if you put in the practice and time to perfect them, you hardly get any money at all! What the hell is that shit? Christ, Itagaki.

there are no words to describe how unbalanced this game really is; if it were not for the sign out trick, the game's a waste of time. i've honestly become one of the few who have unlocked ALL swimsuits for one girl, and in doing so, unlocked the "Virtual Pictorial" hidden feature.

it wasn't worth it.

you know why? cuz you need to UNLOCK EVEN MORE stuff for the pictorials. after that i just gave up and went back to zelda.
I've read the bulk of this topic, but I want some people to give it to me straight: is the game actually less fun/worse than the original?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
You guys know that you don't HAVE to hit the right colors to win the pool hopping races, right? You can just use button to win, but you won't get all (you still get some) the bonus cash for jumping on the right colors.

a Master Ninja said:
I've read the bulk of this topic, but I want some people to give it to me straight: is the game actually less fun/worse than the original?

It's better than the original, despite its flaws. The volleyball is better (but Beach Spikers and Outlaw Volleyball still destroy it), jetski racing is fun, and the other minigames have either suck or have issues, but it's still nice to see more content there.

I just see this as an Animal Crossing-style "nongame" with boobs. It's fun to play every once in a while. The original game got old for me after a few days, and this game lasted longer. After I used the signout trick to get a ton of cash and bought a bunch of stuff, I lost a lot of interest in playing this game. I still think what Team Ninja should have done is to include a fighting mode based off of DOA4 that lets you play as the girls in whatever swimsuits and accessories you have equipped on the various island locations. It would have given the game a lot more substance.

It's also true that Rumble Roses XX looks far better than this game does, and delivers a lot more game play to go along with the ogling.
Lyte Edge said:
It's also true that Rumble Roses XX looks far better than this game does, and delivers a lot more game play to go along with the ogling.

Rumble Roses also has a better photo mode. Online picture sharing should be in every game!


despite my waivering interest levels, another reason why I lost interest is that I already had Viva Pinata as my 'non-game' type of game. Except it is a very good game and has a lot of gameplay....
a Master Ninja said:
I've read the bulk of this topic, but I want some people to give it to me straight: is the game actually less fun/worse than the original?

I think it's more fun/better than the original.
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