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Dead Rising 3 Review Thread


They've still got Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Below, and Halo coming down the pipe. But I agree. If MS can keep this up, it's a very good thing for consumers. I hope they do, to at least keep some pressure on Sony to put an emphasis on their first party development, taking chances, etc.

And a new Fable title.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Wait a minute. Didn't (Sony) GAF tell me that polygon would give all One games 11/10? What happened?

ummm it's pretty obvious that MS only paid Polygon to trash sony's launch titles, no need to double up and pay for good reviews of shit MS games


Game looks really fun.

This is one i buy digital so it would always be ready to play.

Maybe pick up if it holds up over the years until i pick up a xbone. Only thing i dont like is this one looks so much darker than the first game.


7-8s, most press will mention the lower res, terrible textures, and crap FPS in passing, (though that seems to be fixed?) and focus on saying the game is fun. Admittedly, the game does look fun, but when it runs the way it does on next gen hardware, I'd think they'd make a bigger fuss about it.

I feel things are like that because MS pretty much showed their entire hand at E3. Sure, they'll announce a game or two, but we pretty much know what they're doing. With Sony, we've no idea what they're main studios are working on. Once Sony starts revealing more and more, then those comments ("Xbox has better games", "PS4 has no games") will finally start dying down, just like when the Ps3 got into hear except this time it'll be much sooner.

It's a new generation with different circumstances, so we can't say for certain how it will play out. The fact of the matter is that we have no idea what either Sony or Microsoft has in the pipeline. To just go ahead and say that Microsoft has shown their entire hand and will not offer much exclusive-wise beyond what they already have is simply premature.

On the contrary, they are in a position where they are going to need to secure as many exclusives as they possibly can and they are surely smart enough to see that now after the horrible start they had. Not to mention how the PS4 is off to such incredible sales. So don't be surprised if you see many 'only on Xbox One' titles popping up over the next few years.
So according to Polygon. Dead Rising 3 is about as good as The Last of Us?

Surely they don't have their pockets stuffed with Microsoft dollars.

Different reviewers. Different types of games with different goals. Is this so hard to understand? Are you going to start comparing God War scores to Assassin's Creed scores?


I'm glad to see the reviews turned out good. Hope to hear that the FPS issue has been sorted too (I know Edge said it has, but I wanna hear this from GAFers).
Edge on the frame rate:

"...the game maintains a steady 30fps (once you’ve downloaded the day-one patch), even during busy scenes, and once you’re playing there are no loading times to interrupt your journey."

watching the gamespot stream, it was running smoothly even when driving through hordes. Awesome.


I'm not saying it's salt


but yeah, it's salt




I feel things are like that because MS pretty much showed their entire hand at E3. Sure, they'll announce a game or two, but we pretty much know what they're doing. With Sony, we've no idea what they're main studios are working on. Once Sony starts revealing more and more, then those comments ("Xbox has better games", "PS4 has no games") will finally start dying down, just like when the Ps3 got into hear except this time it'll be much sooner.

MS has been notorious in the past for not showing anything up coming until the last final weeks. The argument has been made so many times before that MS has nothing coming for the year while the other platforms have X. Then, lo and behold, right before E3 leading up you start to see little things and then the big showing at the event itself. People just assumed every other year was a gears then a Halo and that was it. The last few years have been shallow, but the middle years were kept under tight wraps. Depending on what Q1 of '14 looks like, we may see them open the wallet a bit.
It's a new generation with different circumstances, so we can't say for certain how it will play out. The fact of the matter is that we have no idea what either Sony or Microsoft has in the pipeline. To just go ahead and say that Microsoft has shown their entire hand and will not offer much exclusive-wise beyond what they already have is simply premature.

On the contrary, they are in a position where they are going to need to secure as many exclusives as they possibly can and they are surely smart enough to see that now after the horrible start they had. Not to mention how the PS4 is off to such incredible sales. So don't be surprised if you see many 'only on Xbox One' titles popping up over the next few years.

I didn't mean their entire hand, rather just most of their lineup for 2014. What's coming in 2014? Titanfall, a game I can on my PC or 360, but apparently still the biggest "Xbox One Exclusive," Fable Legends (after 3 bad Fable games, let's just say my expectations are low), Quantum Break (We barely know anything about it, but it's Remedy, they'll deliver), Sunset Overdrive (Yea, Insomniac ran Resistance and Ratchet into the ground then released Fuse... I'm not hopeful) and then, of course, the usual Halo (sorry, but i343 is no Bungie, not even close).

Now, I know I'm being rather cynical but This is just what I've come to expect from MS. My fear is that after an initial year or two of great support, they'll just resort to the usual Halo/Fable/Forza cycle they always do. Sony's been delivering great games for three generations now, MS has shown twice that they're willing to drop support for their old consoles the moment the new one is out the door (and hell, even sooner since the 360 barely had anything noteworthy after 2010).

MS has been notorious in the past for not showing anything up coming until the last final weeks. The argument has been made so many times before that MS has nothing coming for the year while the other platforms have X. Then, lo and behold, right before E3 leading up you start to see little things and then the big showing at the event itself. People just assumed every other year was a gears then a Halo and that was it. The last few years have been shallow, but the middle years were kept under tight wraps. Depending on what Q1 of '14 looks like, we may see them open the wallet a bit.

MS showed their hand at E3 because they HAD to, probably not because they wanted to. Had this been any other year, they would have absolutely killed at E3. Sony announced what, 1 exclusive, a bunch of indies, and FFXV/KH3 multiplat and they "won" on a technicality. That's the big thing to keep in mind, Sony has barely shown anything at all. They're going to keep the hype going and so far, it's been working out pretty well for them.
Christ, you guys never stop with this Polygon shit. You don't trust them and yet it's the first one you read.

With sudden drops at the time of the review.
Check out Kotaku's review.
Going to check DF next.
Edit: Just to be clear I mean that DR3 also had framerate issues at time of review and is also getting patched day 1.


I didn't mean their entire hand, rather just most of their lineup for 2014. What's coming in 2014? Titanfall, a game I can on my PC or 360, but apparently still the biggest "Xbox One Exclusive," Fable Legends (after 3 bad Fable games, let's just say my expectations are low), Quantum Break (We barely know anything about it, but it's Remedy, they'll deliver), Sunset Overdrive (Yea, Insomniac ran Resistance and Ratchet into the ground then released Fuse... I'm not hopeful) and then, of course, the usual Halo. Now, I know being rather cynical but This is just what I've come to expect from MS. My fear is that after an initial year or two of great support, they'll just resort to the usual Halo/Fable/Forza cycle they always do. Sony's been delivering great games for three generations now, MS has shown twice that they're willing to drop support for their old consoles the moment the new one is out the door (and hell, even sooner since the 360 barely had anything noteworthy after 2010).

I love Sony's first party as well and have no doubt that it will deliver as usual. But I am not going to write Microsoft off with their money and being in such a position of scorn this time around. Not to mention having weaker hardware and being more expensive.

No, I like to think that they are smart enough to realize that the more killer exclusives they secure, the more value their system will be seen to have. All I know is that they are certainly off to a great start as far as my tastes go. Hopefully it will continue and we will have two platforms that are dripping with reasons to buy and enjoy each for years to come.
Kinda sad that a 78 on MC is the highest so far. But here's hoping Forza will be great.

I hear that...it is launch though I guess. I'm just surprised it out rated Killzone so far. I know they're two different types of games.. but still. Didn't think that at this point, DR3 would be the king of them all so far. Ha.
MS has been notorious in the past for not showing anything up coming until the last final weeks. The argument has been made so many times before that MS has nothing coming for the year while the other platforms have X. Then, lo and behold, right before E3 leading up you start to see little things and then the big showing at the event itself. People just assumed every other year was a gears then a Halo and that was it. The last few years have been shallow, but the middle years were kept under tight wraps. Depending on what Q1 of '14 looks like, we may see them open the wallet a bit.

watching the gamespot stream, it was running smoothly even when driving through hordes. Awesome.
There was very noticeable texture pop-in, it's weird, like almost a haze outside everything 5-10 ft away, then textures pop-in when you get closer.
was expecting 7's and 8's too, not surprised.

its almost mine :D

if only it had a TiR type of online mode, i loved playing it the first week of DR2 but it had horrible servers and lag :/


Dead Rising 3 used to be the only game I would've considered getting a launch XBone for. The only other somewhat competent launch title I find is Killer Instinct, but I don't really like fightan games, unless it includes superheroes or super saiyans.

This is really bad. FPS problems aside, most of these reviewers just confirmed for me that DR3 is a bland, uninspired title which loses its novelty after a couple of hours. Man, if only they decided to ditch the bleak brown n' bloom setting for the colorful one, akin to DR 2, it might be enough to push me to buy an XBone.


Good stuff. I've got a Day One XB1 coming on Friday, hadn't decided on keeping it or not, but if I was going to, Dead Rising 3 would be the reason.
Glad to see the framerate was fixed for the most part, shame that digital foundry has been so overly eager to get articles out that they can't wait to test final release versions. Not to mention the actual quality of their articles has gone down and they switched to youtube of all things. They really need a competitor.


Not having played The Last of Us or Dead Rising 3, I can't speak with authority, but I do feel comfortable enough to say that yes, Dead Rising absolutely beat the crap out of everything else Naughty Dog did this generation, so it wouldn't at all surprise me that The Last of Us, which is supposedly the best game they made this generation, is finally living up to the Dead Rising franchise.

LOL seriously? I like how you haven't played either of the games but you know that one is better than the other because reasons.


Polygon reviewer should really check out State of Decay sometime.

Dead Rising is still more impressive. not saying state of decay is bad or anything. I thought it was good. but theres no question about DR's scale being superior
Game looks like great stupid fun. Too bad that the Sony warriors are out in full force this week crapping on every Xbox thread. Gonna be a long week.


Game looks like great stupid fun. Too bad that the Sony warriors are out in full force this week crapping on every Xbox thread. Gonna be a long week.

I'm buying a PS4 when it's out here in the UK and I think Dead Rising 3 looks awesome. Really wish I could afford both consoles.
Not surprising. Since DR is quite a solid franchise and this game was in development for a long time I expected it to be one of the better games in an otherwise boring launch line-up.
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