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Deep Silver on why Dead Island: Riptide isn't coming to Wii U


Probably no Dead Island 3. If it's a next gen game it will be on PS4 and Xbox 3 and PC, but due to the current-gen power of the Wii U, I think a lot of third party multiplatform games will not bother with the Wii. It would probably be more work to hamstring the game to run on the Wii U with lower assets, etc.

But if the market share is there, maybe. But I think it will be like another Wii vs PS3/360 generation, with the Wii U underpowered by a whole generation all over again.

I still can't believe they limited themselves so much. It's fine for living in a vacuum with 1st party titles and exclusives, but when you have the opportunity to at least beef up your library with multiplatform titles, coming in that far behind is a bit of a problem.

I could be wrong, but we're already seeing it with current gen multiplatform games. I don't see it changing much.

We can't really say if Wii U will get PS4/720 multiplats or not, it's getting Watch Dogs, it might get The Witness, we have no idea if it's getting Theif, or Star Wars 1313.

And the difference between Wii U and PS4/720 isn't like the difference between Wii and PS3/360 (spec wise).
We can't really say if Wii U will get PS4/720 multiplats or not, it's getting Watch Dogs, it might get The Witness, we have no idea if it's getting Theif, or Star Wars 1313.

And the difference between Wii U and PS4/720 isn't like the difference between Wii and PS3/360 (spec wise).

Watch Dogs is coming because there are 360/PS3 versions. When those go away, Wii U ports of next generation games are likely to go away, too. Unless the sales turn around, it just won't be worth it because the people interested in those games in the first place will almost exclusively be interested in getting the non-scaled down versions.

Why are you so interested in downgraded ports in the first place?
The thing about the wiiU ports of xyz games is the the decision was made pre-NPD bomba. The console will get these games but I'm going to hedge a bet that if they don't move, you can see support dropping very quickly.

I think quicksilver is being diplomatic and making excuses - fundamentally it's a publisher driven decision and they're probably aware that the late port might not hit profit expectations


Watch Dogs is coming because there are 360/PS3 versions. When those go away, Wii U ports of next generation games are likely to go away, too. Unless the sales turn around, it just won't be worth it because the people interested in those games in the first place will almost exclusively be interested in getting the non-scaled down versions.

Why are you so interested in downgraded ports in the first place?

Expect the PS3/360 version aren't even in development yet when we know the Wii U version is...

And I rather get the game than no game at all.

Anyway, that's all I got to say for this thread.


That depends on the pricing of the PS4 and 720. If both consoles are reasonably priced then they are going to be a very very bad thing for the Wii U.

It also depends on the opportunity cost of development for *those* platforms - compared with the sales and expected revenue from those systems. The opportunity cost of developing an engine for those systems will be higher than that for the Wii U, but quite possibly amortised across two (or three with PC?) platforms.

I think it's advisable for third parties to be a little wary of *all* new dev platforms at the moment - but they can't dawdle too much, since the PS3 and 360 aren't going to remain viable for ever... although that said, I think they might remain viable for longer than some believe.


...So Dead Island 3? Has a chance of coming to Wii U?

We know Deep Silver is supporting the Wii U, I'd like to know what their first game is for Wii U since this and Saint's Row 4 isn't coming.

Do we know this? They arennt doIng saints row. Aside of that i donnt think there is a big game from them.maybe some publishing deals?



November/December sales weren't all that bad. Regardless, devkits were out well before launch. These decisions were made before a single unit of hardware was sold.
Precisely. They would have seen/worked out the specs and Nintendos vision and compared potential sales against current gen machines. I think they just didn't see it as a new machine ushering in the next gen. If they did I bet they would have supported it.


Being someone that knows a bunch of people in the industry, I can say that I get the same feedback every time about the WiiU... "It's a pain in the a** to develop on that platform".

No wonder why developers don't want to work with it.
What do you mean?

It's coming to Wii U because there are PS3/360 versions. All three of which are in development, even though they aren't the lead platforms.

The greater point (that I thought was clear) is that the Wii U is only getting a down port because Ubisoft is already putting the resources into down porting the PS3/360 versions. There's not much chance that with current trends, the Wii U version itself would justify the down port.
I am so bored of reading these excuses.

well, games don't sell on wiiU.

its not like he talked about it - it reads like he was asked a question and answered.

Asked whether the franchise could appear on Wii U in future, Toplansky replied: "There are no plans for the moment.

"It's not something I would categorically rule out, but it's not something that's planned.

this was more telling. They haven't even planned for any more/other games to come to wiiU.



software sales were bad

Out of the 3 sentences you quoted, 2 are "Regardless, devkits were out well before launch. These decisions were made before a single unit of hardware was sold." So your point isn't relevant, even if it's true. Cosby has that affect on people ;)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I don't understand why some people are surprised many 3rd party games aren't in development for Wii U. The hardware is closer to 360/PS3 than PS4/Xbox3, and the hardware is different enough from both to warrant significant development costs, and it's a small userbase. From a business perspective that reads $$$$$ and risk. Let alone Nintendo's history with 3rd parties since 1995.
Expectations of software sales were low; that software sales actually ended up poor simply vindicated those expectations and justified courses of action.


Out of the 3 sentences you quoted, 2 are "Regardless, devkits were out well before launch. These decisions were made before a single unit of hardware was sold." So your point isn't relevant, even if it's true. Cosby has that affect on people ;)

November/December sales weren't all that bad

software sales were bad. sorry i didn't respond to the rest of your dribble


It's coming to Wii U because there are PS3/360 versions. All three of which are in development, even though they aren't the lead platforms.

The greater point (that I thought was clear) is that the Wii U is only getting a down port because Ubisoft is already putting the resources into down porting the PS3/360 versions. There's not much chance that with current trends, the Wii U version itself would justify the down port.

Only if I read it wrong but they said it will be later ported to PS3/360, and we know the Wii U version is in development.


software sales were bad. sorry i didn't respond to the rest of your dribble

Well, that is a really nice thing to say. This thread is about Riptide. And the decision to not put it on Wii U happened a long time ago. Trying to interject software sales into the mix has no bearing on Deep Silver commenting on WHY there is no Wii U version. Or have you forgotten the thread title and want to be a jackass?

Expectations of software sales were low; that software sales actually ended up poor simply vindicated those expectations and justified courses of action.

Launch sales justify the decisions to a select group of people. Again, the sales are irrelevant to decisions made before the sales. I'm not debating the sales. We are discussing the WHYs of those decisions here.
From that statement it seems the Wii U is going to suffer throughout its life with 3rd parties. It is going to the quintessential gap console and will unfortunately be treated as such.
You read what you wanted to read into it. There's a 100% chance it's released on all 6 platforms on the same day.

No, you are the one reading what you want to. They clearly said the WiiU version is already in development and the PS3/360 versions will come later. So, unless you can provide proof otherwise (which I don't see happening) then you're mistaken
The lead platform for Watch_Dogs is PC.

Anybody who thinks that a game shipping on the PS3 and 360 this year isn't already well into development is deluded.

Anybody who thinks the Wii U version of a game will be prioritised over the 160M installed base of the PS3/360 is deluding themselves.
Launch sales justify the decisions to a select group of people. Again, the sales are irrelevant to decisions made before the sales. I'm not debating the sales. We are discussing the WHYs of those decisions here.
Yeah, a select group of people: publishers and developers.

Sales fit perfectly into a discussion of the "whys." Projected sales were not worth the opportunity cost of development resources. The same thought processes go into every platform decision.


Sales fit perfectly into a discussion of the "whys." Projected sales were not worth the opportunity cost of development resources.

Your point is so obvious it's not worth mentioning. People are specifically bringing launch sales data in the context of the discussion of Riptide and other games that were decided well before launch. If people want to discuss future support based on actual sales numbers, they are surely welcome.

Neither of us are ignorant of or opposed to the reality. So I don't see the need to continue not making the distinction between pre-launch projections and post-launch sales. We aren't publishers or developers either - justifying pre-launch decisions with post-launch sales figures isn't important to us... we didn't make those decisions, there is nothing for us to justify. Projections are projections. Sales are sales. Context, please.
Your point is so obvious it's not worth mentioning. People are specifically bringing launch sales data in the context of the discussion of Riptide and other games that were decided well before launch. If people want to discuss future support based on actual sales numbers, they are surely welcome.

Neither of us are ignorant of or opposed to the reality. So I don't see the need to continue not making the distinction between pre-launch projections and post-launch sales. We aren't publishers or developers either. Context, please.
The point seems to escape a lot of other people, so it bears repeating.

Post-launch sales still play into the current discussion. If they were better then sales projections may be modified, potential return may consequently be worth the investment in a port v. other potential uses of resources.

Koch Media may see a port as a viable product, ergo a Wii U SKU of Riptide.

But sales haven't been good.


I am so bored of reading these excuses.

You and me both, feels like a fucking parody,, CRYTEK "oh let me explain why Crysis 3 is not on the Wii U." Konami "oh Lords of Shadow 2 will not be coming to Wii U let me explain." Actually everything other than Ubisoft games wont be coming to the Wii U lol Wtf. Didnt think it was that bad hot damn publishers, I'd like to see what happens when and IF the next gen consoles dont live up to expectations. OH and yea the team over at Nintendo need to get off their old asses and do something next gen. DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE! and be a fool like me lol.


Remember when people were willing to give WiiU the first year because "at least they would get all those third party ports from the PS360 - once the PS4/Durango are out, the WiiU will be in real trouble".

Well, not even those PS360 ports are happening now. Seems like everyone underestimated just how little support it would get. WiiU and western third party relations are dead.


Post-launch sales still play into the current discussion.

They only affect future decisions. Launch sales causing Koch media to reconsider Riptide is the same as any other publisher deciding future support. Future decisions will always be based on relevant data and projections. And as new data comes in, projections are revised.

The original decision regarding Riptide was done. And sales projections aren't always the only consideration when deciding to support a new platform either. So really, when you look at publishers who made made launch software and those that didn't, clearly they are all forecasting projections and valuing resources differently.

People bring up all sorts of relevant points (besides sales) when the poor PS3 launch is brought up with respect to developer support. So if you actually want to elevate the discussion beyond what it already is, it would make more sense to try to distinguish various factors publishers considered prior to launch that led some to make Wii U software while others didn't.


Remember when people were willing to give WiiU the first year because "at least they would get all third party ports from the PS360".

Well, not even those are happening now. WiiU and western third party relations are dead.
I think the sooner Wii U owners accept that the easier it'll be to expect nothing from 3rd party devs. Nintendo has gone on and on about not competing with Microsoft and Sony and now their console will be on the outside looking in starting this fall. There won't be many ports because no developer will be able to justify the costs of developing a Wii U exclusive version of PS4/Durango titles. My advice for Nintendo-exclusive or Wii U-only owners would be to just buy a PS4/Durango/gaming PC because within the next year or so, the Wii U will likely be dead (in terms of 3rd party support).


Being someone that knows a bunch of people in the industry, I can say that I get the same feedback every time about the WiiU... "It's a pain in the a** to develop on that platform".

No wonder why developers don't want to work with it.

Really? Are you sure? From what I heard, I thought the Wii U was pretty easy to develope for ala Xbox 360?


Its like 3rd parties looked at the WU and just went "Heh, nah"

There's no pubs giving it any decent comparable support. Even Ubi.

there's literally no console I ever owned near launch that had such a dry, undercooked game schedule.

Kinda disheartening.

I am giving Capcom a bit of slack for bringing Revelations to the platform. It seems to be the most feature complete of the set too.

Ubisoft as well, do you think they aren't giving it comparable support? I mean yeah, it's ports, but the fact that Watch Dogs and AC4 (two of their biggest games, arguably) are coming out on the U is also a good sign. I hope that it's not another Aliens situation though.

Heck, who even WANTS Aliens now?
I never expected it to, nor would I care much for it. Nintendo isn't going to get much support from 3rd party devs and thats just become fact at this point.


I think the sooner Wii U owners accept that the easier it'll be to expect nothing from 3rd party devs. Nintendo has gone on and on about not competing with Microsoft and Sony and now their console will be on the outside looking in starting this fall. There won't be many ports because no developer will be able to justify the costs of developing a Wii U exclusive version of PS4/Durango titles. My advice for Nintendo-exclusive or Wii U-only owners would be to just buy a PS4/Durango/gaming PC because within the next year or so, the Wii U will likely be dead (in terms of 3rd party support).

Wiiu owners, if any, probably did not buy wiiu for third party support though.


I actually expected the Wii U to do much better it really sucks that Nintendo and 3rd parties cant play together in the school yard. Nintendo seems like the kid that nobody picks when its time to play sports. I barely touch my Wii U especially since Rayman Legends was the main reason i purchased it. Such is life when you buy Nintendo i assume.


That takes some seriously strained reasoning to read that as "These games aren't in development a few months before launch."

Someone else brought it up. It's irrelevant to me, really. I never understood the whole Wii U / PS360 comparison beyond some superficial or otherwise short-lived points. Wii U will live and die with PS4/720. And it won't fail, either.
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