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Deep Silver on why Dead Island: Riptide isn't coming to Wii U

I find it funny how many people believe just because some 3rd parties arent coming to Wii U that none is coming at all. The list of Wii U titles coming in the next few months is really sparse but Id blame Nintendo for that for no first party games.Wii U is a next generation console and giving it 360/PS3 games through a quick port is just not happening. Most of the games made with in mind that this is the last year of the consoles being the current home console for their company. Im not a wishful thinker of 3rd party on Wii U yea it could have the last gen games, I would of bought Tomb Raider on Wii U if there was one. But I also believe I am more suspect to buy COD, and other games on 720/PS4 instead. Its not wrong to think 3rd Parties have abandoned the Wii U but its also silly to not take note of what 3rd party games are coming to Wii U.


3rd party support for the Wii U is downright abysmal at this point.

Outside their contract with Ubisoft and couple small fry's it's Non-existent my friend.

All Nintendo is hope for their first party and Indie scene. I am surprised theirs no talks of Tell Tale putting their game on Wii U, it's a very scaled engine according to dev's.


Outside their contract with Ubisoft and couple small fry's it's Non-existent my friend.

All Nintendo is hope for their first party and Indie scene. I am surprised theirs no talks of Tell Tale putting their game on Wii U, it's a very scaled engine according to dev's.

So much for that unprecedented partnership with EA. :/


if wiiu was a next gen leap i doubt it would have been a problem.

But since wiiu is equal but different to current console, a port would require significant work.
If WiiU was a significant leap in power compared to the PS360, it still wouldn't get any ports.

Nintendo and western third party relations aren't simply repaired just because Nintendo's console is similar to the others (and they lose the inherent advantage of tailoring a console to their first party development needs/plans). Didn't help the Gamecube, wouldn't help the WiiU.


I find it funny how many people believe just because some 3rd parties arent coming to Wii U that none is coming at all. The list of Wii U titles coming in the next few months is really sparse but Id blame Nintendo for that for no first party games.Wii U is a next generation console and giving it 360/PS3 games through a quick port is just not happening. Most of the games made with in mind that this is the last year of the consoles being the current home console for their company. Im not a wishful thinker of 3rd party on Wii U yea it could have the last gen games, I would of bought Tomb Raider on Wii U if there was one. But I also believe I am more suspect to buy COD, and other games on 720/PS4 instead. Its not wrong to think 3rd Parties have abandoned the Wii U but its also silly to not take note of what 3rd party games are coming to Wii U.

Well if they were then we would have seen, or heard leaks about them. But I guess maybe part of that is Nintendo's take on leaked information for PR purposes. Lot's of big game Publisher's and Developer's do it. It's the type of thing that builds hype for the system and the games. Nintendo has not done any of this to the degree they should have if they want to reach their projected sales goal that they didn't even meet half way. I believe they said last September and Launch, " Our projected sales are to sell 7 million units by end of March", If I'm not correct. If I'm off on that number then please, correction would be awesome.

Yea I think Nintendo doesn't get the kind of Marketing that;s out there for products and games. Surprised they didn't really copy apple's Advertising Campaign, I think it would have helped them ten fold.

It's sad, because I love Nintendo, they make great games and consoles, but they operate within their own controlled bubble, and anything outside it they don't even notice or acknowledge. Which is what's killing them, hopefully a bundled MarioKart, or Pikmen 3, even Wonderful 101 will be here for holidays.

Here's hoping! :)


So much for that unprecedented partnership with EA. :/

Yea, outside of Need for speed, which at this point has very little relevance in the market or can be seen as a new release, there's nothing from EA.

I'm very curious as to why games like Shank series, or anything Indie supported by EA isn't coming to Wii U.

Very surprised dragon age games didn't come over with Mass Effect contract deal. But I guess the whole Origin and Nintendo dispute put bad taste's in both Nintendo and Ea's mouth's.

Nintendo this is getting embarrassing.
I am giving Capcom a bit of slack for bringing Revelations to the platform. It seems to be the most feature complete of the set too.

Ubisoft as well, do you think they aren't giving it comparable support? I mean yeah, it's ports, but the fact that Watch Dogs and AC4 (two of their biggest games, arguably) are coming out on the U is also a good sign. I hope that it's not another Aliens situation though.

Heck, who even WANTS Aliens now?

I'd describe comparable support as giving it about equal releases on all platforms, like the GC/Xbox situation. What I'm seeing from Ubi is 1/2 of their retail releases and almost no Digital releases on Wii U. Its great support versus other pubs, though. I see a lot of good with their exclusives and hope they continue and inspire another pub, despite low sales of ZombiU and Rabbids.
I didn't get mine for Third Party games to begin with. So this doesn't affect me. Plus I own more than one console. But the lack of Nintendo first party games is mind fucking boggling.


I believe they said last September and Launch, " Our projected sales are to sell 7 million units by end of March", If I'm not correct. If I'm off on that number then please, correction would be awesome.

It was 5.5 before launch. Revised to 4 during quarterly reporting at the end of January. They had already shipped about 3 by then. Software was very sluggish, though. I think 24 down to... err... it was revised down :/



Nintendo this is getting embarrassing.

Not embarrassing. We shouldn't be embarrassed, we should be pissed off that Nintendo released this machine and then promptly went "Fuck you" to the early adopters. Or should I say they knew that more likely they guessed it was going to be like this and didn't do anything about it. I actually don't believe for a second that their games aren't ready. I believe they have been deliberately withheld because of the poor support they realised they were going to get.
Not embarrassing. We shouldn't be embarrassed, we should be pissed off that Nintendo released this machine and then promptly went "Fuck you" to the early adopters. Or should I say they knew that more likely they guessed it was going to be like this and didn't do anything about it. I actually don't believe for a second that their games aren't ready. I believe they have been deliberately withheld because of the poor support they realised they were going to get.
Im not the only who thinks like this good. Nintendo are doing things at their own pace now in order to give them maximum effort of reaching the goal of whatever Yen Iwata said by the end of the year. It is messed up to early adopters,but I guess its for the better of the company. VC come out and we all get free games next month watch not the 30cent games.


I didn't get mine for Third Party games to begin with. So this doesn't affect me. Plus I own more than one console. But the lack of Nintendo first party games is mind fucking boggling.

This is the mentality I have but I understand the frustration with most other people.

Though I honestly question whether, at this point, there are people who own only one console (and if not another console, a comparable if not better PC capable of gaming). Given how the GCN, Wii and now Wii U are going, I'd be surprised if anyone was 100% "loyal".

I do want Nintendo to be successful though, still.
And yet every time a 3rd party dev announces game X isn't coming to Wii U, they complain. This thread is proof of that.
Oh, this reminds me of:

"It’s easy for Nintendo fans to trash publishers for not giving them ports, but publishers have wisened up. They realize Nintendo fans are all talk. Nintendo fans are vocal with their mouths, but when it’s time to open their wallets, they’ll spend that $60 on New Super Mario Bros instead.”



M°°nblade;50448639 said:
Oh, this reminds me of:

"It’s easy for Nintendo fans to trash publishers for not giving them ports, but publishers have wisened up. They realize Nintendo fans are all talk. Nintendo fans are vocal with their mouths, but when it’s time to open their wallets, they’ll spend that $60 on New Super Mario Bros instead.”


Except that that article you just linked to about insider Activision info is fake. If I recall correctly, shinobi was banned for creating that thread. You may say, "well, the sentiment is true," but then you'd be making a gross generalization.

Though I honestly question whether, at this point, there are people who own only one console (and if not another console, a comparable if not better PC capable of gaming). Given how the GCN, Wii and now Wii U are going, I'd be surprised if anyone was 100% "loyal".

Everyone should realize this by now. Iwata has already come out and said it. It's got nothing to do with loyalty or "nintendo consoles for nintendo games." Their consoles will flat out have different libraries. If you like gaming, you will figure out what fits for you. People have some odd expectation of an "industry standard" but there's no such thing in this industry. People are upset cause they want to play Nintendo games but don't want to buy the hardware... can't have your cake and eat it too. If they don't like what Nintendo is doing... they are free to continue writing posts about how they've fucked up every which way until the cows come home.
M°°nblade;50448639 said:
Oh, this reminds me of:

"It’s easy for Nintendo fans to trash publishers for not giving them ports, but publishers have wisened up. They realize Nintendo fans are all talk. Nintendo fans are vocal with their mouths, but when it’s time to open their wallets, they’ll spend that $60 on New Super Mario Bros instead.”

Lol, whoever said that needs to get off messengeboards


M°°nblade;50448639 said:
Oh, this reminds me of:

"It’s easy for Nintendo fans to trash publishers for not giving them ports, but publishers have wisened up. They realize Nintendo fans are all talk. Nintendo fans are vocal with their mouths, but when it’s time to open their wallets, they’ll spend that $60 on New Super Mario Bros instead.”


So every month a Nintendo fan would buy an extra copy of New Super Mario Bros?


I'm mainly playing my games on Playstation (own all PS-consoles since PS2) and PC.
I don't currently have a interest in Nintendo or Microsoft consoles, so my observations is only from a outside perspective.
It crisis-maximizing on a high level.
Some Nintendo-hateboys like to rub it in, and some Nintendo fans are too worried.

Granted, support for Wii U hasn't been as great as for PS3 or 360, but it's still a young platform. It's not like the 360 didn't get loads of free exclusives, before Wii and PS3 launched, and the following years. This got less and less normal, as multiplatform devs got their tool pipeline in order.

I think this is mostly because targetting a new platform takes time, and it's easier to fix for a 1000 man team in Ubisoft Montreal, than a much smaller polish studio makind Dead Island.
Wii U might be somewhat inbetween PS3 and PS4 in power, but needless to say, it's still a new platform, and you can target that powerlevel aswell.

And it's not like all devs can put all their people on making the tools to make a Wii U game, without making any money by actually selling games.

From what I've seen, the Wii U looks like a decent platform with some decent looking games. Multiplatform devs will support it, it might not be their most important market, but it will get support.
When the big titles like Fifa and Madden has had a few iterations on WiiU, alot of that knowledge will trickle down to other EA-studios aswell, and Nintendo will probably also make more and more tools available, making it more and more cost effective to also release a Wii U-version.
Also it will get multiplatform-games from Touch-systems like Ipad, Vita and 3DS, etc. wich currently the PS4 can't get, due to lack of native touch-screen.
Especially in Japan, I've seen several games coming for WiiU/Vita and 3DS, but no mention of PS3/360 or other next-gen platforms.


Nintendo have always had a strategy of building somewhat prototype hardware, whether in looks, or in the case of WiiU a substandard OS and then they build from that. As far as I can see a negative reaction is always part of the plan.
This sounds counter intuitive so let me explain. There is ALWAYS going to be some negative reaction, so it is much better that you are in control of that reaction, rather than the press. This sort of strategy doesn't give you much control, but it gives you some, and the strategy is widely used.

Take the example of the gamecube. It was a great platform but Nintendo made one crucial error, they tried to compete directly with Microsoft/Sony. So what do they do? They ADD to it. Because the architecture of the machine is solid, they change the appearance and the controller and the machine works. This pisses untold people off because they are obsessed with getting the newest and most polished device, whatever that may be.

--And that's the hit Nintendo are prepared to take, to the face, every time they make a machine. This is par for the course with them, and they could care less about it.

I'll try and give a good example of this stratagey. When you were at school which teachers did you like the most?
For me it wasn't the teachers who were cool initially, they always tuned out to be crap teachers and arseholes eventually. For me it was the teachers you started off hating, but then you grew to appreciate as you realised they really knew what they were doing. It's the underdog strategy.

You get a huge bonus from starting badly and growing. This again is counter intuitive because the average person has little experience of this. Starting badly in a job usually isn't beneficial at all.

But the truth is that starting badly when you have shown talent beforehand is often the best way to work.
Nintendo can do this because they have the money and confidence to. They lay the foundations for their business, not behind closed doors, but out in the open, using feedback from the public. The important thing to remember though is that these are the foundations, and so are the most important part of the whole strategy.
Valve do exactly the same thing. It's all about balancing the market. Not producing a machine behind closed doors and the revealing it to the world and expecting everyone to love it. The people complaining need to be patient.


Nintendo have always had a strategy of building somewhat prototype hardware, whether in looks, or in the case of WiiU a substandard OS and then they build from that. As far as I can see a negative reaction is always part of the plan.
This sounds counter intuitive so let me explain. There is ALWAYS going to be some negative reaction, so it is much better that you are in control of that reaction, rather than the press. This sort of strategy doesn't give you much control, but it gives you some, and the strategy is widely used.

Take the example of the gamecube. It was a great platform but Nintendo made one crucial error, they tried to compete directly with Microsoft/Sony. So what do they do? They ADD to it. Because the architecture of the machine is solid, they change the appearance and the controller and the machine works. This pisses untold people off because they are obsessed with getting the newest and most polished device, whatever that may be.

--And that's the hit Nintendo are prepared to take, to the face, every time they make a machine. This is par for the course with them, and they could care less about it.

I'll try and give a good example of this stratagey. When you were at school which teachers did you like the most?
For me it wasn't the teachers who were cool initially, they always tuned out to be crap teachers and arseholes eventually. For me it was the teachers you started off hating, but then you grew to appreciate as you realised they really knew what they were doing. It's the underdog strategy.

You get a huge bonus from starting badly and growing. This again is counter intuitive because the average person has little experience of this. Starting badly in a job usually isn't beneficial at all.

But the truth is that starting badly when you have shown talent beforehand is often the best way to work.
Nintendo can do this because they have the money and confidence to. They lay the foundations for their business, not behind closed doors, but out in the open, using feedback from the public. The important thing to remember though is that these are the foundations, and so are the most important part of the whole strategy.
Valve do exactly the same thing. It's all about balancing the market. Not producing a machine behind closed doors and the revealing it to the world and expecting everyone to love it. The people complaining need to be patient.

Hahahaha. Oh god. Where to start with this one? I can't even tell what are joke posts and what aren't any more.
Don't blame them. They looked at the ZombieU numbers, and realized that those sorts of sales don't justify the effort for a port.

The audience isn't there.
The problem for third parties is that Nintendo fans, if they can't buy two systems, will only buy the Nintendo one.

I can live without the biggest Sony and Microsoft third party games and I could make the sacrifice of some exclusives but I can't imagine me not playing the next Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Kirby, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Wonderful 101...

With the Wii and NDS, third parties had the occasion to sell a lot of games because they had a larger audience than the Nintendo fans. But they made mistakes by making a lot of shitty games because it was easy to sell to this new audience...

The result is that :
- a large part may have just seen this like a fun thing but it's not like they really like video games. It was just a new thing they tried and enjoy but they clearly have something else to look at now (smartphones, tablets, f2p...).
- the rest may continue to play video games but they don't really focus on what video games have to offer. It's just a game, not a media for them. So a new more beautiful CoD is ok even if it's just the same as the predecessor but Mario is too childish and they don't want to see beyond the art style. And sadly these players won't hesitate to pirate games or do things that could hurt the industry in the long term (I just want better graphics no matter what the rest has to offer : story, art style, gameplay...)

On the other side, the problem for Nintendo is that they can't reach a larger audience only with Nintendo games because they may be the best in their categories but people need to have the choice.
And Nintendo are not the only talented people here so it becomes frustrating to see that we miss very good if not excellent games because the editors / devs think that there is no audience for their games (all the other excuses are bullshit.... if it could be profitable they would make games on Nintendo systems even if it was to make a really really different version of the game : it works for Nintendo portable systems).

At the end, it's going to be difficult for third parties even on PS4 / Xbox 720 because people want the best looking games possible, a lot of content (I personally prefer a 3-5h game rather than a 10h with a lot of repetitive parts) and the cheapest games and systems possible... they kill creativity because it's getting harder and harder to take risks without risking to have loss at the end of the year just because a big AAA game bombed.

All this is the reason I hate people who are always talking about graphics or just say "I'm waiting for it to bomb so I can have it almost for free"
Good to see the toxic sentiment against games still intact among Nintendo fans. Was kinda worried it would not carry over from Wii to Wii U.

Games? I just don't like Dead Island. It bored the shit out of me. Am I not allowed to feel bored... the shit out of? I'll concede that simply having more third party titles would be better for the Wii U. But I don't personally consider Dead Island a huge loss. Personally.
November/December sales weren't all that bad. Regardless, devkits were out well before launch. These decisions were made before a single unit of hardware was sold.

I'm talking about the comment that there are zero plans to put future installments of the game on the Wii U. And yes, Nov/Dec software sales were horrible, and yes, if they weren't horrible companies future plans would include the Wii U.


My Member!
Honest question: most Nintendo fans completely ignore any third party games. So why does it matter what support there is?

A hypothetical holiday lineup this year sounds like Wind Waker HD in September or October, Mario 3D platformer or Mario Kart for the holidays. When you spread those releases out and people buy maybe a game a month at best, what were they going to buy? Wind Waker HD or Call of Duty? Mario 3D platformer or Assassins Creed?

There wasn't anything besides a 2D Mario at launch, which is the best time for a console to build an attach rate, and no one still bought anything. No one buys them anyway, everyone bitching just buys Nintendo games regardless and waits for third party games to drop in price before they buy them, so what does it matter?
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