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Definitive word on PS3 demo date for Resident Evil 5 / RE5 ? (banish me if old)


Just played the demo for the first time.

I really don't understand the control complaints from fans of RE4. It doesn't play like Dead Space because it isn't supposed to. It's a (post) RE4 game, and it feels like nothing else - love it. After the 360 demo impressions I was worried, but it's just what I expected, and it's a must buy.

But I hate Sheva. Wow. She's not escort mission bad, but I don't like having to think about her while I play. I don't like sharing items with her; I don't like protecting her. And the help she gives me isn't worth it. She also robs the game of the classic RE4 sense of isolation - Leon alone in the village. Alone in the castle, or on the island. The less frantic moments of the game were filled with an atmospheric poignancy that really forced home just how vulnerable Leon was, and how threatening his surroundings were. The escort missions worked in RE4 because they broke up the gameplay, as did the team up sections with Louis. Splitting up and finding Leon on his own again felt all the more intimidating for the small amounts of help his partners provided. I really wish Sheva existed as a second playable character who I switch to for a chapter or two, or as a co-op only player 2 skin. At least make her a Gears of War style teammate who I can forget about when I want to.

I'm sure I'll get used to her and I'll enjoy the game overall, but the forced co-op is a major kick in the teeth.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Pressing R1 in the inventionary equips a weapon without going through the "EQUIP. USE. GIVE." sub menu. Useful.


hteng said:
coming from dead space, the controls in RE5 are whack @_o, it just feels so last gen, why can't you move (even walk?) while aiming or shooting? also can i switch to left or right shoulder view?
ya play as chris for a right shoulder view, play as sheva for a left view. ;p


Wait a sec, is it 100% certain that I can play with somebody with the PAL demo if I'm using the JP one? I'm hearing different things. D:

Rolf NB

Rez>You said:
Pressing R1 in the inventionary equips a weapon without going through the "EQUIP. USE. GIVE." sub menu. Useful.
Blowing even more minds: placing a weapon on a cardinal direction in your inventory allows you to switch to it with the d-pad.

Does anyone know how/if I can split an ammo stack?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
comrade said:
ya play as chris for a right shoulder view, play as sheva for a left view. ;p
you can change that in the final build, allegedly. it hasn't been confirmed.


How many copies did Resident Evil 4 sale? Because a surprisingly large amount of people apparently haven't played it.
my god...the controls hahah the series always had horrible controls, I suppose

Only a quick go on the demo and it left such a bad feeling with me...I need to see the option to move and shoot before I consider buying...

Graphics are great however


Why does Sheva always run in front of me and block my view? Is there a way to make her stay behind like the girl in RE4? If they can't change that at least push the camera farther back.
It's also far too hard to move the camera on the right stick.

Overall, this is no RE4 as far as the gameplay, it may be good in the story department, but this so far feels like a downgrade rather than a slight step forward.


Jag22 said:
How many copies did Resident Evil 4 sale? Because a surprisingly large amount of people apparently haven't played it.

Sold over 6 million across all platforms. This is what I'm wondering too, it seems so many people posting are RE-newbies. Thus it begs the question: why were you so excited and why are you so disappointed?
Nikorasu said:
Sold over 6 million across all platforms. This is what I'm wondering too, it seems so many people posting are RE-newbies. Thus it begs the question: why were you so excited and why are you so disappointed?

What I find more baffling are the people who claim to have loved RE4 but hate RE5 because it doesn't control like every other third-person game that came out in the last few years.


Baloonatic said:
What I find more baffling are the people who claim to have loved RE4 but hate RE5 because it doesn't control like every other third-person game that came out in the last few years.

It's called progress. We expect streamlined interfaces and easy, well-established controls. RE5 has current gen graphics but PS1 controls which is kinda jarring.
Played with a total badass a few minutes ago. The guy was just ripping shit up! I don't think he took any damage at all throughout the public assembly mission. I was just watching in awe as he toyed with the giant sledgehammer dude.


ymmv said:
It's called progress. We expect streamlined interfaces and easy, well-established controls. RE5 has current gen graphics but PS1 controls which is kinda jarring.

The controls are easy. Turn and move. They've been well established in every RE game before it. I'm also sure there have been plenty of games on the PS1 that let you move and shoot with both sticks.
ymmv said:
It's called progress. We expect streamlined interfaces and easy, well-established controls. RE5 has current gen graphics but PS1 controls which is kinda jarring.

The only thing is that I can play through the demo stages perfectly fine with the controls how they are, so I don't really understand what people are talking about when they complain about them. If me and other people aren't struggling with the controls then it just sounds like the people who are aren't willing to adapt to a game that plays different to others.


I haven't touched an RE game since I tried a demo of one of the early PS1/PS2 games. I immediately hated the controls and never gave the series another look. So I wasn't sure what to expect from the RE5 demo and after playing the game, I'm still not sure what to think.

As an RE outsider, yes the controls are awkward. Not being able to shoot and move at the same time and having to push a button to run are particularity odd and give the game a weird stilted feel. The game doesn't have a`particularly natural flow. I find it hard to believe that Capcom couldn't have refined the controls and still kept the feel of the game, but it is what it is. The controls certainly wont help attract new converts to the series.

But the game is not without its charms. The graphics are very nice and how could you not like killing zombies? And the controls, as clunky as they currently feel, can be overcome. I only tried the Type D controls for half an hour or so and from what I've read, it seems that I missed many of the shortcuts that help streamline the controls and inventory system. Although I'm not a big online game player, the coop seems like it could be a lot of fun.

For now I'm still on the fence. I want to like the game but I need more time to come to grips with the controls. If it clicks in the next week or so I'll probably pick it up.


ymmv said:
It's called progress. We expect streamlined interfaces and easy, well-established controls. RE5 has current gen graphics but PS1 controls which is kinda jarring.

RE never gives players easy, well-established controls. And yet people who loved the last game are complaining that the new one has let them down. I like progress too, but when a game series doesn't evolve I can't imagine suddenly hating it purely for a lack of growth if I had a fantastic time with the previous iteration.

I really don't understand why some RE4 fans were so psyched to play RE5 based on nothing but the assumption that there would be another groundbreaking evolution of the control scheme.

That said, I am looking forward to the eventual port for the Wii HD.


Neiteio said:
Played the PS3 demo today. First I played both levels in single-player, then Shanty on splitscreen co-op.

It's a great game. If you switch immediately to Type A and jack up the aiming sensitivity all the way, it feels close to RE4, but not identical. Even at the fastest turning speed, Chris is a tighter "tank," although this is not necessarily a bad thing, it just requires a tad adjustment leaning into turns for the guy fresh off of RE4.

There are other bits that feel off, though, at least in this out-of-context demo that may or may not be an earlier build. Gunshots feel spongier, and I think it's because the enemies don't whip about or corkscrew through the air as dramatically when hit, diminishing the sense of impact. To say it another way, enemies seem to absorb bullets better, and with more enemies coming from all directions it can feel like you're firing at a wall.

Another issue is the setting. Gritty, gritty, gritty -- and arguably artless. I'm a bit tired of the sun-bleached slums and urban warfare of so many games today. It seems like just yesterday we visited a similar setting at the beginning of MGS4, and these scenarios are depicted to the point of redundancy on real-life newscasts everyday. I long for the cold wilderness and Gothic trappings of RE4's Spain; it was creepy and atmospheric and did more for the imagination, fostering a greater dread of the unknown, a sense of "What lies in the forest?" But I suppose that's a matter of personal preference.

RE5 is fun so far, though. I was kicking ass left and right like the good ol' days, and I never felt the need to dodge or strafe. The plethora of context-sensitive commands are great, and Sheva is PERFECT; she never got in the way, when she does she's immune to your bullets so it hardly matters anyway, and she frequently supplied me with ammo or sprayed me with herbs, and even picked off enemies attacking me from the opposite side of the map. She never died, either (well, until my brother played as her and met Mr. Chainsaw). I'm very impressed with Sheva's AI, although the AI of the baddies in the demo leaves something to be desired.

All in all, it seems good. Certainly looks good. I think this one has a bit of promise.

Couldn't agree more, especially the bolded part, I loved the setting for RE4.


I didn't like RE4 on Gamecube. It was one of those games I start over and over but I just couldn't (as in didn't want to) play past a certain point early on in the game. I only warmed up to it on Wii and learned to like it a lot playing with the Wiimote. I was prepared to not like returning to analog stick control for aiming but I found the shooting surprisingly good.

Is the AI different among the two systems? I downloaded the demo on 360 yesterday and didn't finish either chapter because Sheva kept dying (while I was playing alone). On PS3 we were in similar tight spots with the bosses, but we almost always got out of them without her or myself dying. It may be a case of me becoming more familiar with the game but I really think there were situations where I think would have died on the 360 version. I like that, unfortunately the PS3 version looks a bit inferior graphically I must admit.

Anyway, as a whole I liked the controls and the demo. The only annoying thing was to have to stand still for reloading your gun.


i admit i have not played RE4 but i have played 1 and 2, i can't remember whats 3.. was there a 3 ?

anyway, the tank controls will need some getting used to, if i can make the controls more like Gear of wars / Dead space / third person shooter ish control, ie: left analog movement, right analog aiming/point. I can deal with the "stuck on the ground when you aim" but i really hate the fact that you use the left analog for movement and aim, its just weird
Aske said:
RE never gives players easy, well-established controls. And yet people who loved the last game are complaining that the new one has let them down. I like progress too, but when a game series doesn't evolve I can't imagine suddenly hating it purely for a lack of growth if I had a fantastic time with the previous iteration.

Unfourtunatly, the series has evolved - it's the continued growth away from survival horror that makes me appreciate the control sceme less and less. In Resident Evil 4 there were a good few sections where I felt overwhelmed, but the majority of the game was taken at a comparatively sedate pace - judging by this demo, those overwhelming sections have become the norm for RE5 and I for one would appreciate a modern, less-cumbersome, less tank-like control scheme to go with this new-found focus on overwhelming action. I enjoyed RE4, but I don't think that means I should automatically enjoy RE5 when the series is continuing the move away from what made me a fan in the first place.
Tried the demo and I am not sure what to think

The first thing, graphics = STUNNING . Secondly the thing is about Resident Evil 4, is that when I had it on the PS2 I wasn't a HUGE 3rd person action gamer so I could handle the controls (Leon not moving and shooting, no dodging, etc). But now that this generation has brought so much more to the plate i.e., Gears of War, I don't think I can actually buy this game AT ALL

To be perfectly honest, the controls to me are still gimped, although I know this is meant to be adding to the whole survival factor, to me it increases my annoyance and adds this game to the "not this time around" pile of next gen games; right next to Devil May Cry.

Little things still annoy me,

-Why can I go into the inventory and people still are shooting and moving around me? Maybe hey could have allowed us to move Chris with the analogue stick but control the inventory with the D-pad only?

-Why can I combine my ammo with my weapon to reload in the inventory to reload, but I can also just hit L1+X to reload? (There might be a proper answer for this..I have no idea)

A few other stuff most people have mentioned in this thread so there is no point in going over it again. But in all honesty the amount of action games I have gone through since I played Resident Evil 4 has opened my eyes to the way this game should be played.

Capcom representatives, if anyone is reading this at all listen up: I know to increase the tension or whatever you do not let players move and shoot....but how much tension does Metal Gear Solid provide when you are allowed to pretty much control Snake as you will, or Siren, Alone in the Dark, Silent Hill, Dead Space?

The game is good so far in terms of the Resident Evil series, but to people who aren't huge fans, it kinda is more of the same.

A little bit more now I have y original post in:

-The way Chris moves, and the amount of things in his way (tables,chairs etc) makes it incredibly hard to navigate when something you canna kill with a few shots is running at you: Chainsaw guy & Hammer guy

-When close to Sheva and I pull out my medicine is it only her I can heal, and I can only heal myself from the inventory?

-When I shoot a zombie in the face he is not meant to look like he is holding his face laughing! I bullet just went through there!!

Overall on 2nd thoughts, if I have someone else I know is good at Resident Evil games I will most definitely do co-op ONLY. Never in a blue moon would I buy this just for the A.I Sheva

DISCLAIMER: If any part of my complaints/post has been rectified or has an answer to, then I apologise. Thank you


Bootaaay said:
Unfourtunatly, the series has evolved - it's the continued growth away from survival horror that makes me appreciate the control sceme less and less. In Resident Evil 4 there were a good few sections where I felt overwhelmed, but the majority of the game was taken at a comparatively sedate pace - judging by this demo, those overwhelming sections have become the norm for RE5 and I for one would appreciate a modern, less-cumbersome, less tank-like control scheme to go with this new-found focus on overwhelming action. I enjoyed RE4, but I don't think that means I should automatically enjoy RE5 when the series is continuing the move away from what made me a fan in the first place.

I see where you're coming from. But RE4 was gaming bliss for me precisely because of those overwhelming sections - I felt they were too few, and wanted to see more of them in RE5. You sound like you were lukewarm on RE4 for entirely understandable reasons - but those who loved RE4 for everything it was and in spite of everything it wasn't seem to be turned off by RE5 purely because the controls have stayed largely the same.

I can understand "I liked RE 1-3, but RE4 lacked survival horror gameplay. I won't get my hopes up for RE5" and I can understand "I liked RE4, but the controls are horrible. Fix them, or I'll skip RE5". But I cannot for the life of me understand "I love RE4! I'm totally pumped for RE5! ...But what? the controls haven't changed? Fuck RE5, and fuck the horse it rode in on." A huge number of disappointed RE fans fall into the latter camp, and they're the ones that confuse me.


Lost all credibility.
Yay I was finally able to join a couple people's games, before I was only able to host. I have to say, for me, lag seems to be a non-issue in this game.

I was also able to beat "chainsaw guy" without Sheva dying. The key to him seems to be getting 2 consecutive shots to the head, then going in for the uppercut when he staggers.

I playing this demo a lot, I wish we didn't have to wait till March for the final game.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
sykoex said:
Yay I was finally able to join a couple people's games, before I was only able to host. I have to say, for me, lag seems to be a non-issue in this game.

I was also able to beat "chainsaw guy" without Sheva dying. The key to him seems to be getting 2 consecutive shots to the head, the going in for the uppercut when he staggers.

I playing this demo a lot, I wish we didn't have to wait till March for the final game.
Mmm, the wait sucks.

As far as lag is concerned, I usually get a delay of about a second from when I shoot to when my hit is registered (being an Aussie playing with assumably non-Aussies), but it's funny how the mind adjusts to compensate for the lag.

Me and a random (who seemed to be playing the demo for the first time) managed to take down the chainsaw majini by the skin of our teeth, it was awesome. I wish I had a headset for the PS3, so I could actually help out whoever is playing with me (TRIANGLE OPENS THE INVENTIONARY, USE YOUR MAP, USE THE LOCATE PARTNER BUTTON!). :lol


Are there any new reviews comparing 360 and PS3 version? I really have to know if those framerate issues made it in the final build... :(


tried the demo:

- stunning crisp graphics, exactly how 2009 games have to look like

- bad sound, Bad Company raised the bar and this game does not even come close, hell the shotun sounds like a cd-r flying through my room, nothing has really impact and is not in high quality
- camera is way to stiff
- controls feel unnatural
- gameplay is boring

- not hyped
deepbrown said:
lol thanks. My PS3 should arrive today...if they can get through the snow/ice.

Just in case you change your mind and decide not to trust someone who has been demoted to Junior, I can confirm it again.


Anyway, how will your saved games work when playing online co-op? I don't really know the details.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Rez>You said:
Mmm, the wait sucks.

Me and a random (who seemed to be playing the demo for the first time) managed to take down the chainsaw majini by the skin of our teeth, it was awesome. I wish I had a headset for the PS3, so I could actually help out whoever is playing with me (TRIANGLE OPENS THE INVENTIONARY, USE YOUR MAP, USE THE LOCATE PARTNER BUTTON!). :lol

were you by any chance chris? was this today? my first time playing today and was sheeva. guy i played with really helped me out by point out things with this rifle and calling me over to where i needed to be. helped a lot for a noobie. probably just a coincidence but im glad people out there have the patience to help someone.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Pop On Arrival said:
Just in case you change your mind and decide not to trust someone who has been demoted to Junior, I can confirm it again.


Anyway, how will your saved games work when playing online co-op? I don't really know the details.
It isn't clear at the moment. I think I remember reading somewhere that you can save your current characters setups, so that when someone joins, they will take on whatever you've equipped Sheva with.

I've also heard that you can save your own custom setup (which includes the ability to bring god weapons into Chapter 1-1 or something, I guess :lol ), but I don't think it has been specifically confirmed.

So yeah, like I said, it's unclear. :)

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
worldrevolution said:
were you by any chance chris? was this today? my first time playing today and was sheeva. guy i played with really helped me out by point out things with this rifle and calling me over to where i needed to be. helped a lot for a noobie. probably just a coincidence but im glad people out there have the patience to help someone.
Hahaha, that was most definitely me, unless someone is doing the exact same thing as I am. Did your partner at one point keep asking for machine gun ammo, and then you accidentally gave all your handgun ammo? ;)

Glad I could help. :)


Pop On Arrival said:
Just in case you change your mind and decide not to trust someone who has been demoted to Junior, I can confirm it again.


Anyway, how will your saved games work when playing online co-op? I don't really know the details.
Thanks. Please don't talk to me about save games >_<


bomb_jack said:
Is it possible to kill the axe guy at all? I seem to get close but the time limit runs out and the cut scene plays.

Yes, you can. Be careful if you use the shotgun, though. You have more chances of knocking him back with the handgun.


You guys do know that you can switch between items with the d-pad, right? Took me a couple playthroughs to figure this out but it makes things a LOT easier.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Rindain said:
You guys do know that you can switch between items with the d-pad, right? Took me a couple playthroughs to figure this out but it makes things a LOT easier.
They really need to start the retail game with that exact sentence in big bold red letters in the middle of a black screen.
Rez>You said:
They really need to start the retail game with that exact sentence in big bold red letters in the middle of a black screen.

Fastest aiming speed should also be the default I think.


the first time I played resident evil i was 13 and it was on my old playstation. Since them i played every resident evil game available on a sony system expect resi 1 remake for GC. Anyway this is not resident evil anymore. This is an action game like Gears, Devil may cry or one of the other 1000 thirds person action games this gen. Resi 4 was still resi because the way it played was the same:

- You have always been on your own
- The game progress was somewhat slow because you could stop the action anytime you want by going in to the inventar menu.
- The only one you was responsible for were your self. The scenes you have been not on your own been just gamebreaker.
- There was always lack of everything. You were forced to search a lot and find stuff. The gameplay was somehow like this- > Look for it -> find it-> use it-> Now all three elements go in each other and you don't need to look for anything now because there is no time you need to take care of that fucking bitch not getting killed.

However as someone who grew up with the series I am really disappointed. There is only one way for capcom to get me back to the series: Take this engine and remake 1+2+3 and make the PSN download for 30 euro.

ps. I have canceled my pre-order. I will buy the game for 20 or 30 euro in couple of months, used.


Man, when you're paired with someone who actually knows what they're doing, and knows how to work as a team and not run off trying to get all the ammo first this game is an experience. Even without voice we were able to figure out quick simple maneuvers on the fly and took down the chainsaw majini with incredible speed. It's really great when you play with someone who knows how to communicate.


Fuck Cancer
I've finally played the PS3 demo and I noticed that there some more jaggies compared to the 360 but apart from that it looks identical. Do we already know if there will be some kind exclusive DLC shit? I still don't know which version to preorder.


obaidr said:
the first time I played resident evil i was 13 and it was on my old playstation. Since them i played every resident evil game available on a sony system expect resi 1 remake for GC. Anyway this is not resident evil anymore. This is an action game like Gears, Devil may cry or one of the other 1000 thirds person action games this gen. Resi 4 was still resi because the way it played was the same:

- You have always been on your own
- The game progress was somewhat slow because you could stop the action anytime you want by going in to the inventar menu.
- The only one you was responsible for were your self. The scenes you have been not on your own been just gamebreaker.
- There was always lack of everything. You were forced to search a lot and find stuff. The gameplay was somehow like this- > Look for it -> find it-> use it-> Now all three elements go in each other and you don't need to look for anything now because there is no time you need to take care of that fucking bitch not getting killed.

However as someone who grew up with the series I am really disappointed. There is only one way for capcom to get me back to the series: Take this engine and remake 1+2+3 and make the PSN download for 30 euro.

ps. I have canceled my pre-order. I will buy the game for 20 or 30 euro in couple of months, used.

I know a demo is meant to sell people on a game, but really, it's just a demo of 2 particularly action packed areas. It's like if they released a demo of RE4 with just the village and the bridge town area at the start of chapter 2. The game is supposedly about 18 hours long, just like 4. I don't think the fact that you're not alone disqualifies this as an RE title. It's just a different mechanic to mix things up and once you get the hang of it it's really quite awesome. And, this is coming from someone who has also been a huge fan of the series since it began. In fact RE might be my favorite series of all time.
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