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Demon's Souls can have a direct sequel in the future.


Demon's Souls fans rejoice! If one spiritual sequel isn't enough (Project Dark) for you, then a direct sequel of the first Demon's Souls is something that is certainly being considered at SCEJ.

SCE Japan Studio's Takeshi Kajii said:
FINAL QUESTION: Will there be a sequel?!

HM: I will let Mr Kaiji answer that question.

TK: At the moment, my answer is "no sequel!" However, we have been encouraged by all the players, and this title is so well supported, and besides we like this title so much… Well, this is my own feeling, but I think one day we could bring you another Demon's Souls...

Source: The Guardian


Could this be considered milking the franchise? hehehehehe

they could release one every year... do it!


I think even after Demon's Souls success, Sony still takes wait-and-see approach. They want to see whether Project Dark is a success or not.


BattleMonkey said:
Seeing as no one has played it, a whole lot of assumptions at the point.

I'll take a teaser that looks exactly like Demon's Souls, seems to play exactly like Demon's Souls and is being developed by the Demon's Souls team who we know are fully aware of what Demon's Souls fans want over a sequel that only has the name and little more as of now.

Seriously, can anyone think of a developer SCEJ could commision that would make a good sequel?


No From, no sale.

Peff said:
Seriously, can anyone think of a developer SCEJ could commision that would make a good sequel?
Ubisoft Montreal
- worked for the Far Cry brand after Crytek split with Ubi!
I would so punch a baby for Demon's Souls 2. Seriously, I needs mah fix!

Haunted said:
No From, no sale.

100% this. I have a feeling that if another company tried to go at it, we would see a fast paced DMC style game with a shitload of QTEs.


lucablight said:
Let sequel be granted so the world might be mended!

So the world might be mended!

And what about Siren devs? Would they be able to tackle the sequel? Or From after they release Project Dark?


Fuck yeah (but only if they collaborate with From Software.)

And people who are too eager to describe Project Dark as a "spiritual" successor to Demon's Souls chances are will be disappointed in the end.
Corto said:
So the world might be mended!

And what about Siren devs? Would they be able to tackle the sequel? Or From after they release Project Dark?

This this this. I don't want any other dev touching my Demon's Souls. If I find out they try to give it to another company, I will so kill myself and invade their world as a black phantom. None will be spared. =P


Sony soiling the good name with a game from shitty developer will not be looked upon kindly. Everyone knows that Project Dark is the real Demon's Souls 2.


sublimit said:
And people who are too eager to describe Project Dark as a "spiritual" successor to Demon's Souls chances are will be disappointed in the end.

Well it's just logical to think so... Same dev, same team, same dark fantasy medieval setting. Do you have new info on it?
Corto said:
Well it's just logical to think so... Same dev, same team, same dark fantasy medieval setting. Do you have new info on it?

Same ambigious trailer that can mean anything. How the game plays will determine everything and right now, it's all assumption on visuals which seem to be recycling the same engine at this point.


All I see is "no sequel!" and "one day"... Why are you guys so excited?

It's the exact same thing Square keeps saying regarding that FF 7 remake. Nothing news worthy here if you ask me.

Besides, we already have Project Dark and that's all that matters right now.


Gold Member
Well I'd love to see Project Dark be something different but equally as good if they come back to Demon's Souls later


Corto said:
Well it's just logical to think so... Same dev, same team, same dark fantasy medieval setting. Do you have new info on it?

Well same development team doesn't always mean same game right?Even if their intention is to basically make DS2 with a different name i don't think it's possible because i imagine that many of the design features DS had (like the online mode,world tendency system,etc) are also patterned and copyrighted by Sony Japan.Therefore they won't be able to use these features for Project Dark.
And if you take these basic elements the game will become something else.It may end up great (even better than DS) but it won't be Demon's Souls 2 not even in the "spiritual successor" sense.
Project Dark will not have the same team as Demon's Souls. They won't have the SCEJ producer (mister Takeshi Kajii), who helped make Demon's Souls the game it is now. As he said in one interview:

Takeshi Kajii said:
"I am a fan of From Software, but naturally that also means there are parts of their games I'm not satisfied with, too," explaining the development choice as an opportunity to be more creative and potentially innovative, stating "If this was a new King's Field game, there would be areas we wouldn't be able to touch since they're part of the series; working together like this, we can try to make something really new."
I'm inclined to think that his influence changed a lot of things, because I don't really like other From games but Demon's Souls really stands out.


From Software is uniquely responsible for all of the awesome in this game. It's so far off the beaten path when it comes to modern game design that I can't imagine another developer making a worthy sequel.


Solstice said:
This this this. I don't want any other dev touching my Demon's Souls. If I find out they try to give it to another company, I will so kill myself and invade their world as a black phantom. None will be spared. =P

I doubt they'd come back. They want to establish Project Dark, because that's something they get all the monies for. Why would they then go and make a direct competitor to their own franchise?

I see little chance, short of giant moneyhats, that From make DS2.


One of the masterminds behind the game is still at SCEJ, but I wonder what he could do with that puny team of his.

Has SCEJ even produced a game for PS3 in the last two years?
epmode said:
From Software is uniquely responsible for all of the awesome in this game. It's so far off the beaten path when it comes to modern game design that I can't imagine another developer making a worthy sequel.
This. If it's the Guitar Hero to Project Dark's Rock Band they can keep it thank you very much.


OT Hard Carry
Initially, the idea of two more Demon's Souls experiences is great. At best, we'd get a total of three incredible titles to play with. At worst, we still have the first game. Just... don't pull a DmC.

Demon's Souls is all about gameplay and atmosphere. A direct sequel can perfectly get away with recycling the same mechanics as the original plus an extra layer of polish. After all, this is what many are hoping Project Dark will do.

Then it's a matter of putting a team that understand how to create a compelling, eerie world. I'm rather sure the Siren guys could do justice to the setting. I'd love to see more of Boletaria.

Or alternatively, wait until FROM is done with PD and reassemble the original group to work on it. Which would explain why the answer is no at the moment.


Dobkeratops said:
Initially, the idea of two more Demon's Souls experiences is great. At best, we'd get a total of three incredible titles to play with. At worst, we still have the first game. Just... don't pull a DmC.

Demon's Souls is all about gameplay and atmosphere. A direct sequel can perfectly get away with recycling the same mechanics as the original plus an extra layer of polish. After all, this is what many are hoping Project Dark will do.

Then it's a matter of putting a team that understand how to create a compelling, eerie world. I'm rather sure the Siren guys could do justice to the setting. I'd love to see more of Boletaria.

Or alternatively, wait until FROM is done with PD and reassemble the original group to work on it. Which would explain why the answer is no at the moment.

You don't just force your good development teams like Team Siren to do sequels to IPs that they've never worked on and don't give a shit about.


OT Hard Carry
Kittonwy said:
You don't just force your good development teams like Team Siren to do sequels to IPs that they've never worked on and don't give a shit about.
Hmm. I suppose I've worded it wrongly.

My point was that there's studios even inside SCEJ perfectly capable of pulling out games with a heavy emphasis on atmosphere. Team ICO is another good example and fuck no, I don't want them to do anything other than what they desire to (read: Last Guardian).

Hence, the idea of a different developer essentially replicating what made Demon's Souls so great isn't that far-fetched.
Sony owns the rights to the name "demon's souls" but they obviously don't own from software.

I think Project Dark will be more of a sequel then a "Demon's Souls II" only because it wont be made by the same developers.


LAND OF THE F'ING GIANTS. FROMSOFTWARE Make it so. Plus other worlds of course. I wonder why to this day they donot make that broken archstone DLC.
FishSquared said:
Sony owns the rights to the name "demon's souls" but they obviously don't own from software.

I think Project Dark will be more of a sequel then a "Demon's Souls II" only because it wont be made by the same developers.
Give it a rest please. Not sure why you even attempted to think that.
RavenFox said:
LAND OF THE F'ING GIANTS. FROMSOFTWARE Make it so. Plus other worlds of course. I wonder why to this day they donot make that broken archstone DLC.

Give it a rest please. Not sure why you even attempted to think that.

I just don't see the point of a sequel without having much to do with the original game, kind of like BioShock and BioShock 2
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