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Dennis D comes back from the ice bucket and shows off new Too Human screen (berieve?)


kaching said:
I'm confused - how does he expect us to see those in a screenshot? Is there more media where this came from?
He's not being serious, it's a joke on those who assume too much from a single screenshot.
XSamu said:
I think it looks rather nice?

What? The character?

Hmm, different tastes for different people I suppose - gives me the generic PC game vibe.

Gotta see this supposed new and improved version in motion before a final verdict looks wise for me anyway.
Journalists are getting invited up to canada to play the current build of Too Human (supposedly with parts of the story playable), I know that
assamassina from IGN is one of them, supposed to return with impressions and exclusive footage from the game.. then we can see if it really is seamless loading and the other things they claim it to be


I like that screenshot, but i can't detect a major "upgrade" technology wise to previous released ones. C'mon D, show us the goods! We need a new gameplay trailer asap!

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
The environments nice and big so exploring should be fun, if the game lets you with its fixed cameras.... but the hero, well, he surely doesn't look very godly.


Conrad Link said:
What? The character?

Hmm, different tastes for different people I suppose - gives me the generic PC game vibe.

Gotta see this supposed new and improved version in motion before a final verdict looks wise for me anyway.
Yeah I kinda like it, the clothes and all. As for the looks of the chara, well, I think they just want him to look as realistic as possible (except for the lines in his face xD)
Man I am really unimpressed with that screenshot pales in comparision to Gears of war in my opinon. The architecture and the weird tentacles coming out of the ground just does nothing for me. And that character man if someone told me this was a next-generation gauntlet I would totally believe them.


Looks great and it sounds like all the negative press, while painful, pushed the team to work harder to quell all the negative vibe around the product.

I can't wait to get more info and shots from this game.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Why is everyone making all these GoW comparisons? Because its the same engine base?

Gears of War was so linear and small in scope. The game was basically one large level, Point A to Point B, with little room to explore. It had more of that claustraphobic, guns-blazing-better-hide atmosphere. Hell, thats partly why the game looked so gorgeous, seeing as the areas were smaller so it could allow for more detail.

It doesn't appear this game is going for the same look. The cave or whatever is a sweeping, vaulted area with high ceilings and deep shadows. You arent going to get the same level of detail, so a comparison isn't that fair.

That said, I still don't think it looks that fantastic, but if you can awe me and humble me with its sheer scope I'll fogive you. But again as I stated previously, for a god the main character looks kind of.... uninspiring.
I think the quality of the screenshot is the big problem but it still looks very good and i loved reading the blog(awesome stuff),cant wait to see this in motion.


It looks ok, but not nearly as good as Gears of War. A huge empty room with bland textures doesn't stack up to the insane environmental detail that we're used to from Gears.

That's my impressions from just this screenshot though. I have no idea what the gameplay is, so maybe the gameplay necessitates wider, emptier rooms.

edit: Ok seems that it does. Wait and see on gameplay then.
Well, it certainly looks like an Unreal Engine 3 game. I'll withhold further judgement until after we've seen it in motion. Not digging the character though, but that's nothing new in regards to SK games.
Pro tip for Denis Dyack:
When you add new experimental code before a major showing you guys really need to: A) work on a branch and then integrate it back into main after you're done or B) tag the last "pretty good" revision of your code in case something goes wrong.

I can totally understand new experimental code messing things up (especially when you are working late at night when you're more likely to make mistakes) however the fact that a company that has been making software as long as SK allowed itself to get into that situation is amazing. Showing something that's broken and then giving excuses about why its broken makes it seem like: A) you are lying and it never was working properly B) you have a horrible and inadequate software development process C) you didn't take the people you were showing your game to seriously.

Anyway, I've read a bit about the game and it seems interesting, I hope it turns out well!


urk said:
You could apply this statement to every console game out right now.

The difference is that when they are using the same tech and the environments look similar it is easier to compare the two.


butthole fishhooking yes
jjasper said:
The difference is that when they are using the same tech and the environments look similar it is easier to compare the two.

Here's another comparison: a certain GAF contingent crapped all over the early Gears stuff too. Bad art, plastic, framey, low res textures, etc.

Yeah, it's the same engine, but the scope of the two tiles are different and it makes a ton of sense that Epic would be able to show off the engine better than any other dev studio considering.


jjasper said:
The difference is that when they are using the same tech and the environments look similar it is easier to compare the two.
Bullshit xD

In Gears the environments are really small and limited, Too Human promises to have huge environments :)
As I said in the other thread:
Patrickula said:
I'm pretty sure that UE3 applies AA by its own method that doesn't lend itself to screen captures. There are some Gears screens that display crazy aliasing, but the game itself does not.


The graphics looks good but the Unreal 3 engine really shows. (But, didn't they drop it? Weird if so since the color palette here and lighting effects look identical to Gears)


Conrad Link said:
:lol :lol

Good environment I guess? Character design though..... back to the drawing board guys.


Someone didn't get the memo that the bald thing is fricking BORING.

But it's worth saying again, the environment looks nice :)


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I still can't believe they've been developing this shit since the PSX.
AlphaSnake said:
I still can't believe they've been developing this shit since the PSX.

come on man, that looks better than Heavenly swords and DMC4. Aren't you excited even a little bit? I love the art style :)


The screen looks nice, but i'm a little bit worried. Aside from this game taking forever to complete, Dennis D has promised big before. He has yet to deliver. Here's to hoping with Too Human the case will be different.


I believe in them. They shouldn´t have showed the demo at the E3, they would have saved a lot of headaches, but so far, the qualities of the game remains in the story and how they have the ambition to build something unique, so the demo is not representative (and is not like the game doen´t look nice).
jjasper said:
I think it looks pretty good, but at the same time it looks like Gears but not as good.
That's true, but the Gears world is fairly linear, while we are meant to believe Too Human features wide open worlds and exploration.

Why don't you guys want this game to be good? And how could the graphics, even if they are as bad as in that shot, have any effect on the gameplay quality?

jax (old)

the awkward camera, stupid looking pose on the man, and his odd figure doesn't impress. Man, either they picked a bad angle but it looks fake as hell. This really isn't that much new - the red thingo was in prior screens as was the man..

that said, its silicon knights.....

so :lol :lol :lol


Pic looks very detailed and has an open-space vibe to it! Sure beats small tight corriders of some other games keep up the good work Silicon Knights! :D
come on man, that looks better than Heavenly swords and DMC4. Aren't you excited even a little bit? I love the art style

Ahhh Doom Im usually on the same page with you on this stuff but that screenshot really doesnt impress me at all. Im not biased but Mass Effect, Gears of War, Definitely Heavenly Sword, and I would even say Motorstorm look better. The only reason Im focusing on it so much is Dennis seems to be really trying to make a point of how many awesome things that they are doing and in all honesty it really just doesnt look good. Bad art style, Sweet Tentacles, lame character design. Now if this thing is going to turn into a japanese hentai then their going the right direction. Regardless Ill give the studio the benefit of the doubt cause of the talent involved but from a purely visual point of view the game isnt delivering for me.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Ahhh Doom Im usually on the same page with you on this stuff but that screenshot really doesnt impress me at all.

I am just sayin that I like futuristic scenery more than ancient temples and demonic cities. Graphics aren't that bad either, all they need to do is fix the frame rate and the animation






Jax said:
the awkward camera, stupid looking pose on the man, and his odd figure doesn't impress. Man, either they picked a bad angle but it looks fake as hell. This really isn't that much new - the red thingo was in prior screens as was the man..

that said, its silicon knights.....

so :lol :lol :lol


Not so sure about the characters because of the distance they are from the camera, but it's obvious the the environments are mindblowing. They look better than the original concept art! I can't wait to see some of the other environments - I hope the forest is still in there somewhere.


I really like the future-templaristic outfit, and I liked the temple-cave-tentacle place in the first screenshot, but the ice environment above looks retarded.

Please please be good.


If Silicon Knights can put a beautifully polished demo on Marketplace, they could easily turn this whole thing around. Easily.
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