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Deport Racism releases video of Latino American children telling off Donald Trump

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People mainly posting about the cussing reminds me of the "Why do White people" BuzzFeed video thread a while back that had people stuck on petty questions like what they plan to do in scary movies and missed the actual point of the video which questioned real social issues.

Tone policing. People often do it when they don't give a shit about the issue.
I feel like they missed a chance to actual say something.

Just having kids say fuck you to Trump isn't really a compelling video.


Upon further reflection, this is a good thing. It's far better than the blatant racism from Trump and his supporters anyway. If it hurts their feelings, well...


Gold Member
Tone policing. People often do it when they don't give a shit about the issue.
Thanks for being presumptuous and concluding that we don't care about a serious issue because we disapprove of a single Youtube video.


Yeah, the problem is you can't say that you support legal immigration and controls on immigration for a huge number of totally logical reasons without being lumped in with the racists and bigots.

It's full support or a witch hunt basically.

Yup. Centrist politics and compromise are pretty much dead at this point. It's either extreme right or extreme left on policies and issues.

I'm glad that Trump has turned away the Hispanic/Latino population from the Republican identity. Another lost group for the Republicans. Perfect.

It's full on delusion too. Every election going forward, the Hispanic vote matters more and more. He's even galvanized Non-Mexican Hispanics against him. Cubans, Dominicans, Puerto Ricans. In addition to that, he's even turned off women voters, even a GOP candidate can expect strong woman support especially amongst white, Asian and Hispanic women, and what does Trump do? Insult conservative women like Carly Fiorina, Megyn Kelly, John McCain daughter etc. How does he expect to win beyond the primary? A Republican president needs strong support nationally from centrist and center-left Democrats and independents to win. That's something maybe a Jeb Bush or Chris Christie could have gotten but Donald Trump would be dead in the water. This same issue will affect Bernie Sanders. Unlike Obama, how is he going to capture many red or red leaning states?


time to take my meds
Everybody acting like they didnt curse as a kid. Who cares.

I curse when im angry too. Don't let it distract from the message.


Unconfirmed Member


Thanks for being presumptuous and concluding that we don't care about a serious issue because we disapprove of a single Youtube video.

You're quite welcome. What kind of video would be acceptable to you? I guess the message has to be respectable or it will fall on deaf ears.


Trump is an anal wart but going by the production values, I think this is that one group that pimps kids to sell shirts.

Also no Latino kid is spouting dirt in front of Grandma without catching a chancleta


Trump is a button pusher, he knows exactly what he is saying and to what audience. Also this video is dumb and kind of ironic, for me this is something someone like Trump would be proud of, incendiary messages delivered harshly.

Actual latin abuelitas would slap these kids.

Sushi Nao

A lot of persnickety frets about the swearing in here. Racism is worth being angry about. I think they got their point across well, and their ideological opponents -i.e. racists - sure as hell don't check their language.


So fucking stupid.

Line up a bunch of kids tell them to cuss the fuck out of Trump to make a viral video that capitalized on the concept of kids cussing and giving zingers for T-shirts.

How about if you wanna do an actual video with kids talking about their stories or whatever and try to make it viral by sharing an emotional story of a kid talking about his family and what might happen if they are deported.

But this shit? Cringeworthy at best and manipulative at worst.

How do they even expect this type of stuff to even have an impact?
terrible video. i swore a lot as a kid too but it just doesn't work in this context. when proving a political point stuff like this never gets the higher ground. these younglings...


So fucking stupid.

Line up a bunch of kids tell them to cuss the fuck out of Trump to make a viral video that capitalized on the concept of kids cussing and giving zingers for T-shirts.

How about if you wanna do an actual video with kids talking about their stories or whatever and try to make it viral by sharing an emotional story of a kid talking about his family and what might happen if they are deported.

But this shit? Cringeworthy at best and manipulative at worst.

How do they even expect this type of stuff to even have an impact?

How dare you bring common sense into this discussion. Don't you know it's all about the message itself? Delivery and appropriateness be damned. We wanna be edgy and shit.


A lot of persnickety frets about the swearing in here. Racism is worth being angry about. I think they got their point across well, and their ideological opponents -i.e. racists - sure as hell don't check their language.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if many of the people complaining about children swearing have no issues using terms like anchor babies and worse. I am talking about the racist supporters by the way. Silly, maybe, but pretty harmless in the end.
Shameful, the kind of thing that can be easily turned against you, the use of cursing kids with the sole purpose of causing controversy, and the one blurred message one can take from this lousy video can be basically reduced to "Fuck you trump", and I agree with that sentiment, but this isn't the way to go about it.


I wouldn't be surprised at all if many of the people complaining about children swearing have no issues using terms like anchor babies and worse. I am talking about the racist supporters by the way. Silly, maybe, but pretty harmless in the end.

I think that's an unfair assumption. But I guess that's the goal of the video right? So a certain group of people can feel good about their own positions while purposely agitating the racists. I mean it's certainly not a constructive video if the goal is to reach to people on the fence about this issue and worst of all, it's extremely manipulative on the part of the adults forcing the kids to deliver this message in this way.
As a Hispanic, I cringed. The message could have been executed in a different manner. It's just going to further galvanize racists once it hits Fox News.

Same. Awful video. Literally everything about it is shit. HEY LETS BE EDGY AND COUNTERATTACK. SURELY THIS WILL CONVINCE XENOPHOBES. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? This is the type of thing that actually justifies the whole "all minorities are thugs" stereotype. I even disliked the fucking video.

Yet I agree. Fuck Trump


Gold Member
A lot of persnickety frets about the swearing in here. Racism is worth being angry about. I think they got their point across well, and their ideological opponents -i.e. racists - sure as hell don't check their language.
They didn't get their point across at all, at least not to anyone that matters when it comes to the issue. If we're the target audience, then this is nothing more than circle jerk material because we already know that Trump is an asshole.

If the target audience is average folks who don't realize that Trump is a racist turd, "the message" has been lost because the discussion on news outlets and social media is about the foul language used by the kids and whether it was appropriate. Anticipating the reaction is part of making videos that are trying to push an important message.


Looks like Luke Montgomery is working officially with Clinton. The same subnet hosts Hillary's stuff:


whitehousewonderwomen.com points to leaked Clinton campaign ad:

edit: He's a backer of the Clintons on his own. His campaigns aren't sanctioned or directed by Hillary herself though.


I think that's an unfair assumption. But I guess that's the goal of the video right? So a certain group of people can feel good about their own positions while purposely agitating the racists. I mean it's certainly not a constructive video if the goal is to reach to people on the fence about this issue and worst of all, it's extremely manipulative on the part of the adults forcing the kids to deliver this message in this way.
Well, racists' feelings really shouldn't be taken into consideration. They're going to continue believing what they believe about us, anyway and this video (as a reaction) pales in comparison to several incidents like this:


We're really tired of it. As for the bolded, well, I can understand why you would see it as manipulative, but sometimes people feel they have to fight back against rather venemous rhetoric with some fire of their own. If this video can get more discussion about the issue going, then I see that as a good thing.


I'd love to see someone disrupt SNL. Course I'm not watching this weeks due to the piece of trash being on it so if someone does guess I'll have to see a clip of it on youtube.


Well, racists' feelings really shouldn't be taken into consideration. They're going to continue believing what they believe about us, anyway and this video (as a reaction) pales in comparison to several incidents like this:


We're really tired of it. As for the bolded, well, I can understand why you would see it as manipulative, but sometimes people feel they have to fight back against rather venemous rhetoric with some fire of their own. If this video can get more discussion about the issue going, then I see that as a good thing.
Jesus that man has some serious restraint I would have lost my shit if some stranger spat on me. Sometimes you have to shock people into listening for better or worse. You're fooling yourself if you think these kids sharing some personal story is going to get people to care. When the dream act was trying to get passed young people shared their stories with the entire nation and no one cared it wasn't enough to get anything done. Sure it spread awareness but what has come of that? Look at the hate being fanned to the point where people are ready to get violent. We're fanned if we and we're famed if we don't.
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