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Destiny |OT39| Tainted Love

Maybe you were checking the wrong character on b.net? I've never heard of this actually causing a problem for someone where they couldn't collect a specific fragment so I wouldn't sweat it. Might just take a few minutes to show up on the website.

yes I am sure, I was following it on bungie.net not on a tracker site. It shows that I do not have this fragment and I can't get it again its gone in the level. I have gotten other since.

I am also checking it against the fragment counter in game on the map.

this is so frustrating.


"Anwar__rawna: About before @nghtly.. What did you play about how i play? Not about my montage, i am a good student?? I learn all watching you"

Drizzay stories about this star will never not be hilarious.


"Anwar__rawna: About before @nghtly.. What did you play about how i play? Not about my montage, i am a good student?? I learn all watching you"

Drizzay stories about this star will never not be hilarious.
I don't understand any of that, heh.


Got the game finally thanks to better fortune and the recent sale!

PSN is also Eusis, and I think I was in a beta GAF group.


Nghtly's rumble stream with friends is sweaty as hell. This last game had 5/6 people going over 1.0 - imagine a match where Gene is the only guy to go negative :p


Dammit why can't we infuse blues? Just got this Grasp Jr from a Flayer. Counterbalance, speed reload, hand-laid stock.
Spent some time this afternoon running Defender Titan in the crucible. Had a lot of fun trolling other supers and beating down ppl that came into my bubble. Got my Defender emblem and more than any other I'm proud of it lol.

Spent some time this afternoon running Defender Titan in the crucible. Had a lot of fun trolling other supers and beating down ppl that came into my bubble. Got my Defender emblem and more than any other I'm proud of it lol.


hahaha nice! I did the same a couple weeks ago with my nephew. I'd run weapons of light in Clash and we'd crack up from body shot OHK sniping people. Then switch to Armor on Control and laugh when people would still try to come in and get blinded + owned. Titan Bubbles make for fun times in PvP. I miss Bubble Trains.


Given some of the recent testing done around here regarding light in Iron Banner and trials, I wonder if that 265 might not perform just fine.
The guy I bumped into last week who plays Destiny a lot with his kids told me he loves Dreadnaught and how it was so different to the other areas in the game. I suspect a lot of other people feel the same way and tbh, I can see why. The Dreadnaught actually has stuff to do in it. Earth? Moon? Not so much.

Yeah, I like the activities. The mini-secrets were a lot of fun and will hopefully become standard in future patrol spaces. Court of Oryx was an absolute success imo. Sure, it's a ghost town now but that's to be expected for a "mid-game progression" activity. Some of my best TTK memories were getting big Gaf groups together to tear through tons of runes. It gave a smooth leveling progression and exemplified Destiny's strength as a social game.

The ride-along was more focused on level design and aesthetics which aren't very strong. It's cramped yet still too large without sparrows. The drab Hive barnacle shit is beyond played-out. Hull Breach is neat but otherwise the entire space feels extremely samey. Compare that to Venus which has more personality and color in the Endless Steps than the entire Dreadnaught. Terminus floating up in the skybox, which you can visit via an elevator that's powered by the blue lava flowing from the volcano. You can actually see the lava flowing from the mountain to the elevator if you glitch out of bounds nearby.

The Dreadnaught personifies a huge problem with TTK's artistic direction: besides the enemy designs, nothing feels "Taken." It's all the same Hive garbage that was worn thin a year ago. The Taken are bizarro black&white sci-fi ghouls but their activities (patrol, strikes, raid) sport the green/brown Hive parasite design. Only the first story mission, with Cabal being sucked into starry b&w vortexes, captures the right feeling. The Moon already nailed Hive-as-parasites, with winding underground tunnels rotting it from the inside. I'd be fine with the Taken as palette/ability swaps of existing enemies if they had distinguished themselves as a unique 5th entity.

I figured out my fragment problem the tracker website I was using had the wrong video linked for fragment XVIII

Nice! Glad you figured out what the issue was. I was worried there was some weird glitching going on.
I think when they announce when the spring update is coming, I'll finally kill the arkham knight and work towards my first exotic sword haha.


Neo Member
Spent some time this afternoon running Defender Titan in the crucible. Had a lot of fun trolling other supers and beating down ppl that came into my bubble. Got my Defender emblem and more than any other I'm proud of it lol.


Which shader is that?


I think when they announce when the spring update is coming, I'll finally kill the arkham knight and work towards my first exotic sword haha.

Damn, is that Julia Voth as Jill Valentine in lingerie? Sweet lord. I must find the full photoshoot.
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