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Deus Ex HR Story thread | I never asked for Spoilers



Knock yourselves out fellas

Im fuckin outta here cause i havent finished yet, but spoiler talk in the OT is getting pretty common and i think this could help. Im scared of highlighting one by mistake.
So those biochip glitches that happen around the end of the game. Did anyone else have that happen to them while playing normally?

I thought it was a scripted thing but it randomly happened to me a few times in the middle of firefights and got me killed and now I'm confused.
Ken said:
So does Jenson die in the Darrow ending? ]:

I like to think he gets thrown hundreds of miles by the explosion, then uses the Icarus landing to land on a beach full of babes and beer

edit- oh wait, that's not the Darrow ending. Oh well, now you know what I think about that other ending


Beelzeboss said:
So those biochip glitches that happen around the end of the game. Did anyone else have that happen to them while playing normally?

I thought it was a scripted thing but it randomly happened to me a few times in the middle of firefights and got me killed and now I'm confused.

I had it happen twice before the end of the game. Once while walking around a non-hostile zone and once on a hostile map.


Junior Member
The suicide ending made me sad but the soliloquy ultimately made me happy with my decision. :(

I'm bummed that it means that Adam Jensen's story is basically over. He was a cool cat who I wouldn't mind seeing more of.


Beelzeboss said:
So those biochip glitches that happen around the end of the game. Did anyone else have that happen to them while playing normally?

I thought it was a scripted thing but it randomly happened to me a few times in the middle of firefights and got me killed and now I'm confused.
Yes. If you get the chip replace, you will be at a disadvantage vs a boss.

Is there anything after the credits roll? I was to impatient to wait.


Loved when I got a glitch while just walking around china and a guy ended up falling off a ledge because he got the same thing, it really did show that something massive was about to go down as all augmented people started getting those glitches.
Good thread idea. I've been afraid to delve too deeply in the OT because I'm very spoiler sensitive. I'll check back here when I've finished.
I was 99% sure the chip replacement thing was a trap and yet I still got it replaced haha.

made the final boss a pain but that made the battle much more fun for me.
Wait so did Megan betray Adam at the end? I never played the original so I only understand some of the post-credit scene (I know who Bob is).


Tallshortman said:
Wait so did Megan betray Adam at the end? I never played the original so I only understand some of the post-credit scene (I know who Bob is).

I like to think that she betrayed Adam from the very start. When you pick up the e-book on the couch at the very beginning about Patient X aka Adam, and Adam asks Megan about it she seems to want to avoid the topic.
Page's talk about "searching the wreckage" made me think the suicide ending is canon, as well. That, and Megan is now directly working for Page... Jensen don't play that shit.

So yeah, he has to be dead. R.I.P. Patient X

Speaking of Patient X, on my second playthrough, I couldn't help but slap myself on the forehead with all the clues to Patient X's identity in the very first scene of the game. The goddamn ebook's first two letters are "AJ" for christ's sake.
-slaps self
Destroy Panchaea option seems the most likely as well.

Jensen wouldn't join the Illuminati.
I can't see Megan saying she has "nowhere else to go" if Sarif got his way and Megan's research lead to augmentation for everyone.
I suppose Darrow's message still works, but like Adam could argue in the earlier confrontation, the world may just write him off a lunatic and continue regardless, just with more regulations.

In any event, it's not like it can truly change the world. The Illuminati keeps going for another decade until Page gets impatient, creates MJ-12, and takes control with the Gray Death, causing whatever path humanity takes immediately after 2027 to be diverted by Page's desires.

Also, it's fun to go back and listen to the opening cutscene. The recall gets mentioned, and you can clearly make out Zhao and Darrow, probably Taggart too.
I adored the story, and it actually made me feel anger towards the cabal working against you. I think, however, that playing in only a few, very long blocks meant that I didn't have time to digest the story, so here's what I've got:

The mercs who attack you in the beginning did so partly to stop you going to Washington with the research, but more significantly to kidnap the best researchers on behalf of the Illuminati, who were using them to modify the biochips in order to implant kill switches in all augmented people. This was done to extend their control and shut down anyone who came in their way.

Now, this is where I get a little confused. Bill Taggart, who leads Humanity Front, had nothing to do with the attacks on Sarif, according to Sandoval, his aide and the doctor who tried to remove the GPLs from the Sarif employees after the first attack. Sandoval was heavily involved, secretly working for Purity First, essentially a violent version of the Humanity Front. But, based on speaking to Taggart during the Panchaea mission, he was involved, but in a different capacity to the one Sandoval considered. Is this right?

Next, how does Hugh Darrow fit into it? He went along with the cabal's plan but betrayed them as soon as the kill-switches were implemented, in order to create suspicion towards augmentation technologies and stop their spread (and, partly, because his body rejected the very technology he had developed, and he was angry).

Next, what was Sarif's knowledge of the whole conspiracy? He seems a visionary, albeit a naive one, and not somebody who would allow his employees to die in order to further the agenda of some cabal? And yet, throughout the game, it's hinted that he knows more than he lets on - is this primarily about Adam's origins and his DNA, or is there more to it?

Finally, how does Tai Yong Medical and LIMB fit into everything? Tai Yong was, I assume, being helped by the cabal to weaken and then acquire all the rival biochip / augmentation companies, so that the Illuminati could control their manufacture and distribution (ultimately implanting a kill chip into all augmented people worldwide). As for Zhao Yun Ru, the CEO, was she a patsy like she implied? A puppet through which the Illuminati could act? She certainly didn't seem to have any agenda other than power, but then when she connects to the Hyron Project, what is her objective?

I realise there are quite a lot of questions here, but the plot absolutely fascinated me and I just want to make sure I understand it fully!
blahblah...blah said:
I adored the story, and it actually made me feel anger towards the cabal working against you. I think, however, that playing in only a few, very long blocks meant that I didn't have time to digest the story, so here's what I've got:

The mercs who attack you in the beginning did so partly to stop you going to Washington with the research, but more significantly to kidnap the best researchers on behalf of the Illuminati, who were using them to modify the biochips in order to implant kill switches in all augmented people. This was done to extend their control and shut down anyone who came in their way.

Now, this is where I get a little confused. Bill Taggart, who leads Humanity Front, had nothing to do with the attacks on Sarif, according to Sandoval, his aide and the doctor who tried to remove the GPLs from the Sarif employees after the first attack. Sandoval was heavily involved, secretly working for Purity First, essentially a violent version of the Humanity Front. But, based on speaking to Taggart during the Panchaea mission, he was involved, but in a different capacity to the one Sandoval considered. Is this right?

Next, how does Hugh Darrow fit into it? He went along with the cabal's plan but betrayed them as soon as the kill-switches were implemented, in order to create suspicion towards augmentation technologies and stop their spread (and, partly, because his body rejected the very technology he had developed, and he was angry).

Next, what was Sarif's knowledge of the whole conspiracy? He seems a visionary, albeit a naive one, and not somebody who would allow his employees to die in order to further the agenda of some cabal? And yet, throughout the game, it's hinted that he knows more than he lets on - is this primarily about Adam's origins and his DNA, or is there more to it?

Finally, how does Tai Yong Medical and LIMB fit into everything? Tai Yong was, I assume, being helped by the cabal to weaken and then acquire all the rival biochip / augmentation companies, so that the Illuminati could control their manufacture and distribution (ultimately implanting a kill chip into all augmented people worldwide). As for Zhao Yun Ru, the CEO, was she a patsy like she implied? A puppet through which the Illuminati could act? She certainly didn't seem to have any agenda other than power, but then when she connects to the Hyron Project, what is her objective?

I realise there are quite a lot of questions here, but the plot absolutely fascinated me and I just want to make sure I understand it fully!

What I got out of it, regarding the post-credits scene, was the Bob Page was playing everyone the entire time, even his Super Secret Shadow Conspirators.


sparkle this bitch
blahblah...blah said:
I adored the story, and it actually made me feel anger towards the cabal working against you. I think, however, that playing in only a few, very long blocks meant that I didn't have time to digest the story, so here's what I've got:

The mercs who attack you in the beginning did so partly to stop you going to Washington with the research, but more significantly to kidnap the best researchers on behalf of the Illuminati, who were using them to modify the biochips in order to implant kill switches in all augmented people. This was done to extend their control and shut down anyone who came in their way.

Now, this is where I get a little confused. Bill Taggart, who leads Humanity Front, had nothing to do with the attacks on Sarif, according to Sandoval, his aide and the doctor who tried to remove the GPLs from the Sarif employees after the first attack. Sandoval was heavily involved, secretly working for Purity First, essentially a violent version of the Humanity Front. But, based on speaking to Taggart during the Panchea mission, he was involved, but in a different capacity to the one Sandoval considered. Is this right?

Next, how does Hugh Darrow fit into it? He went along with the cabal's plan but betrayed them as soon as the kill-switches were implemented, in order to create suspicion towards augmentation technologies and stop their spread (and, partly, because his body rejected the very technology he had developed, and he was angry).

Next, what was Sarif's knowledge of the whole conspiracy? He seems a visionary, albeit a naive one, and not somebody who would allow his employees to die in order to further the agenda of some cabal? And yet, throughout the game, it's hinted that he knows more than he lets on - is this primarily about Adam's origins and his DNA, or is there more to it?

Finally, how does Tai Yong Medical and LIMB fit into everything? Tai Yong was, I assume, being helped by the cabal to weaken and then acquire all the rival biochip / augmentation companies, so that the Illuminati could control their manufacture and distribution (ultimately implanting a kill chip into all augmented people worldwide). As for Zhao Yun Ru, the CEO, was she a patsy like she implied? A puppet through which the Illuminati could act? She certainly didn't seem to have any agenda other than power, but then when she connects to the Hyron Project, what is her objective?

I realise there are quite a lot of questions here, but the plot absolutely fascinated me and I just want to make sure I understand it fully!

The Illuminati does not have a clear head. Its a selective group of people with massive amounts of power with a single goal, but each member seems to be trying to push their own personal agenda too. Basically, they all want to control human evolution through AUGs, but each one wants to make sure they are in the position of power once it happens.

They kidnap Reed and team, because they had Jensen's DNA. His DNA was the key to allow AUGs to be 100% compatibility with people. Remember all the talk about addiction, need of expensive drugs to fight off infection, etc. Jensen needed none of it. It meant that people didn't need to be reliant on expensive drugs now. Hint, corporations than would lose their means of control over the masses.

This is where the kill switch came in. AUGs could be 100% safe then for people to use. They would be the next form of evolution 100%. With the kill switch, or better to say control switch. Remember what the Warrior Priest was talking about. They created AUGs that could directly tap into the mind and make them into machines. The Illuminati would still have control then.

All three of the men had different ideals.
Sarif was at least aware of the Illimunati, if not a part of it. But he clearly did not care for working together. He saw AUGs as the only form of evolution, and it should be left to accelerate at its own rate. The Kill switch seems irrelevant to him.

Taggart was part of the Illumnati. He is also the one that really gives leads into it being a Hydra, many different heads. He sees AUGs as the future, but it needs to be controlled. Hence the kill switch. He wants to limit that evolution. He also notes that the Illumanti are more just investors of the extremely wealthy and powerful.

Darrow may or may not be a part of the Illuminati, but its clear he works with them. He allowed himself to be use because he wants to destroy AUGs. Out of both petty jealously and it would also break the current Corporations hold on power. Basically to de-evolve.

Limb and Tai, are either another Darrow. She'll have complete control over the retail market. Her part in this was that she wanted to combine with the control machine. What Darrow set on kill, she wanted to pacify and become one with the control machine.

There was no clear lead enemy or vision shared among all the characters.
Fairly sure Darrow is Illuminati and Sarif is not. During the opening scene, one of the people talking with Page has his voice modulation drop for a second, and from the voice and what he talks about, it's clearly Darrow talking about "David" and how they need to wait a bit before rushing in.

As for Sarif, there's an email on Athene's computer (this is found I think right after the scene where Darrow shows up at Sarif's office), where Sarif tells Athene that he never wants to speak with Lucius DeBeers "and his organization" again. For people unfamiliar with DX1, DeBeers was the former leader of the Illuminati, who would have been in control during this period.


GAF parliamentarian
Trudeau as Prime Minister of Canada? I know this is a crazy game with conspiracies and Illuminati, but come on, let's try to stay grounded here!
SpartanForce said:
just a bit like 1 hour but never played for real.

The ending of DX1 ties in directly to Adam/Pritchard's personal sidequest of him being a test tube bbaby. He's clearly Denton's prototype. He even has the same shades.


sparkle this bitch
EmCeeGramr said:
Fairly sure Darrow is Illuminati and Sarif is not. During the opening scene, one of the people talking with Page has his voice modulation drop for a second, and from the voice and what he talks about, it's clearly Darrow talking about "David" and how they need to wait a bit before rushing in.

As for Sarif, there's an email on Athene's computer (this is found I think right after the scene where Darrow shows up at Sarif's office), where Sarif tells Athene that he never wants to speak with Lucius DeBeers "and his organization" again. For people unfamiliar with DX1, DeBeers was the former leader of the Illuminati, who would have been in control during this period.
Athene was Illiumati or in on it. Prichart(I don't even know how to spell his name), had to go up and tell Athene exactly how their implants are tracked in the beginning. As they said, she has been at Sarif Indutries from the start too. While I don't think Sarif was directly involved during the story, it still feels like he had contact prior at the very least.

Darrow continues mentions that he allowed them to use him, only to further his own goal. So he was directly working with them at the very least. Though it makes it sound like he only joined in named.

Which is funny when you think about all these characters. So many of them have dealings with the group, but no one(Taggart comes the closest) out right admits they are part of it either. But they all work for them. Heh.


sparkle this bitch
HP_Wuvcraft said:
I thought Darrow was Templar, from his ending choice.
He was just a spiteful kid. The creator of AUGs genetics were incompatible with the technology.

So if he couldn't have it, no one else could. Basically he wanted to be Adam.


There should be more tampons in gaming
My feelings on the story are as follows;

The Illuminati as many are saying were a union of powerplayers bent on conquest and control, each trying to push their own agendas. Initially before the new biochip plan was implemented they used Eliza Cassan to sift and skew media in their favor with the truth being falsified and turned on those that opposed them. For instance they attacked Sarif Industries not only to steal their pioneering scientists but also weaken the corporate giant so much that they'd be forced to sell and Tai Yung Medical being their biggest competitor and slave to the Illuminati would absorb them there by ensuring complete saturation of the new biochip. L.I.M.B were simply puppets, they're stocks were controlled by the Illuminati as hinted in the intro. Zhao wanted to be upon the council and furthered TYM marketshare in the hope of earning a spot among them. Megan from what I gathered was knowledgeable of the attack prior, hence why she said "sorry" to him as seen in his flash ago during surgery and honestly it seems only two scientists wereopposed to the kidnapping, those being the two males, Sevchenko having died for it. Hugh Darrow was only working with the Illuminati to implement his plan of sabotaging the biochip and showing the world the horrors augments could produce. Sarif simply wanted to further his own research and his theories were much like the illuminatis' though not as inhumane; they both envisioned a future with nanoaugmentations being dominant. Tackkart simply wanted to slow the progress by which technology was advancing. Its as Jensen said humanity was striving to reach its dreams and often came into conflict with others with the same ideals, this is clear with all subjects excluding Darrow who only wanted to ensure that the illumanti didn't rule over all and didn't create a rift between the augmented and non-augmented so yes, I retract my previous statement, these morons all shared the same goal; equality for all of humanity. Zhao is searching for acceptance while Bob simply wants to reign over all. Myself I chose the Darrow ending for Jensen. I didn't want him to die because of all he'd endured throughout the game, he didn't deserve it. But I think that ending and Sari's are the most likely seeing as Jensen is never seen again in the DX universe. I also think people should know the Illuminati's and Zhao manipulation of them, turning society on itself but actually with no face to associate to a phantom organization I'd believe that people believed Darrow's words to be those of a psychotic old man. Also does anyone know about Hangar 18, I read the file and got the trophy but does it allude to aliens? Could this be Jensen's true origins...a humanoid alien species?
Allonym said:
My feelings on the story are as follows;
Also does anyone know about Hangar 18, I read the file and got the trophy but does it allude to aliens? Could this be Jensen's true origins...a humanoid alien species?

Explain, cause the aliens were the one thing missing from DX3.


There should be more tampons in gaming
HP_Wuvcraft said:
Explain, cause the aliens were the one thing missing from DX3.
Essentially right after Megan and her team leave the compound they're being kept at and you have to get to the Leo shuttle if you directly back to the end of the room that Megan and her team cam from there's a box covering a square recess which you can crawl through. On the inside there is a computer room with a lvl 5 computer to be hacked it has 3to points you have to capture. Anyway after you do this the file on the computer is a cryptic message of a guy from what I gather happening to see extraterrestrial life and saying he's seen too much and now the reader (you) know too much. But its extremely cryptic so I kinda think this may tie into Jensen and his origins considering no one knows where he came from or who his biological parents were (although he could be similar to JC Denton in that he was made from another hosts dna) and the fact that he is the only known human who's body entirely accepts augments with no need for neuroprozyne. I think he may not be entirely human at all. Maybe the government/illuminati supplied Megan with Adams dna because they created/held him captive as a child at some point in order to further their goals. Otherwise how did she get his dna, as she says she has no know info on Jensen/ or his parents and alot of her theories are based upon observation, like his resistance to sickness and his overall health. She wouldn't need to rely on mere sight if his dna was readily available to her. And that also raises the question of how she got Adams dna (though many viable ways are possible non seem logical and what reason would she have to suspect that he held keys to her works progress, that'd be a good ass guess) which brings me back to the theory that she received it from the Illuminati and they captured/created him. Also its mentioned that Adams supposed mother and father attempted to adopt but the mother was found unstable or something and no organization would trust them with a child and they disappeared for years and when they reappeared they had Adam. Idk I think that's DXHR and not DX1 hope I didn't get the origins of JC Denton and Adam mixed up. Sorry for the long tangent but my brain just started going. I love games that encourage the player to think.
Alright, which ending leads to DX1 do you guys think? I would say it's the Taggart ending, since in DX1 augs are rare but not unheard of, and there's active (public?) development into the nanoaug stuff. I suppose that would fit with the suicide ending too.


Junior Member
Jensen is almost certainly not an alien, I'm sure that was just a fun little easter egg.

edit: As for the ending, doesn't the after-the-credits scene specifically mention "the wreckage", thereby canonizing the suicide choice? Or does that change depending on the chosen path? Personally I hope destroying the station is canon. I feel like that was rather poignant.
Qwomo said:
Jensen is almost certainly not an alien, I'm sure that was just a fun little easter egg.

edit: As for the ending, doesn't the after-the-credits scene specifically mention "the wreckage", thereby canonizing the suicide choice? Or does that change depending on the chosen path? Personally I hope destroying the station is canon. I feel like that was rather poignant.

The giant A.I. room / quantum supercomputer with neural interfacing gets trashed regardless of the ending (you need to blow it the fuck up in order to go through to the room behind it and choose which message to broadcast), and since he explicitly mentions the Morpheus initiative (Morpheus being the precursor to Daedalus/Icarus/Helios in DX1), that's the only relevant part of the facility that would need to be salvaged for it.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Destroying Panacea has got to be the canon ending. It wraps up all lose ends very neatly in a way that doesn't interfere with Deus Ex.
ThoseDeafMutes said:
Alright, which ending leads to DX1 do you guys think? I would say it's the Taggart ending, since in DX1 augs are rare but not unheard of, and there's active (public?) development into the nanoaug stuff. I suppose that would fit with the suicide ending too.

Mech Augs are unheard of because of progress.


There should be more tampons in gaming
ThoseDeafMutes said:
Alright, which ending leads to DX1 do you guys think? I would say it's the Taggart ending, since in DX1

Augmentation continues to more radical things like sub-microscopic robots being placed into your body so I'd say either Sarif's (in that technology advanced at an expedient pace without guidelines), Darrow's (my personal fave as Jensen allows the ENTIRE truth to be aired but I mean how many would believe in a shadow organization with no face and the musings of a murderer? So in this ending the Illuminati continue on with further augmentation) and the self sacrifice ending (humanity forges its own path and we only become more technologically advanced as history has shown so this would insinuate that nanoaugmentation is the logical next step). These to me all seem likely and could lead into Deus Ex. Taggarts seems like the least likely as humanity would likely abandon technology and by extension this could apply to Darrow's ending but I think the inclusion of the Illuminati would sway people to believe Darrow plotted the killswitch out of jealousy and seeing him as a pure murderer (as he feared) so technology continued on evolving and advancing.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
I beat the game, but frankly, I probably should not have entered this thread anyways. :lol

Yeah, I pretty much played through the game not gathering too much in the way of conspiracies and went with the Sarif ending and felt satisfied. :\
Discotheque said:
I was 99% sure the chip replacement thing was a trap and yet I still got it replaced haha.

made the final boss a pain but that made the battle much more fun for me.

yeah, I knew it would be a bad idea. through that entire level as I gathered new information, I realized I had made a huge mistake.

the boss battle was more fun for it. I got used to be super duper Jensen. I was able to see clearly and then I was blind. Thankfully my EXPLODING REVOLVER murdered him quickly. And then I dragged his body around.


There should be more tampons in gaming
HP_Wuvcraft said:
Mech Augs are unheard of because of progress.
I was reading up on Deus Ex and it seems they exist up until IW. In DX1 there's supposed to be a rift like in HR those with augments and those without except now its those within noticable augments and those with augments that lie beneath the flesh so they are around, albeit rare but there and in IS it said there were no mention or sightings of any with mechanical augments.
Linkzg said:
yeah, I knew it would be a bad idea. through that entire level as I gathered new information, I realized I had made a huge mistake.

the boss battle was more fun for it. I got used to be super duper Jensen. I was able to see clearly and then I was blind. Thankfully my EXPLODING REVOLVER murdered him quickly. And then I dragged his body around.

He was a bit of a cunt on hard until I realized I could just point blank typhoon him a couple of times and he went down in like 30 seconds.
HP_Wuvcraft said:
Mech Augs are unheard of because of progress.
I would assume the progress goes from neuropozyne-free mech augmentation into nanoaugmentation, which was still breaking ground come Deus Ex. So while Anna and Gunther are seen as relics of past times (along with a couple others), I would imagine there should be more examples of widespread aug use from the past in the original.

Stallion Free said:
Destroying Panacea has got to be the canon ending. It wraps up all lose ends very neatly in a way that doesn't interfere with Deus Ex.
It makes sense with the after-credits, checking the wreckage, Megan has nowhere else to go, it was my pick anyway.
Rickenslacker said:
I would assume the progress goes from neuropozyne-free mech augmentation into nanoaugmentation, which was still breaking ground come Deus Ex. So while Anna and Gunther are seen as relics of past times (along with a couple others), I would imagine there should be more examples of widespread aug use from the past in the original.

As of DX1, there are three kinds of augs; mech augs, physiopharmecutical augs (the men in black seem in the first game) and Nanoaugs. The third one is literally brand new in DX1, so that can't be the reason why we don't see many members of the public with augs.

The best explanation is that they fell out of favor, or became illegal for the general public, which is why we only see a couple of augmented people that aren't directly employed by military/law enforcement. It is possible that many people are augmented, but not visibly.
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