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Devil's Third Retail Build Single Player Impressions

Black is better simply because it doesn't have a shitty vehicle section.

In terms of combat, I'd say they are pretty even with Black maybe ever so slightly edging it out.

Fuck. And is that the same bat noise from Dragon's Dogma? I'm sure it's generic for most games, but damn.

I have no issue with a game being "game-y". When it doesn't adhere to any hard or fast rules, plays it goofy, and is generally just seeping out with game like elements, I'm usually on board. But the jank here is too much.

He's straight up shooting the boss with no reaction, no stun, no nothing. So the design of that boss is to literally hide and shoot. No real reason to do anything else, not engage in melee, not use various weapons, just go for the highest damage.

I mean, I played through Mars: War Logs and this isn't looking that much better.


Fuck. And is that the same bat noise from Dragon's Dogma? I'm sure it's generic for most games, but damn.

I have no issue with a game being "game-y". When it doesn't adhere to any hard or fast rules, plays it goofy, and is generally just seeping out with game like elements, I'm usually on board. But the jank here is too much.

He's straight up shooting the boss with no reaction, no stun, no nothing. So the design of that boss is to literally hide and shoot. No real reason to do anything else, not engage in melee, not use various weapons, just go for the highest damage.

I mean, I played through Mars: War Logs and this isn't looking that much better.

Later on it gets worse, i promise.
The driving segment in mission 7 is literally unbelievable, i'll record that later on for our review.

So it is shit and a horrible game but I have to say it still looks pretty much what I wanted.

I wasn't hoping for a character action game. This is is like No More Heroes in terms of fighting waves of monks and tearing them up limb from limb. Obviously No More Heroes has superb boss fights to balance it out.

I watched all the videos and it's still what I want to play. I just love the weird Japanese style hack and slash games. Ivan's ridiculous one liners and the story are hilarious. It's US action movies through a weird filter.

The score attack mode with leaderboards sounds neat. Hopefully the multiplayer isn't as horrible but I doubt it'll be considered at best average.

I'm really curious what happened. Since last E3 the game has only improved slightly visually. Also based on the trailer released last year most of the story and level assets were finished. What did Valhalla do for an entire year?


( ≖‿≖)
He's straight up shooting the boss with no reaction, no stun, no nothing. So the design of that boss is to literally hide and shoot. No real reason to do anything else, not engage in melee, not use various weapons, just go for the highest damage.

Yeah but you can't just keep hiding, your cover will be destroyed.

jk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uW0EHen1p1w&t=9m55s

Later on it gets worse, i promise.
The driving segment in mission 7 is literally unbelievable, i'll record that later on for our review.

Sounds funny, looking forward to this.


Eh, it dosen''t look that bad. It ain't great though. Its one of those solid B-Tier titles that we used to see alot. There's a bit of jank here and there and the visuals are pretty bleh, but its not some sort of abomination either. I could see this doing ok if launched as a game in the $30-40 price tier, I wouldn't dare ask anyone to pay $60 though.
Eh, it dosen''t look that bad. It ain't great though. Its one of those solid B-Tier titles that we used to see alot. There's a bit of jank here and there and the visuals are pretty bleh, but its not some sort of abomination either. I could see this doing ok if launched as a game in the $30-40 price tier, I wouldn't dare ask anyone to pay $60 though.

Yeah, for $40 I'd be pretty inclined to pick it up at launch. Heck, I may still pick it up at $60 but I'll need some GAF impressions first if it releases at that price point.

The Boat

I haven't finished it but it's pretty shitty so far, I actually got frustrated at a terrible boss fight and haven't picked it up since. Maybe the multiplayer will be better.


I haven't finished it but it's pretty shitty so far, I actually got frustrated at a terrible boss fight and haven't picked it up since. Maybe the multiplayer will be better.

Kinda curious, at which mission are you?
Spoiler tag it, just in case.


So basically NOA chose not to publish a terrible game (that rumours had stated was terrible)....got a backlash from gamers for not wanting to publish the terrible game...

...and now they'll be slated for publishing a terrible game which they didn't want to publish... if they publish it.

The "what-ifs" would be worse than the game sucking to be honest. If the game sucks, people will rightly trash it for a few weeks, and then in the next couple of months it will be forgotten. Its not like 1 bad game its going to hurt the Wii U brand at this point, considering they have had some of the most polished games come out for the platform and it barely helps them in the hardware sales dept. Meanwhile, I still hear people on occasion bring up fatal frame 4 or disaster day of crisis and how NOA sucks for not bringing them over.
I really hope some of y'all are not gonna try to convince yourselves to buy this just based on multiplayer that is probably gonna be dead in a couple of weeks.

Splatoon is all we need.


I love NG Black but your statement is very debatable. I'd personally put Bayonetta on a similar level to that game. I probably couldn't say which one I prefer, because they're both so great.

Of course it's debatable, but what isn't is how much of a grade A dick Kamiya was in that quote.

It's super classy to trash talk one of the best games ever made because you made a game in the same genre before it.
Of course it's debatable, but what isn't is how much of a grade A dick Kamiya was in that quote.

It's super classy to trash talk one of the best games ever made because you made a game in the same genre before it.

Kamiya's quotes may not have been classy but compared to things Itagaki has said in the past, they were actually quite tame. Itagaki has been trash talking people's games for well over a decade. He's publicly been far more of a "grade A dick" than Kamiya could ever dream of being. It's just part of the game though. My guess is these guys aren't really being all that serious and even if they are....oh well. Both Kamiya and Itagaki are known for being outspoken.


Of course it's debatable, but what isn't is how much of a grade A dick Kamiya was in that quote.

It's super classy to trash talk one of the best games ever made because you made a game in the same genre before it.

He didn't even trash it, he just said "I tried playing it but it didn't grab me so I stopped" which isn't an unreasonable statement. Go read any of the shit Itagaki's talked over the years about pretty much everything--other fighting games, other action games, individual developers, whatever. They may not have always been sincere criticisms but that doesn't mean they weren't obnoxious.
I always thought this had potential to be one of my favourite games of this modern generation but that doesn't seem like it's gonna be the case :/


Of course it's debatable, but what isn't is how much of a grade A dick Kamiya was in that quote.

You're reaching with this. Kamiya wasn't being a dick to anyone. He said he had no interest in Ninja Gaiden because he never thought it was interesting at surface value. It was Itagaki who started responding with criticizing Okami and Bayonetta, with the former having him state that he and his daughter got sick of it while playing it (claiming it had no spirit among other things). That and Itagaki has a recorded history of being rude and brash to developers and professionals.
I am kind of sad now.

I knew the game looked kind of lame, but hoped for some redeeming qualities like No More Heroes had.

Seems this game is just bad.... : /
I think NWR's preview was probably the most measured: That the single player is repetitive and the difficulty balancing is obtuse, which probably means it just isn't fun to play.

There was a bit of hyperbole in Nintendo Life's writeup, mainly where the writer compares it to a 480p Wii game. Yes, Devil's Third's art direction isn't great and it's lacking polish (the explosions look terrible), but generally speaking there's a lot going on in there that the Wii couldn't dream of doing, most notably the dynamic lighting model.

I'm nitpicking of course, and I really hope multiplayer is a different kettle of fish. The A.I. during melee scenes in the single player video I watched looked depressingly dormant, at least in that early stage.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
It looks like a stinker, Nintendo should publish it anyway as a fan service for the few die hards


The belief in Nintendo.

Correction: Belief in Itagki. Guy headed two of my favorite games of all time, two games I consider more or less masterpieces (even if one had bad technical flaws), so yes, I was excited for a new action game from his studio. And to be honest, I never thought it looked bad from any of the footage.

I'm still going to get it and play for myself, though. Reviews aren't my god, and I'm willing to give the game a chance.


Clearly Itagaki didn't have access to the original engineering team he worked with at Tecmo, but in a case like this, I feel simply iterating on the technical work from Ninja Gaiden would have helped a lot. UE3 is a bad choice for Wii U and Japanese development studios don't have a great rep for using it well.

The original Ninja Gaiden at higher resolutions is more visually appealing than this.

For some reason, though, I still love playing these weird low tier games. It has me very curious.

I wonder how Kojima will fare without the full KP crew... :(


You're seriously comparing Itagaki to Kojima?

After Phantom Pain they'll be in a similar situation. I'm not saying one is equal to or better than the other, but look at Sakaguchi... stuck doing mobile games. :(

The videos look really, really awful, especially in terms of how there seems to be zero tension in any of the encounters. Is this some sort of Ninja Dog difficulty? Or does the game just not give a shit?

There's all sorts of jank in the gameplay vids. It's sad looking.


Since the very beginning, I had the feeling that this will be another game I'll have lots of fun with, while others won't understand why they should even bother. The story looks like a genuine Verhoeven-tier entertainment (a ridiculous B-movie with too much budget for a B) and the gameplay looks like I'll have to get used to it but hopefully there's fun and satisfaction hidden underneath. What interests me the most is the multiplayer, too bad it will probably be super empty because nobody will buy this game.

Still determined to get it day one and ready to be proven wrong and find out that the game really is shit through and through. Hopefully not :)


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Watched that vid. At first I thought it wasn't too bad, but then I got to the shooting segments. That's a complete mess. Also horrible sound effects on the guns, damn. It looks like a total trainwreck, but I still kinda want to play it.

Near the end there, he should've just died like 10 times over against those ninja like soldiers, not to mention that tank. It's like they're playing in god mode


Since the very beginning, I had the feeling that this will be another game I'll have lots of fun with, while others won't understand why they should even bother. The story looks like a genuine Verhoeven-tier entertainment (a ridiculous B-movie with too much budget for a B) and the gameplay looks like I'll have to get used to it but hopefully there's fun and satisfaction hidden underneath. What interests me the most is the multiplayer, too bad it will probably be super empty because nobody will buy this game.

Still determined to get it day one and ready to be proven wrong and find out that the game really is shit through and through. Hopefully not :)

Same boat
For me the worst part is that the multiplayer is probably horrible as well.

I liked a lot of what they were doing. The ability to create a home base and put up defenses. Have other player's attack that base and have air planes fly and attack.

A clan system where you earn points for your region of the US.

The ability to use a variety of melee weapons in addition to simply shooting.

The character customization looked awesome with all the different clothing, accessories. Including that giant cat head.

All of the 16 game modes including following rainbow chickens and tossing fruit into a grinder.

You could call in an airplane to drop pamphlets on the enemy.

Hopefully some Japanese studio will be able to come up with something that has similar features. Though considering Square Enix canceled the shooter Gun Loco maybe this type of multiplayer game isn't meant to be.

Same boat

Me too honestly. Not saying bit isn't horrible but all the videos still make it look like something that I would enjoy a lot. Guess we are all just a bit kooky.
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