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DF: Xbone Specs/Tech Analysis: GPU 33% less powerful than PS4

Sony's internal studios will produce some amazing stuff. Third parties will be held back by the architecture of the XBone, and games will suffer as a result.

How is this good news?

What stopped the original Xbox having better looking multiplatform titles?



For the person earlier


Microsoft appears to have invested a massive amount in accommodating live TV when the overall trend is moving towards time-shifted viewing and streaming media - something it almost completely ignored in its presentation. It's a very curious decision and a massive gamble.[/URL]

I was also thinking about this. I'm looking for the best way out of cable and am trying to go Internet-only for all media.
An argument can be made that other devs will hold back but will Sony's?

Imagine what devs like Naughty Dog, Polyphony, Guerrilla Games and many more will do with 50% more power. Will devs like Kojima sit back and watch this or will they also step up?
What I'm wondering is, if devs can add more bells and whistles to their games on PS4 with minimal effort, due to easier development, why would they deliberately hold back? I understand in the PS3's case, it was harder to code for and such, but if that hurdle has been eliminated for the most part, wouldn't they want to put their best foot forward? I might be in the minority of people who believe that based on the specs given so far, we will see a clear difference in multiplats this time around.
What I'm wondering is, if devs can add more bells and whistles to their games on PS4 with minimal effort, due to easier development, why would they deliberately hold back? I understand in the PS3's case, it was harder to code for and such, but if that hurdle has been eliminated for the most part, wouldn't they want to put their best foot forward? I might be in the minority of people who believe that based on the specs given so far, we will see a clear difference in multiplats this time around.

The og Xbox sold a lot less than PS2 and had superior looking multiplats. I hope this is the case here


So PS4 top spec
Xbox one will be more powerful than Wiiu but with all the crap going on it won't be by much.

Sticking with my PC and Wiiu then.


The gap is bigger than I expected. It's a real shame that very few multiplats will actually take advantage of it, if the past is anything to go by.

First party stuff though, whew, it should really be something. Somehow I doubt we'll see a Forza 7 vs GT7 comparison thread.
so this feels like a "360" no pun intended back in the day where PS3 was (is) more power then Xbox & it really didn't matter to much at the end of the day it was all about the games & alot of the popular games ended up being these amazing indie games that came out - this should be interesting console generation.


The gap is bigger than I expected. It's a real shame that very few multiplats will actually take advantage of it, if the past is anything to go by.

First party stuff though, whew, it should really be something. Somehow I doubt we'll see a Forza 7 vs GT7 comparison thread.

I dunno, when it was PS2 vs the original Xbox, the differences were fairly clear, even if it was cleaner IQ and slightly better textures.


What I'm wondering is, if devs can add more bells and whistles to their games on PS4 with minimal effort, due to easier development, why would they deliberately hold back? I understand in the PS3's case, it was harder to code for and such, but if that hurdle has been eliminated for the most part, wouldn't they want to put their best foot forward? I might be in the minority of people who believe that based on the specs given so far, we will see a clear difference in multiplats this time around.

I believe this too, the reason (i think) that last gen multiplatform games looked so much alike was also due to the fact that it was quiet hard for PS3 to develop. We can only guess, but this time around (due to x86) it could be a real possibilty that games on PS4 look a lot better.


so this feels like a "360" no pun intended back in the day where PS3 was (is) more power then Xbox & it really didn't matter to much at the end of the day it was all about the games & alot of the popular games ended up being these amazing indie games that came out - this should be interesting console generation.

This time, the Xbox won't have the advantage of being released 1-1,5 years earlier than the main competitor, while enjoying the advantage of better multiplatform titles as well as being massively cheaper.

Microsoft also doesn't seem to allow for self-publishing, something that will certainly bring many quirky indie-titles to the PSN on PS4. Microsoft isn't in the position of power they were with the 360.


So there is no reason mutliplats won't have better textures, draw distance, enemies (cars etc)on screen, etc etc etc. Similar architecture so it should all scale easily.

Sony's first party is gonna exploit the hell out of this....god id love to be the presenter for sony at E3, from a game perspective how can they be concerned now, just tell your devs to crank it up and have fun.

I hope there is a dog in KZSF...and i hope it looks glorious.


Not Banned from OT
so this feels like a "360" no pun intended back in the day where PS3 was (is) more power then Xbox & it really didn't matter to much at the end of the day it was all about the games & alot of the popular games ended up being these amazing indie games that came out - this should be interesting console generation.

It is nothing like the "360" there is no Xenos chip to carry the system this time around. They are using the same tech as Sony but scaled down a lot.


Sony's internal studios will produce some amazing stuff. Third parties will be held back by the architecture of the XBone, and games will suffer as a result.

How is this good news?

This. It'll be like Tim Lottes said, a boat anchor, dragging down the quality for everyone.


Gemüsepizza;58575901 said:
It's actually a two WiiU difference (1 WiiU = ~300GFLOPS/1GB RAM for games).
Difference between XBone and PS4 two Wii U's duct-taped together confirmed.


LOL oh man, I love you GAF. You guys have me rolling on the floor, and I'm at work! I need to stop getting so much enjoyment out of your snarky humor


What I'm wondering is, if devs can add more bells and whistles to their games on PS4 with minimal effort, due to easier development, why would they deliberately hold back? I understand in the PS3's case, it was harder to code for and such, but if that hurdle has been eliminated for the most part, wouldn't they want to put their best foot forward? I might be in the minority of people who believe that based on the specs given so far, we will see a clear difference in multiplats this time around.

I've heard a couple of times about Microsoft demanding that competing versions can't have significant differences if they launch simultaneously.

This is just anonymous insider info so there's no hard proof for it though.


I dunno, when it was PS2 vs the original Xbox, the differences were fairly clear, even if it was cleaner IQ and slightly better textures.

Yeah, maybe. Then you had stuff like GTA where the differences were so big, I double-dipped.

It's going to be an interesting generation.
Man, the 26 people who will be able to afford a ps4 at launch will sure be lording it over the XBox fans ;)

Jokes aside, what do we reckon the price difference will be, if any, between the two?

Would you rather have:

- Excessive powah for more £/$
- Less powah for less £/$?

Bearing in mind the actual practical difference between the the projected TFLOPpage?

Both will be $399 for a basic SKU.
One will have a $449 advanced SKU, and a $499 Advanced SKU with a cable tuner.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Way bigger than I expected.

Microsoft is having its own wii blue ocean epihany.

Console graphic whores they will lose now need to be compensated by the mass market.
I believe in their chance as Kinect is packed in and seems to be working flawlessly. Creative people will make or break it.


I've heard a couple of times about Microsoft demanding that competing versions can't have significant differences if they launch simultaneously.

This is just anonymous insider info so there's no hard proof for it though.

Third parties are not going to let themselves get smoked by first parties if they can help it...especially in the event the 'boat anchor' isn't selling more than the 'boat'.


Gold Member
if Sony would just get rid of its antiquated controller design this console war would be over

Huh? They've changed it quite significantly this time around (much more than MS have changed theirs).



You can tell just by looking at it that it's gonna feel quite different (probably a lot more ergonomic) to hold.


The DS4 doesn't seem in anyway antiquated compared to the XB1 pad.

its a similar design to its ps1 counterpart, which was released in 95? i can't go back to the playstation controller after using the 360.

I can't be the only one of the same mindset

Mister D

I hope there is a dog in KZSF...and i hope it looks glorious.

This is funny shit!

Since I just recently got two gaming PCs I'm set for next gen multiplatform titles. With the scaleability of these new engines, I hope multiplats are designed for the PC and downported since I will be getting pretty much all multiplatform titles on PC.

If that doesn't happen, then I hope enough people buy the PS4 where it becomes enough of a market force that titles are designed for it and then downported to XBone while allowing PC gamers to up the AA and lock in 60fps.

Worst case scenario would be that the admittedly cool TV functions (which serve no purpose for me since I cut the cord and use XBMC on my gaming HTPC along with the streaming apps on my smart TVs for my media consumption) result in huge sales for MS and developers target it instead while barely adding anything to the PS4 version and gimping the game design so people with powerful PCs still don't get to play games that take full advantage of them outside of Crytek's tech demos.

The absolute worst case fuckthisIquitgaming scenario would be the Wii U taking off resulting in everything being designed for that weak ass hardware and the scope, graphics, physics, and interactivity of games doesn't progess beyond where we currently are.... Or the same thing could happen even if PS4 takes off and all we end up with this new generation is slightly better looking dogs and fish swimming out of the way.


its a similar design to its ps1 counterpart, which was released in 95? i can't go back to the playstation controller after using the 360.

I can't be the only one of the same mindset

At this point, you have held neither controller (DS4 or Xbone) in your hands, this is a silly argument. It's obvious the DualShock 4 is improved in pretty much every way, I don't expect the Xbox to have a controller advantage this coming generation.


I'd be in the dick
Sony's internal studios will produce some amazing stuff. Third parties will be held back by the architecture of the XBone, and games will suffer as a result.

How is this good news?
With similar architectures it'll be very easy to add extra visual effects, AA, physics objects, etc on PS4. Most next gen engines are designed to be quite scaleable so I expect some noticiable differences in some games. The RAM is the bit that will hold games back once mid-late gen games start coming about.


Fun with math:

Assuming that the Wii-U is exactly 33% as powerful as a PS4 then:

XBone + Wii-U = PS4

Subtract Wii-U from both sides and you get:

XBone = PS4 - Wii-U

Now add a 'U' to each side:

Xbone + U = PS4 - Wii

Let's assume that PS4 - Wii is pretty much a PS4 without a move controller and XBone + U is a way to indicate multiplayer on the XBone, i.e. XBox live. You're left with

Xbox Live = PS4 (without Move)

I think we've just uncovered that unless you're using a Move, PS4 multiplayer will have a subscription fee.
Are people silly enough to think a third party software developer like Bungie won't know how to squeeze more muscle out of the PS4 than the do for xone? Seriously?

This ain't a
1. Cell processor
2. Split memory pool
3. Gimped GPU
...system folks.

SONY better not drop this ball.
Are people silly enough to think a third party software developer won't know how to squeeze more muscle out of the PS4 than the do for come? Seriously?

Developers wanted parity in the current-gen. They just had difficulty getting there due to the PS3's architecture. I'm not convinced that next-gen will be any different. I certainly can't see any MS promoted third party title performing or looking better on the PS4.
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