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DICE: BF4 on PS4 will likely use R2/L2 triggers to shoot


I find those trigger add-ons are good for racing games, but not so much shooters.

They are very bad for racing games that make good use of the analog nature of the triggers. The triggers prevent you from pressing it 100% down so you never get full speed in some racing games.


I'm amazed at the backlash this is getting. Personally I'm glad they're doing this. I've used both Xbox 360 controller and DS3 and it's so much better with triggers. That said it'll be surprising if they won't give the option to change the buttons.



Not because the R2/L2 sucks, but because I can shoot faster with R1/L1.


Not even an option sucks.
Same way I feel . I have L1/R1 so ingrained in my head/muscle memory and I just straight up prefer using them. The short travel those buttons have plus I feel like I can push them way faster than pulling on the triggers.

I know I've seen at least one poster on this board from DICE so I hope he sees this: please give us an option to at least swap out the L2/R2 triggers for the L1/R1 buttons. Not that the triggers are bad on the Dualshock 4, I've heard about the praise for them. But options are always, always good.
NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I hate using the trigger to shoot on the 360. Just let me use R1 and L1 god damn it.

I hate using R2 & L2 to shoot, it just doesn't feel right

Please no. Or let me switch it.


Not because the R2/L2 sucks, but because I can shoot faster with R1/L1.


Not even an option sucks.

L1R1. I hate shooting with triggers. Give me options!

I prefer to use L1/R1 on the ps3 over LT/RT on the 360...
This is some cringe-worthy shit right here. Almost like Dualshock users have Stockholm syndrome or something.
They are very bad for racing games that make good use of the analog nature of the triggers. The triggers prevent you from pressing it 100% down so you never get full speed in some racing games.



If they triggers can't be pushed 100% down they will make 100% gas be at a lower percentage of pushing down on the trigger. It's not like you won't be able to fully accelerate in a racing game. Haha, did you really think that or is this some sort of deadpan troll?
Why do people have a problem with moving the shooting to L2/R2 as default? I agree they should give everyone the option to change them back to L1/R1, but given the fact that they've actually made L2/R2 into triggers it should make it feel a lot better.

Shooting with L2/R2 on DS3 was always awkward and one of the only things I hated about the controller. Borderlands was initially weird to play until you realized you could change the control scheme.
They are very bad for racing games that make good use of the analog nature of the triggers. The triggers prevent you from pressing it 100% down so you never get full speed in some racing games.

Do you have your Real Triggers hooked up right? I don't think I've ever had a problem pressing the L2/R2 down 100% with them on. And I used to use the DS on GT5 before I got a racing wheel. Definitely didn't have a problem reaching full throttle.




If they triggers can't be pushed 100% down they will make 100% gas be at a lower percentage of pushing down on the trigger. It's not like you won't be able to fully accelerate in a racing game. Haha, did you really think that or is this some sort of deadpan troll?

I think in this instance he is talking specifically about the third party real trigger add ons for ps3.
This is some cringe-worthy shit right here. Almost like Dualshock users have Stockholm syndrome or something.
Or maybe cause they actually like L1/R1 for shooting. They're pretty good. I would imagine it would be hard to fathom if you've only used a 360 controller's bumpers.
Why do people have a problem with moving the shooting to L2/R2 as default? I agree they should give everyone the option to change them back to L1/R1, but given the fact that they've actually made L2/R2 into triggers it should make it feel a lot better.

Shooting with L2/R2 on DS3 was always awkward and one of the only things I hated about the controller. Borderlands was initially weird to play until you realized you could change the control scheme.

If it's the default but can be changed, that's fine. If the option is taken away completely that will be silly. I think that's all anyone i saying. I couldn't imagine anyone being upset about which is the default.... it's just a fear that the L1/R1 wouldn't be an option - period.


This is some cringe-worthy shit right here. Almost like Dualshock users have Stockholm syndrome or something.

Thing is, I have used the 360 controller A LOT, from COD, BC2 to gears and halo.

The triggers are good, but not that good. Trying to pull of single shots is not as easy as you expect since when you press the trigger 3/4 down, the gun shoots, so unless you are VERY fast you will always shoot 2 to 3 bullets.

Not a problem in games like COD, halo, BC2 or many other shooters since recoil is near non existent but still frustrating to me since I am used to single shot firing.

L1/R1, i have much greater control on how I shoot.
I think in this instance he is talking specifically about the third party real trigger add ons for ps3.

Ooooooh, ok. I never had any issues with those and getting to 100% so I guess that's why I didn't get that. But that makes a helluva lot more sense. Sorry, original poster whom I didn't understand!


I would have taken this for granted. But they should give the option to customise. That said, digital buttons do give a slight speed advantage over analog triggers.
Why is this news for Dice? (this is not thread whining, i´m questioning Dice).

The real news would a game coming out in 2013 and not having options to configure the controller.

Yes, i know many games don´t support this, but it doesn´t make any less stupid to not have these basic options.

I still prefer R1 L1.


And now I'm amazed that there are people that prefer the triggers. I'll adjust either way, but given the choice it's L1/R1 all the way.


This is some cringe-worthy shit right here. Almost like Dualshock users have Stockholm syndrome or something.

What benefit do triggers offer in the button-press involved for firing, honestly? I prefer a clickier button more akin to a face button for something like that. Obviously that isn't everyones preference, but a lot of people would like the option you know.
L1/R1, i have much greater control on how I shoot.

For people who play shooters in a somewhat tactical way the ability to tap fire on R1 is much better than a trigger - either on the DS3 or 360 controller. If you spray and pray I guess it doesn't matter what you use.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm cool with using the triggers, but we should have the option to use L1/R1.


Granted, I haven't held the controller in my hand yet, but it seems foolish to not allow custom mapping for all games. There is no drawback at attempting to accommodate more players. None.
And now I'm amazed that there are people that prefer the triggers. I'll adjust either way, but given the choice it's L1/R1 all the way.

I don't know, I feel like the triggers on my 360 controller are far better than L1/R1 or L2/R2 on my PS3. It's why I always buy multiplat shooters on my 360 over PS3.
If the DS4 triggers are as good as they look this will be fine and it can become standard. The L2/R2 buttons are more ergonomically positioned to be triggers but on the DS3 they were crap, so soft and mushy they were terrible for shooting. Great gas pedals though. I love the DS3, my favorite controller, however that was its one flaw.


Option > No Option

When will developers learn?

Option > No Option in principle, but it also means more work. 343i alluded to the need to do extensive testing for every possible control layout in Halo 4 to check for possible input bugs, exploits, and other stuff that's not supposed to happen. That's at least part of the reason for completely customizable control schemes not being standard.

It's certainly not impossible to implement, but you can't just "flip the switch" without there being any consequences.


I don't know, I feel like the triggers on my 360 controller are far better than L1/R1 or L2/R2 on my PS3. It's why I always buy multiplat shooters on my 360 over PS3.
As a PC gamer that also owns both consoles, I strongly prefer the 360 controller over the DS3 for shooters if I have to.

Actually, I don't own a DS3. I still have 2 Sixaxis controllers from launch, I've never used a DS3 before. I don't know how different they feel.


I have no issues with this. Impressions of the DS4 and especially its triggers are glowing so far.

Sadly console power is not there yet to let you configure controls, it just takes too many resources away.

We expect that full customizable controls will be a standard feature on PS5 and XBOX 180²


i've been begging for over 5 years.
It's 2013 FFS, and a new gen. If I want to shoot with the goddamn X button I should be allowed to. Are customized controls really that difficult?

Mister D

Well that just made my decision on whether to get BF4 on PS4 or PC that much easier. Like was said earlier, I have the R1 ingrained in my muscle memory and have gotten pretty decent at pulling of trigger tap shots and the like because it's so easy to tap the R1 trigger while holding L1. I hate using the triggers for shooters and will probably have to unlearn my R1 control method to get used to using R2. I might as well sack up and get it for PC and get better at using mouse and keyboard since I'm pretty sure my PC will run this game better than PS4. Maybe I'm blowing this thing out of proportion and once I get my hands on the PS4 controller using the triggers will feel much more natural and I'll adapt, but going from my experience with the Dualshock 3, I think I'll hedge my bets and get the game I can get on another platform on that platform and see how I fare using R2 with Killzone SF.
Staunchly team L1/R1 over here. I've been an index-and-middle-fingers-on-the-shoulder-buttons gamer ever since I first picked up a controller with four shoulder buttons, as far as I remember. Why wouldn't you hold a controller that way? Four buttons, four fingers. How else could I have done drive-bys in GTA while making handbrake turns? Or shot guys while powersliding in Vanquish? Shot from cover in Killzone 2? Or played Bayonetta and DMC at all?

I prefer shooting with L1 and R1 because it just feels better to me. Shooting or not shooting is a binary decision, not enhanced at all by an analogue trigger. And, as mentioned above, it leaves my middle fingers free to do whatever other stuff the developers map to L2 and R2. Using just my index fingers and angling them around to hit two buttons each just feels clumsy to me.


Gold Member
As long as there is no actual analog action required, why the hell wouldn't you include a option to swap L1/R1 and L2/R2? Seems like such a mindblowingly simple thing to do that would make a lot of people happy.

And yes, I very much agree that R1 is superior to RT for shooting. Much snappier, more responsive. Why would I want to use analog triggers with huge travel for the digital action of shooting a gun? Those of you who can't comprehend this, are you imagining that it would be like using the awful, awful 360 bumpers for shooting? Well, no, the DS3 "bumpers" are nothing like those terrible things, they are proper buttons that feel great to press.

Now, maybe the DS4 triggers will feel great for shooting, we'll see. Still, the option should be there.



Staunchly team L1/R1 over here. I've been an index-and-middle-fingers-on-the-shoulder-buttons gamer ever since I first picked up a controller with four shoulder buttons, as far as I remember. Why wouldn't you hold a controller that way? Four buttons, four fingers. How else could I have done drive-bys in GTA while making handbrake turns? Or shot guys while powersliding in Vanquish? Shot from cover in Killzone 2? Or played Bayonetta and DMC at all?

Because having only your ring and pinkie fingers on the controller's handles is cray cray and horribly uncomfortable.
L1/R1 was always just a crappy substitute for the garbage "triggers" on the DS3. As someone who had both the PS3 and 360, the 360 triggers are much better. That said, if the DS4 actually feels better or as good as the Xbox controller then I'll be happy with the move. If the DS4 feels closer to the DS3, I would rather keep the L1/R1 configuration.
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