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Did I just screw over the pizza delivery guy?

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Did you check traffic reports to see if there was a reason for heavy traffic in the area? You tipped the guy so all is well for him.



First order in the system doesn't mean there weren't 3 other orders that came in online at the same time.

You don't really have enough information to not tip them if they had other stops and traffic was bad.
The pizza showed up late, what other information do you need to discern whether to tip or not? If the details in the OP aren't enough, then you'll practically never have enough information to make that decision unless the driver sends you a transcript of what the hell they've been doing for the past 1.5 hours. But then again, the driver shouldn't be at the collective mercy of the customers to get paid. That isn't fair to either party. If the driver was late and didn't get a tip from the customer, then it's the manager's responsibility to make sure their employee is getting paid (as opposed to the customer's).
On the other hand, opening a store SUCKS. Way too slow. You get a few orders around lunchtime and then snoresville until closing. Which means, if your manager is mean, lots of cleaning and busywork.

When I was in pizza delivery, I'd gladly take a late shift over opening any day. Those days just dragged on and on.

Oh I agree. Opening is way too inconsistent for me. I got sick of working 10-12 hour days where only 4 of them were actually spent delivering pizza.


Oh I agree. Opening is way too inconsistent for me. I got sick of working 10-12 hour days where only 4 of them were actually spent delivering pizza.

Yep. That 3pm - 5pm lull is killer. Luckily, I had a manager who always made a pizza for us for lunch when I worked openings. The one perk.

I'd smother that baby in mango habanero sauce. Mmmmm.
Again. There's a big chance the delay had nothing to do with the driver.
How does this make it ok then? The tip is to ensure you bring me the food, but it also has to be on time and hot. If you fail to do that whether it's on the driver or company, you don't deserve extra money than what you're charging me. The service includes time. I'm a little lenient on it but if you're taking nearly 2 hours when you're 5 mins away, yeah you deserve anything.


No, you did the right thing. If you were actually the first order of the day and it took him that long to get there, you had every right to complain.


Having worked as a teenager in a Little Ceasars my last two years of high school (became a shift manager in all but title (got paid for it and everything and everyone knew to come to me) I opened on weekends and closed some nights of the week. I can confirm that if you closed you cleaned up everything and prepped as much as you could for the next morning in about an hour after closing.

Opening on weekends I had to come in early to turn on the ovens and prep stuff for quick orders once we opened for business.

In college, I worked for a Papa Johns for a week before I left because of how terribly mismanaged it was. If the one near you is run half as badly as that one was then I get why your pizza took an hour and a half to arrive.
Sounds like you had every reason to be annoyed, and even a mediocre manager should be able to determine how much fault lies with the driver. I would have complained too and I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

When service is this bad it is perfectly acceptable to complain.


Having worked as a teenager in a Little Ceasars my last two years of high school (became a shift manager in all but title (got paid for it and everything and everyone knew to come to me) I opened on weekends and closed some nights of the week. I can confirm that if you closed you cleaned up everything and prepped as much as you could for the next morning in about an hour after closing.

Opening on weekends I had to come in early to turn on the ovens and prep stuff for quick orders once we opened for business.

In college, I worked for a Papa Johns for a week before I left because of how terribly mismanaged it was. If the one near you is run half as badly as that one was then I get why your pizza took an hour and a half to arrive.

I mean, I worked at Dominos and it was a well run machine. Not that we didn't fuck up from time to time, but in general we did really well. No shit talking customers was tolerated and we all just grabbed whatever was up on the monitor (so no one could avoid known bad tippers) so the atmosphere was always congenial and upbeat.

It might just be that Papa Johns is shit every which way, and if this was another chain you'd have been fine.


If pizza is over an hour late there's nothing wrong with complaining. Either something out of the driver's hand happened that his employer can confirm or he's an unbelievable fuckup.


I think the fact that you are even wondering in such a clear cut situation speaks very well of you as a person. You did fine OP.
How does this make it ok then? The tip is to ensure you bring me the food, but it also has to be on time and hot. If you fail to do that whether it's on the driver or company, you don't deserve extra money than what you're charging me. The service includes time. I'm a little lenient on it but if you're taking nearly 2 hours when you're 5 mins away, yeah you deserve anything.
So you're saying its fine to punish someone that had nothing to do with the problem?


I mean, I worked at Dominos and it was a well run machine. Not that we didn't fuck up from time to time, but in general we did really well. No shit talking customers was tolerated and we all just grabbed whatever was up on the monitor (so no one could avoid known bad tippers) so the atmosphere was always congenial and upbeat.

It might just be that Papa Johns is shit every which way, and if this was another chain you'd have been fine.

Well, this one had similar issues to what the OP was talking about. 1-2 hour delivery delays and such.

I came in and was put in the front to take in building orders and to put in phone orders (no online at the time)

I worked afternoons/evenings while I was there. It was always the same. Orders would come in and they would start off doing ok, but within an hour the manager would 'disappear' into his office and shit fell apart and he really didnt care what happened. Everyone knew you didnt bother him while he was in there. He had a second in command who he let run everything and the guy clearly couldnt do it as no one there respected him or listened to him at all.

After the 4th night of having people call in after 1-2 hours asking where their delivery was, I figured out that I was better off leaving that store and finding somewhere else to work.

My time at Little Ceasars was fine. I have friends who used to work for Dominos and Pizza Hut who had not problems too, but I guess Papa Johns really is poorly run no matter where you go, lol.


Getting to the car can take 10 minutes, 5 minutes leaving the parking lot, 5 minutes drive in one direction, waiting, driving back, 10 minutes parking and going back to the office.

It can end up being 40 minutes.

Work in an office building.

This is how it goes. You'll waste a majority of your lunch time waiting in food courts.
So you're saying its fine to punish someone that had nothing to do with the problem?
Jesus, are you the dude that took nearly two hours for a 5 minute drive? Tips are handed out for the service you provide. Bringing your food nearly two hours later on top of it being cold means you don't deserve anything extra as a tip. Whether that's on the manager, the people making the food, or the driver. That's not the customer's problem. If I go to a restaurant and they bring the food an hour and 30 minutes later and it's not cooked well, I'm not going to tip them either. It could the way the manager handles the order set up, the cooks, or it might be on the person bringing me the food. I haven't really experienced awful service other than once with a group of friends, but my friend tipped them regardless when they didn't deserve it. I pretty much reamed him for 3 mins, and his excuse was that they always order there and didn't want to piss the dude off lol


Because someones livelyhood is more important than your fucking pizzas. 1 fuckup and you think someone should be jobless during the holidays? Wtf is wrong with people?

Nothing is wrong with people. If you suck at a certain position you shouldn't be there. If the guy gets fired then so be it. Guy doesn't need to try and protect someone that brought him a cold pizza 2 hours late. It's called accountability.
Nothing is wrong with people. If you suck at a certain position you shouldn't be there. If the guy gets fired then so be it. Guy doesn't need to try and protect someone that brought him a cold pizza 2 hours late. It's called accountability.
Well I can promise you that if everyone got fired after 1 screwup you would have nowhere to order from and no restaurants to go too. Have fun in that world.

Bubba T

Do you open the fucking box and stick your finger into the pizza before tipping a delivery driver?

You don't necessarily know the conditions that made the driver take a long time.

My guess would be he probably had to deliver 4 pizzas and the route he decided on had op as the last stop. There probably was some traffic and it did take an hour and a half to deliver to 4 stops.

To boot the pizza was free in this scenario and you wouldn't fucking tip?

It's a dick move, drivers depend on tips as they are getting paid minimum wage.

Your argument is nonsense because a phone call from the driver stating he's running late would work wonders on at least keeping the customer informed. That way the customer at least is aware of what's happening.

There is really no excuse for bad service and it shouldn't be rewarded.

On that note, this is now a tipping thread.


Jesus, are you the dude that took nearly two hours for a 5 minute drive? Tips are handed out for the service you provide. Bringing your food nearly two hours later on top of it being cold means you don't deserve anything extra as a tip. Whether that's on the manager, the people making the food, or the driver. That's not the customer's problem. If I go to a restaurant and they bring the food an hour and 30 minutes later and it's not cooked well, I'm not going to tip them either. It could the way the manager handles the order set up, the cooks, or it might be on the person bringing me the food. I haven't really experienced awful service other than once with a group of friends, but my friend tipped them regardless when they didn't deserve it. I pretty much reamed him for 3 mins, and his excuse was that they always order there and didn't want to piss the dude off lol

Why should the server suffer for the cook's failure? The server did their job. The cook didn't.
Jesus, are you the dude that took nearly two hours for a 5 minute drive? Tips are handed out for the service you provide. Bringing your food nearly two hours later on top of it being cold means you don't deserve anything extra as a tip. Whether that's on the manager, the people making the food, or the driver. That's not the customer's problem. If I go to a restaurant and they bring the food an hour and 30 minutes later and it's not cooked well, I'm not going to tip them either. It could the way the manager handles the order set up, the cooks, or it might be on the person bringing me the food. I haven't really experienced awful service other than once with a group of friends, but my friend tipped them regardless when they didn't deserve it. I pretty much reamed him for 3 mins, and his excuse was that they always order there and didn't want to piss the dude off lol
This is so incredibly backwards.

You call the restaurant and complain and get free food or a refund or whatever if things go bad. You don't stiff the delivery person unless you know for a fact they personally fucked something up.

You are a terrible customer and need to think more about the appropriate way to express dissatisfaction.
The only thing I've took away from this thread is that OP is too lazy to drive five minutes to get pizza.

lol I guess I kind of understand considering he's at work and it's easier to throw a few bucks someone's way than making a ten minute round trip yourself when you're trying to get stuff done.

But I don't remember the last time I've paid for delivery. I always do carryout.


I'll never understand tipping, but tipping a driver that was over an hour late?

Someone explain.

The service industry has partially offloaded the responsibility of paying its employees directly onto the customer. It's a shitty system, but not tipping is effectively knocking someone down who is already on the bottom.


It doesn't matter how late they were or how cold the pizza is, you must always tip the delivery person or you will rot in customer hell or something.
Tipping as a whole is such a weird concept to me. I've already paid for my food, why should I pay extra to someone just for doing the job they're paid to do by their employer? I have never tipped and never will.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
So you're saying its fine to punish someone that had nothing to do with the problem?

What's not fine is the idea that the corporation pushed off the idea of this problem on the customer.

Even beyond the issue of the pizza being late it's the fundamental problem the US has in that in the service industry a lot of shit gets pawned off either to the front line or customer vs management/corporate handling it.

It's also why tipping needs to go away.

This shit shouldn't be on the customer.
I'll never understand tipping, but tipping a driver that was over an hour late?

Someone explain.

Yeah, I'm a pretty generous tipper, but if my pizza arrived 90 minutes after I ordered it, there'd be no tip (unless someone called me and updated me on the situation). OP went above and beyond.

Bubba T

Tipping as a whole is such a weird concept to me. I've already paid for my food, why should I pay extra to someone just for doing the job they're paid to do by their employer? I have never tipped and never will.

Its a messed up concept for sure. I was always of the sort to tip if I felt the service was good, but the standard the US set with tipping being an expectation no matter the service level becomes very off putting.

Yeah, I'm a pretty generous tipper, but if my pizza arrived 90 minutes after I ordered it, there'd be no tip (unless someone called me and updated me on the situation). OP went above and beyond.

This is the point I've been making in this thread. If the driver and/or store bothered to even make one phone call stating the food would be late, I doubt OP makes this thread. One damn courtesy call could of solved this.


Yeah, I'm a pretty generous tipper, but if my pizza arrived 90 minutes after I ordered it, there'd be no tip (unless someone called me and updated me on the situation). OP went above and beyond.

I'd check if the pizza was cold, and if it was, I wouldn't even bother taking it.

I'd probably take it anyways and tip the driver because I'm soft. But I'd be mad.


First order of the day, 5 minutes away, takes more than an hour to get pizza.

Yep, the driver is in doo doo.


I'll never understand tipping, but tipping a driver that was over an hour late?

Someone explain.
Regardless of whether you received the meal that you paid your hard-earned money for on time or not, it is your God-given responsibility as a customer to ensure that the driver receives a generous tip to compensate for what their manager chooses to pay them.

Let me repeat that.

It is your responsibility to make sure the driver is paid, not their manager's. So whether you received your pizza on time or nearly 2 hours late, you must make your mandatory (yet somehow "voluntary") contribution to the bulk of the driver's "salary."


I would think it was the store making the pizza slowly, but the pizza was cold. Driver probably went to every other delivery before yours, OP.
I don't know man. You tipped a guy who delivered your food after an hour and a half. I wouldn't say you screwed him over.

He's probably not going to get too much shit for it unless it's something he's done before and you have every right to call up the place and ask where your food is.
Is Papa John's in the US THAT bad? I never had any when I was in the US, only had Domino's and Pizza Jerks, which were very good actually. Papa John's is fairly good here in Peru I'd say.
It's fine. A bunch of people here have a habit of exaggerating how bad chain fast food is.


Regardless of whether you received the meal that you paid your hard-earned money for on time or not, it is your God-given responsibility as a customer to ensure that the driver receives a generous tip to compensate for what their manager chooses to pay them.

Let me repeat that.

It is your responsibility to make sure the driver is paid, not their manager's. So whether you received your pizza on time or nearly 2 hours late, you must make your mandatory (yet somehow "voluntary") contribution to the bulk of the driver's "salary."

You pay one way or another, either through higher prices on pizza or through a tip. It averages out to a loss for the driver because the average people tip when you factor in those that stiff the driver (a fairly high number) is about $1.50 to $2 per delivery per night. I was lucky to work in a state with a dedicated minimum wage (Oregon!) so I got that wage no matter what my tips were, but that's not always the case.

And go ahead and complain all you want about the system, but it is the current system. Work to change it if it bothers you that much.

If you don't want to tip, just don't. A lot of people make that choice. But a lot of people will think you're an asshole.
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