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Digital Foundry: Hands-on with PS4's PlayStation 2 emulation


I just want to be able to play this on my PS4!



Oh, man. If the performance/resolution enhancements can be applied to at least all of the PS2 Classics available on PSN, this will be huge.

If they announce PS2 disc support... the Internet will implode.


Imagine getting all those trophies for your PSone and PS2 games.

Trophies for Legend of Mana
Trophies for Xenogears
Trophies for Suikoden II
Trophies for Mega Man Legends
Trophies for God Hand
Trophies for Shin Megami Tensei III
Trophies for Persona 3 FES



We already got through one generation of no disc-based PS2 BC, and still people are expecting it

Yeah. Sony has no incentive to offer disc based support since they can't make any money off that. It's mostly all aftermarket these days.

It would be cool, but I'm not holding my breathe.

Oh, man. If the performance/resolution enhancements can be applied to at least all of the PS2 Classics available on PSN, this will be huge.

If they announce PS2 disc support... the Internet will implode.

I don't know about that.

The people that have kept their PS2 collections is a very low. Moreover, you can only really get them in the aftermarket, where Sony makes no money of that.

PS2 BC is still a very niche thing.

Again, it would be great as a gamer, but I don't think these are huge announcements.


I'm not sure that disc-based emulation of every PS2 title will be possible. If so, then emulator has to have a feature to play games directly from DVDs, it can't simply copy game on HDD because it would be copyright infringement I'm afraid. I don't know if PS4 optical drive is capable of playing DVD PS2 games directly from it.
Why wouldn't the PS4's optical drive be capable of playing DVD PS2 games directly from it? It plays DVD movies just fine.


Yeah. Sony has no incentive to offer disc based support since they can't make any money off that. It's mostly all aftermarket these days.

It would be cool, but I'm not holding my breathe.

IF they got this working like how the Xbox One handles it I could maybe, MAYBE see them doing something like if you have the disc they only charge you half as much as just buying it "proper" off PSN, but that's the best I would see them doing. And honestly depending on what the prices are that might be reasonable if they are doing actual work and adding trophies etc.


? Isn't that how Xbox One emulation works for 360 games, you put the disc in to verify that you own it and then you actually are downloading the game from MS? I thought none of the 360 games actually ran off the disc itself, it was just a verification thing. Or am I wrong?

Yes. But it means that only titles available as PS2 Classics on PSN will be playable on this emulator, because even if you have a disc, you still have to download them. So we can forget about, for example, some older licensed games. I hope that these are only my concerns and we will be able to play every game directly from the disc, it would be really awesome.


IF they got this working like how the Xbox One handles it I could maybe, MAYBE see them doing something like if you have the disc they only charge you half as much as just buying it "proper" off PSN, but that's the best I would see them doing. And honestly depending on what the prices are that might be reasonable if they are doing actual work and adding trophies etc.

The issue is that at least XB360 games are still in the major retail channels, although it's getting more sparse every month. PS2 games are not.


i hope there's a way to transfer save data. i started persona 3 on my ps3 and would love it if i could transfer my save to ps4


This is so awesome!
How long till we have people complaining that BC is a waste of resources and no one wants it?


Yes. But it means that only titles available as PS2 Classics on PSN will be playable on this emulator. So we can forget about, for example, licensed games.

It also means no Shadow of the Colossus, since that game never got a PS2 Classics release. :(


Don't expect PS2 disc based support. It's not happening.

  • Realistic expectation: PS2 emulation on PS4 with custom wrappers that provide trophies. $10/pop for a game. You buy them over again.
  • Middling cool hope: the emulator allows old PS2 classics to be grandfathered over to PS4 for free, but no trophies are brought over. This seems like it would complicated the messaging of the PS2 emulation announcement, so I doubt it would happen. It's convoluted and there's not really enough won for either Sony or the consumer.
  • Moderately cool hope: The new wrapper with trophies hits on a game-by-game basis. You can pay $1-$2 to upgrade your old classics to PS4 with trophies added in. Maybe 10-20 are announced day one.
  • Brass ring: they grandfather over old PS2 Classics you previously purchased into this system. You just go to your download list and download them over to your PS4, no new purchase. They include trophies, but this means the emulator isn't universal and is, again, on a game by game basis.


Since it's unlikely that they can emulate PS3, it would be really cool if you could buy the right to stream a PS3 game via PS Now on an unlimited basis.

I don't know how cost effective that is, or if its in line with their monthly subscription business strategy, but it would be a great addition to PS1 and PS2 emulation.


Don't expect PS2 disc based support. It's not happening.

  • Realistic expectation: PS2 emulation on PS4 with custom wrappers that provide trophies. $10/pop for a game. You buy them over again.
  • Middling cool hope: the emulator allows old PS2 classics to be grandfathered over to PS4 for free, but no trophies are brought over. This seems like it would complicated the messaging of the PS2 emulation announcement, so I doubt it would happen. It's convoluted and there's not really enough won for either Sony or the consumer.
  • Moderately cool hope: The new wrapper with trophies hits on a game-by-game basis. You can pay $1-$2 to upgrade your old classics to PS4.
  • Brass ring: they grandfather over old PS2 Classics you previously purchased into this system. You just go to your download list and download them over to your PS4, no new purchase.

Brass ring is the ideal solution. Just make them cross-buy with the trophyless versions.


Can't wait for people reactions when they announce that you can't use your PS2 disc games.

Allowing a subset of supported PS2 game discs to authorize download and gameplay would be a bonus, but people are not really expecting that.

Edited out a rather rude comment, sorry about that.
Pretty cool news! I haven't been following this closely because I expected only a few select titles to be remastered to run on it but it's nice to know that it's an actual emulator.

PS2 is my favorite console and I have tons of games so this is only going to really excite me if we're able to play the old discs. Sony, if you can do that I promise to only buy Sony products from now until the PS4 is obsolete.
Haha, it's only because some people has unrealistic perspectives.
There are already PS2 classics for PS3 on PS Store.

In my opinion, digital is fine. I am just worried about the games. I WANT DQ7, Rogue Galaxy and the Shadow Hearts games.

I'll gladly pay another 10 bucks.


There are a bunch of PS2 games I'd buy for PS4, assuming they are priced at a couple dollars a pop which is what they are worth now!
I'd really like a champions of norrath port. It was lacking on ps3, curious what hurdles they have to jump, I'd think it'd be easy with SOE being the one who published it and owns the everquest ip.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Sony are keeping quiet until the full reveal at PSX most likely.

Also very glad to see improved performance and enhanced res. Even if it isnt native 1080p, that's still beyond HD quality for PS2 games, which is a huge upgrade for those of us who don't own a PC.

4 times the original PS2 res is quite a jump for any title.
This is not a confirmation of anything. Rare Replay has emulated games. Does that mean we have OG Xbox BC. Sorry guys.

There are no emulated Xbox games in Rare Replay. Grabbed by the Ghoulies was ported to Xbox One because that was easier than making an emulator for just that one game.
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