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Digital Foundry: Microsoft to unlock more GPU power for Xbox One developers


Of course it's special!

*first Kinect flagship title launching sometime in Spring 2014*
*almost every announced Kinect game is a derivative of some shitty game or idea that came out on Kinect already, suggesting developers are running on fumes*

I mean... the voice and gestural UI navigation! In some countries, I mean! Well, in 13 countries anyway! Well, most of the features, some won't be ready for the launches in the 13 countries! But yeah! It detects your heartbeat! *swoon*

*only* $100 more...

I know this is sarcasm, but I still feel the need to tell you "xbox on" only works in 5 countries at launch. Sorry man.
There's just a certain irony that it would have probably slipped by me completely if they hadn't decided to try and sell it as an upshot with a bit of spin-doctoring. Uh, thanks for (unintentionally) keeping me informed as a consumer, Microsoft - I guess? Keep up the good work?

We know the numbers for the components (except the PS4 CPU) so we know the theoretical max for these machines, and the difference between them.

Only inefficiencies will reduce those theoretical numbers. So, all that's happening is MS is using the ideas behind efficiency to obfuscate the situation.

"Balance" is just efficiency, it won't increase the numbers we know.

"Unlocking power" is just efficiency it won't increase the numbers we know.

The only way the machines could get closer is if the PS4 is very inefficient, but we've heard the opposite.


The 10% thing, does that include Kinect, the 3 OS and other things? Or is it just one OS or ... I don't know, it confuses me why you'd need 3 :(

It's what game devs have to bear in mind when they develop games for Xbox One so yes, it includes all things Kinect and OS.

Mr Moose

Tech threads are becoming a graveyard for new members.
MS needs to show people how great kinect is talking about specs is not going to help .


If it can really measure your heart rate, that's a pretty cool feature to me (was that actually true or just made up crap for a video? facial heartbeat something... whut?). Will it be included in any games? Was that thing on a PC, because I didn't see any options (no key changes or anything).


Not enough malt liquor in the world for bodycounts like these. Should've elaborated quicker, maybe.

What a fucking thread. Loving it, thanks NeoGAF for making my day that much more interdasting.

I'm astounded that the 10% rumor ended up being right on point. I thought it sounded a bit high, but I was wrong. Damn, MS, that Kinect better be something special.

It's so special Microsoft couldn't see fit to make a game for it for launch day.
The 10% thing, does that include Kinect, the 3 OS and other things? Or is it just one OS or ... I don't know, it confuses me why you'd need 3 :(

One is a Game OS, One is a Windows 8 Derivative and One serves as a hypervisor that talks between the two. Id imagine its many done for security purposes.


The 10% thing, does that include Kinect, the 3 OS and other things? Or is it just one OS or ... I don't know, it confuses me why you'd need 3 :(

It includes certain functions of the Kinect and the multitasking capabilities via snap. Having what is essentially 2 OS and a process that manages systems resources allows them to have the side by side snap feature since games will run on their own OS and apps on their own.

It's so special Microsoft couldn't see fit to make a game for it for launch day.

That's kind of a testament that seemingly Microsoft was not planning on launching this year. With the amount of things that are coming in 2014, and all dev speak of the system struggling a bit, it's been clearly obvious that they wanted to stretch the 360 one more year and profit as heavily off that as they could.

I'm just worried that the system could struggle with multiplatform games entirely in 3-4 years once we phase out the 360 and PS3 entirely. I don't know how they expect to compete in the game space in 5 years against a stronger system in the PS4, which at that point prices really won't matter.


This. When Cerny speaks it's all fine and good, when Leadbetter writes an article that is getting information from Xbox One architects, it's ripped to shreds and it's MS moneyhatted Digital Foundry. It's why I try to stay out of these threads once they devolve to console warz which doesn't take very long. You have to really dig to find balanced responses in these kinds threads as most post with their bias, I do it too, but at least I can admit it.
Actually, I can't wait to see the spin from DF showing there isn't much of a difference. I do believe RL is in MS pocket, but we will see. I could be wrong.


But really, what else can they do? We know all about their launch lineup by now and it's too late to try and rush another big name exclusive out for launch. They're more expensive, less powerful, and even prior to those becoming apparent they were beginning to be viewed less favorably by people like us (a.k.a. likely early adopters).

Having a house cleaning so soon before launch also gave people plenty of thoughts, few of them good about why that might have happened. The Xbox One looks like they either fundamentally misunderstood their target audience or willfully disregarded it.

I will give them some credit, they really seem to be trying their best at this point to turn things around and I imagine things will turn out mostly ok for them in the end, but it's really hard to shake the impression that they're rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic after all of that.

The problem is that at the moment they don't seem to have a clear strategy.
Xbox One is the victim of the clash between two sides within the company.
Those who want to use the Xbox as a Kinect based set top box to help Microsoft in their (so far losing) battle with Apple and Google.
The other side are the guys of the gaming division who don't know how they can justify a weaker box at a higher price to their own target (the gamers) and they're trying to do what they can to give more resources to developers which internally are probably not so happy of the situation.
The fact that there is this internal contrast is evident if we think about how it's possible that Kinect has so much importance on the hardware side and yet this year there is no potential killer application to prove consumers how much that thing is worth.
That's pretty much crazy, it means that they're totally disconnected.
Honestly I don't know what they can do, they need to fix their situation inside and take decisions (like dropping Kinect). But attempts at mudding waters on their specs, telling how balanced their architecture is, just to admit later that they're reserving 10% of a 1.3tf GPU for Kinect (what is left.. 1.17tf for graphics?), that their OS and tools are unfinished....are clearly backfiring.


Stop make me cry, Amir0x.

If MS is making everyone buy the Kinect for nothing... shit. They'll already have my money. Hopefully the menu stuff is worth it, because I'm doubtful there will ever be Kinect only games that are any good. Maybe it'll get fus-ro-dah capabilities or something. *sigh

I mean of anything I've seen for Kinect, I think the Project Spark motion capture thing has some interesting potential. It's certainly an idea I never conceived of for Kinect. But it's still for the game development side, not for the actual game playing side, so for Kinect to be worth it for me personally, it'd have to demonstrate its utility and ability to make some genres genuinely better - not just shallow party/mini-game compilations and dance games - without also simultaneously causing a whole lot of problems in most other genres. So far, this has not been the case. So far Kinect has been disastrous for almost everything it has touched save those few genres I mentioned. And hey, if that's what you're into, super. But I am personally way past shallow mini/party games. They do not stimulate me. They are bite sized chunks of game concepts that never got expanded into full games because they were too shitty or shallow to hold anyone's interest over the course of a full MSRP title. Then they think if they throw 12 of these such concepts together that's "value." Well, you know, for some people it is, but for me I can't. I just can't. So Kinect has to prove it can go beyond that.

Mr Moose

One is a Game OS, One is a Windows 8 Derivative and One serves as a hypervisor that talks between the two. Id imagine its many done for security purposes.

Is the last one needed? (if security related then I guess yes). But now they are saying they can release this 10% that's being held back, right? So they can, if they disabled things that people liked about it, get to their 1.3Tflops or something? I think I am misunderstanding :(
This. When Cerny speaks it's all fine and good, when Leadbetter writes an article that is getting information from Xbox One architects, it's ripped to shreds and it's MS moneyhatted Digital Foundry. It's why I try to stay out of these threads once they devolve to console warz which doesn't take very long. You have to really dig to find balanced responses in these kinds threads as most post with their bias, I do it too, but at least I can admit it.

Maybe you should try harder. Simply whining about the way other people post isn't a good way to contribute to the thread.

You must have been absent the last few months of Microsoft lying and spinning damn near all the time and Sony being mostly honest and straightforward with their PR. I've said this a few times before, and it's been mentioned several times in this very thread: MS earned all of this and more. This is one of the most mismanaged console launches in a long time, and it has provoked the ire of many forum posters (and others) as a result. If you look at several of the full-fledged members' post histories (from long ago), you'll see several people who were fully in favor of the Xbox 360. They've since made the switch to Playstation. Is that because of some nefarious Sony scheme to fool gamers into preferring their console?



Fujiwara Tofu Shop
These guys? I'm a gamer, exactly like you. I do work in programming.. Look at my short (lol) history. The stuff I said in that Killzone thread is not BS or anything. And, I'm not saying PS4 is weaker or anything close to that... Just think the tech talks are interesting. I'll elaborate more when I get time maybe.


Amazed at how many I've seen banned.


Tech threads are becoming a graveyard for new members.
MS needs to show people how great kinect is talking about specs is not going to help .

I thinks it's perfectly acceptable to talk about your own specs and the philosophies behind them, but once you start dragging in the competition like they did last time, you're asking for trouble.


What happens if MS rips out the Kinect down the road? That is interesting, since the tech itself has some uses - we just haven't seen them applied to anything in gaming yet


This. When Cerny speaks it's all fine and good, when Leadbetter writes an article that is getting information from Xbox One architects, it's ripped to shreds and it's MS moneyhatted Digital Foundry. It's why I try to stay out of these threads once they devolve to console warz which doesn't take very long. You have to really dig to find balanced responses in these kinds threads as most post with their bias, I do it too, but at least I can admit it.

When cerny speaks he doesnt go into with console warz. Look how many time they talk about ps4 in this article. Now compare that to cerny....


Night and day.
This. When Cerny speaks it's all fine and good, when Leadbetter writes an article that is getting information from Xbox One architects, it's ripped to shreds and it's MS moneyhatted Digital Foundry. It's why I try to stay out of these threads once they devolve to console warz which doesn't take very long. You have to really dig to find balanced responses in these kinds threads as most post with their bias, I do it too, but at least I can admit it.

That fact that you even tried to compare Mark Cerny to Richard Leadbetter and wonder why people might hold those two in different standards....

Yeah, it's probably best if you did stay out of these threads
I mean of anything I've seen for Kinect, I think the Project Spark motion capture thing has some interesting potential. It's certainly an idea I never conceived of for Kinect. But it's still for the game development side, not for the actual game playing side, so for Kinect to be worth it for me personally, it'd have to demonstrate its utility and ability to make some genres genuinely better - not just shallow party/mini-game compilations and dance games - without also simultaneously causing a whole lot of problems in most other genres. So far, this has not been the case. So far Kinect has been disastrous for almost everything it has touched save those few genres I mentioned. And hey, if that's what you're into, super. But I am personally way past shallow mini/party games. They do not stimulate me. They are bite sized chunks of game concepts that never got expanded into full games because they were too shitty or shallow to hold anyone's interest over the course of a full MSRP title. Then they think if they throw 12 of these such concepts together that's "value." Well, you know, for some people it is, but for me I can't. I just can't. So Kinect has to prove it can go beyond that.
It's not what I'm into, and that's exactly the problem. I want to play the exclusives, but I don't want the damn camera. The fact that MS hasn't shown any new game types (specifically hardcore games) that are better with Kinect than a controller has me very worried. And instead of making those games/brainstorming actual uses for the Kinect in a hardcore gaming setting, they're trying to go for less difference between them and their competitor. A change that will not even bring them close to parity anyway. It's baffling.
Is the last one needed? (if security related then I guess yes). But now they are saying they can release this 10% that's being held back, right? So they can, if they disabled things that people liked about it, get to their 1.3Tflops or something? I think I am misunderstanding :(

its nowhere near that simple. The 10% is related to the Consoles gpu, not its OS. They need all 3 OS's regardless, even if they reduce the resources it draws on in future.


Can't say I'm surprised he was banned it was pretty obvious. But lets not harp on it and get back on topic please.

It's funny that almost every leak turned out to be true, it's been an amazing ride watching this all go down.
The effect is ironic -- the more MS talks about their specs, the less interested I am in their system.

And I certainly can't relish in Microsoft's missteps like so many of the Sony fanboys here. For one, I actually like some of their games. For another, and perhaps more importantly, their weak-sauce console is going to drag down the quality of multi-platform games, which is 90% of what I play.

The whole thing is kind of a bummer.
Leadbetter isn't he the one that did the FF13 comparison. The one where he stated that FF13 on 360 should have been better the whole article instead of highlighting the PS3's advantages. At that moment people stated that DF was bias to a degree and here we are now.

Mr Moose

Amazed at how many I've seen banned.

lol I laughed harder than I should have, snorted a little...

Maybe you should try harder. Simply whining about the way other people post isn't a good way to contribute to the thread.

Nice, I didn't even see their post.

Cerny (the God that he is, lol) said something like Sony considered using eSRAM in the first place, but after speaking to devs who wanted unified RAM, decided to go a different route (with 2GB GDDR5 RAM from what I am aware?), later was increased to 4GB GDDR5 RAM... Then MicroSoft went with 8GB DDR 3 and 32MB of eSRAM, Sony caught them with their pants down and said "lol! we got 8GB GDDR 5 MS, try harder!" or something.

Correct if wrong, please.


This. When Cerny speaks it's all fine and good, when Leadbetter writes an article that is getting information from Xbox One architects, it's ripped to shreds and it's MS moneyhatted Digital Foundry. It's why I try to stay out of these threads once they devolve to console warz which doesn't take very long. You have to really dig to find balanced responses in these kinds threads as most post with their bias, I do it too, but at least I can admit it.

I browse these threads and I'm just not seeing much wrong here. The way that a lot of threads skew one way or another seems to be based on legitimate reasoning.

If Cerny began making statements about the infinite power of Gaikai, or vague claims of a more 'balanced' system instead of actual specs or some such, I believe you'd see people rightly jump all over that.


This. When Cerny speaks it's all fine and good, when Leadbetter writes an article that is getting information from Xbox One architects, it's ripped to shreds and it's MS moneyhatted Digital Foundry. It's why I try to stay out of these threads once they devolve to console warz which doesn't take very long. You have to really dig to find balanced responses in these kinds threads as most post with their bias, I do it too, but at least I can admit it.
That's because Mark Cerny doesn't treat people like they are idiots? Every time he gets asked a question about the hardware he answers without talking about the competition.

We have had Microsoft PR try to convince people that the gap isn't significant and they delve into mental gymnastics to prove some sort of system balance. Of course they can't come out and concede to Sony but they should change the conversation to their games.


When cerny speaks he doesnt go into with console warz. Look how many time they talk about ps4 in this article. Now compare that to cerny....


Night and day.
See that's the thing in this article the MS engineer does not bring up the PS4, Leadbetter does. But some people have to equate Leadbetter's obvious bias to the Xbox platform as signs of Leadbetter or Digital Foundry being moneyhatted, like it's that black and white.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
I'm pretty sure a large part of what is happening is that MS pissed off a lot of folks and pushed them over to another competitor with their reveal and all the mixed messages they are giving. People did not just choose a side for nothing.

Aw man... come on... what about all that balance?


First Mattrick, then Balmer, and now the Microsoft board is pressing Bill Gates to retire.

Exclusive: Time for Gates to go, some top Microsoft investors tell board:

"Microsoft is now looking for a new CEO, though its board has said Ballmer's strategy will go forward. He has focused on making devices, such as the Surface tablet and Xbox gaming console, and turning key software into services provided over the Internet. Some investors say that a new chief should not be bound by that strategy.


I'm not sure if it merits another thread, and I'm not sure where else to discuss it, but for me it prompts three questions:

1. How immune is the Xbox division (whatever it's called now) from whatever takeover seems to be happening?

2. Is it as bad as it looks?

3. If this Xbox underperforms and/or isn't profitable, could it be the last one?

Mr Moose

its nowhere near that simple. The 10% is related to the Consoles gpu, not its OS. They need all 3 OS's regardless, even if they reduce the resources it draws on in future.

Thanks, so is their max 1.3 TFlops no matter what? The 3 OS won't reduce that? Is it only things like "snap" that will?

(Sorry, I don't know what I am talking about, but I do enjoy learning about this kind of stuff).
Actually, I can't wait to see the spin from DF showing there isn't much of a difference. I do believe RL is in MS pocket, but we will see. I could be wrong.

What nonsense. Seriously. This is complete nonsense. It's like the guy is only allowed to write positive things about the PS4, and that's it.


First Mattrick, then Balmer, and now the Microsoft board is pressing Bill Gates to retire.

"Microsoft is now looking for a new CEO, though its board has said Ballmer's strategy will go forward. He has focused on making devices, such as the Surface tablet and Xbox gaming console, and turning key software into services provided over the Internet. Some investors say that a new chief should not be bound by that strategy."


I'm not sure if it merits another thread, and I'm not sure where else to discuss it, but for me it prompts three questions:

1. How immune is the Xbox division (whatever it's called now) from whatever takeover seems to be happening?

2. Is it as bad as it looks?

3. If this Xbox underperforms and/or isn't profitable, could it be the last one?

There has been a long going and well documented civil war internally at Microsoft over devices&services part of the company, and many want to drop it or drastically alter the strategy there altogether. Few have seen it as an outright success, and big stockholders are gaining power that want to discuss selling off or separating the Xbox brand altogether.

It's probably not quite as serious as this all sounds, but unlike Nintendo, Microsoft really could potentially leave the industry if certain internal decisions go certain ways. It's very plausible.


This. When Cerny speaks it's all fine and good, when Leadbetter writes an article that is getting information from Xbox One architects, it's ripped to shreds and it's MS moneyhatted Digital Foundry. It's why I try to stay out of these threads once they devolve to console warz which doesn't take very long. You have to really dig to find balanced responses in these kinds threads as most post with their bias, I do it too, but at least I can admit it.

LOL. You would defend someone who writes articles defending Xbox through his Microsoft fanboyism over a architect designer for the PS4?

C'mon, you can't be serious.


First Mattrick, then Balmer, and now the Microsoft board is pressing Bill Gates to retire.

"Microsoft is now looking for a new CEO, though its board has said Ballmer's strategy will go forward. He has focused on making devices, such as the Surface tablet and Xbox gaming console, and turning key software into services provided over the Internet. Some investors say that a new chief should not be bound by that strategy."


I'm not sure if it merits another thread, and I'm not sure where else to discuss it, but for me it prompts three questions:

1. How immune is the Xbox division (whatever it's called now) from whatever takeover seems to be happening?

2. Is it as bad as it looks?

3. If this Xbox underperforms and/or isn't profitable, could it be the last one?

I'd say either new thread or necro the one about the activist investor being offered a place on the board.


I want to know what happens to the power gap if Sony magically decides to upclock in year 2 AND reduce GameOS GPU usage? They've made some major milestones on Vita, imagine what could happen with this.


So Bish coming in here and banning astroturfers all over the place, MS increasing their obfuscation over the power difference between PS4 and Xbone, and NeoGAF rightly calling out FUD and bullshit from legit shills and overzealous fanboys is being biased? Spare me bruh.

Ya Bruh!! I got banned FOR A MONTH for "working too hard" when an article came out that was anti xbox one because the writer of said article said the then "always online" thing would prevent him from taking his xbox one to a cabin. I went a bit nuts at that and was banned. That ban assumed I was working for MS, when in reality, NONE of MS' policies bother me or will affect me in the slightest and I wanted to voice that opinion. NOPE!!, can't do that, I'm a shill. GAF is pro SONY, the mods support it, and could it be that some of the advertisers of this site are also pro SONY and the mods are directed to act accordingly? Oh, perish the thought! One of the running jokes about GAF is no one knows why or for what reason you can be banned. A mod having a bad day...BAN. Not politically correct...BAN! Pro MS posts...you get the idea.


I want to know what happens to the power gap if Sony magically decides to upclock in year 2 AND reduce GameOS GPU usage? They've made some major milestones on Vita, imagine what could happen with this.

You're really sold on that up clock aren't you? I'm torn because it would be a bitch to implement but then again the bird speaks the truth...


I want to know what happens to the power gap if Sony magically decides to upclock in year 2 AND reduce GameOS GPU usage? They've made some major milestones on Vita, imagine what could happen with this.

What will happen is Microsoft will reveal its audio chip can be, um, utilized to... expand... plus there is a slot for RAM CARTRIDGE...and...

well you'll see it in the games. do the games look much different? I rest my case.


Ya Bruh!! I got banned FOR A MONTH for "working too hard" when an article came out that was anti xbox one because the writer of said article said the then "always online" thing would prevent him from taking his xbox one to a cabin. I went a bit nuts at that and was banned. That ban assumed I was working for MS, when in reality, NONE of MS' policies bother me or will affect me in the slightest and I wanted to voice that opinion. NOPE!!, can't do that, I'm a shill. GAF is pro SONY, the mods support it, and could it be that some of the advertisers of this site are also pro SONY and the mods are directed to act accordingly? Oh, perish the thought! One of the running jokes about GAF is no one knows why or for what reason you can be banned. A mod having a bad day...BAN. Not politically correct...BAN! Pro MS posts...you get the idea.

I know your saying its not always clear why some people are banned, but if your name becomes grey, I think it will be obvious why in your case....

EDIT: annnnnnd your gone.
Goodbye, BillyBats. Goodbye.

It'll be interesting to see what develops on the business side of MS with all this unrest gong on right now. Well likely discuss in the other thread.


Ya Bruh!! I got banned FOR A MONTH for "working too hard" when an article came out that was anti xbox one because the writer of said article said the then "always online" thing would prevent him from taking his xbox one to a cabin. I went a bit nuts at that and was banned. That ban assumed I was working for MS, when in reality, NONE of MS' policies bother me or will affect me in the slightest and I wanted to voice that opinion. NOPE!!, can't do that, I'm a shill. GAF is pro SONY, the mods support it, and could it be that some of the advertisers of this site are also pro SONY and the mods are directed to act accordingly? Oh, perish the thought! One of the running jokes about GAF is no one knows why or for what reason you can be banned. A mod having a bad day...BAN. Not politically correct...BAN! Pro MS posts...you get the idea.

Seems fair to me.
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