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Digital Foundry - Next gen game broadcasting

I cannot praise Shadowplay enough, it's a great piece of software. Amazing quality, hardly any performance hit. If you own a compatible Nvidia card you need to try it out.


Yeah, its 720p and it streams in 60fps, but hey You get 8GB GDDR5 of RAM for 400$!

You know, there's salt, and there's straight up acting like a child. This is the latter.

Sit down, bro. Don't let this get your blood pressure up.


OnLive streaming probably has better quality than this XD

Yeah, its 720p and it streams in 60fps, but hey You get 8GB GDDR5 of RAM for 400$!

I'd say they're pretty similar and Onlive can get mighty blurry at times too depending on how much movement is on the screen. It's hard to do a 1:1 comparison but I took a few screenshots of the older Assassin's Creed games. Overall I would give the advantage to Onlive which does seem to have better image quality plus 60 FPS. I watched the videos on Digital Foundry and the PS4 streaming quality does look a bit better in motion. Nothing Sony can't improve in the future though.



Also, they state as a fact that "five minutes of spooled gameplay isn't really enough". For what, exactly? Sure, more is always better, but other than professional videos like walkthroughs or let's plays which should be done with dedicated hardware anyway I can't think of any reason I would need more than 5 minutes.
Seriously? Here are several extremely common gameplay scenarios where a single sequence can easily take longer than 5 minutes:

Boss fight
Turret or driving/piloting part in FPS/TPS
Stealth infiltration of fortified area
Room puzzle in exploration game
Achievement/trophy for completing a level quickly

Plus many more, I'm sure. And this is not to mention that the whole point of putting a Share function in the console and button on the controller is to lower the wall between "professional" videos and the masses, and allow everyone to post their discoveries. Just one example: with a 15-minute limit, you could grab all the collectibles in a level, then edit down to show where they each are in a shorter upload.

There are many use cases.


Seriously? Here are several extremely common gameplay scenarios where a single sequence can easily take longer than 5 minutes:

Boss fight
Turret or driving/piloting part in FPS/TPS
Stealth infiltration of fortified area
Room puzzle in exploration game
Achievement/trophy for completing a level quickly

Plus many more, I'm sure. And this is not to mention that the whole point of putting a Share function in the console and button on the controller is to lower the wall between "professional" videos and the masses, and allow everyone to post their discoveries. Just one example: with a 15-minute limit, you could grab all the collectibles in a level, then edit down to show where they each are in a shorter upload.

There are many use cases.

I wish Sony would allow us customization on how far back to record though. Although very useful I rarely need 15 minutes. Most of the things I want to record are just quick "oh that's cool" moments. Hopefully they provide something similar to Microsoft and Onlive where you can quickly record only the past 30 or 10 seconds or so.


I also really like having the clips associated with my profile. It's fun to watch other friend's clips be it of cool stuff in BF4 or an excellent match of Killer Instinct.

I agree about the lack of screenshot functionality though on Xbox, also the complete lack of streaming.

You can have that on ps4 too, as long as you have a facebook or twitter linked you can see all the videos and screen shots people on your friends list have uploaded on the whats new feed. Streaming quality when ive changed to best looks real good, i do have 20mb upload though so might be the reason.
they need to refine the PS4 experience before they add extra features

could yield to something good

Also the share button being there really helps

Special C

I think the Xbox One is better for casual recording of quick clips. The convenience of the Xbox, Record That voice command can't be understated. Seems like the PS4 is more functional for more serious users.


Neo Member
I wish Sony would allow us customization on how far back to record though. Although very useful I rarely need 15 minutes. Most of the things I want to record are just quick "oh that's cool" moments. Hopefully they provide something similar to Microsoft and Onlive where you can quickly record only the past 30 or 10 seconds or so.

I disagree, I think the best way would be to justy add some tool to edit your recorded clips, at least trim them, and allow like an hour to record in background with some setting.

And before you say "I'll need to scroll through the whole thing to find what I want! I dont like it!"

This is actually really simple, in that trimming software, it would just put a mark at the moment you pressed share ( or started recording, or pressed share again e.t.c.) so you can easily find the needed piece.

You can have that on ps4 too, as long as you have a facebook or twitter linked you can see all the videos and screen shots people on your friends list have uploaded on the whats new feed. Streaming quality when ive changed to best looks real good, i do have 20mb upload though so might be the reason.

Nah streaming quality is preset and does not change with your bandwidth afaik. You probably have a game with no high frequency details and low movement, then stuff can look decent indeed.
I absolutely hate the Recording parts if the PS4. I can't for the life of me figure out how to edit the videos. Unless I'm extremely dense how do you do it?

I admit that I do watch some streams tho. I already see some girls wanting to make it Well known that they are female gamers by blatantly naming their feed something generic like "Gamer Girl blah blah" all while allowing thirsy SAHARA desert parched dudes ask for request. I mean really tho? It's already starting... Smh


What the PS4 need is the Game DVR stuff from Xbone like the ability to edit and put your face in the clip that whole studio functionality. I have not been able to figure out how to edit a clip if there is a way.

They also need to enable copy to USB or upload to Skydrive/Dropbox


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
If I want to save videos, but not have people on Facebook see them, is there something I can short of making a dummy FB account?


If I want to save videos, but not have people on Facebook see them, is there something I can short of making a dummy FB account?

you can set it so nobody else sees the posts, but then nobody on your PSN friends list can see them either

Seriously? Here are several extremely common gameplay scenarios where a single sequence can easily take longer than 5 minutes:

Boss fight
Turret or driving/piloting part in FPS/TPS
Stealth infiltration of fortified area
Room puzzle in exploration game
Achievement/trophy for completing a level quickly

Plus many more, I'm sure. And this is not to mention that the whole point of putting a Share function in the console and button on the controller is to lower the wall between "professional" videos and the masses, and allow everyone to post their discoveries. Just one example: with a 15-minute limit, you could grab all the collectibles in a level, then edit down to show where they each are in a shorter upload.

There are many use cases.

I disagree, the point is to share cool moments you experience in games not to generate long detailed guides which all of your examples boil down to with the exception of boss fights. Though I think you're underestimating how long 5 minutes is if you think many boss fights are longer


So relevant. So salty.

You know, there's salt, and there's straight up acting like a child. This is the latter.

Sit down, bro. Don't let this get your blood pressure up.

Its not so salty, when You look at other threads, like for example in talks about PC hardware where You have dozen of posts how consoles are values for their money.
How exactly when they cant even handle standard community features that are available on PC for almost decade?

I'm sorry, but sharing quality and features are the biggest fails of those console launches.
We are almost in 2014 and we cant have proper capture features in new machines, its a joke. Freaking smart phones have better software than next-gen entertainment systems that were in production in last 5+ years for billions of dollars.
I disagree, the point is to share cool moments you experience in games not to generate long detailed guides which all of your examples boil down to with the exception of boss fights. Though I think you're underestimating how long 5 minutes is if you think many boss fights are longer
Of course not every instance of every thing I mentioned is going to be longer than five minutes. The point isn't about specific lengths of specific things, it's about consumer freedom. They bought the game, they should get to use broadcasting features however they like, whether or not they're conforming to your own invented "rules".

Indeed, I find it faintly ridiculous that you're trying to put hard limits both on what the Share feature's "point" is, and on what someone can possibly construe as a "cool moment". Neither of those things are yours to define. A little empathy would go a ways here--if somebody feels a real sense of accomplishment after sneaking undetected into a locked castle vault in Thief, and want to broadcast their awesomeness, let them. Just because you wouldn't do it doesn't mean it's pointless to do.


I've been using it quite a bit on PS4 and had one definite instance of a recording that should have been there, not existing. What should have been correct from the claimed timestamp was something I'd recorded much earlier in the day. Quite upsetting because it was a great fight against one of the legendary ships in AC4. What's the best way of letting Sony know that bugs like this exist?


Doesn't Sony have video editing software out there for PC? Would it be impossible for them to implement that into the share functionality?

Beside clipping and picture in picture what else would you need? Do people really use those cheesy effects on the XB1?


PS4 really brought it with the share features! The only thing Xbone has is video which is slower with a shorter time and bad quality.


Most of the PS4 streams I've seen so far have looked pretty miserable, even on the "Best" quality setting. Sony really needs to make it more configurable; maybe a "Best+" option with 1280x720 at 2000-2500kbps.


I've found the xbox record that feature to be easier to use then coming out of the game to edit or save a clip. And also snap game dvr and then say end clip, minute length, then double tap the guide button, back to the action until you get the notification.


Don't know of I'm the only one with this issue but Twitch streams seem to be shittier quality than ustream. Why is that? Does it depend on the users internet connection?


those are animus effects!
Don't you mean artifacts? Animus needs better video encoding!

... Anyways, I suspect the XB1 having it was purely reactionary to the PS4 having it, you can see that was designed around having it even with a dedicated share button (though I'm still dumb and stuck to tradition and would rather have had Select... especially since instead if that light they probably could've had a fat Share button) whereas the XB1 just expects you to tell Kinect to record and doesn't go back as far. That's actually kind of theme so far it seem: Sony knew what they wanted and built the system around that, while Microsoft seemed sort of lost as to how to iterate on the 360 while winning more of the mainstream crowd while clearly being more technologically advanced. Microsoft can REALLY nail something when everything's firing on all cylinders, but when they're not... well, they've done worse anyway.


Don't you mean artifacts? Animus needs better video encoding!

... Anyways, I suspect the XB1 having it was purely reactionary to the PS4 having it, you can see that was designed around having it even with a dedicated share button (though I'm still dumb and stuck to tradition and would rather have had Select... especially since instead if that light they probably could've had a fat Share button) whereas the XB1 just expects you to tell Kinect to record and doesn't go back as far. That's actually kind of theme so far it seem: Sony knew what they wanted and built the system around that, while Microsoft seemed sort of lost as to how to iterate on the 360 while winning more of the mainstream crowd while clearly being more technologically advanced. Microsoft can REALLY nail something when everything's firing on all cylinders, but when they're not... well, they've done worse anyway.

Having seen both, I don't think it's reactionary. There were rumours in the leaks last year that talked about game recording for Xbox and PS4. And since most of these features ( outside of the share button on the DS4) I suspect there will be a lot of improvements on both sides.


I think the Xbox One is better for casual recording of quick clips. The convenience of the Xbox, Record That voice command can't be understated. Seems like the PS4 is more functional for more serious users.

Double-tap the share button and you have the equivalent of "Xbox, Record That".


Double-tap the share button and you have the equivalent of "Xbox, Record That".

That's actually pretty different. Saying "Xbox Record That" will immediately record the previous 30 seconds while double tapping the share button only starts a new recording on the PS4.
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