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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


Had a meeting during the reveal, EG site is down, anyone willing to catch me up on the following points:

* Is Scorpio more than just an Xbox one Pro (with the OG -> Pro gap simply being bigger than with PS4)
* Have any new games been revealed?
* Any details on VR?
* Name / Release date / price?

much appreciated if someone could quickly catch me up here.
Pretty awesome for Xbox people or gamers that need it all. With my Pro my Pc and my switch I just can't swallow another console and 12 months of live just for Xbox exclusives (this is their weakest pillar right now for me)


GAF's Bob Woodward
Oh, and no Zen kills all "generationless" talk lol. Generations are here to stay.

Yeah, I had increasing skepticism that Scorpio is necessarily a locked-in factor for the next generation of Xbox software, whenever that cycle kicks off.

Some have been talking about that as if it was a confirmed thing, but MS's comments on Scorpio specifically and what its intended to be where very specific and defined to the Xbox One generation, as far as I could see.

Maybe Scorpio can feature as a baseline for the next-gen Xbox cycle, if dev trends push away from the CPU in a big way, but otherwise I just can't see Microsoft tying their next cycle of software to this base in 2020 or whenever, if developers are demanding more, and the competition is providing it. MS is definitely keeping all options open here anyway.


I like the fact that Microsoft is paying so much attention to compatibility and automatically ensuring the best experience for players. I'm still on the fence about buying a PlayStation 4 Pro (as well as the PlayStation 4 in general), as there's so much that worries me in terms of Sony's approach to this sort of thing. With PlayStation TV and PlayStation 4 Pro, Sony just really dropped the ball in terms of communicating compatibility in some respects. I shouldn't have to look through a spreadsheet to see if a game can be downloaded or run on PlayStation TV, nor should I have to do the same to see if Boost Mode will break a game on PlayStation 4 Pro. I hope Microsoft's attention to detail in this respect pays off.

Also, the hardware customizations for Scorpio make me feel the way I did when I read about the Xbox 360 specs prior to that system's launch. I like the idea of Microsoft differentiating its system on the hardware level more, as I felt that a lot of Microsoft's changes after the initial Xbox One reveal stripped the system of its identity.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
  • 36 CU vs 40
  • 2.1Ghz vs 2.3
  • 8GB GDDR5 v 12
  • 1 year after the Pro's launch.

I know they have some kind of dedicated chip that handles Direct x12 functions, but i just dont see it going over $399 with those specs. RAM is the only thing that got a major upgrade but again, Sony had 8GB GDDR5 RAM 4 years ago in a $399 box. It's not that hard to believe that 12GB can be included in a $399 box along with a jaguar CPU and a 480x that retailed for $200 last year.

Now if it had a zen CPU or a Nvidia GPU then we might be looking at $499. Right now, it's basically the PS4 Pro with higher clocks and better cooling tech.
Its clearly a far cry from what some were preachind. Doesn't really present itself as something capable of converting non xbox gamers.

Games will be the real test, as always.

And in the end, the funnier thing we know (or we don´t know per the article) is that we could end up with:

-Scorpio being 6TFLOPS at fp16 math.
-PS4 PRO being 8,4TFLOPS at fp16 math.


I see people saying "wait till Sony strikes back next year"

It might be just me but I dont think we get anything from anyone till 2020 getting ready for next gen. thoughts? Will we really have this back and forth between each company?

Yeah, I think they'll just Slim the PS4 Pro and ride it out until 2020 for a PS5 and Microsoft will be there with an Xbox 5.


Wow the hardware specific customisations are really impressive, especially the reduction in the CPU load and DX12 specific hardware implementations.

That instane GPU clock speed, holy shit.

Day 1 purchase for me. Unbelievable. Mark my words when we see this thing in action you'd have to be a blind raving fanboy not to be impressed.


If this thing is $499 it's DOA as anything but a niche enthusiast machine.

Look at the hardware. This has nothing to do with a mainstream console. This is a "you want better hardware and 4K but not a PC" console. You can't get more niche enthusiast than that.

And we knew all of this since forever.
Not really that enticing based on the hardware alone. I'll wait until I see some interesting IP before I jump back into the platform.


Junior Member

Maximising clicks on the ready
Looks good but nothing mind blowing, basically Microsoft's Xbox One Pro. Don't get me wrong, it's clearly a step up but nothing totally revolutionary. Scorpio is pretty much what the PS4 Pro is (slightly faster Jaguar CPU and more Powerful Polaris GPU) only Microsoft have gone a step further, with more power and more RAM (12GB) It seems like it should be decent for those that want to upgrade to 4k though.

I guess they will patch older games, like they do with PS4 Pro to add native 4k resolution ect. I think first party games will probably benefit more, unless a dev wants to do more work and take advantage of the extra power, pretty much like with PS4 Pro. So I bet some multiplatform games might just get basic 4k support, while other games will take better advantage of the hardware, depending on the developer.

The games need to be the focus now, hopefully they will have some good stuff to show at E3.


Don't make me out to be pitching this CPU as something it's not. I'm not saying it's Ryzen, I'm not saying it's Kaby Lake.

What I'm saying is that they've customised the CPU to improve it in a substantial way.

The video says it cuts the rendering pipeline workload down by 50%. That's without the other customisations.
I agree, sorry if it came across that way...and don't mistake me as someone simply trying to downplay the improvements..they are there, and will be noticeable...

I've always been very clear whenever discussing Scorpio that I won't be buying one, however this is impressive hardware to say the least...as it should be, it's easily a sizeable jump from the Pro


Had a meeting during the reveal, EG site is down, anyone willing to catch me up on the following points:

* Is Scorpio more than just an Xbox one Pro (with the OG -> Pro gap simply being bigger than with PS4)
* Have any new games been revealed?
* Any details on VR?
* Name / Release date / price?

much appreciated if someone could quickly catch me up here.

No to all of the above.


Nothing on tape no. Just examples of Games with dynamic resolution shouldnt stray from the top end anymore.

They talk about Forza 6 with max. vehicles running at 4k 60FPS and only hitting max. 70% CPU utilisation, ported in 2 days.

They saw Forza 6 ported over running at 4k/60fps while only using 66% of the GPU

They said the resolution options like 4K and downsampling for 1080p would be standardized for all games (where applicable), and Atmos support would now be firmware standard.

Thanks. That's something I guess. That shot of Forza does look nice but it already did though so I don't know.

I hope come E3 they actually focus on the games and how they're different not just how much better they look because they already looked pretty damn great on the Xbox One. That's not a selling point I feel or at least not a major one. They need to do more then that.


Yeah, and forza 6 is still an impressive looking xbox one game. 1080 and a solid 60fps with 24 cars. It's incredible that scorpio pushes it to 4k 60fps with power to spare.....all in 2 days.

How thr fuck is this not impressive to some? How many ps4pro games are native 4k, let alonr, 4k 60fps.

Its a racing game, you sound like Nintendo fans saying look Mario Kart runs at this resolution, Zelda will be 1080p60 lol.

Remember Wipeout was 1080p60 on about 1/3 TF in 2008 !

Scorpio or Pro could not run Witcher 3 or any game like that at 60 FPS with Jaguar, secret sauce or not IMO


Well yes sure, though again hardware additions to improve CPU performance aren't rare (current gen systems already have them). It was never going to be just the CPUs on their own.

But like I said, a definite improvement.
I feel like we're on the same page :)
The fact that they're quickly hitting 4K 60fps using 66% GPU and plenty of grunt to spare for further graphical improvements is very good news indeed.

1080p users also benefit from system-wide supersampling.


Sat on this info for 24hrs has been ...excruciating!

It's a lovely lovely machine and will be my new multiplat console...And no i don't have a gaming rig anymore....


I see people saying "wait till Sony strikes back next year"

It might be just me but I dont think we get anything from anyone till 2020 getting ready for next gen. thoughts? Will we really have this back and forth between each company?

Q1 2019 tease/reveal. Q4 release 2019.

With last of us part 2 playable in native 4k at 60fps on new console.


Oh yeah. The downplay brigade is putting in work.
It's the same with the defenders are downplaying that this is a substantial upgrade for an xbox one owner but not a substantial upgrade for a ps4 pro owner especially if it's 499 or higher. I still think they need to price it at 399 at the highest for it to succeed.

Look at the hardware. This has nothing to do with a mainstream console. This is a "you want better hardware and 4K but not a PC" console. You can't get more niche enthusiast than that.

And we knew all of this since forever.
This is Xbox chance to step it up and this will all depend on price but so far it isn't looking promising at 499.


As somebody who isn't tech savvy, why the disappointment at Jaguar?

Because a point of contention with these console refreshes is whether or not they will enable higher frame rates. A better CPU will make it easier to make a 30fps title on the Xbox One/PS4 run at 60fps on the Scorpio.

Forza running at 4k at 60fps, with room to spare is pretty impressive, but Forza already runs at 60fps on Xbox One. It would have been more impressive to see if GTAV or Watchdogs 2 or Forza Horizon, games that run at 30fps, could run at 60fps on the Scorpio.

I will be very interested to see Fallout 4 VR running on Scorpio, if it's still coming.


They also need to release those games, not silently cancel them 6 months down the line.

And then follow that up with a second E3 with NEW games and NEW IPs.

One year of getting it right isn't enough. At least for me. Is it for others?

You're right it's not enough, but I'd like it if they at least started.


I need to see that person who will be upgrading from PS4 Pro to Scorpio. I do agree that this is a great product on its own, but lets be honest here it is hard to justify Scorpio purchase when you already have Pro. This might change, but on paper (and from what developers already did on these systems) I would not expect multiplatforms to be that much better on Scorpio.

agree that many people wont upgrade unless their is a trade-in program
but people who mainly bought a pro will be sticking with sony due to its catalogue. same reason i didnt buy a ps4.


Hmm, I wonder why they didn't come out with this in 2016. Seems like they could have started a year earlier and released last year at a higher price than pro.

The customizations must have taken a while.


My issue with everything he was saying is the heat issue. He discussed it quickly at the end but without too much details.
I'm expecting a huge expensive box like the Xbox One.

They described the cooling hardware being the same vapor-sync style used in the 1080/1080ti cards, and that the primary fan outlet is the back rather than the top, meaning a cross-wash style airflow. Also, they talked about the chip desnity/voltage balance for cooling efficiency.

Daffy Duck

People like SHinobi among others who know people said not to expect a lot past what we've already seen.

So take that for what it is I guess.

If they show crack down, forza, and games that have already released with a look into halo 6, I don't see it being that exciting for people as those franchises outside of SOT, crackdown have tired their audience.

Scorpio needs new blood for software, and showning off a bunch of Multiplats at E3 with those mentioned games isn't going to drown out what possibly NIntendo and Sony are going to show.

Agreed, they will need exclusives to sell this.

People aren;t going to flock away from their PS4 consoles to this if their friends are staying put, the price will be an overriding factor on adoption rate, low adoption rate will not be good.


2.3GHZ Jaguar? Looks like that "everything's 60fps" dream is dead. That's going to be one hell of a bottleneck going forward, secret sauce or not
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