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DK Tropical Freeze Pricetag


It a totally personal and subjective choice - I missed DK:TF on the Wii U and I have disposable income so I placed an order no problems.

I do the majority of my gaming on the switch due to its portable nature so I don't really care if other games like Doom are significantly cheaper on the PS4, because I cant play my PS4 on the bus.


Gold Member
Because Nintendo games will sell new or used. Local game stores will give you close to $20 for a loose copy of Goldeneye, Mario 64, and Zelda. N64's get you more money than a Sega Dreamcast does.

They can charge that much because a large majority of people looking to buy a video game console don't care about the specifics. The family who bought their kid a Switch and never owned a Nintendo console since the 90's doesn't care which version it is.

I also bet it's the new console showing off its features. Think about all those DVDs in the bargain bin at some store and then imagine walking into Suncoast or somewhere and seeing that $40 4K HD copy of Planet of the Apes. Doesn't make any sense except that it's Nintendo and the quality of Nintendo is the quality of Nintendo. It's still that gold sticker telling you that you an item with a lot of quality to it.

I paid $50 for the game digitally on my Wii U. I probably won't pay for it again since I own the Wii U.
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FYI you can like Nintendo and not like some of the things they do...it’s totally ok for those who feel the need to defend everything they do.


Darkness no more
I will pass on it for now until it is cheaper. I am sure they have done their research though and they have enough people that will pay $60 for it compared to people like me who won't.
Double dipping without hesitation since I adore this game and found it to be a GotY. I'm just glad new people will get to experience this excellent game.

If I had to say something negative...Funky Kong is maybe the worst character ever


I mean, if you didn’t play the game on Wii U i don’t see the problem with the price tag. This game is definitely worth it if you’re at all a fan of platformers.

Beyond that, well...nothing’s stopping anyone from buying a Wii U to save $40 on that console’s version of the same game.
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The most expensive of the 3 since the wii. Eventually people will realize how disgusting they are... eventually...


Want to get it for my boy but not at this price, I've bought 3 full price games so far and I'm not paying that for a port. Sony charges less for remasters like SOTC, Crash and remakes like Ratchet & Clank... time for nintendo to be a bit more reasonable. Afterall we already bought their overpriced and outdated console...


Tears of Nintendo
I really want to buy this game as I missed it on Wii U. But I am not paying this much for it and I reckon there’s plenty like me.

It’s piss poor of Nintendo to do this.
Yep, i'd like to play this game (cuz i haven't played it before) but the price for it is just way too high, especialy considreing that fact that it was origianly released 4 years ago and was sold for 49$ (not to mention Nintendo Select thing). I'll probably buy it years from now used and for a much lower price.
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I really want to buy this game as I missed it on Wii U. But I am not paying this much for it and I reckon there’s plenty like me.

It’s piss poor of Nintendo to do this.


I'll just wait. I only just got Zelda last week for my birthday and recently picked up Bayonetta 2 for £20 so I don't NEED to buy DKC anytime soon.

The sad thing is if they released it at £30 id buy it brand new but I'll probably have to wait for a preowned bargain on ebay before I get it so they're kind of missing out on a sale.


Neo Member
The pricing for DKTF on the switch (£40 for a physical copy) is indefensible. How can you charge full price for porting a game? The cost is surely considerably less than developing from scratch? As for the manufacturing cost of cartridges, when you consider the general price of consumer electronics and how much value can be included, for example a smart phone with hundreds of components including ROM chips for well under £100; the price is far from right. The £49.99 on the eshop just rubs the salt in.


I play mainly on PS4 and pc, and nintendo tax is real. If I don't want to pay full price in other platforms it takes like a month for a small discount, and 3-6 month for 50% off. I've been waiting for a Mario kart 8 digital discount close to a year, I'm just thinking that it's not happening.
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Too expansive for a 4 year old platformer. I dont think DK has same star power as Mario or Zelda. So nintendo needs to be a bit more reasonable.


The price sucks but I understand where they are coming from. The original release only sold a third of what returns did and they likely want to make that up. I do wish they would have thrown returns in to get us a definitive version, but this isn't designed for repeat buyers. If you never played it the price is fine, if you have wait it out or don't buy it.


Neo Member
Switch is becoming pretty expensive in comparison to everything else. Third-party games cost, on average, $10 more new than the same games new on PS4, XB1 and PC. And Nintendo games almost never drop in price used, while they drop like rocks on everything else. Several $60 Switch games (even used) can be bought on PS4 for $20.

But, I can't blame Nintendo for keeping the used market in check. I'm sure the others guys wish they could pull that off.

Still, how is the latest Wii U port a full $60? Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze came out in early 2014 for $49.99. It was repackaged as a classic for $19.99 by Nintendo.

Now it is being released for Switch. I don't even think it can be classified as a remaster. And it's $60. That's more than it cost when it was originally released over 4 years ago and triple the price Nintendo has been selling it at for years.

Am I alone in feeling like it's getting too expensive staying with the Switch ecosystem?
It's called corporate greed.

It's $60 on an more expensive system then $20 on an older system because of greed
If they kept the $20 on the e-store,
People would just buy that one instead.
Just call it out for what it is
Corporate GREED.


It's called corporate greed.

It's $60 on an more expensive system then $20 on an older system because of greed
If they kept the $20 on the e-store,
People would just buy that one instead.
Just call it out for what it is
Corporate GREED.

Is corporate greed a problem? If you ran the company and could make more or less, do you choose less because you're a big sweetie?

Might as well complain that you want 300k for your house valued at 300k, sure you might get that but why can't I have it for 220k? GREED!

The Shepard

Let's not paint this with the it's OK brush because no one played it on wii u, it's downright daylight robbery and disgusting. Don't know how anyone thinks this is OK and the way they want things to go. Crash bandicoot remake was £30 in the UK and this is full price, but it's alright because its Nintendo robbing you this time 🙄


I have a really hard time understanding why a game should lose its value just because it is old.
We don't see people complaining when the blu-ray for 2001 a space odyssey is the same price as the one for Interstellar.

By always reducing the price of games, the industry is making itself a disservice, it undervalue the experience of a game just because it is old.
I'm sorry but it is just plain true that some old games are WAY better that current ones, why they should be cheaper ?

While i agree that nowadays asking 60$ for a platformer may be much, it won't stay at that price for long.
Nintendo is just doing what is best for the franchise, starting at what is the real value and then optimizing to get the maximum price for each customers.
By doing that they don't destroy the value these new customer will attach to the franchise.
Most customers for that game are probably going to new ones, why should they get a discount over the 2014 customers.
When or if they release a new Donkey Kong, these people will attach the value they payed back then to the franchise and not a artificially low one because they paid for a port.

They should have priced it the same price at the 2014 release but they didn't, surely because they calculated that these new customers could pay more.

I fully expect the price to go down fast once they think all the new customers to the franchise bought a copy.
People like me who already own it on wiiU will wait patiently and buy it when it's not 60$.


This is my issue with the Switch. I bought every big first party game on Wii U. Now I know not many people did that, but the least Nintendo could do is throw me a bone and offer me a discount on these ports. I'd buy them all for $30. Makes me super frustrated being a Switch owner.

Also wanted to post this since it cracked me up. Granted it's a different reviewer.

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This “cost of cartidges” thing has to get some back up, if people are going keep saying it. The retail costs for tiny cards, similar to this, have been laughable for ages. My guess is that, while costing way more than a Bluray, making the cartidges is still incredibly cheap.


I've seen a dew dozen articles such as that which suggest the cartridge costs are the issue, I'm sure there is more to that cost than just the cost of the actual empty carts such as paying to have them produced, I have the same issue with Blu-ray, it costs more to press, make labels, boxes, ship, get out to store shelves, etc.. digital should be cheaper.



I've seen a dew dozen articles such as that which suggest the cartridge costs are the issue, I'm sure there is more to that cost than just the cost of the actual empty carts such as paying to have them produced, I have the same issue with Blu-ray, it costs more to press, make labels, boxes, ship, get out to store shelves, etc.. digital should be cheaper.

It should, but then Gamestop would get cranky.


Just don't buy the game and that's it. I have a Wii U, I am not buying a single Wii U to Switch port because Nintendo doesn't deserve more money for these games.

People who already had these games in Wii U, if you are buying them again for 50 or 60$, you are definitely part of the problem.
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I play mainly on PS4 and pc, and nintendo tax is real. If I don't want to paint full price in other platforms it takes like a month for a small discount, and 3-6 month for 50% off. I've been waiting for a Mario kart 8 digital discount for close to a year, I'm just thinking that it's not happening.

It's not going to happen. Nintendo games only have a price drop when Nintendo re-releases them as "player's choice"/"classics" or when the next iteration of that IP is released.
Just don't buy the game and that's it. I have a Wii U, I am not buying a single Wii U to Switch port because Nintendo doesn't deserve more money for these games.

People who already had these games in Wii U, if you are buying them again for 50 or 60$, you are definitely part of the problem.
That's exactly what we're doing, not buying it. We're also posting to tell Nintendo why we're not buying it and suggesting that perhaps we could get a discount when we already own the game. They can check my NNID and see, yep, this guy owns Mario Kart and DKTF already on Wii U, he can buy them on Switch for $20 with this special non-transferable coupon so he doesn't have to keep hooking his Wii U back up.

But nope, they don't want my money I guess.

I've seen a dew dozen articles such as that which suggest the cartridge costs are the issue, I'm sure there is more to that cost than just the cost of the actual empty carts such as paying to have them produced, I have the same issue with Blu-ray, it costs more to press, make labels, boxes, ship, get out to store shelves, etc.. digital should be cheaper.

We agree digital should be significantly cheaper, in an ideal world. My issue with most articles about the cost of cartridges is they are vague and rely on the retail price as an indicator.

Equally, if I rely on the retail price of tiny capacity SD cards, for example, then this entire thing appears absurd. Low capacity memory cards are *retailing* for almost nothing. Production costs must be laughable.

I know there are other factors, I do. However, this is just one of those “facts” that gets repeated over and over, and we really need to see the receipts before we all take it for a fact, imo.


It's not going to happen. Nintendo games only have a price drop when Nintendo re-releases them as "player's choice"/"classics" or when the next iteration of that IP is released.
ARMS got a significant discount once. It's the exception, but sales do happen.


Honestly, I think part of it is that Nintendo doesn't respect their fans. But I also see them getting away with this.

I don't even know how the Switch is considered a huge step up from the Wii U when most of the games (indies excluded) are just ports of the Wii U. I haven't bought a game on my Switch this entire year because I have the stuff the're pushing.


Gold Member
Nintendo makes a lot of bizarre business decisions. I won't support this title at 60 bucks, despite never playing it (and wanting to).

Look at virtual console. Switch is literally the perfect console to port older games to. But where is it? Now that the exploit has surfaced, homebrew and emulation are going to eat its lunch. Hoping this new guy that just took over is a little more consumer friendly and in touch with what people actually want opposed to whatever Ninty feels like doling out to the masses. Whenever I think of moves like this, I always go back to that Final Bosman bit where he refers to Nintendo as a big elephant that just does whatever it wants in spite of anything going on around it.


This thread just make me wonder how the reactions would be if, for example, Konami released Metal Gear Rising on Ps4/XB1 but it was basically a port of the last gen version with the resolution bumped to 1080p and sold for $60.
I wonder if people would also be like "well for those that didn't play it's a great deal", "if you want to pay less just go get a Ps3", "I have a hard time understanding why it shouldn't be $60"

Or imagine EA releasing a Mass Effect collection for like $120 (Xbox 360 port at 1080p and 60fps) . I wonder if instead of calling them the worst company in america people would be like "OMG, that's just $40 for each game, such a good deal!!!!"

ARMS got a significant discount once. It's the exception, but sales do happen.

True. But a rare $20 discount for a game that released almost a year ago isn't to write home about either
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Nintendo makes a lot of bizarre business decisions. I won't support this title at 60 bucks, despite never playing it (and wanting to).

Look at virtual console. Switch is literally the perfect console to port older games to. But where is it? Now that the exploit has surfaced, homebrew and emulation are going to eat its lunch. Hoping this new guy that just took over is a little more consumer friendly and in touch with what people actually want opposed to whatever Ninty feels like doling out to the masses. Whenever I think of moves like this, I always go back to that Final Bosman bit where he refers to Nintendo as a big elephant that just does whatever it wants in spite of anything going on around it.
What the fuck did I just watch? Was that blues clues? Was that Snuffaluffagus? What the actual fuck was it?


I mean, Nintendo can (and do) charge what they want, and Iwata probably had a point about devaluing games, but I'm struggling to get behind the people defending this. Simply put, Nintendo haven't put the work in to justify the price and seemingly very few people here think otherwise.

It's always seemed odd to me that Nintendo are seen as the good guys of gaming, they are as bad as anyone, they've pulled all sorts of anti consumer bullshit. I guess we should just be grateful the Switch comes with a plug


Nintendo charges what the market will bear, and I’m sure a lot of consideration went into establishing the $60 price point.

If not, then it will have been a slip-up by the bean counters at Nintendo...but I highly doubt that’s the case. I’ve been wanting to play it, but never bought the WiiU. For myself, I feel that it’s a fair price.

FYI, if you have Amazon Prime and preorder the game before Friday-you get 20% off. $47.99 + tax. So there’s probably the only discount we’ll see for a long while.

Still, I’m not surprised that so many are offended at this price. Nobody wants to pay much for indies or platformers these days.
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I'll usually defend Nintendo's pricing (eg., their refusal to discount most headline Mario / Zelda games, because they continue to sell at full price for years), but this one is clearly a mistake, and I think it'd be an equal mistake for anyone to purchase it, regardless of your disposable cash, until the company is forced to see it tank at retail.


Switch is becoming pretty expensive in comparison to everything else. Third-party games cost, on average, $10 more new than the same games new on PS4, XB1 and PC. And Nintendo games almost never drop in price used, while they drop like rocks on everything else. Several $60 Switch games (even used) can be bought on PS4 for $20.

But, I can't blame Nintendo for keeping the used market in check. I'm sure the others guys wish they could pull that off.

Still, how is the latest Wii U port a full $60? Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze came out in early 2014 for $49.99. It was repackaged as a classic for $19.99 by Nintendo.

Now it is being released for Switch. I don't even think it can be classified as a remaster. And it's $60. That's more than it cost when it was originally released over 4 years ago and triple the price Nintendo has been selling it at for years.

Am I alone in feeling like it's getting too expensive staying with the Switch ecosystem?

Man, Nintendo treats their fans like trash. Part of the reason I don't want to buy into their ecosystem anymore. Compare this to the Xbox and the free backward compatibility going back to the OG Xbox, the free 4k upgrades to old games etc. Nintendo will make you buy the same game 10 times over. At some point it's insulting. No thanks.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
Man, Nintendo treats their fans like trash. Part of the reason I don''t want yo buy into their ecosystem anymore. Compare this to the Xbox and the free backward compatibility going back to the OG Xbox, the free 4k upgrades to old games etc. Nintendo will make you buy the same game 10 times over. At some point it's insulting. No thanks.
To be fair, what would MS and Sony do with a success like Wii or Switch in their hands? TV TV TV Kinect Kinect Online24/7-DRM came after the Xbox 360 (which did not dominate the generation...)... still this is quite something bad IMHO...


To be fair, what would MS and Sony do with a success like Wii or Switch in their hands? TV TV TV Kinect Kinect Online24/7-DRM came after the Xbox 360 (which did not dominate the generation...)... still this is quite something bad IMHO...

Sony's pretty much had a success on the level of Switch or greater every generation.

Remember, despite being the fastest 10 months sales of a new console for Switch, PS4 still out sold Switch in 2017.

I don't remember seeing any PS4 remaster or even remakes sell for more than their original MSRP. In fact, usually quite the opposite.


Let's not paint this with the it's OK brush because no one played it on wii u, it's downright daylight robbery and disgusting. Don't know how anyone thinks this is OK and the way they want things to go. Crash bandicoot remake was £30 in the UK and this is full price, but it's alright because its Nintendo robbing you this time 🙄

Do you know what the word "robbing" even means?

Gamestop doesn't force you to trade in games and here Nintendo isn't forcing you to buy games. It's really simple.

It's okay because Nintendo knows people will pay that; Its the same reason Madden and Pokemon remain largely the same : Why spend money and resources if it won't return in increased sales?

DK at $60 is okay.


Let's not paint this with the it's OK brush because no one played it on wii u, it's downright daylight robbery and disgusting. Don't know how anyone thinks this is OK and the way they want things to go. Crash bandicoot remake was £30 in the UK and this is full price, but it's alright because its Nintendo robbing you this time 🙄

I must have been out the day Nintendo reps came to my house and my local Gamestop, forcibly gathered all the extant copies of the Wii U version of DKCTF, and burned them in the street.

You and everyone else in the world are totally free to not buy the game, or buy the Wii U version and play that instead.

Nobody’s robbing anybody, Hyperbole Harry.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
Sony's pretty much had a success on the level of Switch or greater every generation.

Remember, despite being the fastest 10 months sales of a new console for Switch, PS4 still out sold Switch in 2017.

I don't remember seeing any PS4 remaster or even remakes sell for more than their original MSRP. In fact, usually quite the opposite.

Yes, to be fair Sony has been pretty good overall in terms of supporting their users and had the chance to do much much much worse after coming off both PS1 and PS2... PS3 was actually a console I thoroughly enjoyed.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I must have been out the day Nintendo reps came to my house and my local Gamestop, forcibly gathered all the extant copies of the Wii U version of DKCTF, and burned them in the street.

You and everyone else in the world are totally free to not buy the game, or buy the Wii U version and play that instead.

Nobody’s robbing anybody, Hyperbole Harry.

What if people want to buy it from the eShop ;)? Look, Nintendo can charge $300 for the game... they are allowed... users are allowed to say that the Switch release is not worth a $20 price hike.


Neo Member
At least they aren't doing half physical/digital (looking @ you Capcom). I'm assuming maybe because of cart cost production but doubt it (one of the reasons why I was wary of cartridge when Switch was announced)?

But seriously I wish somehow carts can become cheaper to either produce or just have a set standard size so companies won't have to screw physical buyers with this half physical/digital crap that Capcom is pulling with Mega Man re-releases. Though the way Doom handled the situation I can accept that.

Codes 208

Full price for a 1080p port of a yesteryear game with the only addition being a easy mode featuring surfer dude kong.

No. Just no. Mario kart 8 dx was atleast understandable for full price because it included all dlc and had new mp tracks.

This game shouldve been $40
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This thread just make me wonder how the reactions would be if, for example, Konami released Metal Gear Rising on Ps4/XB1 but it was basically a port of the last gen version with the resolution bumped to 1080p and sold for $60.
I wonder if people would also be like "well for those that didn't play it's a great deal", "if you want to pay less just go get a Ps3", "I have a hard time understanding why it shouldn't be $60"

Or imagine EA releasing a Mass Effect collection for like $120 (Xbox 360 port at 1080p and 60fps) . I wonder if instead of calling them the worst company in america people would be like "OMG, that's just $40 for each game, such a good deal!!!!"
What you're talking about has already happened with games like Sleeping Dogs, and God of War 3 Remastered (which was still 40$, not 60$), and people got mad (especially at GoW3 for not including 1 and 2). Now Nintendo does it, and people keep finding reasons for it to be perfectly fine. At least Bayonetta 2 (a game that's Wii U version is still 10$ more than Wii U Tropical Freeze) came with a voucher for a second game for its 60$, if HD Returns was also here as a digital voucher maybe there would be some leeway, but no, Tropical Freeze is all you get.


What you're talking about has already happened with games like Sleeping Dogs, and God of War 3 Remastered (which was still 40$, not 60$), and people got mad (especially at GoW3 for not including 1 and 2). Now Nintendo does it, and people keep finding reasons for it to be perfectly fine. At least Bayonetta 2 (a game that's Wii U version is still 10$ more than Wii U Tropical Freeze) came with a voucher for a second game for its 60$, if HD Returns was also here as a digital voucher maybe there would be some leeway, but no, Tropical Freeze is all you get.

I'm willing to bet DK has a larger base than Bayonetta; If they could have charged more I bet they would.

I'll re-iterate the "anyone can charge anything" sentiment and that it's pretty different charging full for a remaster not many have played versus charging full for a game most have played. Nintendo is charging a premium because they can, it's worth it, and to most people it's a brand new game, not a remake.

I wish it was less but much like Sony not playing nice with crossplay because they outsell Xbox 2to1 : It makes complete business sense.

But wait, how about a new "Funky" mode which suddenly (and without a warning) made a "middle of the road game" (according to Gamespot) into an almost a masterpiece awarded with 9!

Accessibility mean nothing to you? Dark Souls with a guide map would jump from middle to amazing for me because I could actually play it.
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I'm willing to bet DK has a larger base than Bayonetta; If they could have charged more I bet they would.

I'll re-iterate the "anyone can charge anything" sentiment and that it's pretty different charging full for a remaster not many have played versus charging full for a game most have played. Nintendo is charging a premium because they can, it's worth it, and to most people it's a brand new game, not a remake.
Except it isn't different. A port is a port regardless of how many have played it. Also I'm quite sure Tropical Freeze and Sleeping Dogs sold in the same ballpark, so it REALLY isn't different. Also Nintendo charged 50-60$ for Twilight Princess and Wind Waker, I'm quite sure a lot of people played them.
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