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DMC5 is boring.

That's dumb


It's the thesis statement of the whole genre.
I did wish harder difficulties were there at the beginning for experienced players, I agree the standard one is just baby mode, but you do have possibilities to unlock it.

If you can't though, then you're probably not ready for the harder shit.

Nothing in that is boring though. Yes you can just mash out the same combo a thousand times on normal. But that just shows you're content with going through "story mode".

The challenge comes from being creative, chaining combos and looking cool, while not being touched by the enemies.



It's the thesis statement of the whole genre.
I did wish harder difficulties were there at the beginning for experienced players, I agree the standard one is just baby mode, but you do have possibilities to unlock it.

If you can't though, then you're probably not ready for the harder shit.

Nothing in that is boring though. Yes you can just mash out the same combo a thousand times on normal. But that just shows you're content with going through "story mode".

The challenge comes from being creative, chaining combos and looking cool, while not being touched by the enemies.

It really isn't and i've already made my arguments, backed up by examples from more competent action games. High ranks, being stylish; whatever you wanna call it...should be a side effect of overcoming challenge. It's not supposed to be the challenge in and of its self.
It really isn't and i've already made my arguments, backed up by examples from more competent action games. High ranks, being stylish; whatever you wanna call it...should be a side effect of overcoming challenge. It's not supposed to be the challenge in and of its self.

But that's the genre.

I can accept that you don't like it. I can even sympathize with the fact that you found the initial difficulty too easy.
But you're not even trying to play the game by its rules.

The goal is not to get to the end of the level.
It's to get to the end of the level, looking good, doing everything you can do and not being hit in the process.

The ranking is NOT a secondary thing in these games. They're a big indicator of your progress.

I get not liking that, but that is the game.
Beating the game is just the tutorial, basically.
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
But that's the genre.

I can accept that you don't like it. I can even sympathize with the fact that you found the initial ifficulty too easy.
But you're not even trying to play the game by its rules.

The goal is not to get to the end of the level.
It's to get to the end of the level, looking god, doing everything you can do and not being hit in the process.

The ranking is NOT a secondary thing in these games. They're a big indicator of your progress.

I get not liking that, but that is the game.
Beating the game is just the tutorial, basically.
You can say this till you're blue in the face but OP isn't interested in anything but bashing. Look at their post history.


But that's the genre.

I can accept that you don't like it. I can even sympathize with the fact that you found the initial difficulty too easy.
But you're not even trying to play the game by its rules.

The goal is not to get to the end of the level.
It's to get to the end of the level, looking good, doing everything you can do and not being hit in the process.

The ranking is NOT a secondary thing in these games. They're a big indicator of your progress.

I get not liking that, but that is the game.
Beating the game is just the tutorial, basically.

The goal of every damn video game that's ever been made is to beat it. To say that somehow DMC5 follows a completely different set of rules than every video game that's been created is some art house, avant-garde, bullshit being applied to DMC's combat. No one is counter arguing any of my points, they're just saying "nah" basically. It's like we're just forgetting that DMC1 and 3 were hard as fuck and existed as challenging games outside of the need to get a high score. IF you're telling me I need to do superfluous juggle combos, on already too easy enemies, in order to create challenge the game its self doesn't provide I think you're doing the work of the designers for them.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
The goal of every damn video game that's ever been made is to beat it. To say that somehow DMC5 follows a completely different set of rules than every video game that's been created is some art house, avant-garde, bullshit being applied to DMC's combat. No one is counter arguing any of my points, they're just saying "nah" basically. It's like we're just forgetting that DMC1 and 3 were hard as fuck and existed as challenging games outside of the need to get a high score. IF you're telling me I need to do superfluous juggle combos, on already too easy enemies, in order to create challenge the game its self doesn't provide I think you're doing the work of the designers for them.

Your ears must be sore from having your fingers in them all the time.


So i just finished the V stage and I think i'm about to call it quits. Who thought rolling your thumb back and forth across X and Y made for good combat? But it's not like the Nero stages have been much better. The hardest difficultly available at the start is Devil Hunter and it's just too god damn easy. It's right there with DMC2. If i'm not enjoying the game now, should I drop it? I will say visually it's one of the best looking games i've ever played. So that's nice.
haha i downloaded it on gamepass and gave it a try as people were quite hyped about it and I loved nier automata.
But after about 7 hours I quit. Really did not like it and the story had me not that intrequed. Combat in nier automata I enjoyed alot more


You're not alone OP.

I played the hell out of DMC3 (the first release, with the brutal difficulty), and a LOT of DMC4 too.

I found DMC5 to be a boring slog. The gameplay is almost copy-pasted from DMC4 with only a few tweaks. At every turn it felt like "been there done that". And the V gameplay is so fucking horrible it's making sure I don't want to touch the story mode ever again.
Bloody palace might seem kind of alright at first, but then again I have to slog through so many waves of weak mobs to get to the challenging parts I don't want to have to retry from the start anymore.

In the end it felt like both a waste of my time and money. It's a cheap retreat of old shit I've seen thousands of times already. Seems all the budget was for the graphics and they forgot to evolve the series in any significant way.
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LOL U thought this game was boring? Damn dude do u need constant flashing lights 24/7 or u will lapse into a coma? ADHD much?
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The challenge is not beating the game.

Well not in DMC5 it's not, that's for sure.

I play and enjoy lots of character action games, and grades certainly aren't the be-all and end-all of the experience. I'll strive towards not getting shit grades, sure, but I won't worry too much if I don't 100% SSS/PP the whole game. If a particular encounter ranks me down for not having a high enough combo, I'm not going to spend time figuring out what it wants. I'll just move on.

The real thrill of character action for me comes from efficiently utilising available tools, and overcoming difficult enemies quickly, and coming through unscathed- not necessarily memorising endless superfluous pretty moves to jam into a jump cancel exhibition for a grade. DMC5 simply doesn't scratch my itch. DMC1 is still basically the perfect character action game- enemies are fast and ferocious, but through skill, knowledge, and practice, the player can decimate enemies like they're nothing. It's the ultimate glass cannon experience.

With each DMC title, they've flirted with style/combos and placed increasing importance on it, but with DMC5 they go too far. In lieu of any real challenge until DMD, the combo experience is all it has. And unless you know about the boss trick, you've gotta go through a very easy game twice to get there. No major character action game fails like this (but as pointed out by another GAFfer, it's an inevitable consequence of a AAA DMC game in 2019 combined with Capcom's nervousness about staying true to the series).

And that's why it's boring.


The game is a little boring, but no more so than the older titles. I think that was intended, there's a fair amount of emphasis on trying to make fighting into a spectacle rather than a run-of-the-mill encounter. So there are bound to be boring bits.


Unconfirmed Member
Games that have crazy combo systems should have their difficulty tied to it, e.g like Tony Hawk Pro Skater
tony hawks pro skater is basically dmc on wheels. and pro skater aint that hard tbh. only games in the series id consider difficult would be underground 1 and 2 on sick difficulty and project 8.


Awww come on! DMC5 is a wonderful game. It feels a little dated... it's not some huge open world games as a service thousand hour beast, but it's a great Devil May Cry. I really dig it.


I'm just glad the Japanese at least aren't bowing down to SJWs to 'de-sexy' character designs like you're seeing with western devs.

Yeah, stick it to SJWs with dialogue that's pretty much only godawful one-liners and 10 year old boy's understanding of sexuality. That will show 'em!


Yeah, stick it to SJWs with dialogue that's pretty much only godawful one-liners and 10 year old boy's understanding of sexuality. That will show 'em!


Yeah, stick it to SJWs with dialogue that's pretty much only godawful one-liners and 10 year old boy's understanding of sexuality. That will show 'em!
If you came into Devil May Cry and didn't expect overly cheesy dialogue, then I don't know what to tell you. That's kind of a staple.


If you came into Devil May Cry and didn't expect overly cheesy dialogue, then I don't know what to tell you. That's kind of a staple.

I have to admit, it was my first DMC, but it's not like I haven't played and enjoyed other Japanese games with cheesy dialogue like that. There's just something especially repetitive and grating in this one and it was a big part why I could never connect to the story and characters.
Well not in DMC5 it's not, that's for sure.

I play and enjoy lots of character action games, and grades certainly aren't the be-all and end-all of the experience. I'll strive towards not getting shit grades, sure, but I won't worry too much if I don't 100% SSS/PP the whole game. If a particular encounter ranks me down for not having a high enough combo, I'm not going to spend time figuring out what it wants. I'll just move on.

The real thrill of character action for me comes from efficiently utilising available tools, and overcoming difficult enemies quickly, and coming through unscathed- not necessarily memorising endless superfluous pretty moves to jam into a jump cancel exhibition for a grade. DMC5 simply doesn't scratch my itch. DMC1 is still basically the perfect character action game- enemies are fast and ferocious, but through skill, knowledge, and practice, the player can decimate enemies like they're nothing. It's the ultimate glass cannon experience.

With each DMC title, they've flirted with style/combos and placed increasing importance on it, but with DMC5 they go too far. In lieu of any real challenge until DMD, the combo experience is all it has. And unless you know about the boss trick, you've gotta go through a very easy game twice to get there. No major character action game fails like this (but as pointed out by another GAFfer, it's an inevitable consequence of a AAA DMC game in 2019 combined with Capcom's nervousness about staying true to the series).

And that's why it's boring.

I completely agree that the series changed to what you describe. In DMC1 the challenge WAS getting through the game. But it still had Ranks, and if you did well, that dramatically boosted your chances of getting to the end by giving you more resources to spend on life, skills or items.

I also agree the harder difficulties should be selectable at the start, they just chose Urizen as a weird wall for that. If someone wants to get fucked up on a hard mode, then let them.

Now what I really disagree with, is that the turn to increase combat diversity and creativity is what makes the game boring. I can understand being disappointed because of the lack of challenge but boring?
Even in my first playthrough as an avid DMC player, I found the game a bit on the easy side, but not boring. That thought never entered my mind while I was figuring out what attacks I could chain together, what I could cncel and how to do it all without eating shit.

I disliked the V sections at first too, but the more you play with him and upgrade his skills, the more you learn how to chain combos together in a safe way.

None of that is mandatory of course which is, I guess, OPs big problem with the game but it is still encouraged heavily.
If you just reject that encouragement and hammer Triangle all through the game the yeah, maybe that might be boring. But you would have noone but yourself to blame.
Or maybe it's just the difference between pragmatic and creative players, I don't know.
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Personally, I really enjoyed the game. I was not fond of Nero or Dante at first but once I started getting more moves I ended up liking the game a lot more.

One complaint is having to unlock harder difficulties. I like to have a challenge and Devil Hunter didn't really do it for me either. It feels like the game was purposefully designed to have you go through each mode to be able to get all your abilities unless you want to farm or pay to win which I refuse to do. Son of Sparda mode is the first mode that IMO was actually challenging. Also, was not too fond of Nero's disposable arm.....yeah it adds more depth but I didn't like how it breaks.

What I liked most is once you start to get more abilities the gameplay is great! Having almost all abilities unlocked I enjoy all the characters.

Overall for me I get games like this for the gameplay and while you have to go through the game a few times to get there, once there it is good. I can understand why ppl don't like it though.


I like it, but not as much as I liked previous games in the series.

I think more the more thoughtful approach to hacknslash games of the soulsborne genre ruined games like DMC and Bayonetta for me.


The nicest person on this forum
I like it, but not as much as I liked previous games in the series.

I think more the more thoughtful approach to hacknslash games of the soulsborne genre ruined games like DMC and Bayonetta for me.
I like Souls games as much as the next guy but it would really suck if every action be like that. We need action games like DMC and Bayonetta, once a while I want play over the top action game that makes feel like absolute badass.
I've always wanted to like the DMC series. I really love the combat, it's fluid, varied, polished, responsive and well designed. I just hate the story, the dialogue, the setting, the aesthetics, the characters, the lore, the music and basically everything that's not gameplay related too much to actually enjoy it.

In its defense, at least DMC5 had some good songs, and the Balrog might just be my favorite weapon in anything ever.
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True but it's also short enough not to feel like a drag. I didn't like it but some moments were kinda cool. I believe the selling point is stylish combat but I didn't really care for SSSing each encounter.


Gold Member
I've always wanted to like the DMC series. I really love the combat, it's fluid, varied, polished, responsive and well designed. I just hate the story, the dialogue, the setting, the aesthetics, the characters, the lore, the music and basically everything that's not gameplay related too much to actually enjoy it.

This is where I'm at with the Series. The gameplay seems like it's ok but I don't get on with everything else around it. I say the gameplay seems OK... but even the movement in the DMC5 demo felt off to me. The combat alone is what seemed ok. I also despise rock music.

Couldn't even get through the demo but it's clear it's a well made game so can understand why people like it.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
No it didn't, it sold over 2.7 million as of September 2019, it was successful since Capcom has told its investors these numbers are “successfully reinvigorating” the DMC brand.

While a few environments looked quite nice, there were tons and tons of reused/recycled ones. The engine behind it managed to create impressive visuals and while it was not a two people for a weekend’s job, it screams very low budget for the series... so yeah, very good returns on investment for Capcom and with yet another genre now well covered by the RE engine (this was the first fast paced, detailed, and wide third person action game realised with it) they have the flexible successor to the previous generation workhorse, the MT Framework, they have been looking for.
I believe the "problem" lies into the fact that DMC games like to train the player to get better for higher difficulties that's why everything is locked and the natural flow is to unlock them with every playthrough. Their arcade nature was meant for several playthroughs. It's not about the score, it's about getting comfortable with the system. You can't spam triangle on Spartan or HAH because you will never finish even the first encounter, but to reach that point the player needs to learn the game.

The OP stated that DMC1 and 3 where more challenging. In my personal opinion i thought that both of them where extremely easy on the easy difficutlies and their difficulty jumped on the next difficulties.

On the other hand Ninja Gaiden games are harder from the get to go, the player get punished as he learns the game and they get way harder as you increase the difficulty.

In the end both games fulfil the same goal with different aproaches.

For the length of each DMC game, the way they do it, is the preferred method. I mean you can finish the game in 3 hours if you skilp all cutscenes.
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I enjoyed it but found the final half level design garbage. But overall I had fun and enjoyed Dante as always mixing those combos while switching 10000 weapons
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