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Do you still consider the Halo Master Chief Collection to be a scam?

Having all of the campaigns together in one collection is great. It was also fun to play old MP again.

Did it have issues? Yep.
Was it a scam? Nope.


Less a scam, more a colossal fuck up that severely damaged the series reputation.


I bought it day-one and don't regret it. Replaying the campaigns at 1080p60 with a unified control scheme was worth the money, and I sunk plenty of time into the multiplayer as well (600 matches, 14d playtime). But 343i and its contractors bit off more than they could chew when they scaled up to the project from H2A, and it came back to hurt them. It's a shame because it would have been awesome to have a modern multiplayer platform for the old games but they hurt its population badly by having the issues all in its first few months.


Neo Member
MCC absolutely killed whatever goodwill I still had for Microsoft.

Imagine a Mario Kart Compilation, that was in HD and hyped to have every single game only to find out that for like the first week it was completely unplayable and it still takes me way too long to find a match.

Absolutely despicable, I could not have been hyped any higher and I NEVER will forgive them for that.


No, it isn't.

A "scam" implies a baseline intention by a product's maker to deliberately mislead the people they're selling it to. If you put MCC in your Xbox and all it turned out to be was, e.g., a cheap Tetris clone, that would be a scam. The developers had every intention of releasing the game with all its advertised features, but it didn't happen. If you seriously think the developers wanted the game to be a big mess at launch and afterward, I really don't know what to say to that.

Here's the thing. Delay the game if you know it's not ready. Oh, that's right they had to hit Christmas so they knowingly released a very broken game and sold it to the public. No mention that it's not ready. It's not farfetched to call that a scam. It's dishonest.


Eh. I'd say it was a scam at launch if only for the fact that the public faces of 343i would say that the issues with PAX and the launch tournament were because they were running on an old build, but yet those issues were some of the exact same as the issues at release. It's either ignorance about what the problem was or it was knowingly deceiving people. Either way, they still went ahead and sold it.

To those who say it's working today, it varies by person. I haven't been able to find a match in Team Slayer or BTB for close to a month now and I'm playing evenings. I still can't do certain missions(Delta Halo crashes 100% of the time for me) in split screen co-op, because the game crashes. The worst part is that it was acceptable for a while, and I was enjoying it for the most part, but it just had let me down lately.


So i guess battlefield 4 on last generation consoles was a scam as well since it was riddled with multiplayer problems that rendered the multiplayer (and single player) essentially useless for its first few months following release.....Also NMS must be the biggest "scam" in gaming history...Im surprised gaf hasn't uncovered more "scams" with such a liberal definition of the word.

Didn't play either of those games so I can't say. Considering I haven't used the word scam in any of my comments I'm addressing your statement downplaying the state multiplayer was in. It didn't work. For weeks-months. People who supported it at launch are obviously burned.


Yeah, but there are people claiming that they still have problems playing today.
It's not fixed 100% and I can't see it being so without literally re-releasing/relaunching the game at the very minimum. It still is a much more stable game though than when it first launched.


At this point if it's possible, it's probably best if 343i went the launcher app route and just released Halo CE through Wars 2 on their Win 10 Halo app as separate games.


I played all the games co-op online without an issue month one. So while I understand people upset about multiplayer I was satisfied with the purchase.


I never considered it a scam. 4 amazing shooter campaigns remastered at 1080p and 60fps? A really shame the multiplayer got off to a really rough start and the interface combining all four games was super clunky (I still feel they should have all been separate) but it was and still is a great deal.


I just hate the playlists they've ended up with and the fact you can't stay in lobbies with people, meaning you have to search for a new match every time, which is tough now that there doesn't seem to be many people active in the community
I was able to get a refund months after launch so maybe you didnt try to get a refund. I then bought the game again during a real good sale, works pretty well now.


The very definition of scam, in my eyes.

Advertising a game as "exactly like you remember it", but with DEDICATED SERVERS (I swear I still hear Dan Ayoub saying that sometimes) is not what we got. I waited several months to be able to play the MP part of the game, without having to wait an hour to find a match, ofcourse. That was when you tried playing solo. If you tried to play with friends, you wouldn't find a match no matter what you did.

I find it pretty delusional of people to say that they didn't knew. Sure... All these pre-release events were not full of issues, where they had to restart the game after every match. People were just imagining that, especially the H2A Gamescom Invitational that had several delays, because of several issues. I'm sure that these issues didn't come up in internal testing, especially since Xbox One's have full LAN support. The amount of people downplaying this is seriously nuts. We all want the same thing. Great and working games. There's really no need to defend 343i or MS, because you love Halo or feel brand loyality.

The fact that Stinkles is pretty much handcuffed and can't say anything, should give you an idea on what happened. MS probably wanted the game out and it just couldn't be done. Combine that with the fact that the game was actually supposed to be H2A only and the plans for adding the other games came later and you have the classic time/ressources issue.
I felt massively lied to by Dan Ayoub (exactly as you remember it! Dedicated servers!) yes. I bought an Xbox One for this game and I'm still extremely salty about it. If at least they offered refunds or made a recall. It's like they don't actually care about the Halo reputation / brand. At least Halo 5 MP was amazing, almost make up for it.


When I retire, the beans will be spilled is what I got from Stinkles there.

I think Microsoft could still redeem themselves a little if they fixed it all up, added Halo 3A/ODSTA, ReachA and went even further, 4K, mods, PC. Halo is the crown jewel, well maybe Minecraft at this point but it should be treated better and fans will treat it better in return. Who doesn't like nostalgia, that's hot right now.


In the month it released and for a few months after, I would have said scam. It eventually got to a playable and workable state for multiplayer (campaigns were always fine for me) but it absolutely destroyed the affinity I had with the Halo series.


IWe still never got Frankies explanation

I'm just curious. What sort of explanation do you need? I mean, the game is based on 5 different game engines, bunched together by like 6/7 companies, and with this:

The issues were caused by a cascading combination of problems including faulty assumptions about code behaviors in retail rather than test environments, bad "ticket" tracking information and a number of other even more baroque issues.

What do you want to add to that? We already know everything about why it didn't work as intended.

The only explanation I want is why they don't want to talk about the MCC anymore haha.
Didn't play either of those games so I can't say. Considering I haven't used the word scam in any of my comments I'm addressing your statement downplaying the state multiplayer was in. It didn't work. For weeks-months. People who supported it at launch are obviously burned.

I didn't really downplay the issues, I mentioned the game having some issues at release... i can't go into detail regarding the severity of said issues because I (like you with NMS and Bf4) didn't own the game at release...and ultimately after my purchase of the game i have only experience insignificant issues (for example, i noticed it use to lag the Xb1 like no other game when using the suspend feature, but thats gone now so its not really an issue anymore). Pretty sure this was hinted at in my original post as well when i mentioned getting it last summer and enjoying it....Sorry if i lumped you in with those suggesting the game is a "scam" as that was not my intention, it was more so directed at those in the thread making this suggestion.
It being a scam is debatable for sure but it definitely was a broken piece of shit that killed my interest in Halo that is still having issues today for people. Between the glitches in all the Campaigns that included my saves disappearing to the never ending search for a single multiplayer match, the game was a tremendous lie. One of the worst $60 purchases I ever made and if I were to ever give the series another chance, I'm sure as shit not buying a new copy for any price.


I'm just curious. What sort of explanation do you need? I mean, the game is based on 5 different game engines, bunched together by like 6/7 companies, and with this:

What do you want to add to that? We already know everything about why it didn't work as intended.

The only explanation I want is why they don't want to talk about the MCC anymore haha.

I think you're missing the point. Doesn't matter who made it, how many studios, different games. The buck stops at Microsoft and they said, fuck it, get it out the door, we need better Xbox One sales. That's the reason. Microsoft were quite happy to ship a shoddy product to get some sales and fix it later but the product was so much worse and it blew up in their faces, they knew.

The great leader Phil Spencer, were was he hiding. For the fans, uh huh.

Ion Guru

I don't really consider it a scam, but it was a huge disappointment. I remember jumping on at launch (and for a couple weeks afterwards) and seeing so many of my friends from the Halo 2 and Halo 3 days online. It had the potential to be something special, but ultimately ended up as a gigantic lost opportunity. I honestly wish it was just Halo 2 remastered with the multiplayer in place. That would have been much more manageable than the disaster we got.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
No. But I had bought it to replay the campaigns anyway as I never cared for the MP.
I bought it like a year late, for $8 and for the single player only, so no, it wasn't a scam to me but actually one of the best values in gaming. I can see how others would say that it was if they wanted it for multiplayer, but OP's fascination with getting everyone to cry SCAM seems kind of weird.


I played the collection about a year late, but I never really had issues with connectivity. It wasn't fast, but I could always get a match. The issues were completely overblown from my perspective.


I am grateful I didn't get one of these broken copies you're talking about.
Maybe you're not sensitive to it, or perhaps you've just always been host, but that's exactly how it works. Halo 1 online coop is basic lockstep networking, meaning any inputs from the client are delayed by the network latency.

In the 360 version of CEA, the game responds sluggishly to the right analog stick, just like other controller functions.

In the MCC version, they decoupled camera motion so that looking appears to respond instantly to the right analog stick. But under the hood the look behavior is still delayed, so your actual firing direction lags behind your on-screen reticle position.

The Halo games that were designed from the ground up for 360 (3/ODST/Reach/4) are also basically lockstep, but they do some clever magic to make it so that look is responsive without the reticle being poorly behaved. Those design choices weren't able to be ported back to CE, though.


I think you're missing the point.

The great leader Phil Spencer, were was he hiding. For the fans, uh huh.

I get that, but I'm not getting the "We want explanation from Frankie" part, since we already know why this thing doesn't work as it should.

On top of that, when MCC was released, I was Editor in Chief for a french website called HaloDestiny.net. I got the MCC like 3 weeks before it released for the public, so I played a lot of it before everyone could get their hand on the MCC.

And to be honest there was absolutely no problem at all. I could find people to play online (only journalists, 343 industries employees and their friends/family I guess) on all the Halo games and it was just perfect. Sometimes, I could wait like 4/5 minutes to find a game, but I was like "there is not so many people, so yeah, it might takes time".

It only got worse when the MCC was sold to the public and everyone wanted to play it (the online part at least).

So I tend to believe 343 when they said they didn't expect it to work like shit since it was "fine" (again, only the multiplayer part), because well, I experienced the MCC before the public release.

But once again, I just don't understand people asking for explanation since we already got some.


Neo Member
Scam would imply they knew it was broken, didn't care, and didn't intend to fix it. That is simply not the truth, so no. It was a broken product, but they obviously cared and were just incompetent. The matchmaking did improve from launch (I gave up and haven't tried in a long time so I don't know the current state), they gave out ODST for free iirc, and they have a damaged reputation that I'm sure they regret.
If the collection had actually been good, I would probably own an Xbox One. It being a disaster pretty much killed all interest I had in the system.
I bought it like a year late, for $8 and for the single player only, so no, it wasn't a scam to me but actually one of the best values in gaming. I can see how others would say that it was if they wanted it for multiplayer, but OP's fascination with getting everyone to cry SCAM seems kind of weird.
If you payed this game for 60$ at launch, and the dev. promised a working game, you would understand.


Yes. If anything the major issues being multiplayer matchmaking related make me believe that it was in fact not a scam. MCC was not the first game to launch with matchmaking issues and it likely won't be the last. This might blow your mind, but believe it or not game systems don't always work as intended when the leave their test environment and go to the live retail world. Its the difference of a controlled environment vs millions of people. Sometimes things go wrong.

There were other issues with the game as well, but they were relatively minor issues that were not game breaking. The big hot topic issue that gave the MCC its infamous reputation was the multiplayer matchmaking and networking that flat out didn't work.

So no the MCC was not a scam. It just suffered an unfortunate issue that plagued the game for far too long and made it nearly unplayable for someone like me who bought it primarily for the multiplayer. There are plenty of perfectly valid ways to shit in the MCC, but calling it a scam is flat out incorrect. I don't know if MS intended on releasing the game in a broken state to make money during the holidays, but neither do you.

This. People who call the MCC a scam literally don't know what they're talking about.

A bad product is not automatically a scam. Shit goes wrong sometimes. Did MS handle it properly? That's a different question. But the MCC was not an intentional deception, and thus is not a scam by any meaningful definition of the word.

If you payed this game for 60$ at launch, and the dev. promised a working game, you would understand.

That's exactly what I did, but I still don't agree because I know what a scam is. Much like I know that someone isn't lying to me if they believe what they say is true at the time they say it. They're just wrong.


I knew what I was getting into before I bought it and it was very inexpensive so no. I would have felt differently had I pre-ordered it however.


It was a scam, IMO. They advertised functionality that did not work as intended for months. And the game continues to have issues. It literally is the last time I've trusted Microsoft with a collection/re-release product. Dan Ayoub got so much shit for it that he literally dropped off the face of the earth for over a year.

Fuck that game and fuck Microsoft.


I wouldn't call it a scam at all but it really did sour my taste for xbox at the time. Its why I bought one but after the mess of MCC I sold it shortly after.


It's arguably the most disappointing release of all time.

Not a scam though.

Agreed. Bought an Xbone for Mcc, and was sorely disappointed when the game came out, I had the day off from work, and couldn't play multiplayer.

Don't think they knew about all the problens, though.
The H2A portion was a mixed bag, online co-op not working correctly and desyncing at points, the remaster look wasn't anything too special for the time, I found that the MP portion was the best thing about it but I never did play on the blood gulch remake because matchmaking never picked it, H2A MP was always 4 v 3.

The entire package was too much to chew for the developers and should have been limited to just halo 2, then bring over halo 3 and 4 as DLC or their own packages.

What also rubbed salt into the cuts was 343 saying stuff like "your party is broken up after each match just like the original" which is a complete, dirty lie because they were unable to get their lobby systems functional. I was never able to get a refund for my retail copy so I sold it as a loss and moved on.


Define scam.

If it means selling a product for full price knowing it was a mess, a disaster, a broken shoddy work but advertising and selling it anyways, then yes. I suppose it's still a scam to have it on the store.

The game is still riddled with bugs regardless, both single player and multiplayer. Watching my kids try to complete the campaigns was painful.

There are a great many 'scams' released each year using that logic though. Mcc was just one of the worst offenders
Definitely not a scam. It had plenty of annoying issues, but I got way more out of it than I ever wanted. It also confirmed to me that Halo 3 gameplay was bad and where things went off the rails until 343 righted the ship with Halo 5. The only thing new Halo games need to take from Halo 3 is that starting weapons should not be accurate across most of the map in Big Team Battle. This is still a problem in Halo 5 where 343 will not make the pistol the starting weapon in BTB for some reason even though all the maps were designed for it.
I bought it like a year late, for $8 and for the single player only, so no, it wasn't a scam to me but actually one of the best values in gaming. I can see how others would say that it was if they wanted it for multiplayer, but OP's fascination with getting everyone to cry SCAM seems kind of weird.

Buying it at launch or that christmas holiday period, you would be spitting at 343.
The game still does not work as intended. Single player doesn't function properly and Multiplayer/matchmaking is a mess. Netcode is atrocious. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

I bought an Xbox for this game and while I've been lately satisfied with Microsoft this game is still inexcusable.

I know Frankie has said as much but I wish Phil or someone from MS would step in and fix the game.
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