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Do you still consider the Halo Master Chief Collection to be a scam?

I think you're the one who doesn't have a clue what you are talking about... you just said you didn't play the game at launch (almost a year later you picked it up) so you weren't there for months and months of bugs, glitches, crashes, baby step updates, and terrible communication over a nearly unplayable game.

No you are definitely the one who has no fucking clue because you weren't there.
So what if it works now? It ruined the population of the game and greatly harmed the brand.
Well the question is "Do you STILL consider it a scam?" To me, that necessitates an evaluation of the product as it currently exists, as well as where it was at launch. Right now it's absolutely worth the price and not a scam at all considering what you get for the $10-30 you can find it for (5-6 Halo games depending on if you count H2A multiplayer as a game and ODST as part of the package). Sure at launch for $60 it was a terrible product, but right now that's not the case at all.

I'm glad it exists, but that doesn't stop me from acknowledging the massive disappointment it was for such a beloved franchise. The playlist management alone still hurts.. It's essentially The Halo 3 Collection as far as the mixed playlists go. Makes no sense to handle it that way now. What's the point of having a Team Slayer playlist when it's mostly Halo 3 getting voted while it has its own 4v4 playlist? etc.


I routinely play the Master Chief Collection with my 10 year old son. We split screen big team battle and have such a fun and special time together while doing it. I realize the game had flaws with multiplayer, but in my experience, most of those have been worked out. We always find good games. The single player has always been great for me, since launch.

I can't stress enough how much fun I have just messing around in multiplayer with my son. It reminds me of my days playing Halo 2 in college with my roommates or Halo 3 on live with friends. My opinion may be unpopular, but I'm totally happy with the collection.
I bought it for the campaigns and never really had any issues. And they eventually gave me ODST for free. So no complaints personally. Sucks the mp was botched though. Would be cool if they could relaunch it once Scorpio is out with 4K support. Maybe throw in Reach or something. Or make it a GWG to reinvigorate the player base.


From Merrian Webster
I bought it primarily for online mulitplayer which remains unplayable. I really only bought the xbox one for the MCC collection, I was so salty over the garbage mcc release that I never bought halo 5 and eventually sold my xbone. I disliked reach (despite logging hundreds of hours and having a l33t pwnage level kd ratio) and absolutely hated halo 4 so im totally out on the series. maybe one day if 343 drops it.

It's really disheartening to see so many people just handwave things. MCC was absolutely a scam.

The Multiplayer was reviewed in a closed, non retail environment, which in this very thread Franky said it worked properly in the closed environments. The press, and the audience were led to believe that the game functioned at that level, and it barely functioned at all. It took over a year's worth of patches and updates for it to be considered acceptable. How is that not deceptive? How is that not a scam? Even looking at the list of bugs that exist today, is astonishing. There is absolutely no excuses to be made for the product or Microsoft. It was inherently deceptive and sold with knowledge of the nature of the game.
For my purposes I used it to play all the campaigns before Halo 5 so it was great value. I can see why people would be unhappy though.


I bought it primarily for online mulitplayer which remains unplayable.


Come on please. I may have the worst connection here, and yet, I play MCC almost everyday using matchmaking and I don't have problems.

I can find games quicker than in Halo 5, for Team Slayer, BTB, Hardcore and Doubles. I don't have disconnection at all, and the only problems I get is when the host leaves, which was the exact same problem I had with Halo 2 and Halo 3 back in the days.

Saying the online multiplayer part is unplayable is absolutely non-sense, and it's false.

Saying that the fact they killed/removed skill-based matchmaking leads to annoying games with teammates and opponents from every level is more accurate, and from that, yeah, sometimes, it can feel shit dope as hell.

Actually, I don't need a new patch, I think that even if MCC is far from perfect, it is still "okay" from what this collection tried to achieve (there are 5 games engine on a single disc) and I can still enjoy it everyday.

I would just wish to get Matchmaking playlist updates, and this, this not require a lot of members from 343, only one dude could make a playlist update, and for that, for not making playlist updates, I blame 343.

Navy Bean

MCC and 343 had the chance to revitalize the Halo franchise... Instead, it was such a disaster that it buried it dead. And now with Halo 5 being basically just another shooter 343 has taken a top-tier console-selling franchise and driven it straight into mediocrity.


Considering it took months to get online multiplayer in a functional state and even then, it still doesn't work properly... I'd call it shameful at best.

Still legit impressed how effectively 343 ran that franchise into the ground.

I remember buying the Xbox just for this...man I was upset. Legit felt like my Xbox was a paperweight lol.

Now I have an Xbox again for Forza.
I only care about the single player, so in that regard it is fantastic value.

I feel for the people that had issues with the multiplayer, though. That was garbage.


It was never a scam; it was just a piece of shit.

there is no way on earth they thought it worked perfectly fine before releasing it. they knew it was broken and had literally no plan in place to fix it. i'm not even sure if it works as intended now, but even if it does, its too late, there is probably nobody to match make with online so no matter how you slice it, they advertised online matchmaking which is at least 33% of the reason to buy it (assuming story and coop makes up the other 66%) and did not deliver.
lol when was the MCC considered a scam? I remember the online having some problems at release but i got the game on the cheap last summer and couldnt be happier with it.


I never thought it was a scam.

4 campaigns (and the release of ODST) is glorious.

My experience was only a handful of problems, but I didn't get that mad.

E92 M3


I was swindled out of my multiplayer.


I was severely disappointed. I fought with it for a few weeks, but after it "lost" the save for my Legendary run for a second time, I sold it. I rarely sell a game, but I wanted to recoup what I could out of it. I figured it would eventually be stable and I'd buy it back on the cheap, but I just haven't been able to care. It really soured me big time.
Is it considered a scam because of MP alone? Because Im a person who would get it for the campaign since Ive never played any of them. Would it still be a "scam" to me?


MCC is absolutely a scam and I don't see how anyone could say otherwise. They claimed that multiplayer ran well in a closed-testing environment and stuck with that lie up until reviewers had the game in an uncontrolled environment. It was broken full-stop and they knew it.


No, I never did.

I played through the campaign of every game without any issues whatsoever, and I've played a good amount of multiplayer too. Matchmaking was very slow to begin with, but it's fine now.


And how do you know they didn't haven intent to make cash money during the holidays? The multiplayer was BROKEN and you're claiming it wasn't a scam?

Shut the front (and back) door.

Yes. If anything the major issues being multiplayer matchmaking related make me believe that it was in fact not a scam. MCC was not the first game to launch with matchmaking issues and it likely won't be the last. This might blow your mind, but believe it or not game systems don't always work as intended when the leave their test environment and go to the live retail world. Its the difference of a controlled environment vs millions of people. Sometimes things go wrong.

There were other issues with the game as well, but they were relatively minor issues that were not game breaking. The big hot topic issue that gave the MCC its infamous reputation was the multiplayer matchmaking and networking that flat out didn't work.

So no the MCC was not a scam. It just suffered an unfortunate issue that plagued the game for far too long and made it nearly unplayable for someone like me who bought it primarily for the multiplayer. There are plenty of perfectly valid ways to shit in the MCC, but calling it a scam is flat out incorrect. I don't know if MS intended on releasing the game in a broken state to make money during the holidays, but neither do you.


lol when was the MCC considered a scam? I remember the online having some problems at release but i got the game on the cheap last summer and couldnt be happier with it.

Some? It had a lot of matchmaking problems. Like never being able to play Halo online problems. Glad it's working in 2016 tho.

picked it up for 7 bucks this past Christmas...and surpised it found matches. Damage was done tho



Come on please. I may have the worst connection here, and yet, I play MCC almost everyday using matchmaking and I don't have problems.

I can find games quicker than in Halo 5, for Team Slayer, BTB, Hardcore and Doubles. I don't have disconnection at all, and the only problems I get is when the host leaves, which was the exact same problem I had with Halo 2 and Halo 3 back in the days.

Saying the online multiplayer part is unplayable is absolutely non-sense, and it's false.

Saying that the fact they killed/removed skill-based matchmaking leads to annoying games with teammates and opponents from every level is more accurate, and from that, yeah, sometimes, it can feel shit dope as hell.

Actually, I don't need a new patch, I think that even if MCC is far from perfect, it is still "okay" from what this collection tried to achieve (there are 5 games engine on a single disc) and I can still enjoy it everyday.

I would just wish to get Matchmaking playlist updates, and this, this not require a lot of members from 343, only one dude could make a playlist update, and for that, for not making playlist updates, I blame 343.

idk, like i said i sold my xbone a while back (in good part over mcc but also cause of lack of first parties and overall console weakness) last time i tried to play it which was maybe november-december i sat in a matchmaknig lobby for like 25 minutes and eventually got connected to a laggy match that was like 3 vs 5 somehow. it was probably around 8 or 9 pm and i have a 100/100 MB internet (open nat) on the east coast so i basically nope'd out of the game for good at that point


I wouldn't consider it a scam, but it certainly tarnished the series reputation. Between the one, two, three punch of Halo 4, master chief collection and halo 5, I'm not sure it can ever recover.

It's sad too because Halo 2 and Halo 3 are two of my favorite games of all time. By chasing the call of duty train, Halo took something fantastic and unique and turned it into a Halo/Call of Duty matchup that doesn't interest the player base of either.

I bought the original Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox one solely for halo. Absolutely worth it for the Xbox and Xbox 360 even if I hadn't played a single non halo game on them. Unfortunately can't say the same for Xbox one.


Three months ago my friends and I tried having a throwback LAN with the Master Chief collection and a few other games. We had a wired ethernet hub and a decent enough Internet that every game would work... Except Master Chief collection. We couldn't even join each other's lobby without it failing.

Such an incredible disappointment considering Halo 3 was such a big game in our lives. Here's hoping any sort of Anniversary effort this year is handled better.


I wouldn't consider it a scam, but it certainly tarnished the series reputation. Between the one, two, three punch of Halo 4, master chief collection and halo 5, I'm not sure it can ever recover.

It's sad too because Halo 2 and Halo 3 are two of my favorite games of all time. By chasing the call of duty train, Halo took something fantastic and unique and turned it into a Halo/Call of Duty matchup that doesn't interest the player base of either.

Halo 5 has some great multiplayer though.


I think it boils down to if you wanted multiplayer, it was a terrible release.

Local play wat just fine, so if you just wanted single player + local, a lot of the issues didnt exist.

However, if you were looking for a multiplayer game, it was just about useless.


It's still buggy. Just recently I loaded it up for the first time since launch to play some split-screen multi-player with my EX, and we had to restart the match twice when the entire audio cut out, just from accessing the options menu in game.


I don't think it was a scam, it was just broken. One can argue that they're not that dissimilar, but I look at it as an intent vs incompetence issue.


When you consider why the myriad large scale problems the release launched with weren't mentioned in the pre-release reviews of it, then I don't see how you could call it anything other than a scam tbh.


I think 'scam' is to harsh of a word for the game. I highly doubt anyone involved was hoping to steal money from players by releasing a shoddy and broken product.

For me, I bought TMCC day 1, for the purposes of playing H2 remastered and dipping into the online. Outside of some achievements not working, I managed ti fully complete H2 and had a good time doing so.

Online was a different story, as everyone and the internet knows what state it was released in. Eventually though it got fixed enough to where I was finding games pretty regularly, and, was still able to after I reinstalled the game a few short weeks ago.

Throughout the time since release I have played through all of the campaigns as well as the ODST remaster. All of the games run and look better and in my eyes the TMCC is now one of the best singular experiences that you can buy for next gen consoles.

However, as a massive Halo fan it sucks that MS whiffed so hard with TMCC in the first place. I have no doubt it damaged some of the brand's recognition and we will continue to see such anger toward the game from people like the OP for years to come.

And I'd be lying if I said there wasn't still a little bit there for me too, although it's mostly a melancholy recognition that Microsoft won't get a chance to relaunch what should have been a complete, online enabled, collection of classic first person campaigns/MP of which arguably is one of my favorite gaming series of all time.


I just couldn't get into it unfortunately. Played about 20 hours of it and it just didn't do it for me. And I've sunk hundreds into all the other ones (except halo 4).

I can respect that. It definitely feels different, especially if you've barely played 4. It is difficult for me to switch from halo 5 to mcc because of all the new movement techniques in 5.
Some? It had a lot of matchmaking problems. Like never being able to play Halo online problems. Glad it's working in 2016 tho.

picked it up for 7 bucks this past Christmas...and surpised it found matches. Damage was done tho

So i guess battlefield 4 on last generation consoles was a scam as well since it was riddled with multiplayer problems that rendered the multiplayer (and single player) essentially useless for its first few months following release.....Also NMS must be the biggest "scam" in gaming history...Im surprised gaf hasn't uncovered more "scams" with such a liberal definition of the word.


If we're running with this definition, there are a lot of threads to come with the structure "Do you still consider [X game] to be a scam?"

If the real question is whether MCC's multiplayer is where it should be now, that's a fair question. My experience is pretty limited, these days. Last I'd tried, it was solid, but I also wasn't playing in a group trying to transition between games. I recall that being the ongoing challenge once the other issues were mostly identified.
Is it considered a scam because of MP alone? Because Im a person who would get it for the campaign since Ive never played any of them. Would it still be a "scam" to me?

No. I'm still playing the campaigns after buying it last Black Friday, and I've never run into any problems. You're in for single player only? You'll enjoy it. Great compilation.
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