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Do you watch the credits after you beat a game?


Depends how long they are. Even for long ones I always try to at least sit through the people who actually touched the game, but when its like 40 minutes in and the credits are serving up the marketing intern at Ubisoft Benelux or something im checked out.


Unless they're suuuuuper long, yeah.

Partially because I'm paranoid that skipping the credits will make me miss the big secret after credits scene where you watch Iron Man eat cornflakes or something.


Depends on the game and also how much I enjoyed it. Oh and if there's any visuals or good music playing. Generally I'll look away, though, and let the credits go if I have them on.

But some credits for games are getting way too long for their own good. Nearly 20-25 minutes of credits for a game will eventually push me to skip it.


With the exception of unbearably long sequences I feel like the devs deserve at least that much from me even if I can't remember a single name afterwards.


At times yeah.

But then exists game like Assassin Creed which takes 10 min to go through then, so I go do something else.


Only when stuff is happening in the credits, like an epilogue or something, or when you can actually play during them.


If it has good music I'm more likely to stay. Otherwise I'll keep half an eye on it while making myself a hot drink in the next room. Just looking out for any post credits cut scenes. If its one of those PC games that obviously skip straight to the same credits that have been accessible from the start in the main menu I skip immediately.

Its a shame that its rare to see credit sequences with some personality to them that keep me interested. I want more stuff like Portal or God Hand.


If it is a game I enjoyed and liked I do, it's cathartic to watch the credits after finishing a great game and in a way you pay respect to the people who made it by doing so.

Shoddy games with shit endings and unskippable credits is the worst thing tho.



One, because my insane phobia finally paid off and I was rewarded for it in Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Two... because ideologically I feel the people who made the game deserve me devoting at least like 10 minutes or whatever of my time to acknowledge their effort. Obviously I don't sit there and memorize their names or anything... but it's just a tradition I've always had.

Pisses me off when they include every Paul Marketing and everyother useless position that gets jammed in there... see Ubisoft for the most ridiculous examples...

Really depends on the game. It helps if it has good music (recent example, Tales From Borderlands, less recent example, Spec Ops: The Line)


Resident Evil 6 ending...is like 20 minutes and unskippable, if you jump out of it without seeing it to the end, you don't get to unlock the extra chapter as far as I remember.
Coop buddy canceled out of it too soon and he needed to watch the whole thing again to unlock that chapter so we could play that. That was like the perfect ending for that game.
Never ever. Just like I don't watch movie credits, TV credits, or read author acknowledgements. Consuming the product and paying money for it is as much of a thanks from me as anyone should ever need. I do let credits roll in case there's something after, and many games don't give the final save for clear data or NG+until after credits, but doesn't mean I need to watch them.
If it's my first time playing and I liked the game? Yes. For some reason I only do this with games, though. I never sit through the credits of a movie.


I used to, but now credits are so long, and so few give you anything to do while they play. I'm not going to sit there for 20 minutes reading names on a black screen.


Can I fast foward them? No.
Black Screen with text? No.
More than 5 mins long? No.
No interaction? No.
Good Music? Yes.
Interactive? Yes.
Behind the Scenes + Etra footage in the background? Yes.
Unskippable? Sadly yes.
Achievement/Trophy? Sadly yes.
Hidden Extra Scene? Maybe, most likely yes.

The thing about credits is I probably only care about the voice actors, directors, and music composers. 9/10 times I'll probably know who most of those people are either through news, updates, previews before even playing the game. If I've been in a media blackout then I'll still know most of these things by the time the game starts and we get the opening credits.
I see the credits, but I rarely pay much attention beyond Designer/Director and maybe the cast credits depending on the game.


I usually just let it play, if ever the music(sound) change, I'll came back and watch.

Unless its MGS, than I'll simply sit and watch


I always have done. It's nice to have a bit of downtime after finishing a game. Also shows how many people have put so much hard work in


I usually don't pay attention to the credits outside of key people, but I watch the hold think out of respect(I don't beat games I don't find some enjoyment out of).
If I enjoyed a game enough to finish it (which isn't all that often), then there's probably some information that's interesting enough to me to be found in the credits.


Yes, especially if I've just finished a hard, grueling or great game, I like to wash in the afterglow. Besides, most games have extra scenarios after the credits end, making missing them annoying.

Unless the game was trite shit, then I just turn it off immediately.
No. I don't have the time to spend 25 minutes watching credits scroll by.

Now, if they're actually interesting or overlay-ed on top of a cut-scene, I'll watch. Otherwise, i'll let it run while I'm doing something else, or skip it.


Neo Member
It varies honestly helps if I expect post credit scenes or there is great music. Next time I complete a Nintendo game though I will be looking out for Iwata's name.

L Thammy

Sure. These people put in some hard work, the least I can do is eyeball their names when it scrolls off the screen.

And sometimes you get weird things, like Suda51 being in the credit of Smash Bros Brawl.


Generally, yeah. It's my chance to think over the game I just beat, internalize the ending and overall story, relive the best moments through the credit music, and also appreciate the people who made the game. For some games, the credits are just as much a part of the ending as the final cutscene (Most RPGs are like this, and I can't imagine the MGS3 ending without "Way to Fall"). Obviously, it's a little different for games I'm not super invested in, but I still try to at least sit through the credits for most games I end up playing to completion. It's just one of my gaming rituals at this point.

Also, as a side note, I love it when there's a thank you message to the player in the credits somewhere. Always makes it worth it.


It depends on the game tbh and so far I seen them all. The knack credits is playing for me right now, gotta love those moves.



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Im kinda ashamed to admit this but .. i actually watch the credits first (If the game gives that option).
I like to read about the tech and third party libraries used. :3


And sometimes you get weird things, like Suda51 being in the credit of Smash Bros Brawl.

Yeah but then other times you see "Tetsuya Takahashi" in FFVIII credits and get all excited and go to a hardcore Square forum and go "Holy shit you guys, did you know Takahashi worked on FFVIII how come we never talked about that????" and they go "That's a different Tetsuya Takahashi, idiot" and you feel like a total jackass. So it's a double-edged sword.

true story =(

Chris R

I'll watch the first 20 or 30 seconds, and then pull the phone out or something while the rest of the credits roll.

Don't want to miss any potential post credits scene.
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