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Does anyone miss God of War's old style?


Gold Member
Yes, I agree. Old god of war was my favourite god of war. Kratos being a twat. Epic set pieces that don't have to be grounded on terra firma. None of this oh what have I become garbage. Some adolescent kid dragging at my heals. The last god of war felt laborious by the end. Haven't really got an interest in the new one. It'll be more of the same, and less of what I find enjoyable in old god of wars. It's got the last of us-itis written all over it.
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I tried replaying GoW 3 recently with Ragnorak coming up. 2018 is a masterpiece compared to it.

Great for its time but camera angle is unplayable today.
I’m of the opinion that people who prefer 2018’s gameplay are insane.

-half-assed RPG elements
-an annoying “one shot” camera for an “immersive” experience, except for the arrows to let you know an enemy is behind you, and the menu you have to access whenever you get a new piece of loot every 20 seconds, and the obvious loading masks, etc.
-(IMO) uncomfortable controls; no clue why throwing the axe and retrieving the axe are mapped to different buttons
-tons and tons of collectibles that makes it feel like Assassin’s Creed.
-I also personally think Kratos’ animations are a little too long to the detriment of the feel of combat.
-repetitive and annoying puzzles
-very slow pacing
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I tried to play GoW 3 remastered a couple of months ago. One of the most boring games I've played this year. Those QTE events feels awful now, but I enjoyed those games back in the ps2-era.
The testostrone overdrive is fun though. Would be a cool anime if they made it in that balls out-style.

I liked the 2018 game quite a lot. Nothing spetacular, but a solid cinematic experience.
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What happened to remastering everything? God of war ps2 is literally the ideal candidate the essence of a game that should be remastered
kratos GIF

Sony is too busy remastering and remaking games from last gen, while trying to find out how to remaster games from the current gen to worry about some of the classics that built their brand. That stuff is problematic they say :rolleyes:
I absolutely miss the gameplay style, the problem was that they needed to change the setting, but threw the baby out with the bath water with GOW 2018. They made the gameplay even simpler in GOW 2018 compared to the original games.
I played the hell out of GOW 2018 and can appreciate the story and music (and Mimir), but it's really not a good game to replay.
I'm not the biggest fan of the reboot but I found it more enjoyable than the old formula which was style over substance.
I'm pretty sure both the original series and the reboot are style over substance. The gameplay is just as simple in the reboot as the old formula, in some cases even simpler than the old formula.
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I’m of the opinion that people who prefer 2018’s gameplay are insane.

-(IMO) uncomfortable controls; no clue why throwing the axe and retrieving the axe are mapped to different buttons
-tons and tons of collectibles that makes it feel like Assassin’s Creed.
-I also personally think Kratos’ animations are a little too long to the detriment of the feel of combat.
-repetitive and annoying puzzles
-very slow pacing
Have you really played the game?

How could you ask why throwing and retrieving axe are two different buttons?
Have you missed the hundreds of combos integrating the two completely separate actions?
Retrieving axe with R1 would mean you can't do any kind of attack with bare hands, shield or blades once the axe is away.. you're asking for no control. It's way beyond elementary stuff that I just don't understand how could this be your take.
You can remap controls to whatever you like, good luck not entirely breaking the game by having them on the same button.

And "animations are a little too long to the detriment of the feel of the combat".. that's also elementary. It's up to you which attack/animation to perform at any given moment, most attacks are light speed and heavier attacks taking longer it's just how action games work..

Seriously dude, I really want to understand. Please, look at this video. It covers and showcases all the basic stuff of combat with reasoning behind every single element of the core. I want you to tell me what you would have done differently:


fuck those environmental puzzles.
They made the gameplay even simpler in GOW 2018 compared to the original games.
I'm pretty sure both the original series and the reboot are style over substance. The gameplay is just as simple in the reboot as the old formula, in some cases even simpler than the old formula.
Maybe we really can't have, and don't deserve, nice things.
How on earth is the gameplay simpler than the old formula?
I'm afraid some of you must put me on ignore, because i'm going to die here defending what's unquestionably one of the very best games of all time, a complete package of what we imagined games being in the future as kids (missing boobs). The pinnacle of single player games.
Whatever picture this Thread is portraying GoW as a sort 7/10 walking simulator a la Hellblade worse than previous entries is nothing more than complete alternate reality shit.



Gold Member
Yeah, I do, but I really like the new style as well. The series was definitely in need of a re-fresh. It’s pretty much the same case as with BotW for me.


What part of GOW 2018 plays anything like Souls game? You guys just throw words at things you don’t like regardless if make sense or not.
Well, you find enemies like in a Souls game, light and heavy attacks with dorsals, button mashing would have you killed, you kinda parry like in one (can't abuse it in GoW though), intersected hub worlds.. I mean the similarities are very obviously there and could go on and on. It's much more of a Souls game than an old GoW, DMC or Bayonetta.

SkillUp put it perfectly:

"It's about the skills, because alot of the time in DMC or Bayonetta you kind of button mash your way into victory, you can't do that with God of War. It's very much about the precision of what's going on around you, and because it's so tightly controlled, because it's so well designed you're able to maintain that control the entire way through, and it's just absolutely brilliant."

"You can craft new sets of armors, and within each of those they all have their own different stats that can actually unlock different play-styles if you want it. If you want to specialize in your abilities being really low cooled down that's what you can do, if you just want to punch and kick shit to death, there's an armor set specifically for punching and kicking shit to death. Like there's build diversity in a GoW game ffs, that's how good it is and it's not just token it's really meaningful differences in how you play this game based upon how you chose to gear yourself.
So those are the gameplay systems and you might think of what I just said and being "yeah okay that sounds okay".. i can't explain to you how good this gameplay feels."
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Of course, it's why I think that god of war 3 was the last good god of war game. Now it's a generic uninspired dark souls ripoff and walking simulator. They are just using the name for sales but it's nothing like a real god of war game.

God of War 2018... A dark souls rip off? :messenger_loudly_crying:

good lord.
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Mr Branding

Unpopular opinion but Ascension has the best combat by far. The sp campaign might not be as epic as 2 or 3 but that hook blade ability plus rage meter powers were sublime.


God of War 2018... A dark souls rip off? :messenger_loudly_crying:

good lord.
This entire Thread is head scratching. I get wanting more gore, wanting nudity back, even wanting old creatures back.. but these takes on GoW 2018 gameplay (made by the same exact people behind the old games) are just this, head scratching.
Imagine a game like RE4 under the same scrutiny and misplaced criticism.. would be painted as the single worst game in existence.

Reality is RE4, despite being a departure from previous entries, was and is one of the best games of all time. And same goes for GoW. No amount of history revision is going to change what Santa Monica achieved here.


Now bring on Ragnarok.

Fart Knight

Al Pachinko, Konami President
Some RE fans hate RE4 too because it took the series into another direction. Same goes for RE7. I like the old GoW games but it became too repetitive, it needed to change. 3 is my favorite tho.


That old style IS God of war to me, as is tank controls and 3rd person Resident evil.

However I understand they need to cater to the lowest common denominator to achieve maximum profit. That means creating more basic styles of gameplay that's 'inclusive' to everyone. It's why you see set play action scenes where you can't have control. It's to wow the tiktok brain of the average gamer.


Some RE fans hate RE4 too because it took the series into another direction. Same goes for RE7. I like the old GoW games but it became too repetitive, it needed to change. 3 is my favorite tho.
But in that case it would still be much more comprehensible, and RE4 is my most replayed game of all time. Old RE were horror, RE4 was not. Old games relied on backtracking, RE4 was linear. Old games were extremely survival (most of them), RE4 was action and enemies dropped ammo. And it also tremendously dumbed down an already dumb plot compared to previous entries.

Old fans had their reasons to hate RE4, despite it being a masterclass of game design and mechanics.

But here what's to complain from old fans? Boobies, violence (still featured), epic boss battles (still featured), enemy variety (still featured), or replacing a fun but simple combat with a satisfying and deeper and skills required one?

That old style IS God of war to me, as is tank controls and 3rd person Resident evil.

However I understand they need to cater to the lowest common denominator to achieve maximum profit. That means creating more basic styles of gameplay that's 'inclusive' to everyone. It's why you see set play action scenes where you can't have control. It's to wow the tiktok brain of the average gamer.
"Basic stilyes of gameplay that's inclusive"

One day you'll play GoW yourself, and realize how pathetic this combo of pretentiousness and blatant lie was. Actually, you can do that right now, only takes an hour:

Actually even less, I've time stamped to spare some depth given how apparently depth goes unnoticed anyway by some "tiktok average gamers brains" in this Thread.

Imagine feeling in the position to say such stuff after enjoying that unplayable, cheap, lite TLoU mechanics rip off piece of shit of Evil Within 2..


Gold Member
I feel like many people played like the first 10 hours or just played on easy\normal without reaching stuff like the venom labyrint or the valkiries bosses or they are just downright trolling...
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Thanks for proving my point.
TLoU is coming to PC, hopefully you'll buy that as well and then ask yourself how could you enjoy a 1:1 copy of its core mechanics with one tenth (to say the very fucking least) of its responsiveness and fluidity.

The Evil Within 2 offers indeed an addicting game structure. Too bad that when it comes to core gameplay mechanics and controls, elements you're dismissing in God of War of all games, it's a literally unplayable rigid and stinky piece of shit.


TLoU is coming to PC, hopefully you'll buy that as well and then ask yourself how could you enjoy a 1:1 copy of its core mechanics with one tenth (to say the very fucking least) of its responsiveness and fluidity.

The Evil Within 2 offers indeed an addicting game structure. Too bad that when it comes to core gameplay mechanics and controls, elements you're dismissing in God of War of all games, it's a literally unplayable rigid and stinky piece of shit.
I haven't dismissed God of war? I finished the last one, I'm a fan of Christopher judge.

Don't mention tlou2 to me, it's an abomination.

And what's PC got to do with it? I have a top end PC but it's for editing and old games I still enjoy.


Gold Member
TLoU is coming to PC, hopefully you'll buy that as well and then ask yourself how could you enjoy a 1:1 copy of its core mechanics with one tenth (to say the very fucking least) of its responsiveness and fluidity.

The Evil Within 2 offers indeed an addicting game structure. Too bad that when it comes to core gameplay mechanics and controls, elements you're dismissing in God of War of all games, it's a literally unplayable rigid and stinky piece of shit.
I thought the gameplay was better in the second one, but obviously far from actual tps games or action games.


I thought the gameplay was better in the second one, but obviously far from actual tps games or action games.
I enjoyed tlou1, I liked the characters. 2 isn't my cup of T with the bumming scenes and the Joel thing.

I've given my 2 PS5s to my niece and nephew but I might buy them gow2 and see what it's like.


I haven't dismissed God of war? I finished the last one, I'm a fan of Christopher judge.
I'm sorry then, I must have misunderstood the point this whole paragraph was trying to convey?

"they need to cater to the lowest common denominator to achieve maximum profit. That means creating more basic styles of gameplay that's 'inclusive' to everyone. It's why you see set play action scenes where you can't have control. It's to wow the tiktok brain of the average gamer."

Whatever this meant, it doesn't belong in a GoW 2018 Thread. Especially one comparing it to the previous, much more accessible games.

Don't mention tlou2 to me, it's an abomination.
We agree, it is a complete abomination when it comes to story and narrative to me.
But when it comes to gameplay there's simply nothing close. Unfortunately.

I wasn't talking about Part II however, which has nothing to do with TEW2 except for a third of shared mechanics (executed a billion times better in the former), I was referring to the first game came out in 2013 on PS3.

I thought the gameplay was better in the second one, but obviously far from actual tps games or action games.
Dude the first time I booted it I literally couldn't believe what I was seeing and playing. It felt like I was dealing with TLoU on a broken bootleg controller, or on a defective TV at 5fps, or a broom up my ass. Like I booted Doom and ended up with Cyberpunk FPS mechanics.. probably the single worst feeling I've ever experienced with a game.

I recall wondering how Bruce Straley managed to not sue Tango for blatant plagiarism.
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Gold Member
I enjoyed tlou1, I liked the characters. 2 isn't my cup of T with the bumming scenes and the Joel thing.

I've given my 2 PS5s to my niece and nephew but I might buy them gow2 and see what it's like.
I was talking about tew2 :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

But it's ok to not like tlou2, i only apprecciate some parts of it, but those parts are like super good (animations, heavy gorey combat etc.)
Had this discussion before.

As games old God of War is garbage but Kratos is a MILLION times more entertaining as a character than in new God of War. He's just an angry, destructive manchild. It's funny as fuck.


Actually, just bought the collection on Vita and started a new run last night.
Don’t forget to overclock your vita, it allows you both at the same time to update the resolution of the game to the native res of the screen (vs the blurry mess that is the vanilla game) and to gain 10 to 20fps at any time. It’s transformatory.

You can also download high res version of video cinematics and patch it into the game


I just recently finished GOW3 again on PS4( played it 12 years ago on PS3).

I Remembered again why I loved the franchise so much in the PS2 - PS3 era, but after playing God of War 2018 I'll take the reboot anytime over the old games. They finished in style, let's keep it that way and give the floor to the fresh Dad of War gameplay style.
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