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Does MGS4 still have the best cutscenes in the industry?

The Raiden scenes were cool but they didn't mean anything to the story.
Cool Raiden Fighting Scene almost impedes on your ability to fight the Gekko raid in the Rex elevator.

Raiden getting run over by Outer Haven to save Snake from getting run over by Outer Haven was more important


Spoiler tags bro, Do you Use them?!
I fucking LOVE MGS 1-3. But 4 has soured me so bad on Kojima (nothing retroactively ruins anything for me, Spidey 3 is kinda shit but I love the first two etc.).

I'm convinced that people like Kojima and particularly David Cage and Team Ninja are just film-school rejects spreading their shitty ideas on gaming as the industry somehow ate it all up.


They may look the best, but make the least sense out of all the MGS games except the terrible remake of MGS1 Twin Snakes, because of that game we may never see a proper remake of the MGS


Yes if I take into account the tech required to get them to perform in real time, length, design, and direction. Uncharted 2/3 comes close with it's better actor and animation performance, but I don't feel like it's the cutscenes themselves in uncharted that amaze me. That opening cutscene in MGS4 is fucking amazing. It's not bombastic, and it takes its time to establish the universe.


The cut scenes in MGS4 are well done, though many times too long, and the dialog is hit'n'miss, but you can tell a lot of work went into their "shots". Though I have to say the Uncharted series does cut scenes better, basically the best in the industry right now. God of War 3 was done well too. And one forgotten series actually did stuff rather well too, Ratchet and Clank.



Nice optional moment that may have gone unnoticed.


It had some great great cutscenes but man, a lot of them were drawn out as hell and just filled to the brim with unnecessary shit.


Will Eat Your Children
Yeah, I agree with what Blezinski said. When it comes to the technicality and design of making those cutscenes, they're still unrivaled.

The menu cut scene is still one of the finest openings I've ever seen in a game. I'd sliiiightly change the way the camera goes upwards when it looks like Snake is about to shoot himself but otherwise it's perfect.


Super Member

Spoiler tags bro, Do you Use them?!
The game has been out for some time now, and this is a thread that asks for impressions from people that are familiar with its cutscenes.

And yes, I do use spoilers. For a game that was released a few weeks ago


MGS4 has some amazing cutscenes, it's too bad the writing is horrible.

Also, Realtime cutscenes>Prerendered with crappy compression.


MGS4 has some amazing cutscenes, it's too bad the writing is horrible.

Also, Realtime cutscenes>Prerendered with crappy compression.

This was a real shame in the case of Vanquish and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Why did they have to be so compressed? I'll never understand it.
I found the cutscenes in Xenoblade better than any MGS game has ever done
Really? The animation of XB is one of it's weakest aspects. Plus a good portion of the scenes lack exciment and have characters just standing around.

There a few great scenes, but nothing close to MGS3 or even 4.


Okay, I've never played RE5. I decided to look up a few cutscenes on YouTube to see what you guys were raving about. Dayum. Are all of them real-time? Between the motion-blur, facial animation, and image quality, I'd swear that they had to be pre-rendered.

I would have to play the whole game to determine whether or not they were more technically impressive than MGS4's, but from what little I saw I can see why some of you think so.


I loved MGS4 cutscenes. But I really think the Yakuza series has had some of the greatest cutscenes ever. Rockstar does a damn good job as well!


I would say MGS4 is still the king of action cut-scenes, while Uncharted 3 (and 2) are the best at exposition in any game ever. Uncharted has more consistently great cutscenes/acting/dialog, but some of the action scenes in MGS4 are better than most movies.


Are all of them real-time? Between the motion-blur, facial animation, and image quality, I'd swear that they had to be pre-rendered.
The only one that's prerendered (at least on PC) is the opening cutscene with Chris riding through the savanna and doing the monologue. Everything else is real time.

Thanks to that, on PC, you can swap character models and end up with this kind of stuff ;)
Yeah it has some damn amazing cutscenes. Kind of a tie with FF XIII for me tho. Every time I replay MGS4 I always say I am gonna just skip them, but I always get sucked right back in again and watch them all. I swear that each time I see some little detail that makes it worth it. This thread is really making it hard for me to not want to start another one right this second.

Think I am gonna pick up Yakuza 4 now that it is pretty cheap nowadays. Love my cutscenes.
My lord, RE5's cutscenes were passable at best.
Passable at best?

I'm sorry, but I can't agree. My hate for MGS4 obviously makes me bias against that trash, but I don't like RE5 either. That said it's cutscenes are incredible. Great use of motion blur with fantastic animation and all in real time. Never mind that the graphics in general are far above MGS4.


I liked the cut scenes in MGS4. Maybe a tad bit on the long side, but I couldn't imagine following the games story if I skipped them. Every cut scene gave you a bit more of MGS lore and a lot of them filled in the blanks from the previous games.

If you previously played through all the MGS games the cut scenes were amazing, but I could imagine myself hating them if it's the first of the series I ever played.


I liked the cut scenes in MGS4. Maybe a tad bit on the long side, but I couldn't imagine following the games story if I skipped them. Every cut scene gave you a bit more of MGS lore and a lot of them filled in the blanks from the previous games.

If you previously played through all the MGS games the cut scenes were amazing, but I could imagine myself hating them if it's the first of the series I ever played.

Absolutely not.


The immaturity of some of the comments is quite staggering - thought I'd hopped onto N4G for a moment.

The cutscenes are incredibly well directed - very high standard for video games that is difficult to surpass. Just the choice of camera angles is great. Not sure if it's still the best - certainly the best combat sequences (vamp vs raiden comes to mind) - though Bayonetta and DMC4 come close in this respect.

Still, the direction and artistry is great. I, for one, enjoy the philosophy and history in the cutscenes, even if they do go on very long. I'm not sure gamers are interested in philosophy though.
If you previously played through all the MGS games the cut scenes were amazing,
Amazingly bad.

It's because I've played the other MGS games that I dislike 4. Having Snake act all shit and feel the need to check out Naomi was not something I would want. Or that strange shooting you with my hands shit. Just embarrassing on every level.


Amazingly bad.

It's because I've played the other MGS games that I dislike 4. Having Snake act all shit and feel the need to check out Naomi was not something I would want. Or that strange shooting you with my hands shit.

I had thought this was about direction, animation, sound etc. I'm not whether critiquing individual cutscenes and content is necessary in light of this.
No, it doesn't. Excusing the actual direction of the scenes, the dialogue (and delivery) is pretty bad.

I agree with first post - if I was like 9 and I didn't know how good theater/film presented itself and I also had a bunch of patience to deal with expository filled indulgent dialogue then yeah I'd think they were the best.

They are very entertaining though - that fight with the rail gun while Vamp/Raider duke it out on top of the metal gear was fucking sick.
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