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Dota 2 Beta Thread: [Brewmaster]

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Low Tier
- Fixed being able to deny yourself (while under poison) if you attack through the hero icon at the top.


Unfortunate to see they still haven't patched attack animations in fog or the riki thing though. I see more of that then this self-deny shenanigans.


Second-rate Anihawk
Found these at





A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
I never even realized he was carrying around that stick-thing in the dota 2 files


Corporate Apologist
Changed lines in Dota_english.txt:
Bots now have a line for suggesting Glyph, Luna's Stuff has been updated, and the Descriptions for Hero Roles has been updated.

New Gyrocopter Lines:

Text file with in on New sounds for loot dropping:

Also, some of the sound levels in the game for different bits of music has been adjusted.

Choas Knight Sounds:

The sounds for Phantom Lancer have had a large change, and some minor changes for Sven, Brood, Axe, SF, Kunnka, Jugg, Dark Seer, and Beast Master. There is also looks like a good deal of work has gone into changing AA's sounds, but I am not sure what is new, it could be to fix some bugs dealing with his illusions.

Some more defalut items for characters:

A bunch of the summons now have labels for what they are.

Phantom Assassin's and Luna's portrats have had some minor changes in the file that renders them in game (Not on the select screen.) The badger courier's portrait has been taken out for now.

Looks like some behind the scenes work has been done with the bots in determining when to use abilities. Also, the role for a bunch of characters has been changed, and many now have more then one role (Necro was just a support before, now he is "Carry,Support,Tank")

There is a new file called "activity_modifier_weights.txt", which doesn't have much in it. Likey related to alternative animations:
"aggressive" "1"
"injured" "2"
"haste" "3"

New Console Commands:
Welp, just had another sad loss, solo pub.

teammate select:

Riki (me, second pick but after the other team picks because they had no natural counter)



We lost at character select. Naturally, the other 2 carries fed (I went 8/3/7), and the remaining 3 of us couldn't do enough damage to make up for it basically being a 3v5 + 2 human shields. For the life of me, I don't understand why people pick the way they do. Specifically, why people pick Doom. In my hundreds of games, I've seen maybe 3 decent Dooms. He's just not designed for pub success.


Brewmaster, great hero. Not a HUGE fan of his updated art and voice but still very cool. I think Brewmaster is the first time I've actually preferred the Dota 1 version.


I wonder if they will actually let us access cosmetics during the beta. They sure are uploading a lot of them if they're just going to wait until they release the final build (Spring 2013).

Also, can someone explain Brewmaster's ult? So you split into three guys, each with their own unique spells? Sounds like micro hell to me.


I wonder if they will actually let us access cosmetics during the beta. They sure are uploading a lot of them if they're just going to wait until they release the final build (Spring 2013).

Also, can someone explain Brewmaster's ult? So you split into three guys, each with their own unique spells? Sounds like micro hell to me.

The way I understand it, it is micro hell, but it doesn't matter so much as long as one of them survives, giving you a chance to make a ridiculous dive if you wanted to. My only experience of him was trying him out in the test client just now, so those that know more about this than me, please fill us in.
Just can't get into this game. I love the genre but LoL feels like it has so much more charm to it. It's also much easier to get into and play. I've tried to learn the mechanics and subtleties of DotA but it feels like you have to learn an encyclopedia of information to be decent. So many of the items have active abilities and upgrades. The store UI is so un-Valve like and confusing (I know it's probably what DotA's store looks like but still). The abilities are more complicated. Last-hitting is more difficult, although I've begun to get used to it and it definitely feels more 'satisfying' compared to LoL.


It's not that micro-heavy once you get the hang of it. Use your stun with earth panda, tab to storm panda, cyclone one, windwalk and attack your stunned target, dispel cyclone/any heroes with buffs, tab twice to earth panda, repeat.

Now if you play the necronomicon brewmaster, then it becomes micro hell.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Just can't get into this game. I love the genre but LoL feels like it has so much more charm to it.

Really? LoL looks pretty ugly, and Dota shits all over it in terms of the effort Valve has put into it.
I just played a practice game with venomancer and I think it's the only game in wich I didn't die ever. I kinda liked him, is he good at all?


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Just can't get into this game. I love the genre but LoL feels like it has so much more charm to it. It's also much easier to get into and play. I've tried to learn the mechanics and subtleties of DotA but it feels like you have to learn an encyclopedia of information to be decent. So many of the items have active abilities and upgrades. The store UI is so un-Valve like and confusing (I know it's probably what DotA's store looks like but still). The abilities are more complicated. Last-hitting is more difficult, although I've begun to get used to it and it definitely feels more 'satisfying' compared to LoL.

That's actually the exact reason I dislike leagues. It feels bland and empty. There is a ton of personality to the heroes in dota 2 already, and they are constantly adding more. As for the rest of the things you've mentioned. You sound bad at the game, so you hate it.

Not much you can do with that.


Hm... I kinda like Brewmaster. Haven't been a huge fan of the melee characters so far, but Brewmaster seems to be a little easier for me to use.


I am so glad they finally added multiple roles for Heroes. Also it appears they fixed a couple of the poorly labeled heroes as well.


Just can't get into this game. I love the genre but LoL feels like it has so much more charm to it. It's also much easier to get into and play. I've tried to learn the mechanics and subtleties of DotA but it feels like you have to learn an encyclopedia of information to be decent. So many of the items have active abilities and upgrades. The store UI is so un-Valve like and confusing (I know it's probably what DotA's store looks like but still). The abilities are more complicated. Last-hitting is more difficult, although I've begun to get used to it and it definitely feels more 'satisfying' compared to LoL.

I kind of feel the same way. Weird how the more I tried to get into Dota 2 these past weeks, the more I gravitated towards playing more LoL. I can't agree with the charm part though, it's easier to play for sure, but it is also ugly as sin. Dota 2 is just gorgeous in comparison and I love everything from the models to the animations (Valve is on a level of it's own when it comes to that). I just wish it was more accessible.
Really? LoL looks pretty ugly, and Dota shits all over it in terms of the effort Valve has put into it.
Charm not in the graphics sense but the champs just seem to have more personality to them. Obviously DotA 2 visuals and animation blow LoL away. Riot's done a good job of that with the lore and community interaction. Mundo, Annie, Yi, Jax, Teemo, I could list 50 more that are instantly recognizable and have 'charisma'. With that said, several of the newer champs over the past few months are lacking and feel like they've just been churned out in a factory. I'm not sure how long they can keep adding new ones every 2 weeks.

That's actually the exact reason I dislike leagues. It feels bland and empty. There is a ton of personality to the heroes in dota 2 already, and they are constantly adding more. As for the rest of the things you've mentioned. You sound bad at the game, so you hate it.

Not much you can do with that.

Kind of an odd and defensive thing to say. The game is very complex compared to its counterparts, which isn't always a good thing. While only some of LoL's mid and late game items have active abilities, it feels like the majority of DotA 2's do and are more convoluted as well. Then you have the item upgrades, the counter-intuitive store interface, how some of the abilities have descriptions that feel like novels, just a hard game to get into imo. You have to invest a lot of time into it to feel rewarded, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just not what I personally want from this genre. I don't think it'll be anywhere near as successful as LoL both in terms of revenue and player base due to these reasons, but that's another topic.


I don't understand the accessible part. You want a game that you can pick up and pretty much master quickly?

Sounds like a bore fest.
You can't pick up and master LoL quickly otherwise we'd all be 2k elo but instead a tiny % of the player base is at that level. It's an accessible game on the surface but difficult to master.


Charm not in the graphics sense but the champs just seem to have more personality to them. Obviously DotA 2 visuals and animation blow LoL away. Riot's done a good job of that with the lore and community interaction. Mundo, Annie, Yi, Jax, Teemo, I could list 50 more that are instantly recognizable and have 'charisma'. With that said, several of the newer champs over the past few months are lacking and feel like they've just been churned out in a factory. I'm not sure how long they can keep adding new ones every 2 weeks.
I haven't played LoL but what do they do in game with character lore? One of the things I love about Dota 2 is the numerous amounts of rival kill lines and meeting up with other heroes quips. That to me brings a great amount of personality when playing a hero.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
You can't pick up and master LoL quickly otherwise we'd all be 2k elo but instead a tiny % of the player base is at that level. It's an accessible game on the surface but difficult to master.

There's nothing difficult about that game. It's literally a bareboned copy of DotA 1 in terms of gameplay.

Kind of an odd and defensive thing to say.

Defensive? Are you new to this genre, friend?


You can't pick up and master LoL quickly otherwise we'd all be 2k elo but instead a tiny % of the player base is at that level. It's an accessible game on the surface but difficult to master.

Makes more sense, but I still think it's just a weak excuse for you to give up. After a month you'll most likely get everything down (last hitting, denying, ganking, etc).

How much have you even played? Curios question.
Wait... how is the store counter-intuitive?
It isn't. It's a strange criticism, I cant think of any way to make the store better.

Also weird considering LoL's store interface is a garbled mess. Completely impossible to find an item you want if you're a new player.


I haven't played LoL but what do they do in game with character lore? One of the things I love about Dota 2 is the numerous amounts of rival kill lines and meeting up with other heroes quips. That to me brings a great amount of personality when playing a hero.
They seem to have huge pages of lore for LoL but I don't think anyone really reads it. I sure haven't. The quips and voice acting of each hero alone makes them have more personality than those in LoL already.

Honestly, I think that if you can't get into dota2 and enjoy LoL more it's probably because
1- All your friends play LoL
2- Deeper game, don't want to dedicate the necessary time to it
3- Already spent a shitton of money on LoL
So is Brewmaster only in the test version?

As for LoL, I do find the lack of character specific quotes lacking. There is only one, and it's when Graves hits Nocturne with his smoke grenade thing where he says "I got you darkness!".
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