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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana

That draft doesn't look terrible to me? I mean you've got the makings of a sick trilane plus if NS does his job the map should be terror for the enemy team in the early midgame, Drow is always an iffy pick but at least there are other ranged heroes to benefit from the aura allowing Venge to transition to semi-carry as NS falls off...I dunno

The bans are ridiculous though lol

We would have had space cow and morphling. iirc


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Shadow Shaman has been a core part of the deathball strat used by Newbee and VG to dominate the tournament, which contributes to his win rate. When SS is picked, you know exactly what's going to happen and his win rate is reflective of the win rate of deathball push.

Not that I want to see Razor nerfs any more than you do but it's that or give every other mid some buffs. It says a lot about a hero that, even with low winrates, he was still picked endlessly, meaning pros are finding something appealing about him they're not finding in other heroes.

Or maybe it's just a fad, not even the comp scene is immune to fads.


ever since i left TI4 I've been pooping uncontrollably.

steve what did you do to me?

This sounds like the absolute worst.... Uncontrollable? Dear god.

We need to have a TI4 GAF in house tonight! I'm going camping tomorrow so no dota for like two weeks.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Just like Steve caused the rise of Skeleton King.
so violent. I thought league was all cartoons

Violent waifus. Video was so good.

Anyway, my list of heroes to be...adjusted are as follows. I'll say first that I'm hesitant to suggest any meaningful changes until we see how people adjust to these new strategies with the tools they currently have available. I feel like a lot of strength we saw from certain picks was secondary to teams not being ready to come up with strats and picks that effectively counter those picks. As such, I think it makes sense to observe things for a couple more months before making any changes. That said:

Lycan - Hmmmm. (a) Make Howl only work on him and his wolves, (b) change Howl from global to some sort of AOE, or (c) make Howl only work on heroes. I feel like his early game and midgame pushing power are the problem here. Particularly in lineups with lots of summons. If you take away his ability to empower every summon on the map, you limit the desirability of the "hard push" wolves + necro summons builds or at least slow the speed with which that approach takes hold. I think one of those 3 options brings him into a bit more balance, with a lean towards "a" or "c". Alternately, you could always raise the cooldown on Shapeshift. Make it riskier for him to split push on his own before he hits level 16 and...he probably split pushes less often.

Brew - Idunno. He's very fragile, imo. He only went 50% during the main event which is where you want heroes to be, IMO, and he was popular because a given strategy synergized well with what he offers. Perhaps a little more observation in order to see how teams adapt and to determine if the hero is the problem or if people's inflexibility in adapting to what he does is the problem. The couple of times we saw Lifestealer, he fucking murdered the spirits. My initial thought is to leave him as-is. Raise the mana cost of clap if you must do something.

Razor - Well, he did win ~80% of his main event matches. But much like Brew and Shadow Shaman, his newfound success feels more a function of a shift in the meta rather than the hero being too strong. He's really strong against this meta which often featured just 1 heavy right-clicker. If the meta shifts back to 2 or more, he falls back into a midtier pick, no? I suppose you could always give stat gain a little love tap. I wouldn't touch the ult or the range of static link.

Doom - Idunno, but almost a 70% win rate on the main stage suggests something is up. Seems to me that the meta just shifted around to make his existing kit work so well. He feels like he's succeeding for the same reason Razor is, and that if the meta shifts back to multiple right-clickers, he goes back to a midtier pick, no? Again, I suppose you could always give stat gain a little love tap. Otherwise...I just think he was really strong against the accepted meta rather than the hero itself being a problem.

Naga - Reduce the duration of illusions. The ability to control 3 lanes with one 15-minute item purchase (radiance) just feels problematic to me. Trim them down from 30 second durations to...idunno maybe 20 at all levels or make their duration scale with levels to something like 15/20/25/30 to force people to choose between long duration illusions that don't have any riptide damage, or short duration illusions that can only help you split farm your jungle a little during the early and midgame. Also, change illusion damage take scaling from 500%/400%/300%/200%
to something like 500%/400%/350%/300%. She shouldn't simply be a straight-up better version of Phantom Lancer.

Lina - She needs still more love. I'd suggest buffing her stun duration and damage. from 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9 to something like 2 at all levels, and starting at 125 damage instead of 90. Makes her stun similar in relevance to Leshrac's. If not that, maybe you have to look at decreasing the mana cost of Dragon Slave. Maybe a little of both.

Medusa - Idunno. Maybe re-address the scaling of mystic snake to do more damage in early levels while remaining the same at level 3 and 4. Gives her a better power curve and transition from early game to midgame.

Crystal Maiden - Eh...I guess you could buff the damage from her low-CD spells. Maybe increase the slow duration on the Q. Other than that...i suppose further buffing her passive could be useful too.

Overall - I think adding more armor to T1 towers should be considered. Not a lot more; just a little more. Maybe +5? You don't want to hurt the early-game champs like Chen and Enchantress, but you also don't want push strat strength to feel completely overwhelming either.


Eh, that's all I have right now. I think Shaman is fine; he became a strong pick because Brew running interference for his serpent wards became a strong option. NP and Ember feel alright to me, though I wouldn't be shocked if I saw a small hit to Ember's early game shield or the number of serpent wards. Dunno how to fix Huskar or Spirit Breaker.

These are all just initial thoughts on the matter. I haven't looked at any hard numbers, so it's all subject to much change.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Attack range increased to global.


CM and Lina both suffer from shitty attack animations.

CM her turning speed is too low, and her starting int is brutal. She needs buffs beyond stat growth.


Lina - She needs still more love. I'd suggest buffing her stun duration and damage. from 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9 to something like 2 at all levels, and starting at 125 damage instead of 90. Makes her stun similar in relevance to Leshrac's. If not that, maybe you have to look at decreasing the mana cost of Dragon Slave. Maybe a little of both.

Crystal Maiden - Eh...I guess you could buff the damage from her low-CD spells. Maybe increase the slow duration on the Q. Other than that...i suppose further buffing her passive could be useful too.

CM - Increase her Int gain again and give her +10 MS

Lina - make her stun have a shorter cast point and buff fiery soul so people actually play her as the glass cannon carry she is and not as a shit support

Make fiery soul an aura.


Pick BM + Lina for team wide MoM. GG no re
Also buff the damage a little of dragon slave or LSA so I can actually wipe out a creep wave at max levels instead of creeps having 20 hp left, I'm using almost 300 mana or something, let me kill creeps.


Shadow Shaman has been a core part of the deathball strat used by Newbee and VG to dominate the tournament, which contributes to his win rate. When SS is picked, you know exactly what's going to happen and his win rate is reflective of the win rate of deathball push.

Not that I want to see Razor nerfs any more than you do but it's that or give every other mid some buffs. It says a lot about a hero that, even with low winrates, he was still picked endlessly, meaning pros are finding something appealing about him they're not finding in other heroes.

Or maybe it's just a fad, not even the comp scene is immune to fads.

Yeah, that's why I'm leery on quick prominent nerfs to these heroes. I can't help but feel most of these heroes success arises from an unexpected strategy that most teams were caught off guard and unprepared to face. I'd like to hold off to see if it is truly a fad or not instead of giving these heroes the TI morph and lycan treatment which rendered both heroes essentially unplayable until months or years later. Especially when these heroes aren't having as large an impact as early Lycan and Morphling.

This is a lot of what I'm feeling as well. I'd like us to just wait and see a bit more on some of these heroes and I like that you pointed out heroes that could use a bit more tweaking that weren't dominating the event (like Naga). I always favour buffs over nerfs whenever possible but this is a far more balanced approach to heroes.

On the question of Lina, I'm wondering if she's just not suitable for support anymore. I can't help but feel she would work better like a single target QoP (with the obvious lack of mobility). That Icefrog keeps improving her damage output makes me think he'd like to see her more of a mid than a hard support. She only has one unreliable stun but she has fantastic wave clearing and single target damage that could potentially work really well against these early deathballs. Perhaps the lower mana cost could see her dominate in that mid position even without having great auto attacks or mobility.


As long as Legion Commander gets another buff like decrease cooldown of Overwhelming Ods and included in CM I'm good with it.


Buff dragon slave for each stack of fiery soul.

Or ticking fire damage that lasts longer for each stack but consumes the stacks.

Or just give her back 'ultimate'.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
-Fiery Soul no longer limited to 3 stacks.

Honestly I'd like to see Fiery Soul get Witchcraft functionality, where it also passively reduces the cooldowns and mana costs of her other abilities. Maybe give it a 5 stack cap and also take 1/1/1.5/2 seconds off CD for Light Strike Array and Dragon Slave

Or 1/2/2/3 if you really want to buff her
Honestly I'd like to see Fiery Soul get Witchcraft functionality, where it also passively reduces the cooldowns and mana costs of her other abilities. Maybe give it a 5 stack cap and also take 1/1/1.5/2 seconds off CD for Light Strike Array and Dragon Slave

Or 1/2/2/3 if you really want to buff her

that'd be supercool too.


make it so that level 4 dragon slave can clear an entire creep wave

increase the range on linda's stun
maybe increase the aoe as well

make fiery soul reduce the cool down of her other abilities

increase the range on linda's ultimate
make the damage instant on her ultimate


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
His last post was in the "No skin thick enough: the daily harassment of women in the game industry" thread.

So I'm going to go ahead and assume he said something dumb.




One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The search function isn't able to retrieve every new post immediately. There's a delay before new posts enter the search database, however it works.

What I mean to say is that given his last sighting, it's pretty easy to guess what he was banned for.

Alternatively, he asked for a ban because he has a jerb now.


Will we see the banned heroes return to CM?

I'm not sure what icefrog has planned for Broodmother, but it's been a while since the last change and she's still not available.


Oh hey, Lina chat. Dats my shit.

(Some of these might be repeats.)

-Bump up Dragon Slave and LSA damage slightly so she can clear a mid-game creepwave instantly.

-Fiery Soul decreases the mana cost of her spells per stack.

-Increase the range of LSA.

-Increase either the range or cast point of Laguna Blade.


That gets you banned?

And I've survived for this long? May you rest in peace
The problem with what hylian said, is that they're trying to have a discussion about it in the gaming industry. And brushing it off and drive by posting with what he said doesn't contribute to anything.


Oh hey, Lina chat. Dats my shit.

(Some of these might be repeats.)

-Bump up Dragon Slave and LSA damage slightly so she can clear a mid-game creepwave instantly.

-Fiery Soul decreases the mana cost of her spells per stack.

-Increase the range of LSA.

-Increase either the range or cast point of Laguna Blade.


Lina: Improve attack animation, decrease LSA delay and improve damage by 20-30.

She needs stats altered but I'm not sure where I stand on that.

Hylian will come back with 4K+.

Just you wait and see.

Just wait.

Maybe when he starts to solo queue.


Bull on a Donut
Old Huskar was the most annoying pubstomping hero to deal with, I hope it stays dead forever.

Edit: it depends on how old this Huskar is that you're talking about.

I'm talking before the remake, when BB gave damage and not magic res

Huskar right now is just a boring ass kamikaze hero
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