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Dracula |OT| Jonathan Rhys Meyers Wants Your Blood – Fridays 10/9c

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I enjoyed the pilot though it had some rocky parts. It didn't bother me on the first watch but on the second with the GF, the beginning party was definitely a little too long and felt like a setup/character introduction dump. Though I didn't like the way the actual sword fight was shot, I loved that they went there and I'm excited to see what kind of action we're going to get in the future. I didn't mind Myers' accent either. I thought he was going for an early turn of the century take on the American accent so the time period made it work for me. So yeah, I'm definitely enjoying it.

I'm not too sure yet. I'm also kind of confused. The Order of the Dragon consists of vampires right and Dracula wants to end them. But the chick he made out with is also a vampire and member of that order, what's Dracula's angle with her? Does she not know that Dracula is after them and how does she know he's a vampire?

Should we assume that everyone knows that vampires are around or that they're legends or mythical beings or something.
I haven't read the prequel comic but I don't think the Order are vampires. I think they're just aware of them and kill them (though it's more of a side thing, not their main purpose). Otherwise I think killing that one guy wouldn't have been so easy. Lady Jane's blood was drawn from biting her lip (after getting hot and bothered) and I don't think Dracula is aware she's part of the Order (thus her reveal AFTER the scene where he's pointing out people in the Order). Though her of all people should see some red flags about Grayson's true nature after he licks it off her lol. I could be wrong though. I don't remember seeing any of them in the sunlight.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Really enjoyed the first episode. Everyone is so pretty


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
How do the order people keep finding all the bodies before others? What are the chances of that woman finding him feeding?


I enjoyed the pilot though it had some rocky parts. It didn't bother me on the first watch but on the second with the GF, the beginning party was definitely a little too long and felt like a setup/character introduction dump. Though I didn't like the way the actual sword fight was shot, I loved that they went there and I'm excited to see what kind of action we're going to get in the future. I didn't mind Myers' accent either. I thought he was going for an early turn of the century take on the American accent so the time period made it work for me. So yeah, I'm definitely enjoying it.

I haven't read the prequel comic but I don't think the Order are vampires. I think they're just aware of them and kill them (though it's more of a side thing, not their main purpose). Otherwise I think killing that one guy wouldn't have been so easy. Lady Jane's blood was drawn from biting her lip (after getting hot and bothered) and I don't think Dracula is aware she's part of the Order (thus her reveal AFTER the scene where he's pointing out people in the Order). Though her of all people should see some red flags about Grayson's true nature after he licks it off her lol. I could be wrong though. I don't remember seeing any of them in the sunlight.

I see, I didn't catch that he bit her lip.

Anyway, I'm liking it. I want to see how the story progresses. Too bad the numbers are dropping. But as far as I'm aware Hannibal didn't do that well either did it?


I;m really enjoying this show. Seems to have better production values than cable shows (aside from HBO ones) and Dracula is excellent. I love that they didn't turn him into a good guy and instead clearly kept him monster, just one battling even bigger monsters.


Just watched Episode 2 and really dug it. Some scenes come off a little goofy to me, but I really like it overall. That guy is pretty great as Dracula so far. Edit: Oh and the intro/opening titles is pretty cool I think.
I really, really liked that second episode. As sucky as it was for the barmaid at the end, it's good to see they really are going with Dracula as a monster and not really Dracula as a hero. Jonathan Harker is a tool confirmed. I muted that bit where he's going on about a proper English wife cause I knew it'd make me cringe. Tool. I chuckled when Dracula entered the gay club and was totally chill with it while the English dude was all pissed and mortified.

The Blonde MILF is badass. What's her name again? And those twin junkie psychics were just weird. Dracula breaking their mirror was baller.

I'm really liking this show. It's weird and pulpy, but I dig it. NBC is slowly getting me. First Hannibal, now this. Hope it stays as fun as it currently is.

Sex in a corset. Hot

Right? I was like "Goddamn" and fanning myself.

Just watched Episode 2 and really dug it. Some scenes come off a little goofy to me, but I really like it overall. That guy is pretty great as Dracula so far. Edit: Oh and the intro/opening titles is pretty cool I think.

Yeah, Meyers is growing on me. I'm liking him as Dracula.


Hunky Nostradamus
Very good second episode. The scene with the seers was really cool. That bleeding mirror looked like something straight out of Carnivale. Dat #KnaufEffect
I've warmed up to this show. For some reason I thought Lady Jayne Wetherby (I had to imdb that one) looked a bit sexy but out of place in her vampire hunting outfit.
I've warmed up to this show. For some reason I thought Lady Jayne Wetherby (I had to imdb that one) looked a bit sexy but out of place in her vampire hunting outfit.
The fact that she threw the curtains open to let the sunlight in certainly suggests she ain't no vampire. Preview spoiler:
Either that or the Order has figured out this vampires in sunlight technology already.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
The fact that she threw the curtains open to let the sunlight in certainly suggests she ain't no vampire. Preview spoiler:
Either that or the Order has figured out this vampires in sunlight technology already.

I honestly took it as a blade thing because both the seers were black (iirc)

edit; thought you were talking about the seers for some reason


Why do people keep thinking that the order are Vampires, there is nothing to suggest this at all.
The blonde is not a vampire.
I am pretty curious how the Order turned Dracula in to a vampire though or if that was even their intention. The motion comic heavily suggests they're at least responsible but it seems purposely vague about it. I'm looking forward to some possible flashbacks in the future.
damn this episode was pretty cool. Probably my favorite new show for the fall.
And it seem Dracula was only sleeping for the last century. Hope we see how he escape and what he been doing before that.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I'm starting to dig this. It is an interesting twist on the story.

'Don't worry, this will be quick!' *proceeds to bludgeon them to death with a small mallet*
I'm really enjoying this. It helps that NBC is pushing the whole network/cable line with the blood/gore and the sex. Dracula's manservant is awesome; loved that scene with the metallurgy guy and how he handled that like a boss.
They don't want to dilute the serum to arise suspicion but smashing the seers heads in with a hammer is a better option?


How is doing the latter going to prevent them from recruiting more seers?
Ha, awesome episode. Well, didn't see the younger lover offing himself and exposing Grayson. That was fast. UNLESS IT'S PART OF THE PLAN.

Mina getting stoned on absinthe was... bizarre. Also, serious sexual tension lesbian vibes coming from Lucy! Yes... yessss... give in to your desires. Renfield's turning out to be pretty badass. Carries himself awesomely. I still find Harker to be a tool.

Van Helsing's pretty baller. Asides from Lady Jane though, the Order are all pretty blah.

haha yeah, why did he even bother to say that? Smashing someone's head in with a small hammer certainly isn't a quick way to kill someone. lol


They don't want to dilute the serum to arise suspicion but smashing the seers heads in with a hammer is a better option?


How is doing the latter going to prevent them from recruiting more seers?

Is it easy finding stoned out psychic clairvoyants?


I liked this one too. Van Helsing was cold as ice killing those two seers. I really want to know how the story progresses and how Dracula's life went after the Order turned him into a vampire. I hope the show addresses that.

Also, serious sexual tension lesbian vibes coming from Lucy! Yes... yessss... give in to your desires.

That was pretty interesting too. I wonder how far they go with that, NBC is a network channel right?
The order turned him into a Vampire? I guess I wasn't paying attention in that moment...

It seems odd that they'd do that and then decide their sole purpose is to hunt down their own creations. Unless of course the order's reason for existence has changed somewhat over the centuries.


I think those guys in the robes were people from the Order right, the guy even said Ordo Draco iirc...

Also, the guy in the robes told Dracula that his ultimate punishment was to never live in the light again and that he only could live in darkness.

I hope I'm not messing up right now :p


GAF's Bob Woodward
The vampire woman in the dungeon that Dracula finds in the middle of the night was the same Lady Jane has an exchange with in the previous episode?

At first I thought they were in Dracula's house, and he was starting to kidnap and 'turn' women...but that was Lady Jane's place, right?


Yup, that was Lady Jane's place and the same vampire. Him kidnapping women doesn't make sense. He even cried when he left the dungeon and had intentions to kill Lady Jane until she woke up and she wanted to bang.


They don't want to dilute the serum to arise suspicion but smashing the seers heads in with a hammer is a better option?

Nah. He spent the night with the woman and she's convinced it was vampire who killed them. Thus suspicion is thrown away from Grayson. Brutal force also throws away suspicion from Van Helsing. What's more, they set it up in such way they the Order will now think he's all powerful and can track anyone.
haha yeah, why did he even bother to say that? Smashing someone's head in with a small hammer certainly isn't a quick way to kill someone. lol
Well, that and the whole "if they do an autopsy on you they'll find trace amounts of the serum I gave you and it will lead straight back to me."

So I'm going to bludgeon you to death.

Um, what?

I kinda figured he was going to hacksaw off the top of their heads and take their brains with him. Just pounding the head into mush doesn't eliminate the trace amounts of the serum; it just spatters it all over the room.

Seemed odd and decidely illogical. Still a great scene to see him wailing away on their paralyzed forms though.

Edit: ^ good point, Adrian. I hadn't considered that the smashing of their heads would rule out the need for an autopsy and so finding the serum wouldn't happen.


I really don't care for Meyers' acting but he does have the look and creep factor for the role. The Tudors, as much as it's right up my alley, was a really shoddy show. Name dropping Downton Abbey doesn't help either as that went seriously downhill after the first season.

That said, depending on their take, a Dracula show has a ton of potential if it's basically 80% period piece, 10% horror and 10% mythology. I'll also watch it because of Daniel Knauf but it looks like this has the sort of stuff I liked the least from Carnivale (the cheesy special effects and poorly handled horror elements.)


could never
Meyers has always been one of my favorite actors... it's worth watching for me just to see him in it. Though it is growing on me now this show.
Meyers has always been one of my favorite actors... it's worth watching for me just to see him in it. Though it is growing on me now this show.
I think JRM is great in this. I loved him in The Tudors. I think between the violence, sex and JRM this show is really hitting the right buttons right now. I love that Van Helsing is basically trying to control this unstable creature as a means to an end. It's an uneasy alliance. I like how they've woven that bit into the traditional Stoker story of Dracula/Mina/Harker.

I do think we're going to have to see Dracula doing a little more feeding week to week. Vampires need dat blood and so far he's only killed two. Seems like he'd be out a bit more.


Just caught up on the show and I'm really enjoying it. I can definitely see Knauf's influence in the show, in both overt and more subtle ways. I'm intrigued and enjoying it quite a bit. I'd say it's like Downton Abbey meets The Vampire Diaries, and I consider that pretty high praise. For only being 3 episodes in, I think they've done an impressive amount of honing in on the setting, and world-building. I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes next.
Finally caught the last episode. Good stuff. Definitely enjoying this show.

The order turned him into a Vampire? I guess I wasn't paying attention in that moment...

It seems odd that they'd do that and then decide their sole purpose is to hunt down their own creations. Unless of course the order's reason for existence has changed somewhat over the centuries.
If I understand right, their plan was to turn him in to an undead creature that they could torture forever. They just underestimated how powerful he'd become. I also don't think their sole purpose is hunting vampires. Their sole purpose is wealth and power. However if they are responsible for creating the vampire species, it makes sense that they would hunt them down especially since they are abominations unto God.

They seemed to imply that finding new ones is exactly what they'd do if they suspected their current seers were ineffective.

I think they were implying they'd find more powerful drugs from a different source for the seers if the serum they got from Van Helsing was ineffective. Better seers are probably harder to find than better drugs.


Hunky Nostradamus
Jonathan Rhys Meyers' 'Dracula' Salary Delayed by NBC Amid Addiction Concerns

Dracula star Jonathan Rhys Meyers is one of the industry's more troubled talents. So NBC created a financial incentive for the actor to complete filming all 10 episodes of the series this summer in Budapest.

According to sources, the network withheld a substantial part of Rhys Meyers' compensation -- estimated at $100,000 an episode -- until filming was finished. Rhys Meyers, 36, whose struggles with substance abuse plagued his previous series, Showtime's The Tudors, required increased scrutiny before NBC would sign off on casting him in Dracula. So the Irish actor received per diem payments and other small dispensations, but the lump sum of his salary was contingent on him completing the season.
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