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Dragon Quest VI Renamed Dragon Quest VI: Realms Of Revelation?


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Not a change that bothers me much. It's not like they changed the name to "Realms of Poopy-pants" or anything.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
RurouniZel said:
Not a change that bothers me much. It's not like they changed the name to "Realms of Poopy-pants" or anything.

This is Squeenix.

To expect them to name their games something retarded is not far-fetched.
Regulus Tera said:
This is Squeenix.

To expect them to name their games something retarded is not far-fetched.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who can't wait for their newest crossover fighting game, Final Fantasy Versus XIII.


Amir0x said:
Let's face it they could name it Dragon Quest: Wii Sports Inside and it still wouldn't make a difference there.
What if they named it Wii Sports: Dragon Quest?

The answer is that they would get sued.

Am I the only one who kind of just forgets the subtitles? I definitely don't know IV or V's. I memorized 9's a couple of days before I beat it and 8's is really easy to remember (ish, something about the sky, sea, and land?)
Aeana said:
6 and 7 definitely have Horii's strongest little stories. I kind of feel like he spent his best ideas on those two games.
That gets me very excited for Dragon Quest 6. I loved the sidestories in Dragon Quest 7 so much.


listen to the mad man
Aeana said:
6 and 7 definitely have Horii's strongest little stories. I kind of feel like he spent his best ideas on those two games.

VII has had by faaaar the strongest impact on me in terms of scenario and story. I just immediately cared about the world(s) and really loved working through it/them. That hasn't happened with any of the other DQ games I've played (1, 2, 3, most of 4, 8).
RPG_Fanatic said:
I do not care what the subtitle is as long as it is released outside of Japan. I really just want to play it.

That isn't going to be a problem. You'll get to play it in your choice of English, French, German, Italian or Spanish. Not to worry.


Any babysteps toward me being able to finally, legitimately play this game in English are more important than its subtitle. It could be called Realms of Revelation: Reckoning: The Revenge and I'd still be (perhaps overly) hyped for it.

Hard to believe I became aware of this game almost 15 years ago and still haven't touched it*. Jsdfksjfdk!!

*And by touched I mean actually scratching the surface before getting lost amidst a sea of Japanese text. What I played was lovely but confusing. Being able to make sense of all that madness will be a dream come true (hah!).


Mejilan said:
Not as interested in name downgrades as much as I'm interested in release dates!
Seriously... at this point, I don't give a damn what it's called. I just want to play it. Hell, I almost caved and started playing the NoPrgrss SFC version. I know the subtitles are part of the series' charm, though, so I understand that this can be an important aspect to some.

In the meantime, I've started on DQ8. Maybe by the time I'm done with this...


Slime said:
Any babysteps toward me being able to finally, legitimately play this game in English are more important than its subtitle. It could be called Realms of Revelation: Reckoning: The Revenge and I'd still be (perhaps overly) hyped for it.

Hard to believe I became aware of this game almost 15 years ago and still haven't touched it*. Jsdfksjfdk!!

*And by touched I mean actually scratching the surface before getting lost amidst a sea of Japanese text. What I played was lovely but confusing. Being able to make sense of all that madness will be a dream come true (hah!).

I've been holding on to the translation patch for DQ 5 and DQ 6 for years. Also Seiken Densetsu 3 and Bahamut Lagoon.


DQV and VI were games I just didn't feel right playing emulated. I've been tempted to ever since I found out such things were possible but for whatever reason it felt like some sort of grave atrocity. :lol I played through my import of DQV with some help but only made it about a quarter way through DQVI before I just decided to ignore what was happening and enjoy it for its gameplay, but that's when I got kind of lost.

Being a North American Dragon Quest fan has had its share of tribulations. DQV having the rug pulled out from under its localization, the Nintendo localization of DQVI never happening, the DQIV PS1 remake getting canceled despite that teaser on the back of the manual, and watching a lot of the PS2 titles just pass me by were heartbreaking. Thankfully things improved with VII and the GBC remakes of I-III, but it's been slowww.

All I can say is that this is truly a great time to be a Dragon Quest fan. And while I know it's had a sort of mixed reception among the people who played it, DQVI is kind of like a Holy Grail of Games type of thing for me. So needless to say, I need it stat, mediocre subtitle or not.

Really, this feels like soaring through the first part of a race but finding those last several steps, with the finish line in sight, torturous. Blargh.


So has anything become of this? The title was absent from Square Enix's Q1 lineup and it's beginning to look likely that it's been dropped. What's the deal?
fates said:
So has anything become of this? The title was absent from Square Enix's Q1 lineup and it's beginning to look likely that it's been dropped. What's the deal?
With the success of DQIX, I doubt it's been dropped.

I have a feeling that Nintendo might be taking over the release for VI.


Well, figured they'd want to give IX some time to move (and thankfully, it seems to have done so). But it was still concerning to not see it on Q1 lineups at all.


fates said:
Well, figured they'd want to give IX some time to move (and thankfully, it seems to have done so). But it was still concerning to not see it on Q1 lineups at all.
I agree they don't want to cannibalize DQ9 sales. Besides DQ6 what about Joker 2?


Well, the cannibalizing period is pretty much over. I think it's definitely safe to start pushing DQ6.

As for Joker 2... it has a new version, Joker 2 Professional, coming out next year in Japan. If we get it at all, we'll get that one. So there's still time for that. DQ6 is nearing it's one year mark.


You have to worry about a lot of DS localisations at this point.

Then again, it's not like Square Enix has a great deal ready for the 3DS launch window (as far as we know).


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
I just came in here to echo the comments about wanting to play it. Please release it in English soon S-E.
Oxx said:
You have to worry about a lot of DS localisations at this point.
Well, Nintendo SAID it is considering more localisations... I think it's false hope though :(

Lot's of DS games I still want to play, including this DQVI.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
The only mainline DQ I never beat (got maybe 1/3 of the way through the import back when it came out on SFC)... really anticipating this one. Has some of the most interesting scenario writing and best music in the series too.


Square Enix EU twitter replied to an inquiry about it with:

"Not on the cards right now, sorry".

What gives, SE? You never canned an officially announced localization. Why start with DQ?


fates said:
Square Enix EU twitter replied to an inquiry about it with:

"Not on the cards right now, sorry".

What gives, SE? You never canned an officially announced localization. Why start with DQ?

Oh? Well what the fuck!!


i am a butthurt babby that can only drool in wonder at shiney objects
I'm hazarding a guess that they figured DQV flopped because it came out so soon after DQIV, and it might need some space, especially after DQIX. Or, based on Occam's Razor, it's probably more like DQV flopped and since VI isn't nearly as good looking as IX, it might not be worth it.

I hope that's not the case, though. The DS version looks like it's missing the uniqueness from the SFC one, but I would like to play it properly in English.


As far as DQ5 goes, they printed an extremely limited run for it. And that run sold. They really can't complain that it didn't become a million seller because they probably only printed 100,000 units to begin with. If it's stock sold, I imagine they at least got return on investment.

Dragon Quest VI will be their first canceled localization that they formally announced (press release, assets (well, a logo), etc)since the merger. Interesting they'd pick DQ for that honor, but we're no Japan, I guess.

Princess Skittles

Prince's's 'Skittle's
Square-Enix EU != Square-Enix USA.

Also, it almost makes sense for Nintendo to pick up publishing after doing such a good job with IX and Iwata's goal to make Dragon Quest successful in the West.

Also, this:

john tv said:
If it wasn't coming out, I doubt the "Revelation" trademark would've popped up.

john tv

If it wasn't coming out, I doubt the "Revelation" trademark would've popped up. Give it time -- even if it was coming, it wouldn't be smart to put it out this close to DQIX. They'd just be cannibalizing sales if they did.


john tv said:
If it wasn't coming out, I doubt the "Revelation" trademark would've popped up. Give it time -- even if it was coming, it wouldn't be smart to put it out this close to DQIX. They'd just be cannibalizing sales if they did.

Always trust John to calm the angry nerd rage inside of me.


fates said:
Here's the link -- http://twitter.com/#!/SQUARE_ENIX_EU/status/2333045654818816

Sad day for DQ fans. :(




john tv said:
If it wasn't coming out, I doubt the "Revelation" trademark would've popped up. Give it time -- even if it was coming, it wouldn't be smart to put it out this close to DQIX. They'd just be cannibalizing sales if they did.

I certainly hope you are right, john.

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