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Dragon Quest VI Renamed Dragon Quest VI: Realms Of Revelation?


I don't think the 3DS will result in immediate DS death either, but it's just another reason for SE to decide against release.


fates said:
I don't think the 3DS will result in immediate DS death either, but it's just another reason for SE to decide against release.

That weird Chocobo game is the only 3DS project we have see from Square Enix (I think).

They've said that all of their biggest brands will appear on the handheld, but I'm not sure how long it will take for them to become a reality.


Oxx said:
That weird Chocobo game is the only 3DS project we have see from Square Enix (I think).

They've said that all of their biggest brands will appear on the handheld, but I'm not sure how long it will take for them to become a reality.
Kingdom Hearts 3DS


Running off of Custom Firmware
fates said:
I don't think the 3DS will result in immediate DS death either, but it's just another reason for SE to decide against release.
Not really. The game would work just as well on the 3DS as it's predecessor. If most of the work is indeed done, there'll be no real harm done in sending out a small print run, DQV-style. That one DID sell out, after all.


From staring at screenshots of this in Gamefan magazine in the mid 90s to now. I had no idea it would take this long......... please, DQIV and V were so heavenly, please bring this out SE/Nintendo.


Mejilan said:
That one DID sell out, after all.

That's why I'm always surprised to see comments to the sound of "DQ5 flopped". Flopping would equate to copies packed in bargain bins. Not being impossible to find 2 months after release.


Dot Hacked
fates said:
That's why I'm always surprised to see comments to the sound of "DQ5 flopped". Flopping would equate to copies packed in bargain bins. Not being impossible to find 2 months after release.

Wasn't it IV that flopped which caused V to have such a limited printing? IV is the one that can be found on the cheap side after all.

Anyways I want VI! I paid my dues by getting IX so they owe me a trilogy conclusion!


DQMJ1 as well, I believe.

But even in light of that they still went through with V and IX. Nintendo published IX, but everything else was still Square Enix (or Plus Alpha, whatever).

Though it's worth nothing DQ4 is starting to sell out.
I'm not really feeling that worried about it. I don't know why SE and/or Nintendo would pass over a practically ready to go DQ game after the success of IX in basically every territory. I imagine they still want to give IX a chance to get all the sales it can get.

I'm ready to campaign for it though, if need be. I will not be denied VI.


Running off of Custom Firmware
john tv said:
If it wasn't coming out, I doubt the "Revelation" trademark would've popped up. Give it time -- even if it was coming, it wouldn't be smart to put it out this close to DQIX. They'd just be cannibalizing sales if they did.

Is that a *wink, wink; nudge, nudge* by any chance?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Amazon's been trying to have me preorder Dragon Quest VI DS for awhile now. It still has the name Realms of Reverie


Square Enix issued a response via Twitter:

About DQVI, there are just no news. No confirmation, no cancellation. Please be patient and bear with us!

As expected, there was just nothing to say at the time.
Trojita said:
Amazon's been trying to have me preorder Dragon Quest VI DS for awhile now. It still has the name Realms of Reverie

Isn't this whole thing just a misconception anyway? Isn't 'Revelation' and 'Reverie' basically the same? In Japanese many English words have been adopted and somewhat deformed.

For example television in Japanese is 'teRebi'. (Japanese language doesn't have an L.)

It's not a far stretch from 'reveRation' to 'reveri'.


fates said:
Square Enix issued a response via Twitter:

About DQVI, there are just no news. No confirmation, no cancellation. Please be patient and bear with us!

As expected, there was just nothing to say at the time.

Now, we’ll get the headlines on the news sites:

“DQ VI no longer confirmed for western release”



fates said:
I don't think the 3DS will result in immediate DS death either, but it's just another reason for SE to decide against release.

But didn't the final fantasy remakes come out after the DS released? I know it's apples to oranges, but I can't believe they'd cancel the last part of the trilogy. Ok, I can. :(


"Please be patient and bear with us!" suggests that the game is still coming at some point. Why would they ask us to be patient and wait for a game that will never be released?
turnbuckle said:
But didn't the final fantasy remakes come out after the DS released? I know it's apples to oranges, but I can't believe they'd cancel the last part of the trilogy. Ok, I can. :(

If you're talking about the GBA ports, then yes, two of them came out after the DS did.

Princess Skittles

Prince's's 'Skittle's
Pureauthor said:
If you're talking about the GBA ports, then yes, two of them came out after the DS did.
Nintendo published all three of those though, for semantics.

I still think DQVI is coming, regardless. SE can't possibly want to just ignore the buzz IX created.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
GBA had its life cut short but still managed to release quality games for two years after it came out.

PS2's life wasn't and it had about the same.

NES had about two years of decent games, SNES had about three.

PSX had about a year and a half, but the launch year of the PS2 was filled with great games.

Popular systems have games jammed in the pipes that will get released.


foobarry81 said:
Isn't this whole thing just a misconception anyway? Isn't 'Revelation' and 'Reverie' basically the same? In Japanese many English words have been adopted and somewhat deformed.

For example television in Japanese is 'teRebi'. (Japanese language doesn't have an L.)

It's not a far stretch from 'reveRation' to 'reveri'.

Reverie is typically a "dream". Revelation is usually attributed to something that you experience that changes you in a big way.

In this case, both work just fine.

But honestly, they could name it Dragon Quest: Hassan's Carpentry Adventures -- Electric Boogaloo and I'd buy it.


What if they did a trilogy bundle only? :lol I remember when Fraggle Rock S4 wasnt available unless you bought the whole box collection and loyal customers went crazy.


fates said:
Reverie is typically a "dream". Revelation is usually attributed to something that you experience that changes you in a big way.

In this case, both work just fine.

But honestly, they could name it Dragon Quest: Hassan's Carpentry Adventures -- Electric Boogaloo and I'd buy it.
Day 1


Id love a DQ I-III remake (since I and II are so short theyll have to make it a bundle deal) on the DS. Dragon Quest the Loto Saga.


Looks like Eurogamer appended their story to include this.

Hobbun said:
Now, we’ll get the headlines on the news sites:

“DQ VI no longer confirmed for western release”


Well, certain elements in the fanbase are looking at it like that, unfortunately.

I read it as "we just have nothing to say right now".


I saw a DQ6 thread title and almost crapped myself thinking it was about a release date. :(

If DQ9's been popular, SE/Nintendo have a great "in" on marketing DQ6 to that audience (and newcomers to the series). I have a coworker who hadn't played a DQ game since DQ3 on the NES. He picked up DQ9, played it, and is now a complete junkie. He bought DQ4 as a result and will likely have DQ5 soon too. There are so many connections between these games with the names, legacy bosses, inn guests, etc., that it would be a treat for new players to see them in the games they originally populated.

And unlike most RPGs, you can enjoy the DQ9 postgame content and play another RPG at the same time. I'm doing both DQ8 and DQ9 right now, and having a blast.

DQ9 is my GOTY and would love to play DQ6 at some point as well.


Some potential bad news -- the Amazon listing is no longer accepting orders and the price is gone. For the time being, the listing is still up on the site, but...

Perhaps this could be reflecting the solicitation of Realms of Revelation as the new title? Hopefully that is the case.

On a bit of positive news, the title made it into Nintendo Power's Readers Most Wanted poll at #4.


Well, on the plus side it did make Nintendo Power's lists. DQ4 and 5 never got on them at all, yet 6 was able to without even a solid confirmation of release, much less screenshots, videos, and general hype.

It definitely looks like it'd perform better than 4 and 5 did, with that. But if it doesn't come out then, well... it won't do anything at all except eat up whatever money they put into it.


I still choose to believe that Nintendo and Square Enix want to continue to push DQ9 right up to the end of the year and perhaps even into 2011, so they're pretty much denying the existence of the 6th game.

With the announcements of Inazuma Eleven and Radiant Historia there should be plenty of life left in the DS.


I've been looking forward to playing this game for a long time... don't let me down SE! They have to finish the trilogy...

Is it possible Nintendo will publish, since IX did pretty good? If Reggie is the DQ fan he says he his, he better be pushing for this release.


why would Square enix publish games like frontmission or lufia and not this ? makes no sense especially looking at how DQ9 has done.
Taichu said:
I've been looking forward to playing this game for a long time... don't let me down SE! They have to finish the trilogy...

Is it possible Nintendo will publish, since IX did pretty good? If Reggie is the DQ fan he says he his, he better be pushing for this release.
Reggie is no DQ fan. i doubt he plays any games at all

he is a business man and he wants to appeal to the people that buy his products


farnham said:
why would Square enix publish games like frontmission or lufia and not this ? makes no sense especially looking at how DQ9 has done.

If I had to speculate, I'd say the performance of DQ4 leading to the small print of DQ5

and yes, Reggie DID play DQ9. I think the photo had him on 250 hours logged.


fates said:
If I had to speculate, I'd say the performance of DQ4 leading to the small print of DQ5
DQ 9 did pretty well though and even if DQ4and 5 didnt do that well. it still did better then whatever frontmission did
Even if DQ4 & DQ5 sold badly SQEX should release the third game for the few fans who bought the previous games and are still waiting for the third chapter of the Zenithian trilogy.


fates said:
DQ5 did do well, its run totally sold out.

It was just a really small run.
Having a small shipment because there was no retailer demand for a bigger one, doesn't make selling out the shipment a success, though.


Even if DQ4 & DQ5 sold badly SQEX should release the third game for the few fans who bought the previous games and are still waiting for the third chapter of the Zenithian trilogy.

This. Though I doubt they see it this way. They made such a big deal of the trilogy back during the announcement, and now just to drop it at the last entry...


I still expect this to be released but Square is doing a good job of constantly making me doubt myself. Would it kill them to drop some sort of hint so we can at least rest easier? All this secrecy is really annoying (and unnecessary). Unless they're planning some sort of marketing campaign for this game (which I doubt) letting the DQ fans know that they still plan to release this game shouldn't cannibalize or negatively affect the sales of IX in the slightest.


I really think that's what fuels the doubt. They shouldn't have to be secretive about something they really did formally announce. Even the product descriptions for DQ4 mentioned it, for crying out loud.

The secrecy is taken in a different way, that they are trying to quietly cancel the title, or something.
farnham said:
why would Square enix publish games like frontmission or lufia and not this ? makes no sense especially looking at how DQ9 has done.
Reggie is no DQ fan. i doubt he plays any games at all
Front Mission was a third person shooter specifically design to appeal to the west. The other games in the series are SRPGs.

Square did not publish Lufia DS here, Natsume did. Square-Enix passed.


afaik Lufia was in a bad situation because it flopped in Japan to begin with, was really surprised to see it get picked up here at all.

But DQ6... maybe 4 and 5 didn't do so well in NA/EU, but 9 sure did, enough for even Iwata to acknowledge it.
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