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Drama at Kotaku


The thing I unironically do not understand is why it's so horrific to "stick to sports." It's a goddamn sports website! How have we let these people turn that into a slur? Isn't this all for the writers/"journalists" to feel like they're doing more with their lives than just talking about sports/video games? It's so when they go to their family reunion and everyone is laughing at them, they can yell "no no! I don't write about video games! I write about video games... AND politics!"
Because con artists journos insisted that politics drive clicks! So to make money, you politicize everything! The top didn't know better except with number so they followed them. Fast forward to today and the top now knows better since all these political sites are closing shop and they're putting their foot down.


Because con artists journos insisted that politics drive clicks! So to make money, you politicize everything! The top didn't know better except with number so they followed them. Fast forward to today and the top now knows better since all these political sites are closing shop and they're putting their foot down.

Probably true. Feels like that ship has sailed... which is nice.


It's always the damn trolls

To be fair, most of her articles read like they are trolls. Unfortunately they aren't.

Sorry the trolls are laughing at the manbabies/womenbabies
no you had it right, she is the troll, her articles are written to troll people. i mean, Spiderman working with cops? you have to be fucking kidding me. is she a fucking retard? nobody can be that stupid.

she HAS to be trolling w this stuff. the lot of them are.

they are just a bunch of hipsters, people with industry connections, they get free games, get to go to parties, and they just write the gossip they hear. sometimes they cover games, mostly they just interpret press releases. they are access media. the thing about access media is, if anyone was given the materials, then really anyone could write this shit. if you get a dozen press kits and EPKs a day, your work is basically half done for you.

outside of the more interesting longform game explorations (Tim Rogers here) they don't provide much of value and actually get in the way of their reporting more often than not.
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Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
Because con artists journos insisted that politics drive clicks! So to make money, you politicize everything! The top didn't know better except with number so they followed them. Fast forward to today and the top now knows better since all these political sites are closing shop and they're putting their foot down.

what it does to content it sucks every drop of fun from it. You only need to look at the rise of Barstool to see the market reaction to this. I don't personally enjoy Barstool, but at least their shit is fun.


Today I learned that if employees use company property to intentionally tarnish an employer's reputation, the employee deserves solidarity and good will if they receive any push back. But yesterday I learned that any employee who says something that offends someone should be fired, because the employer must protect its good name. This shit is so confusing.
It's so easy. You go on the internet and have someone with a blue checkmark next to their name tell you what you're supposed to think.

That way you will never think the wrong thing and you'll be an automatic good person on the right side of history.
I don't really care about Kotaku either way but the stupid ass private equity overlords are killing Deadspin so fuck them. Deadspin has always been good.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Not a fan of Kotaku so them shutting down wouldn't bother me at all. I am sorry for those that lose their jobs though. Hopefully, they can land on their feet.
I mean it would be nice if something good came of it but if Kotaku does shut down (or everyone's fired and they take on other people) the trash articles they used to do will just be spread across all other publications that will rush to get their click bait friendly asses onboard.

I'd rather they find other jobs they're good at than keep pretending they're gaming journalists though, of course, I don't wish for anyone to be unemployed.
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Typical Kotaku article: Do you know things you always thought are harmless and good are actually very bad?

Also: What about to publish an article on throwing shit on people and sponsorships who pay our salary?


I basically stopped visiting the site when they updated the look, and then they updated it again and it just got worse, u could say prior to 2013 kotaku was a regular visited site for me, they totally shit the bed and this has been a long time coming tbh.

Hopefully this means that sanity is slowly beginning to come back. I actually would enjoy reading gaming sites that actually... talk about the games. For too long now the game is just an excuse to spout off an opinionated agenda.


I will fund, and if there’s demand, start a fund for others to join, that allows Jason and other excellent gaming journalists to thrive. Jason is the gold standard name in gaming journalism. The new owners should kowtow to him. Expecting the opposite demonstrates terrible business sense.


Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
They should reboot the site with

That's another problem with this. You have people who 5 years ago were writing GameFAQs walk thrus and have spent their entire lives immersed in video games now pontificating about complex political issues that they only understand from Twitter. It's why I don't think there's anything wrong with "stick to sports." Anyone would be irate to a dentist and have him instead share his amateur philosophy. It's not what you came for, and that's not what the dentist is good for.
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So what the actual fuck IS going on? All I'm seeing is smarmy vague tweets from members of Kotaku.

Some of which are full of nonsense like "we want to do good by our readers"
Like either give us something to read and tell us what's going on or shut the fuck up.

From what I can gather:
  1. Kotaku or its parent company recently got new management.
  2. Said new management decided to place auto-playing audio/video banner ads on their network of sites.
  3. Writers of those sites write pieces that are critical of this decision.
  4. The articles are taken down by management and they act as if nothing happened.
  5. Writers say “we didn’t take the articles down” and “go complain to management about ads”.
  6. Some people got fired, it’s unclear who or why but it apparently has something to do with the ad situation.
  7. Many other writers are striking/quitting in solidarity of those that were fired.
So Kotaku’s not truly dead but management probably isn’t going to un-fire people who are openly hostile to them, and if those that are on strike aren’t just bluffing, then Kotaku (and other shit sites) will be without a staff, and the former staff will be without jobs.
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im very excited about what this means for this board tbh. no more threads full of people getting mad at articles designed to make people mad. i mean, of course that stuff will still be churned out, but we don't need these idiots clogging up the discourse daily with their distracting bullshit.
You mean GAF might go back to a time when most of the threads were actual gaming news or specific game threads and not complaints about shitty clickbait editorials?

GAF > Kotaku > GAF died long ago.
To be fair Jason has put some good articles about bad practices in industry

On the other hand - his article about Dragon Crown made me drop reading Kotaku totally (it was pretty cool blog about weird gaming things in Japan before)
That's another problem with this. You have people who 5 years ago were writing GameFAQs walk thrus and have spent their entire lives immersed in video games now pontificating about complex political issues that they only understand from Twitter. It's why I don't think there's anything wrong with "stick to sports." Anyone would be irate to a dentist and have him instead share his amateur philosophy. It's not what you came for, and that's not what the dentist is good for.
I think it may be a bad mix of 2 things

1. People who are working as a game journalist, not passionate or care much about gaming. They landed a job. Will make the most of it.
2. People who were passionate about games, but are now passionate about politics.

IDK. It always felt to me like Video Game Forums/Sites are the worst place to proclaim ones oppression. It's hard for me personally to believe you are the at the bottom of society while preloading God Of War.


Is that why he wanted to unionize...so that he couldn't get fired?

The Alien

Go woke, go broke. This cant happen to enough media outlets and is a trend that I hope sustains momentum.

I dont care about race, gender, etc. If you are on a video games site, write about video games. If you are on a sports website, write about sports (that's why Barry got fired...and disobeying the owners).


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
Could some warm, loving soul fill me in on this "learn to code" thing? Google isn't helping me out, and I haven't followed Kotaku for ages now.


Wait...this is alot of pages and I am only half paid attention. They are firing people...for not doing what they are paid to do? Why is this bad? If these people want to talk politics, go into fucking politics, don't pollute other mediums because you aren't able to get the job you think you want.


Could some warm, loving soul fill me in on this "learn to code" thing? Google isn't helping me out, and I haven't followed Kotaku for ages now.
1. Journalists spend years talking down to hard-pressed red staters with contempt about how the economy has moved on from their pitiful blue collar jobs and how they should get with the times and just learn to code.
2. Same journalists get laid off years later.
3. People mock them on twitter saying their jobs are outdated and how they should just learn to code.
4. Journalists whine and get twitter to issue bans for telling them to learn to code.

IMO no profession has suffered more, just from seeing the people actually in it, than journalism. It wasnt' that long ago that I thought the old image of the grizzled truth seeker was more or less true, a fantasy implanted to me by, well, journalists.


Could some warm, loving soul fill me in on this "learn to code" thing? Google isn't helping me out, and I haven't followed Kotaku for ages now.


I am not sorry for kotaku. it was shit. And Schreier is a sensationalist who writes by the tabloid rules... but at least he is a journalist
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