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Drama at Kotaku


That article never existed. Peoples' criticism of Kotaku/Gawker is 100% valid, but treating this like it's a major victory in a war is just as pathetic as people who decide to make their writing careers entirely dependent on overpoliticizing entertainment products meant for children.

I honestly thought that was a legit kotaku article, not sure if that makes things better or worse.
I have had a really low opinion of Kotaku for about nearly a decade.

I want to be really glad, and the schadenfreude is absolutely sublime. But in the end it's just such an obvious conclusion that I'm just annoyed no-one with sense saw it coming. It's gotta be impossible that everyone on staff was on board with Kotaku's trajectory, but we didn't get much in the way of leaks from disgruntled writers.

The end-point of preachy-clickbait-sharticles is so obviously collapse. I'm a bit disappointed really.

We should wait. It's probably not dead. At least not yet.

(I lied, I am a tiny bit chuffed)
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always chasing the next thrill
fuck you i had to clean my monitor


Gold Member
Kotaku was such obvious clickbait garbage that they got sold to a clickbait garbage company, yet was staffed by people who thought they were actually a reputable, legitimate site. That's the funny thing. Realistically nobody working there should have been outraged when their owners tried to find a way to get more scummy ad clicks, because they have been writing a scummy ad click site for years.

Edit: the fact that their natural reaction to the scummy ads was to (A) write an open letter, (B) declare their indignation on Twitter, and (C) complain to their union was, in hindsight, HILARIOUS.
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i think when they did those stories about overworking developers with insane work hours it was a good thing and at least got cd projekt red to reconsider the way they do things, but they did way more harm than good and it's a positive thing they are gone.
And Kotaku readers will quickly find another. Because horseshit like "Spider-Man working with the NYPD is out of touch" isn't exclusive to Kotaku
But they are melting like snow in the sun in a sauna.

That line of media is really what is out of touch, for some reason they are calling the shots?


Thank god . Them and their gender bullshit in gaming need to go

“ why there no same sex why there is no girl with short hair and a dick why the guy is white not black why the guy is black and not white why there are no guys fucking each other in the game “ and the fucking list goes on .

I hope they get shut down forever and any site that promote this shit to force developers out of their vision in the game just to make these weirdos happy .

Not against LGBT at all but when shit goes extreme it needs to stop . I don’t mind an LGBT game If the creators wants it . But to fuck diss a game and shit on it like what happened to that kingdom something game for not including a black person need to fucking stop . Period

We made it lads. Today is a day for celebration, a beautiful and historic moment for the industry. May Kotaku be forever revered as a distinct low point in games media, endlessly mocked for their absolutely retarded content and may they be joined soon in the afterlife by Polygon.

Fuck Kotaku in the ass, we will not miss this piece of shit and while I'm sorry for the suddenly unemployed people, I'm happy that they're probably all young enough to pursue a different career. Maybe learning how to code, who knows. For now and for the last time, FUCK Kotaku.


im very excited about what this means for this board tbh. no more threads full of people getting mad at articles designed to make people mad. i mean, of course that stuff will still be churned out, but we don't need these idiots clogging up the discourse daily with their distracting bullshit.

hopefully Tim Rogers lands on his feet but i bet he has a number of other things going on, like making Truck Heck, so in his case i think he'll be alright. anyone else tho, i don't really care for. hope they all have fine lives but i honestly don't want to read anything they do again.


At the end of the day, all they wanted to do was write about video games










I understand where you’re coming from, you’re trying to see the potential good in these people and hoping that the rancid shit they peddled was someone else’s fault and that these writers are just hapless victims of a system they had no control over.

I heavily disagree, however. It seems to be the opposite, in my opinion. These people wanted to make money for making narcissistic blog posts, but got stuck writing for a site that’s supposedly about video games. Thus they infected a medium they didn’t care about with their self-centered drivel, all for a quick buck.

Fuck ‘em
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Jason Schreier pulls up to CNN with resume in hand.

CNN: Yes sir, how may I help you?

Schreier: Hi, I am an investigative journalist looking for a job

CNN: Ok, what is your speciality?

Schreier: Um....Video games?


Jason Schreier pulls up to CNN with resume in hand.

CNN: Yes sir, how may I help you?

Schreier: Hi, I am an investigative journalist looking for a job.

CNN: Ok, what is your speciality?

Schreier: I specialize in sucking corporate cock while defending my friends who have caused numerous people to attempt or succeed in suicide all the while demonizing the very audience who reads my work.

CNN: Welcome aboard!

Fixed that for you :p
Kotaku (no idea how you pronounce it, stupid fucking name) perpetuated and catalysed the gamer gate movement, which led to the state of the political bullshit and SJW tropes we see in games now.

Now they die, by their own hand, in the bed they made, on the hill they built their house on. Fitting that they are the first major outlet to die from over-SJWism.

Hopefully, this is the start of a beautiful counter-culture revolution.


After tweeting and retweeting cryptic posts about the future, they come back to call the people who interpreted the tweets in a common sense manner trolls. The click bait is strong with that one. Either that, or the desire for attention.


Jason Schreier pulls up to CNN with resume in hand.

CNN: Yes sir, how may I help you?

Schreier: Hi, I am an investigative journalist looking for a job

CNN: Ok, what is your speciality?

Schreier: Um....Video games?


I don't mean this as a compliment to Schreier, but he has done better work than most CNN's investigative staff. We are talking about a news network that spent months on MH370.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Kotaku (no idea how you pronounce it, stupid fucking name) perpetuated and catalysed the gamer gate movement, which led to the state of the political bullshit and SJW tropes we see in games now.

Now they die, by their own hand, in the bed they made, on the hill they built their house on. Fitting that they are the first major outlet to die from over-SJWism.

Hopefully, this is the start of a beautiful counter-culture revolution.

Kotaku. Prounced : Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.











I understand where you’re coming from, you’re trying to see the potential good in these people and hoping that the rancid shit they peddled was someone else’s fault and that these writers are just hapless victims of a system they had no control over.

I heavily disagree, however. It seems to be the opposite, in my opinion. These people wanted to make money for making narcissistic blog posts, but got stuck writing for a site that’s supposedly about video games. Thus they infected a medium they didn’t care about with their self-centered drivel, all for a quick buck.

Fuck ‘em
That's why it's hard to be sad about it. They mostly make trash content.
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Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
I laugh so hard that these spoiled manpeople-children unionized. They're basically LARPing as 19th century coal miners as if it were comparable at all. How much has it devalued these properties to potential buyers when they've been informed that the sites are employed by mentally stunted, hyper political shit heads that hold a constant threat of publicly blowing up said properties if they don't get their way?
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I don't mean this as a compliment to Schreier, but he has done better work than most CNN's investigative staff. We are talking about a news network that spent months on MH370.
Very true. I didn't mean to compliment CNN either. Schreier is just the worst and pushing his unionization agenda for the gaming industry in all his articles it seems like. Also, I suspected he had a part in banning Colin Moriarity from PAX and people on here called me crazy. Then, Colin posted how Schreier had blocked him out of nowhere on twitter. That wasn't the only person Schreier used his Soviet tactics on.









I understand where you’re coming from, you’re trying to see the potential good in these people and hoping that the rancid shit they peddled was someone else’s fault and that these writers are just hapless victims of a system they had no control over.

I heavily disagree, however. It seems to be the opposite, in my opinion. These people wanted to make money for making narcissistic blog posts, but got stuck writing for a site that’s supposedly about video games. Thus they infected a medium they didn’t care about with their self-centered drivel, all for a quick buck.

Fuck ‘em
And this is exactly why I have absolutely no sympathy for the writers getting put on the chopping block. Their fates were by their own doing. They were warned several times by the displeasure of gamers who only wanted to play video games, but ultimately decided to double down on their SJW drivel again and again.

People who actually do their job diligently and faithfully deserve sympathy. None of the Kotaku writers have done that.


Dang is Jason gonna do an expose on the fall of kotaku? That's one i'd frame. Second. How is nathan Grayson gonna virtue signal to and troll for women now?


Today I learned that if employees use company property to intentionally tarnish an employer's reputation, the employee deserves solidarity and good will if they receive any push back. But yesterday I learned that any employee who says something that offends someone should be fired, because the employer must protect its good name. This shit is so confusing.

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
The thing I unironically do not understand is why it's so horrific to "stick to sports." It's a goddamn sports website! How have we let these people turn that into a slur? Isn't this all for the writers/"journalists" to feel like they're doing more with their lives than just talking about sports/video games? It's so when they go to their family reunion and everyone is laughing at them, they can yell "no no! I don't write about video games! I write about video games... AND politics!"
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