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Drama at Kotaku


u just know they are going to do some self applauding article about how hard it is sometimes to be a games journalist and this behind the scenes struggle with advertisers or Union reps or something and how brave they are being right now yadda yadda yadda.


kotaku got.... neggggged

That's another problem with this. You have people who 5 years ago were writing GameFAQs walk thrus and have spent their entire lives immersed in video games now pontificating about complex political issues that they only understand from Twitter. It's why I don't think there's anything wrong with "stick to sports." Anyone would be irate to a dentist and have him instead share his amateur philosophy. It's not what you came for, and that's not what the dentist is good for.

That's fine for Kotaku, which I don't give a shit about, but not for Deadspin. Deadspin has never ever been about straight "sports" and these stupid fuckwits that took over are killing it. From all of the fucking robots to autoplay videos etc. they are intentionally killing the entire thing and they can go fuck themselves. Private equity/venture capitalists at their finest. I read Deadspin & Jalopnik pretty much everyday and if this shit continues they'll be gone and it won't be because they aren't profitable, it'll be because the people that took over were fucking clueless and ran it into the ground.

Amazing how much of a hate boner people around here have for Kotaku. If you don't like it, don't read it--is it really that hard? I can't remember the last article I've read from them and I'm on their sister sites all of the time. It's not that hard to ignore it.
You mean GAF might go back to a time when most of the threads were actual gaming news or specific game threads and not complaints about shitty clickbait editorials?

GAF > Kotaku > GAF died long ago.
Once the cancer that grew into reee was gone kotaku articles didn't really trigger people here I don't think

Kotaku simply doubled down on the woke shit and now look what you have

Horrible that people of lost their jobs but you gotta take these things as a lesson that you can't go through life with a narrow view on things even if you don't agree with the other side.....you might actually learn something


I think all of those journalists SHOULD have the right to put their political opinion on their articles!!!!

...when they fund their own website. lol

ps. Schreier is well connected enough to find a job very fast. let's see the others...


Gold Member
Is it bad that im indifferent about this? I guess i dont really follow kotaku enough to bathe in its apparently glorious demise

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
Amazing how much of a hate boner people around here have for Kotaku. If you don't like it, don't read it--is it really that hard? I can't remember the last article I've read from them and I'm on their sister sites all of the time. It's not that hard to ignore it.

You can't avoid it because their mindset, "woke," spreads like a fucking cancer. It completely took over this website. It's slowly taken over what feels like all video game sites.


To everyone who feels bad about the people who might lose their jobs.

It's normal to feel that way because normal people have empathy. But remember, these are the kind of people who would ask your boss to fire you because of some "sexist" or "racist" reason and they could do anything in their hand to make it harder for you to find any other job or provide for yourself/family.

That said, i'm not happy or sad about their situation. I just don't care.
I feel like one of the main reasons why SJWs were able to infiltrate as far as they did was with corporate blessing. And that was only because "the board" saw the outrage clicks and thought it would be profitable to pursue this angle.

But get woke go broke is a real thing, and HOPEFULLY every SJW's corporate overloard is about to tell each and every one of them to "stick to sports."

Woke "culture" needs to die a fiery death.


Amazing how much of a hate boner people around here have for Kotaku. If you don't like it, don't read it--is it really that hard? I can't remember the last article I've read from them and I'm on their sister sites all of the time. It's not that hard to ignore it.
You can't avoid Kotaku due to how large of an influence they are at the final product. If Jalopnik writes an article about how a car is designed sexist with toxic masculinity etc etc which delayed the design of a new car or worse turn it into a Homer Simpson car, you'd be annoyed. Just witness that over and over again to games that you're excited to see, only to be trashed left and right on some non-sensical like "this fantasy game should have addressed women" or "why aren't trans people in the game set in colonial times." At least you have Car and Driver, Motortrend, Top Gear, and a whole host of others that doesn't inject politics, but the video gaming space is rather small.


Is it bad that im indifferent about this? I guess i dont really follow kotaku enough to bathe in its apparently glorious demise

Nah. This is news that appeals to GG/Kotaku in Action type people.

The drama is still entertaining though and I won’t be shedding any tears. The 2-3 people worth a shit will find jobs elsewhere.


As much as I’ve enjoyed the dogpile. Jason will be successful. He’s done some good work and think he’d be useful in “making of” featurettes honestly.

id prefer to see those for games far far more than for film. Sorta serious


Gold Member
So wait, I'm having trouble following this. Barry gets fired. Kotaku folks are upset and say this will not stand yadda yadda yadda. Deadspin is a part of Kotaku? I'm so lost right now, can someone break this down for the laymen?

How does this mean Kotaku as a whole is dead? Please don't make me go to ResetEra to figure this out. I've heard stories.
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Its starting to look like nothing more than a collective cry for attention and outrage over a guy getting fired to me. The editor is back to posting stories, another one is claiming their written piece will run tomorrow, and no one is sharing the full story after posting cryptic tweets about being unsure of the future. I'm guessing there was so much shock and indignation about the "sports writers" being forced to reduce the politics crap, followed by even more collective shock that the employer wouldn't let them run hit pieces against the employer, that they all posted cryptic shit hoping for concessions if the employer thought they were all leaving and/or received major backlash from the readers.
"Excellent Gaming Journalist" LOL! Reee are very autistic
So they're actually okay then?

Yay keep fighting the good fight of shilling, clickbait, and pushing radical progressive insanity.

Whether dead or not, they're dead to me... They're dead to me.
I don't feel sorry for sites like Kotaku. I feel sorry for the lesser-known gaming news websites whose editors write for free and whose accompanying forums become ghost towns because they have to compete with IGN, Reddit and social media. Remember a time when people still talked about video games because they loved the industry, before cancel culture and political correctness gripped it with its slimy tentacles and won't let go? I strongly recommend sharing real video game articles, perhaps now more than ever so that hopefully we can return to good ol' fashioned quality reading material. You know what I'm saying?
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