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Driveclub Pre-E3 preview event


Lots of fast talking around the weather question though. I was waiting for him to point at the sky, drop a smoke grenade and jump out the nearest window.

They're "experimenting".

The worst part of that interview is when asked about how the different cars handle.

"Well we have different interiors and dashboards to make the experience unique"


I like how some of GAF has gone to "day one" over some sprinklers and windshield dirt. A racing game with 1 car and 50 interiors is a no buy for me.


Still day one for me, if not more so. Ryan has always been a mamma's boy to Xbox, so of course he's going to say that Forza 5 looks better. Its a result of gaming media's move away from objectivity to an emphasis on editorial opinions in all content. Sad that things have reached the point where distrust is at all time highs, but whatever it takes to get the most traffic I suppose.

And why wouldn't levels of distrust be on the rise? That example is just one other on a long list of many that goes to show how out of touch and downright hilarious certain journalists can be. When they let their bias get in the way of simple objectivity and logic.

Infinitely superior lighting and shadowing versus something that still uses a lot of baked lighting, a game that has full dynamic time of days versus one that's fixed and oft inaccurate, far better textures and shaders, far superior reflections, volumetric light affected clouds vs plain sky boxes, fully geometric physics based foliage and trees versus flat textured ones, 3D crowds versus 2D cut outs, no AA versus more AA and so on and so on. I'd say DriveClub was pretty much objectively better looking unless you prefer the art of Forza 5. But these games are aiming to be photo realistic, so art is not much of a factor, it's which looks more real. And that is DriveClub by a country mile.

Ryan's comments just show how grossly out of touch he is and why we should really not be taking him seriously.


25 tracks and only the point to point ones are worth driving on, how did Evos fuck up this bad?

Driveclub will be DLC hell.

I said this game needed a track creator. Rushy fix this shit.
Ding ding ding,surprised at the small number of tracks,will be waiting for the GoTY version.


Glorious PNG's






Environments look kinda rough though.

Alright...one has to be honest when looking at this. In motion the environments look spectacular..as do all the effects and the lighting.

However...in these still shots which clearly show the texture work and details of the environment when NOT at high speed...yeah, that's very unimpressive, even ugly.

However, when driving the cars....one isn't going to notice that. I fully support the "This game has better lighting and looks insane in motion next to any racer." comment. I'm going to step back when looking at these still shots though...because those are rough....and very good quality so not much compression to hide things or make them look better (really lo-res textures/muddiness is obvious).


Amazing shaders but this kind of makes me sad.

I have to agree. It's an arcade racer, I get it. But some things should translate over I think.

That crowd I hope is placeholder, because they look awful and put a pronounced blemish on an overall pretty picture.

Love the attention to detail, especially the wavy "orange peel" like paint.

I wish these guys next game will stray away from this and motorstorm, and instead, go full on focused Rally/WRC. I need that.


Correction, McCaffrey is not Xbox fan he is Xbox fanboy no one on his right mind could say that with a straight face expect delusional fanboys


The worst part of that interview is when asked about how the different cars handle.

"Well we have different interiors and dashboards to make the experience unique"


I like how some of GAF has gone to "day one" over some sprinklers and windshield dirt. A racing game with 1 car and 50 interiors is a no buy for me.
Did you miss the part where he discussed how each team was trying to recreate each car faithfully? He specifically mentions the handling team.



While I agree DC has a TON more going on...some amazing things even. Turn the absolute love and to the death dedication that you have to a single company and anything racing related from them off for a minute...and LOOK at those high quality shots.

You point out a single texture in any of those shots that outclasses F5 on the track in a race. F5's track assets....even at nearly point blank range...are darn near photo realistic. These still shots of gameplay, with no motion blur or depth of field, show they are not what you deliriously say they are.

Anyone in their right mind will give you and agree with you on most of what you typed, myself included...but textures level wise (and a lot of materials wise...the paint material for example) you're just downright wrong.

This in no way means that DC isn't absolutely glorious in motion though. It looks wonderful.
Absolutely looks amazing in motion. Best lighting in a racer hands down. And they still have few months to polish. The sense of speed is great. Most racers look great in replays but look really shitty during gameplay compared to replay. But this really looks like the first racer where it will actually look good in gameplay.

That IGN dude though, he said there should be no comparison made but then does exactly the same to rile up the fanboys lol


The worst part of that interview is when asked about how the different cars handle.

"Well we have different interiors and dashboards to make the experience unique"


I like how some of GAF has gone to "day one" over some sprinklers and windshield dirt. A racing game with 1 car and 50 interiors is a no buy for me.

This thread. It's highly entertaining. So far we've had..

- 30fps is unplayable/choppy.
- Graphical elements aren't visuals, only frame rates are.
- They've developed driving physics and characteristics for only one car.

Keep em coming. Lol.


Did you miss the part where he discussed how each team was trying to recreate each car faithfully? He specifically mentions the handling team.

Yeah he glossed over it, then you have this from gamespot:

There doesn't seem to be a huge amount of nuance between vehicles--I would have expected the Ariel Atom to feel much more sprightly than the Ferrari F12berlinetta, for example


While I agree DC has a TON more going on...some amazing things even. Turn the absolute love and to the death dedication that you have to a single company and anything racing related from them off for a minute...and LOOK at those high quality shots.

You point out a single texture in any of those shots that outclasses F5 on the track in a race. F5's track assets....even at nearly point blank range...are darn near photo realistic. These still shots of gameplay, with no motion blur or depth of field, show they are not what you deliriously say they are.

Anyone in their right mind will give you and agree with you on most of what you typed, myself included...but textures level wise (and a lot of materials wise...the paint material for example) you're just downright wrong.

This in no way means that DC isn't absolutely glorious in motion though. It looks wonderful.

I have a feeling the shots are from an older build. The textures, crowd geometry etc are all off compared to the latest footage we've seen. And Evo have said themselves there's still plenty of graphical improvements to come, and that they're constantly making them all the time.

Remember the Scotland footage from way back? That also had visibly shoddy textures which were vastly improved in the newer gameplay builds.
I don't know how people can say F5's track assets are better. Those horrid 2D crowds alone severely hurt the graphical fidelity of the experience.

Plus the other track assets are hardly stunning. The game clearly makes MAJOR concessions to be 60 FPS.


I have a feeling the shots are from an older build. The textures, crowd geometry etc are all off compared to the latest footage we've seen. And Evo have said themselves there's still plenty of graphical improvements to come, and that they're constantly making them all the time.

That's a possibility.

I personally don't care if the quality of the tracks stays as they are in those shots. It looks great in motion. If they have to sacrifice texture quality (that you may only notice sitting still) to deliver a better arcade like experience they should. The other effects and taxing things going on makes it worth it with this type game.

I don't know how people can say F5's track assets are better. Those horrid 2D crowds alone severely hurt the graphical fidelity of the experience.

Plus the other track assets are hardly stunning. The game clearly makes MAJOR concessions to be 60 FPS.

Don't start this BS. Pretty darn sure you haven't stopped and looked at the track itself. Road surfaces, buildings, even random food stands are incredibly detailed.

The trees, the dynamic lighting, extra effects...now those DC has.

Edit* To prove my point

I posted this in the "Post a random screenshot/guess what it's from" thread. People were guessing all kinds of PC games...even guessed Infamous: SS.


It was in fact a completely random screenshot I took while screwing around in Forza 5. This is the level of detail on basically every track in Forza 5 when it comes to the track assets outside of foliage.


Well thats a depressing line to read.

Here's hoping Team VVV gets some quality time with this.

I mean there is still plenty of time to tweak the driving characteristics... its just seems like no one gives a shit and they are more concerned about modeling interiors.


That's a possibility.

I personally don't care if the quality of the tracks stays as they are in those shots. It looks great in motion. If they have to sacrifice texture quality (that you may only notice sitting still) to deliver a better arcade like experience they should. The other effects and taxing things going on makes it worth it with this type game.

It will be a sad day for fans of #WalkClub and #HikeClub
I don't know how people can say F5's track assets are better. Those horrid 2D crowds alone severely hurt the graphical fidelity of the experience.

Plus the other track assets are hardly stunning. The game clearly makes MAJOR concessions to be 60 FPS.

2D crowds are fine, a hundred thousand of them at a circuit gives a nice atmosphere vs two dozen marionettes. Only in screenshots and a couple of replays Forza's crowd looks comical.


Looking goddamn good, will try the Plus Edition even if i'm not into racing just for de graficsz.

Still, i hope this pre-event and info blowout means less stage time on Sony E3 conference.


2D crowds are fine, a hundred thousand of them at a circuit gives a nice atmosphere vs two dozen marionettes. Only in screenshots and a couple of replays Forza's crowd looks comical.

Hard to say how large the crowds will get in Driveclub, this pic says 'Crowd Size - medium'



The more I read/hear from hands-on previews, the most nervous I get. "Nervous" in the sense of preparing for some disappointing realities, not having the game spoiled. Comments on track design are one thing. I lean more in the sim-style, so keep that in mind, but this line is troubling to me about the handling between vehicles:

There doesn't seem to be a huge amount of nuance between vehicles--I would have expected the Ariel Atom to feel much more sprightly than the Ferrari F12berlinetta

For reference, PGR3/4 and Forza Horizon partly stood out to me because the nuance of the vehicles was retained so well in the arcade-style feel. A big part of the progression in gameplay was getting more cars, not because it was a checklist of cars, but because they had distinct characteristics that made them more (or less) interesting to drive in different settings and circumstances.

Worse yet (and as much as "IGN is bad" is a fine reaction initially when they make an assertion that's way out of line with other assertions), I'm seeing unfavorable comparisons crop up elsewhere to existing games now that the preview embargo is up:

Do a side-by-side comparison of the visual detail between the cars found in Driveclub and those found in Forza 5, and it's no contest; Driveclub just doesn't stack up. (Shaun McInnis)


Looking goddamn good, will try the Plus Edition even if i'm not into racing just for de graficsz.

Still, i hope this pre-event and info blowout means less stage time on Sony E3 conference.

Driveclub got like 10 second of stage time as a trailer last year.
This year it will be main traction on the show floor, on stage a sizzle reel at best.


2D crowds are fine, a hundred thousand of them at a circuit gives a nice atmosphere vs two dozen marionettes. Only in screenshots and a couple of replays Forza's crowd looks comical.

Yeah it depends on how they are used. There was a clip in DC where you see a guy from the crowd clapping and leaning forward as you race past. That adds a lot of immersion and can't really be achieved in 2D. Both have pros and cons.


Holy shit at those gifs!

Forza has got 16 cars on screen vs DC's 12, does that not count for anything?
What has that do to with anything? lol

You're comparing apples to oranges, but you're saying oranges have smoother skin because the apple's skin doesn't count.
I'm not the one to make that comparison. I'm just saying how ridiculous of a statement that gamespot comment is when Forza's on-track-models don't look that good.


they need to fire his ass.. it's just beyond pathetic at this point.

Anyone can find a spot and take a crappy shot. I could do it on everything from the PS4, to the X1, to my Vita.

I can take 5 beautiful shots and 5 horrid shots in basically every game I have...even taxing games on my i7 rig.

Is IGN being disingenuous in a number of ways yes, but so are many people who are attempting to only look at the negative and not the positive in any conversation. The "everything about another game" sucks because I don't like it/side with it stuff is non-stop hyperbole.


That's the first time I'm noticing a lot of action on the suspension.

The sense of speed is great. They seem to be getting it right. I'm glad to see it, as it can be done correctly at 30fps in an arcade racer. That's excellent.

(edit* Doh..meant to add this into my last post...sorry about the near double post)


No, it's shots fired to others that have decent audio. Shots towards GT/PD/Kaz when it comes to sound is just a waste of ammo.

Haha, yeah. Although some aiming riviraly might be good to push both.

People always like to point the finger at PD, but don't realize that there are few racing games actually have good car audio. Just because it's loud like in NFS doesn't mean that it's accurate.

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