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Early reactions to Alien: Covenant are in


So really the movie people wanted in the first place...well better late than never I suppose.
The real question is if people actually want to see it now or will the mixed reception of Prometheus ward off moviegoers.


It sounds like a mediocre Alien movie with a standout performance by Fassbender, and some very hamfisted on-the-nose philosophizing about being god/creator. Which at least makes it better than Prometheus.

After watching that prologue clip with David going to the Engineer planet, I really wanted to see more about his interaction and experience with them. It sounds like almost none of that is here though.
Here's Collider's review: https://youtu.be/LrzqsZospEw

Definitely the most positive review I've seen so far. Sounds like it has everything I want from the movie.



So can't wait for this movie.

While Prometheus wasn't perfect, I enjoyed it.

Plus, I'm always up for more Xenomorph action.


I think we should wait till more reviews to come out, guys. These people saw it early and they might be still feeling hyped.
I think we should wait till more reviews to come out, guys. These people saw it early and they might be still feeling hyped.

These are professional reviewers brofessor. There are plenty of middling reviews out there as well, like Jeremy Jahns and The Hybrid Network. It just so happens that the reviewers I follow and share tastes with really like it. Don't be trying to piss on our parade.

Edit: you should really put a /s on that comment because nothing about it reads as sarcasm


They're out there. Destructoid's spoils a good chunk including the entire first act.

Birth Movies Death review had more spoilers than that, to be honest. You can pretty much guess the entire first act by watching trailers anyway.

What I am really looking for some someone going into detail on the second and third acts. Is there anything interesting going on there? Or is it just a half-dozen people getting killed off by xenomorphs?
These are pretty heavy spoilers
Ive only read some of it but its practically a play by play

It spoiled much less than the trailers and TV spots have but yea, read at your own risk. I feel like I knew a hell of a lot on how this movie would play out way before I read this review. I still can't wait to experience the ride for myself.


It sounds like a mediocre Alien movie with a standout performance by Fassbender, and some very hamfisted on-the-nose philosophizing about being god/creator. Which at least makes it better than Prometheus.
Does it, though?

It's still Ridley Scott.


Beyond the Trailer review

I absolutely hate the style of this lady's reviews, which have no production values and take zero advantages of the video format. I'd say they would be better off as podcasts, except that the microphone/audio quality is so terrible. That said, she always has some interesting feedback.

The most intriguing thing is that multiple times she compares Fassbender's performance to that of Dr. Frank-N-Furter in Rocky Horror Picture Show. Which is really, really weird given that David was pretty subdued in Prometheus. Is he suddenly going to become some over-the-top campy scenery chewing villain? A narcissistic scientist with a God complex and a weird sexual fetish? How is he like Frank-N-Further. and not some other evil or amoral scientist from two dozen other movies?


semen stains the mountaintops
The way she speaks is so...weird.

But like you said, her actual reviews aren't half bad.
The way she speaks is so...weird.

But like you said, her actual reviews aren't half bad.

She may not be the "best" YouTube movie reviewer out there in terms of production value but I love her giddiness and love for movies. She'd be my dream girlfriend.
My interest for this movie just shot up.

I really think this is going to be the sleeper hit of the summer. It may have some issues in hardcore fan's eyes but general audiences who can stomach it are gonna have a ball it seems. It just sounds like it's going to be a fun and gory thrill ride, which is all the Alien movies need to be imo.


Interesting that she mentions that the shower scene everyone HATED from the first trailer isn't in the movie apparently.

She says that the "Couples" scene that she hated is not in the movie, but I'm pretty sure that is in reference to The Last Supper prologue clip that was released a while ago. I would be surprised if the shower scene got removed since it almost certainly features a character's death.

She may not be the "best" YouTube movie reviewer out there in terms of production value but I love her giddiness and love for movies. She'd be my dream girlfriend.

I'm not sure what the point is in having her on-camera, particularly when she can't stop glancing at her notes/cue-cards off to the side. At lot of the mugging and snark feels written/rehearsed so the pretense of it being a sincere sort of video confessional gets lost.
She says that the "Couples" scene that she hated is not in the movie, but I'm pretty sure that is in reference to The Last Supper prologue clip that was released a while ago. I would be surprised if the shower scene got removed since it almost certainly features a character's death.

You're right, I heard wrong. My bad.

I'm not sure what the point is in having her on-camera, particularly when she can't stop glancing at her notes/cue-cards off to the side. At lot of the mugging and snark feels written/rehearsed so the pretense of it being a sincere sort of video confessional gets lost.

I think you need to pour out the Hatorade you've been drinking bud.

Edit: and speaking of Hatorade...where you at Bobby Roberts?
Priscilla's review at BMD is really well written, but I have problems with this paragraph

David was the true protagonist of Prometheus, and he may be the villain of Alien: Covenant. If you're really diabolical, like me, you might still feel that David is just as much the protagonist of Alien: Covenant as Daniels is. Imagine giving Blade Runner's Roy Batty the extended life he wanted, and his own planet, and you get David in Alien: Covenant, Batty's brother in spirit. He's Frankenstein's creature, he's Victor Frankenstein, and he's Satan. The devil exists, and we created him.

This seems like a bad read on both Roy Batty and David.

I don't think considering David the protagonist of Prometheus is diabolical. It is misguided, though. And I don't know how/why you'd think that Roy Batty getting more life would turn him into David, either.

That just seems way off, in both instances.
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