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Easiest Boss Fights



Pinwheel from Dark Souls.

On a game where everything turns you into poo, there comes this weird magic using guy, I rushed to him hitting like crazy and was surprised when he went down in 3 or 4 hits.


Pinwheel's actually one of my favourite bosses in the game.

He has the most unique music and setting but I agree, he's a pushover. Unless you give him too much time. My only thought could be that after a grueling area like The Catacombs, the developers expected you to expect a tough boss fight. Whereas the secret to Pinwheel is to just rush him, they might have felt you would'v been precautious and therefore quickly lost control of the fight.
Everyone listing DS and Bloodborne bosses, just stop. I mean, come on. Those games aren't easy.

My vote goes to any Mario or Zelda boss. They are usually cool, but rarely difficult.
Also obligatory yu yevon
ceaseless discharge is actually piss easy if you run off.. I guess it's kind of a joke but he's really easy as you can beat him without even trying, kinda
Pinwheel's actually one of my favourite bosses in the game.

He has the most unique music and setting but I agree, he's a pushover. Unless you give him too much time. My only thought could be that after a grueling area like The Catacombs, the developers expected you to expect a tough boss fight. Whereas the secret to Pinwheel is to just rush him, they might have felt you would'v been precautious and therefore quickly lost control of the fight.
Yeah thank fuck for that, catacombs were so horrible. And then you have tomb of giants which is even worse


King Allant from Demon's Souls strikes me as an odd one, since he's not strictly a 'joke' in real terms, and there are reasonable plot reasons why he's so utterly trivial - but he is the Big Final Boss in a game full of extremely tough combat. Is he intended to be a cathartic experience like the final Omnislash fight with Sephiroth in FF7? I didn't really get that from it either. It definitely takes you by surprise, anyway!

Nah the "big final boss" is the boss before that, this fight was just storyline weak to show what he's been reduced to.


Ignoring joke bosses and victory laps, I'll throw in this nomination:


That fact that you have to try and not fight Sundowner in order to get the lyrics for his song to play is a huge shame (especially because his song is REALLY good). Platinum made it way to easy to just run around and randomly slash at him like a moron.


Cheesing the firelurker (was that his name?) on Demons' Souls count?

Super hard fight if you're being honest, but so easy to exploit that like, why not?


Cheesing the firelurker (was that his name?) on Demons' Souls count?

Super hard fight if you're being honest, but so easy to exploit that like, why not?

Nah, easiest boss fight is the big Dragon. It can be a little challenge to get to him, but other than that, complete pushover considering he is the biggest boss and most well known. Quite Strange.
Are you saying this in comparison to the first game? I was going to pick up Dark Souls 2 before the third one comes out.

Yeah compared to the other Souls games the DS2 bosses (save a few) are total jokes. Compared to most games I guess they're par for the course, pretty easy though. Expect to 1-2 shot most of them.



Morpheel from Twilight Princess. Looks terrifying, but in reality it doesn't seem to really give a shit about you being there swimming around trying to stab it.



Apparently if you don't kill him in the first 5 seconds (which of course you will), this boss will actually attack at some point.

Deleted member 309291

Unconfirmed Member
Uncharted 1's last boss


It's really not. That's just the last sequence / phase. You fight him and his goons throughout the boat. And it's not exactly hard but very annoying getting to that last part.


I remember not killing anyone up to The Sorrow and the river being empty.

Just walk to the end and do your thing.


Deleted member 309291

Unconfirmed Member
Gears of War 2: Just point the Hammer of Dawn at the dinosaur ( forgot its name smh) and wait for the cutscenes.
Everyone listing DS and Bloodborne bosses, just stop. I mean, come on. Those games aren't easy.

My vote goes to any Mario or Zelda boss. They are usually cool, but rarely difficult.
Also obligatory yu yevon

I shouldn't feel relieved when I reach a bossdoor but DSII scholar does exactly that.
BB was the opposite for me.


I found all the bosses in shadow warrior tonbe pretty anti-climatic in terms of diffuculty. They're more time consuming than anything.


Does Letz Shake from No More Heroes count?

The first boss from the original Ninja Gaiden is also a pushover.


The final boss of Final Fantasy 12.

After completing almost all of the bounty sidequests I was so over-leveled that I beat him in less than 4 minutes (didn't touch the controller, just left Basch and Ashe hit like crazy while Balthier stayed at the back healing and buffing).



Apparently if you don't kill him in the first 5 seconds (which of course you will), this boss will actually attack at some point.

I've always wondered if there was a bug with him, or he was just that poorly tested. Died so fast the first time I fought him that I sat there for a bit waiting for Phase2/'That wasn't even my final form!' for a few moments.


Nah the "big final boss" is the boss before that, this fight was just storyline weak to show what he's been reduced to.

I'm not sure that works in the context of a game where you've got reasonably free choice of directions to progress; while you're likely to take on False King immediately prior to it, you're not guaranteed to. You might take on Old Monk, who can be trivial.


Are you saying this in comparison to the first game? I was going to pick up Dark Souls 2 before the third one comes out.

I wouldn't call them "easy" but "straightforward". The majority are just men with armour and the important aspect is to avoid their AOEs and try to not fall victim to the game's sketchy hitboxes.

There's some infuriating bosses in DS2 as well due to the director's need to includes needless adds or have two of a boss instead of one to ramp up the artifical difficulty.
Demon souls, at the very end you just walk up and stab oldking allent
Yes I spelled his name wrong Sue me....... Don't please


Nah, easiest boss fight is the big Dragon. It can be a little challenge to get to him, but other than that, complete pushover considering he is the biggest boss and most well known. Quite Strange.

What are you regarding as the start of the boss fight there? Entering that long corridor, or downing him with the ballistae so you can wail on his head?

I'd say that the part that should be regarded as the boss fight starts as soon as you move on from Flamelurker's room, myself.


Speaking of Links Awakening, the final boss has multiple forms (six to be exact) and none of them are particularly difficult. The second last form of the boss can actually be killed in one hit via Spin Attack but even a few of your items can do the job in one hit too. The final form of the boss also goes down in one hit but you may or may not have the weapon needed, otherwise the final form takes a good number of hits to go down.

On a similar note, the knife in Resident Evil 4 can be used to take down some bosses really quickly.

I remember as a kid looking forward to fighting Knuckles and thinking "OH MAN, THIS IS IT. TIME FOR AN EPIC FIGHT!!"

Boy was I disappointed.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Final Bowser in Mario Sunshine was pretty bloody easy I though, especially after I spent ages getting that last spin and throw down on 64 :p
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