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Easy Allies |EZOT| Good Vibes and Good Hype

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"Must be nice... must, be, nice... yeah..."


I love Huber, but his opinion on the DMC franchise kills me inside. DmC is so fucking bad, and it's easily the most disappointing misstep of all time among my favorite franchises. If I could erase the existence of any one game from history, it would be that one. Thankfully, unlike Huber I'm not actually in the minority in regards to whether people would rather see DmC2 or DMC5 get developed, so for the greater good a bit of disappointment has to go his way. Hopefully they'll announce DMC5 within the near future, so we can forget the "remake" ever happened.

He was right about EDF5 deserving the top spot on their podcast list though. When Jones wheeled out the "there'll always be another one in the future" argument against EDF, arguing for a musou game in its place, I almost did a spit-take.
I love Huber, but his opinion on the DMC franchise kills me inside. DmC is so fucking bad, and it's easily the most disappointing misstep of all time among my favorite franchises. If I could erase the existence of any one game from history, it would be that one. Thankfully, unlike Huber I'm not actually in the minority in regards to whether people would rather see DmC2 or DMC5 get developed, so for the greater good a bit of disappointment has to go his way. Hopefully they'll announce DMC5 within the near future, so we can forget the "remake" ever happened.

He was right about EDF5 deserving the top spot on their podcast list though. When Jones wheeled out the "there'll always be another one in the future" argument against EDF, arguing for a musou game in its place, I almost did a spit-take.

First of all, DmC is fuckin awesome. And may I remind you of DMC2?

Secondly, DMC5 wouldn't have happened yet anyway even if DmC never existed. That team was neck deep in Dragon's Dogma.
Wish Huber could stream Dragon Quest 7. This game is pure jolly and although technically a prequel to 8, it feels like the follow-up that 9 and 10 never were.
Don't think it's possible though, Ben's Pokemon stream didn't go too well.

Aren't they perma when the avatar has gone?

Nope. Mine always disappears, even when it's just a few days ban.
Wish Huber could stream Dragon Quest 7. This game is pure jolly and although technically a prequel to 8, it feels like the follow-up that 9 and 10 never were.
Don't think it's possible though, Ben's Pokemon stream didn't go too well.

Nope. Mine always disappears, even when it's just a few days ban.

The way Pokemon handles 2D / 3D is super rare. I'm not sure many other games would have the issue. Huber would have to get the gear from Ben though, and streaming from the 3DS is never all that "relaxed."


First of all, DmC is fuckin awesome. And may I remind you of DMC2?

Secondly, DMC5 wouldn't have happened yet anyway even if DmC never existed. That team was neck deep in Dragon's Dogma.

DMC2 being a bad game doesn't make DmC any less trash. DMC2 even gets some things right that DmC doesn't. And it's not like they released the reboot after the worst game in the main series anyway (so the DMC2 point doesn't really mean anything). I know DmC didn't delay DMC5, but a timeline where nothing came out between DMC4 and 5 (other than the rereleases) would still be preferable, regardless of how many years Dragon's Dogma delayed it (and the long wait would be worth it since Dragon's Dogma is a fantastic game in its own right). That's my entire point, the abomination should simply never have existed.

It's nice that there are people like you and Huber who like it, but I still think it was a gigantic mistake to split your fanbase like that (or rather create two seperate fanbases within an overarching franchise). They should just have had Ninja Theory do their own thing entirely, without associating it with the DMC name. The vast majority of the people who like DmC would probably have liked it anyway without the name and connection. I'm sure Huber would.
DMC2 being a bad game doesn't make DmC any less trash. DMC2 even gets some things right that DmC doesn't. And it's not like they released the reboot after the worst game in the main series anyway (so the DMC2 point doesn't really mean anything). I know DmC didn't delay DMC5, but a timeline where nothing came out between DMC4 and 5 (other than the rereleases) would still be preferable, regardless of how many years Dragon's Dogma delayed it (and the long wait would be worth it since Dragon's Dogma is a fantastic game in its own right). That's my entire point, the abomination should simply never have existed.

It's nice that there are people like you and Huber who like it, but I still think it was a gigantic mistake to split your fanbase like that (or rather create two seperate fanbases within an overarching franchise). They should just have had Ninja Theory do their own thing entirely, without associating it with the DMC name. The vast majority of the people who like DmC would probably have liked it anyway without the name and connection. I'm sure Huber would.

Problem there is who knows if I for example as a DMC fan would have ever played the game if it wasn't part of the franchise. Name sells.

And just the fact that DmC created a ''new fanbase'' already speaks that many see the game as a quality product. And these types of splits happen in almost every long running series reboots or no.

I don't see why you can't just ignore DmC if you don't mind having a long wait between 4 and 5 anyway. In fact if DmC never existed I can just imagine the amount of ''DMC is dead'' considering 4 came out almost a decade ago.

Mostly I don't understand the vocal hate for the game from the core fans. Looking at other fanbases that get actual garbage games like Umbrella Corp. or whatever they just snicker for a while and forget about it. Of course it's fine to hate it and all but I don't see what the negative impact from it is when it didn't affect the development of 5 in any way.
DMC2 being a bad game doesn't make DmC any less trash. DMC2 even gets some things right that DmC doesn't. And it's not like they released the reboot after the worst game in the main series anyway (so the DMC2 point doesn't really mean anything). I know DmC didn't delay DMC5, but a timeline where nothing came out between DMC4 and 5 (other than the rereleases) would still be preferable, regardless of how many years Dragon's Dogma delayed it (and the long wait would be worth it since Dragon's Dogma is a fantastic game in its own right). That's my entire point, the abomination should simply never have existed.

It's nice that there are people like you and Huber who like it, but I still think it was a gigantic mistake to split your fanbase like that (or rather create two seperate fanbases within an overarching franchise). They should just have had Ninja Theory do their own thing entirely, without associating it with the DMC name. The vast majority of the people who like DmC would probably have liked it anyway without the name and connection. I'm sure Huber would.

DmC has a higher meatcritic than DMC4, calling it trash is hyperbole.


Problem there is who knows if I for example as a DMC fan would have ever played the game if it wasn't part of the franchise. Name sells.

And just the fact that DmC created a ''new fanbase'' already speaks that many see the game as a quality product. And these types of splits happen in almost every long running series reboots or no.

I don't see why you can't just ignore DmC if you don't mind having a long wait between 4 and 5 anyway. In fact if DmC never existed I can just imagine the amount of ''DMC is dead'' considering 4 came out almost a decade ago.

Mostly I don't understand the hate for the game from the core fans. Looking at other fanbases that get actual garbage games like Umbrella Corp. or whatever they just snicker for a while and forget about it. Of course it's fine to hate it and all but I don't see what the negative impact from it is when it didn't affect the development of 5 in any way.

It's a bit hard to ignore DmC when you have someone like Huber saying on camera, that they shouldn't make DMC5 because "they've already rebooted the series". He's obviously biased in his love for DmC and Ninja Theory (and me likewise with Capcom), but at that point it seems less "new fanbase" and "innocent reboot side game" and more people advocating for hijacking the franchise. If Atlus had Idea Factory make a bad Shin Megami Tensei game, and that game somehow had fans saying that the main series shouldn't continue because they liked the reboot better, I would also feel annoyed. I don't have a problem with people liking things I don't like, but I do think you should be considerate of the core fanbase in a situation like this. If the situation was reversed, I would feel awkward about advocating for something that would make so many people angry, even if I liked that particular reboot for example.

DmC has a higher meatcritic than DMC4, calling it trash is hyperbole.

It's not hyperbole if I feel that way, is it? The first paragraph you quoted was me being completely subjective, and the second one me trying to look at it from a more objective point of view. I guess I could have written "imo", but i thought it would be obvious given how I worded it. My bad.
I dunno, youtube randomly screws up the metadata somehow. It's playing fine on my PC, but I've seen it happen before. Check on another device?
Hmm. It was working just fine yesterday on my PS4, but not today (still PS4). I'm pulling it up right now on my iPhone's YouTube app and it's still giving me the same thing with the same 16:15 video length.
It's nice that there are people like you and Huber who like it, but I still think it was a gigantic mistake to split your fanbase like that (or rather create two seperate fanbases within an overarching franchise). They should just have had Ninja Theory do their own thing entirely, without associating it with the DMC name. The vast majority of the people who like DmC would probably have liked it anyway without the name and connection. I'm sure Huber would.

The fanbase is only split because so many people formed an irrational opinion about the game before it ever came out. It's a game that looks great, has really inventive levels and a fun, irreverent story and, most of all, plays fantastically well. It's just too bad some turned their nose up at it because Dante is only allowed to look douchy in the original way, and not a new way.


The fanbase is only split because so many people formed an irrational opinion about the game before it ever came out. It's a game that looks great, has really inventive levels and a fun, irreverent story and, most of all, plays fantastically well. It's just too bad some turned their nose up at it because Dante is only allowed to look douchy in the original way, and not a new way.

Absoluely, DmC was a fantastic game. People were talking so much shit that i didn't buy the game, and then when it went for free on PS + it took me weeks to even have the interest to download it, the game just blew my mind, it was the last time i let people throw me off of something, i like reading opinions, but i won't form mine before playing.


The fanbase is only split because so many people formed an irrational opinion about the game before it ever came out. It's a game that looks great, has really inventive levels and a fun, irreverent story and, most of all, plays fantastically well. It's just too bad some turned their nose up at it because Dante is only allowed to look douchy in the original way, and not a new way.

You're wrong, because that assumes that it's a factually and objectively incorrect opinion to like the original DMC games and hate the reboot for what it is. No, the fanbase is split because they made the reboot in the first place, my opinion and yours as to people's expectations and the actual quality of the game is not a factor. That's just what happens when you reboot an active, non-dead franchise. Which is the reason you probably don't see it all that often (with most reboots coming many years after the latest game in the original franchise, and often on newer consoles). Rebooting a game usually means that the original series is over as well (the assumption that this would happen made the people who really loved DMC almost predisposed to dislike DmC by default). The backlash shouldn't be that surprising then, and I wouldn't call it irrational either since DMC5 still hasn't been released, let alone announced.


Another vote for DmC, really great, fun little game. Of course, I got it from PS Plus and never played another title in the series - but on its own, I didn't regret my time at time.
You're wrong, because that assumes that it's a factually and objectively incorrect opinion to like the original DMC games and hate the reboot for what it is.

It is objectively impossible to pass judgement on the quality of a game 18 months before anyone has ever had a chance to play it and that's exactly what many Devil May Cry fans did.


It is objectively impossible to pass judgement on the quality of a game 18 months before anyone has ever had a chance to play it and that's exactly what many Devil May Cry fans did.

I agree, although I think that for many, rather than passing judgement on the game before it was out, people were reacting just as much to what the announcement and development of that game represented for the future of the original series. Some people obviously dismissed it entirely without playing it, but others (myself included) decided to give the game a fair shot when it came out, and didn't like it. In any case, I don't have a problem with people liking the game, my main grievance was with the idea that they shouldn't make DMC5 because they've already rebooted it. I find that to be a ridiculous stance to take, since it's basically the same as wishing a lot of fans to be unhappy for no reason. Surely even the most die hard DmC fan could see this?
I appreciate what they did for DmC but I find the visual style (not just Dante) as a whole really unappealing. It's cohesive and they went all in on the style, which I support, but I just think it looks ugly

For what it's worth I think Dante looks kind of awkward/ugly in DMC4 as well, I generally play the other characters (all in on Vergil in SE)

I do think it's a bit funny that DmC fans are upset that their version of the franchise probably isn't going to continue because of a new direction to attempt to appeal to a wider audience.


I remember saying "sounds like bullshit" when some MS exec said something.

I got banned for 2 weeks for that.

2 weeks.

I remember posting a negative opinion to that Uncharted 4 Walking Simulator thread, my reply was on the first page so the mod didn't think I read the article and was just shit-posting. Got a week for that, haha.
Man Huber was so disappointing on the podcast. All that talk about feeling inferior about having a normal PS4 and being pushed to buy a 4k TV.
That's not a good reason to buy a new console.


It's weird, I was never a fan of their Just Played-series and always prefered their produced videos, but with their recent Mafia 3-preview...

While it was entertaining, I instantly distrusted everything said there. Huber(?) explaining it himself would have given it a certainly trustworthy-ness, that just not there with Jones reading what is half light-criticism of "could be bad/could be good" and half PR-gibberish. Mhhh. But since the content, or what is being said, would probably be the same, it might just be me. Still...

On Mafia 3 in general: I know I would probably like, be it a 7 or 9 game in the end, but I don't want to dish out 70€ for the third entry in a series I've never played before - and I have no interest or opportunity to go back. :-/


Bosman v Wozniak was pretty awesome last night, Kyle was in the zone.

Meanwhile, i botched another opportunity to reach 300k, i was so close.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
400k is a physical barrier, as impenetrable as the speed of light. Tetris' resistance grows exponentially the closer Kyle gets to that mythical score. He will never break it. It is futile.


400k is a physical barrier, as impenetrable as the speed of light. Tetris' resistance grows exponentially the closer Kyle gets to that mythical score. He will never break it. It is futile.

He was also cursed when he lost his Tetris cart, the Gods of Tets are ruthless.
The fanbase is only split because so many people formed an irrational opinion about the game before it ever came out. It's a game that looks great, has really inventive levels and a fun, irreverent story and, most of all, plays fantastically well. It's just too bad some turned their nose up at it because Dante is only allowed to look douchy in the original way, and not a new way.

Fun gameplay, shit story and characters. That's DmC in a nutshell.
DmC has a higher meatcritic than DMC4, calling it trash is hyperbole.

Eh, each game had different expectations. DMC4 suffered because it was the follow up to the best game in the series, DmC benefited from not being as awful as a lot of people were expecting. Regardless, DmC was still the worst selling game in the franchise, so DmC fans just have to deal with being the minority.

Personally I never bothered playing it because Ninja Theory often came off as assholes mocking the series and its fans. Plus I was never a fan of Ninja Theory's tendency to go with flash over substance.

It's weird, I was never a fan of their Just Played-series and always prefered their produced videos, but with their recent Mafia 3-preview...

While it was entertaining, I instantly distrusted everything said there. Huber(?) explaining it himself would have given it a certainly trustworthy-ness, that just not there with Jones reading what is half light-criticism of "could be bad/could be good" and half PR-gibberish. Mhhh. But since the content, or what is being said, would probably be the same, it might just be me. Still...

On Mafia 3 in general: I know I would probably like, be it a 7 or 9 game in the end, but I don't want to dish out 70€ for the third entry in a series I've never played before - and I have no interest or opportunity to go back. :-/

Didn't Jones write the preview?

Previews are almost always "could be good/bad" because the fact is, most games only come together at the very end and any writer who's been around for a while knows and accounts for this. I think it's pretty understandable.

As someone who's interested in playing Mafia 3 but not on day one, I quite liked it. No spoilers, just how the game plays.


Eh, each game had different expectations. DMC4 suffered because it was the follow up to the best game in the series, DmC benefited from not being as awful as a lot of people were expecting. Regardless, DmC was still the worst selling game in the franchise, so DmC fans just have to deal with being the minority.

Personally I never bothered playing it because Ninja Theory often came off as assholes mocking the series and its fans. Plus I was never a fan of Ninja Theory's tendency to go with flash over substance.

Having actually played DmC I can assure you this couldn't be further from the truth.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
bosman would have probably broken 400k if he hadn't made the baffling choice of forcing goldblums every decent run. don't remember him ever doing that before.
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