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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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oh hell yea Frame Trap. I was just looking for something to listen to while I put a dent in Mirrors Edge C
I forgot about the two guest panel. diggin it


Really happy Ben is discovering the wonderful world of Nihon Falcom. I'm really looking forward to that Trails in the Sky vid, and it's great to hear that Ben is liking Ys.


Oh yeah, I forgot they switched to a 3 person lineup (including Ben) recently for Frame Trap. Good stuff.

And man, I just LOVE the new desk setup. Looks so much better. I also noticed they de-cluttered the background some, so kudos on that as well. Just looks great all around. I have a feeling Ben cares about this stuff and puts it all into consideration, which I appreciate.


yeah, it looks much better / less cluttered than on last week's podcast.

Huber said something about the "Nintendo tax" keeping Nintendo games at $60, but Tropical Freeze and Woolly World were $50, Captain Todd and Kirby Rainbow Curse were $40, and I think Game & Wario was $30... there were a few more first party Wii U games that launched at sub-60.

Nintendo either really believed in ARMS, or, more likely, they're just riding high on the success of the Switch and figured "why not charge $60 for this."
I mean, if Street Fighter 2 is selling for $40 and Cave Story is selling for $30... yeah


Bummer about the 3 man still being there, I wish they could compress it more in another way since I want to hear from more Allies about what they've been playing. At the very least, Huber needs rotating off more often with the 3 person set up, as much as I love him.


Bummer about the 3 man still being there, I wish they could compress it more in another way since I want to hear from more Allies about what they've been playing. At the very least, Huber needs rotating off more often with the 3 person set up, as much as I love him.
Not saying I don't agree, but who will bring up Yakuza then?


I thought I should ask ya'll about playing through Ni No Kuni. The Allies are probably the only large sect of the gaming community I can think of that are so universally praising of that first game, Colin Moriarty holds it in high regard too, but generally around gaf I've seen reception pretty mixed.

I have a copy I bought around launch, only played around sub-10 hours. I didn't play a lot of JRPGs back then, and I remember being quite overwhelmed at the time, I doubt that to be much of a barrier today. I'm looking through that manual now and there's some stuff about a decryptable language here, seems pretty dope.

So what say you? Is it worth playing through Ni No Kuni before the launch of the sequel this year? What is it, a 30 - 50 hour timesink?


Unconfirmed Member
I thought I should ask ya'll about playing through Ni No Kuni. The Allies are probably the only large sect of the gaming community I can think of that are so universally praising of that first game, Colin Moriarty holds it in high regard too, but generally around gaf I've seen reception pretty mixed.

I have a copy I bought around launch, only played around sub-10 hours. I didn't play a lot of JRPGs back then, and I remember being quite overwhelmed at the time, I doubt that to be much of a barrier today. I'm looking through that manual now and there's some stuff about a decryptable language here, seems pretty dope.

So what say you? Is it worth playing through Ni No Kuni before the launch of the sequel this year? What is it, a 30 - 50 hour timesink?

I call Ni no Kuni a 100% a vibes game if you're feeling the vibes of it, it is a delightfully whimsical and emotional adventure. If you don't feel those vibes you're left with a game that can get a bit tedious as in certain ways it leans on some of the worst habits of reaaaaally old JRPGs. In the end a lot of the tedium is more tied to optional stuff anyway that you don't really have to engage that much in. I'd say yeah about ~50 hours. Took me I think 80h for the plat.

Edit: I absolutely loved it but I don't think a lot of the criticism it receives is unfair/wrong.


I thought I should ask ya'll about playing through Ni No Kuni. The Allies are probably the only large sect of the gaming community I can think of that are so universally praising of that first game, Colin Moriarty holds it in high regard too, but generally around gaf I've seen reception pretty mixed.

I have a copy I bought around launch, only played around sub-10 hours. I didn't play a lot of JRPGs back then, and I remember being quite overwhelmed at the time, I doubt that to be much of a barrier today. I'm looking through that manual now and there's some stuff about a decryptable language here, seems pretty dope.

So what say you? Is it worth playing through Ni No Kuni before the launch of the sequel this year? What is it, a 30 - 50 hour timesink?

I loved it. I also think I put in +- 80 hours for the platinum. I remember it taking around 10 hours for it to get going, so you possibly didn't get to that point yet. Imo it is worth it as it is one of my favorite PS games of last generation (together with Yakuza 4). I do like JRPGs, but I don't play that many of them because of the time you spend in them, but after Lost Odyssey, Ni No Kuni is my most favorite of the ones I have played last gen (and Yakuza 4, but Yakuza games are not pure JRPGs).

That said, I do understand the criticism. It is quite an old-school JRPG in some ways (but I don't mind that at all, I like turn-based JRPGs more than the more active ones, so I am somewhat afraid for Ni No Kuni II).


I abondend NNK after a good 30 hours. The combat sucked and the story was too much of a slow burn for me with not much added value. Looking forward to Part 2, though. At least the former complaint may have been addressed.


I just started Ni no Kuni post e3 but I'm really enjoying it so far. The cut scenes are just so cozy and looking at the backgrounds is a joy. I can't really comment on the battle system yet as I was only just introduced to my first familiar. But I hope it's not too bad of a grind, I've heard so many mixed things. I'd like to keep going for sure


I thought I should ask ya'll about playing through Ni No Kuni. The Allies are probably the only large sect of the gaming community I can think of that are so universally praising of that first game, Colin Moriarty holds it in high regard too, but generally around gaf I've seen reception pretty mixed.

I have a copy I bought around launch, only played around sub-10 hours. I didn't play a lot of JRPGs back then, and I remember being quite overwhelmed at the time, I doubt that to be much of a barrier today. I'm looking through that manual now and there's some stuff about a decryptable language here, seems pretty dope.

So what say you? Is it worth playing through Ni No Kuni before the launch of the sequel this year? What is it, a 30 - 50 hour timesink?
It is always worth playing through that game imo. It gives a great sense of adventure and it has a lot of heart. I really like the way the game handles itself. I also found the gameplay extremely engaging with the familiar system and all. I highly recommend it.


Really happy Ben is discovering the wonderful world of Nihon Falcom. I'm really looking forward to that Trails in the Sky vid, and it's great to hear that Ben is liking Ys.

I was amused by Ben being worried now that he has to play all the Ys games, but honesty you can can play like 5 Ys games in the time it takes to finish one big JRPG. For someone with Ben's gaming habits it's pretty doable.


I thought I should ask ya'll about playing through Ni No Kuni. The Allies are probably the only large sect of the gaming community I can think of that are so universally praising of that first game, Colin Moriarty holds it in high regard too, but generally around gaf I've seen reception pretty mixed.

I have a copy I bought around launch, only played around sub-10 hours. I didn't play a lot of JRPGs back then, and I remember being quite overwhelmed at the time, I doubt that to be much of a barrier today. I'm looking through that manual now and there's some stuff about a decryptable language here, seems pretty dope.

So what say you? Is it worth playing through Ni No Kuni before the launch of the sequel this year? What is it, a 30 - 50 hour timesink?

It was one of two JRPGs from last gen that would make it into my best jrpgs list I enjoyed it that much. The music, characters, world, art design, it all melded together to create something truly magical and jolly.


Is the Goemon going on the Super Famicom Mini the same one Don references in his gambling episode of Don's Discount Gaming? Man, I know streaming isn't really his thing, but I'd love to see him play some of that and grind the carnival to gamble.
Yep! The Goemon franchise has lots of titles, but only one on the SNES/Super Famicom.


IBut I hope it's not too bad of a grind, I've heard so many mixed things. I'd like to keep going for sure

it's been a few years since I've played the game, but I remember there being one enemy you can grind for mad EXP about halfway through the game called like yoyos or something, and then there's one dinosaur-ish pokemon you can get that has an attack stat of 50,000,000 that makes every battle a breeze.
I don't remember grinding otherwise


Better Call Saul really is the best show on TV.

As for Arms... been saying it looks like a $30 or $40 game since the day it was announced. Man, Nintendo GAF just pummeled me for that.


Ben Moore talking about and explaining Dragon Ball Fighterz with Anne from Germany's Inside Playstation, she's been on Easy Update before and Ian was a guest on their channel to co op Nioh. She's also a Patron unless I'm mistaken.
Keep that cooperation going please. Maybe in a few years they could feature an Ally at Gamescom.


As much as I'd love for an Ally come to Gamescom, there really isn't anything there that's worth it for them. Financially speaking, it's an expensive trip for minimal coverage.

In saying that, Köln would be a great city for an EZA meet-up.

N° 2048

Ben Moore talking about and explaining Dragon Ball Fighterz with Anne from Germany's Inside Playstation, she's been on Easy Update before and Ian was a guest on their channel to co op Nioh. She's also a Patron unless I'm mistaken.
Keep that cooperation going please. Maybe in a few years they could feature an Ally at Gamescom.

Cue someone posting how they don't want the Allies doing anything with anyone or taking to anybody but themselves.


I was really surprised when Anne showed up in that one Easy Update a while ago. I've known of her for years because she was part of i guess the biggest german Gaming TV Show back then? Unfortunately it's no longer around, used to watch every episode of it.

I'll just copy what El-Suave said: Keep that cooperation going!

(Fun side note: 2 guys that also worked on that TV Show, one of 'em works with Anne at Inside PS now, can be seen in D4. They gave Deadly Premonition a pretty big push with their Lets Play of it.)


Better Call Saul really is the best show on TV.

I don't know, I'm bit surprised that Huber and apparently Kyle too love it so much. I mean it's good, I've enjoyed it a bunch. But once again it's already been great year for TV. With shows like Fargo, Leftovers, Taboo, Handmaid's Tale and Better Call Saul. I feel that Leftovers edges out as a winner for me so far. I haven't yet fully opened up to Twin Peaks third season either. I don't mind slower paced shows, but BCS takes it bit too far even for me sometimes. Even Odenkirk wished it to be bit hastier in an interview. Third season has improved on that a bit though, definitely the best season so far.

Edit: Example of the slowness by stretched out scene.
Mike disassembling that car, I really didn't need to see all of that for the point to come across.
And there's plenty more of scenes like that.


Kim's arse though. Am I right lads? Eh? Eh? Wink wink, nudge nudge. Say no more!

Ian Hinck's Swords is what was teased at the end of that Easy Update.
Honestly, this disappoints me a bit. We would talk about Saul how fun or even tragic character he is, how Mike is cool and fair but then we come to Kim it's "great ass". =P

It was Mary Elizabeth Winstead's ass that stole the discussion in GAF:s Fargo topic too when I visited it once.


Haven't seen Saul season 3 yet but the first two seasons were a bit too hollow for me. Good or very good but rarely great which lots of other shows are. I expected a bit more court room antics and general drama. The cliffhanger for season 2 was a revelation you can end an episode with or go to a commercial break on.


Hmm I had the reverse impression of that. To me it is all substance, no flash, at least in season 3. I do recall some parts of S1 were a bit forced into trying to recapture some Breaking Bad feelings that didn't quite fit. In S3 BCS has full control of its identity. (It also has a bit more court room stuff btw)

That said I definitely understand the preference for BB since it has both substance and flash. :p
I'm the weirdo who somehow got hooked on BCS even though I've never seen BB. At this point, we've decided not to "catch up" until after this series is completely done. Tricky though as people will casually drop ancient spoilers when talking about things referenced in BCS.


I stopped midway through epsiode 1 of Better Call Saul when I reminded myself that it wouldn't be like Breaking Bad. This may have been a mistake and I will try watching it again. Is Vince Gilligan still lead director?

I also somehow lost wind of Fargo Season 3's existence, so I'll be catching up on that for sure. Though, while I enjoyed both seasons, I hope it's more like Season 1 and less like Season 2.


I'm the weirdo who somehow got hooked on BCS even though I've never seen BB. At this point, we've decided not to "catch up" until after this series is completely done. Tricky though as people will casually drop ancient spoilers when talking about things referenced in BCS.

Oh Blood you definitely need to see BB it's so good :D


I stopped midway through epsiode 1 of Better Call Saul when I reminded myself that it wouldn't be like Breaking Bad. This may have been a mistake and I will try watching it again. Is Vince Gilligan still lead director?

I also somehow lost wind of Fargo Season 3's existence, so I'll be catching up on that for sure. Though, while I enjoyed both seasons, I hope it's more like Season 1 and less like Season 2.

Gilligan has personally directed 4 episodes of BCS, he only directed 5 episodes in Breaking Bad too. But yeah I think he still is the showrunner with Peter Gould.
For Fargo, it took me about 4-5 episodes to really get into the third season. Loved the "main villain". All around great cast though, I prefer the 3rd season over the 2nd. Somehow the first season is still the fondest for me, unless it's just early nostalgia =P


I thought I should ask ya'll about playing through Ni No Kuni. The Allies are probably the only large sect of the gaming community I can think of that are so universally praising of that first game, Colin Moriarty holds it in high regard too, but generally around gaf I've seen reception pretty mixed.

I have a copy I bought around launch, only played around sub-10 hours. I didn't play a lot of JRPGs back then, and I remember being quite overwhelmed at the time, I doubt that to be much of a barrier today. I'm looking through that manual now and there's some stuff about a decryptable language here, seems pretty dope.

So what say you? Is it worth playing through Ni No Kuni before the launch of the sequel this year? What is it, a 30 - 50 hour timesink?

Ni no Kuni has been one of my biggest gaming disappointments.

The game is truly beautiful, the story is nice even if nothing new, the environments lovely... but the sidequests are an uninteresting chore, everything's too linear and the battle system is straight up broken, which is really the biggest gripe I have with the game. I say this as someone who really wanted to love it.

I suggest you just play the sequel, which seems to be shaping up as a much better game, after all they appear to be unrelated plot-wise.

I'm the weirdo who somehow got hooked on BCS even though I've never seen BB. At this point, we've decided not to "catch up" until after this series is completely done. Tricky though as people will casually drop ancient spoilers when talking about things referenced in BCS.

Yeah, never watched BB. Though I watched Lost for the first time last year... so I'm kinda strange I guess.


Ooh, special guest for EZAnime!

Guess they listened to the people saying this would be a Huber show! Wonder what he thinks of Ippo.


Gilligan has personally directed 4 episodes of BCS, he only directed 5 episodes in Breaking Bad too. But yeah I think he still is the showrunner with Peter Gould.
For Fargo, it took me about 4-5 episodes to really get into the third season. Loved the "main villain". All around great cast though, I prefer the 3rd season over the 2nd. Somehow the first season is still the fondest for me, unless it's just early nostalgia =P



I'm the weirdo who somehow got hooked on BCS even though I've never seen BB. At this point, we've decided not to "catch up" until after this series is completely done. Tricky though as people will casually drop ancient spoilers when talking about things referenced in BCS.

I'm really curious to see what people who see BCS first will think of BB when they watch it afterwards.


I was really surprised when Anne showed up in that one Easy Update a while ago. I've known of her for years because she was part of i guess the biggest german Gaming TV Show back then? Unfortunately it's no longer around, used to watch every episode of it.
Don't you know about Game Two? It's the successor from the same guys (Rocketbeans).
Speaking of Rocketbeans, I was really surprised when Kyle mentioned them on the last podcast. Anyone know from where he knows them? They have some big EZA fans in their crew.

Mista Koo

For some reason I had the idea that Better Call Saul was gonna be a sitcom/straight up comedy, so it's understandable that I stopped watching during the first episode lol. Should give it another try.

Yeah, never watched BB. Though I watched Lost for the first time last year... so I'm kinda strange I guess.
Dude I was never part of the zeitgeist. Not by choice. Earlier it was mostly due to not having access, and now I'm so used to it I can't change. All the sequels and derivative works to stuff I never experienced don't help. And everyone makes fun of me for being too familiar with media/popular culture I never consumed!
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