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EDF Insect Armageddon |OT| There is no magnifying glass big enough


Find a class you want to focus on and get your level up to four. You should be able to tackle the early hard missions then. Online works well, except you can't use quick match because it might dump you into an inferno difficulty mission. Custom match helps you find the right skill level.


Party Pooper
Finally got this from gamefly, popped it in for about 30 minutes

Really wanted to like this game, but goddammit, part of the appeal of this series is I don't have to hear bullshit about getting "Oscar Mike"

They smeared the stench of DudeBro all over it.

Even the starting rocket launchers usually feel satisfying... and here it just feels weak as fuck

I own copies of EDF, EDF2, EDF2017, EDF Tactics, EDF2 PSP, and Zagenki no Reginleiv, and there is no way I would ever buy this full price. $10 or bust.

Bring on EDF4


Sketchbook Picasso
For better or worse, IA takes place in Detroit. It's... gonna have people... who sound like Americans. -shrugs-

I do wish they included the option to use the japanese voices, however. They credit them in the games credits, as if we have access to them somehow... would have been nice to see if some of the Japanese SDF-style banter would make some of the game more tolerable to some.
I think the dialogue is pretty funny. Lots of talk about Fatty dying, pancakes, and liveblogging. The Oscar Mike stuff doesn't bother me, makes sense since it's in America. (As SAB CA said.)
The tier 7 weapons are way too expensive (97.5k for the cheaper ones). If you're leveling you'd better save a LOT of credits if you want to buy more than one. Basically it means if you want to get all the weapons you're going to have to grind out millions more xp/cr to buy them for all the armors.


atomsk said:
Finally got this from gamefly, popped it in for about 30 minutes

Really wanted to like this game, but goddammit, part of the appeal of this series is I don't have to hear bullshit about getting "Oscar Mike"
Umm, they call Oscar Mike bullshit in the game, pretty much. You should listen to the responses to these lines. It's clear they make fun of all things dudebro.

The weapons come across as plenty powerful to me, though I'm at tier 5 now. There were plenty of weak weapons in the previous EDF games, including the early launchers. I really don't feel that anything has changed on that front.


Party Pooper
Aaron said:
The weapons come across as plenty powerful to me, though I'm at tier 5 now. There were plenty of weak weapons in the previous EDF games, including the early launchers. I really don't feel that anything has changed on that front.

Yeah and the early launchers you could still fire a few rockets and take down any building.

I've already seen indestructible buildings and bridges, and I'm not talking ones that are just past the "invisible walls" in the map, which in and of itself is bullshit. I'm saying I'm standing next to a building for 5 minutes firing rockets from a mech and it's just standing there like nothing.

Do the later weapons address that? I should be able to take down *any* building that is in my way, that's kind of fundamental, how did they manage to fuck that up?
Bridges are never destructible as far as I know. I have yet to see a building not go down but then I'm not going out of my way to demolish them for fun, I mean there are still people living in New Detroit.


atomsk said:
Finally got this from gamefly, popped it in for about 30 minutes

Really wanted to like this game, but goddammit, part of the appeal of this series is I don't have to hear bullshit about getting "Oscar Mike"

They smeared the stench of DudeBro all over it.

Even the starting rocket launchers usually feel satisfying... and here it just feels weak as fuck

I own copies of EDF, EDF2, EDF2017, EDF Tactics, EDF2 PSP, and Zagenki no Reginleiv, and there is no way I would ever buy this full price. $10 or bust.

Bring on EDF4

Hate to say it, but you need to play it some more co-op. It's the best one in the series I've played yet because of that alone. If you can't do some co-op, don't bother and return it.

Edit: I have not found any indestructible buildings in this game yet. I have leveled almost every map out of habit. Train bridges included. The only exception being beyond the invisible walls (Which DO change depending on current objective.) So a building in one part of the mission may be behind the wall, and then suddenly it wont be, or the other way around.


I got my copy, finally. I played the first level over and over, to unlock each armor class, and played the second level once with the Jet armor. It's hard to tell much so far, but nothing seems broken.

Jeez, the (Tactical) turrets are kinda overpowered at rank 1. It's great! You can have that sucker deployed and firing almost continuously, and it's almost as deadly as any other rank-1 weapon. Basically doubles my damage-per-second, and improves my aim considerably. ; )

I've had no trouble taking down buildings. One, sometimes two, shots seems to do it. (So, I suppose these early buildings must have about 150 hit points.)

I'm liking both the Jet and Tactical armors. I haven't even played the other two, so they may be awesome as well.

I hope to start playing "for real" this weekend. 3-player co-op, all the way.


Neo Member
Philthy said:
Hate to say it, but you need to play it some more co-op. It's the best one in the series I've played yet because of that alone. If you can't do some co-op, don't bother and return it.


I have EDF2 & 2017, but still love this one.
Classes, improved character models and animations are all welcome changes.

But it's the online co-op with friends that really makes this one a winner.


Neuromancer said:
Bridges are never destructible as far as I know. I have yet to see a building not go down but then I'm not going out of my way to demolish them for fun, I mean there are still people living in New Detroit.
The narrow bridges are destructible, like the ones you pass under in the first stage with the mechs. I've found a few buildings that I couldn't seem to destroy. One is the greek column thing in the final stage. Some did take a few rockets / grenades to knock down.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Oh man, six player Survival is fucking INTENSE. :D

After GameFly's used discount and my $5 GameFly credit, I can keep the copy of this I have out for a total of $26. Seriously considering doing that. Despite the changes from the Sandlot formula, I'm loving this game.
Aaron said:
The narrow bridges are destructible, like the ones you pass under in the first stage with the mechs. I've found a few buildings that I couldn't seem to destroy. One is the greek column thing in the final stage. Some did take a few rockets / grenades to knock down.
Hmm OK. Next bridge I see, I'm taking down!
I've finished all but two levels on Inferno now, 2-5 and 3-5 are going to be a pain. 3-4 took probably 30-45 minutes (I lost track), even with three rank 7 players. And we nearly wiped multiple times.

Those metal wasps are just brutal on Inferno, they take forever to kill, can hit for 400 or 500 with their butt lasers, and can pin you to the ground and kill you from full health in just a few seconds.
I'm in love. Just spend 3 hours doing almost nothing but Survival, and while I have this feeling it's a "one step forward, one step back" kind of game from EDF2017, it has a kind of charm that it's predecessor also had. Just .... different.

This makes me glad I kept my Gold sub. Totally worth it, all by it's lonesome.


Party Pooper
Philthy said:
Hate to say it, but you need to play it some more co-op. It's the best one in the series I've played yet because of that alone. If you can't do some co-op, don't bother and return it.

So I got together with my friend that I played through EDF2/2017 with, and after a couple of hours his consensus was "feels like it's lacking soul"

Now I've heard the argument that it gets better when you've leveled a bit. (aka the Kirby's Air Ride argument), but when all the other games were fun from the start, why should I have to grind to get to the fun part.

However, as negative as I feel about this game, there is some stuff I think they did right. The fact that the insects can toss cars at you is cool. And when you're farming for drops when it tells you "new" is super helpful.

Anybody else think they nerfed the spiders? I'm just not feeling that abject terror of 20-30 spiders jumping toward me, even on Easy in previous games, if you made a wrong choice you'd get fucked up pretty fast.

I will say those Praying Mantis are vicious though, and certainly when you've got 3 of them to deal with.


Sketchbook Picasso
rayner said:
I beat the game on normal and there was a not-so-good ending. What happens to Lightning?

Beat it in hard to find the "kinda good!" ending....

I still don't know what comes of beating it in Inferno yet, lol. Been grinding stages to get to ranks 7 and 8.....
SAB CA said:
Beat it in hard to find the "kinda good!" ending....

I still don't know what comes of beating it in Inferno yet, lol. Been grinding stages to get to ranks 7 and 8.....
what's the best stage to grind, first levels of chapter 1 with no bots on hard yields at least 20k but then u ran into the several Hector swarm in level 4 which I can't deal with. Might just keep replying inferno on chapter 1 with note to get rank 7 and 8. also, the anthill trick mentioned in the thread, is there a specific level where it is very effective?


Sketchbook Picasso
magnificent83 said:
what's the best stage to grind, first levels of chapter 1 with no bots on hard yields at least 20k but then u ran into the several Hector swarm in level 4 which I can't deal with. Might just keep replying inferno on chapter 1 with note to get rank 7 and 8. also, the anthill trick mentioned in the thread, is there a specific level where it is very effective?

The first stage, and that one called "Predation" are personal favorites. Also enjoy/hate going through "Ditchslap" a few times... On Rare occassions, Campaign remix has provided nice bonuses too. Like the Ant hallway in Ditchslap became a Spider-Hall once... gave a very nice score boost to the run.

I found anthill trick to be best in that first stage, at the 2nd Anthill after the "intro" one. The fact it's kinda covered by being caved into the street makes it harder to kill on accident, it's a single spawn (unlike later stages which give 2 or 3), and it seems to have a fast rate.


SAB CA said:
I found anthill trick to be best in that first stage, at the 2nd Anthill after the "intro" one. The fact it's kinda covered by being caved into the street makes it harder to kill on accident, it's a single spawn (unlike later stages which give 2 or 3), and it seems to have a fast rate.
Wait, are you saying it's possible to kill anthills by accident, with (I assume) weapon fire? I thought you have to run up and hold a button to destroy them.

I agree that the second hill in the first level seems pretty good for farming. Nice fast spawn rate for an early level. (I'm comparing to 2017. I haven't really played IA yet. Still waiting for my coop buddy to receive his copy.)


Ding said:
Wait, are you saying it's possible to kill anthills by accident, with (I assume) weapon fire? I thought you have to run up and hold a button to destroy them.

You do. He just means that if you shoot it enough it will temporarily collapse and the ants will stop coming out for a while. Pretty handy if you're trying to plant a bomb, not so much for this XP farming.

Fox Mulder

I miss the shitty flat sprites used for loot. The weapon boxes in this game don't really stand out unless you're looking at the map in the corner.
Okay, I just played through the entirety of Hard online with 2 other dudes, and this is officially my GOTY. I may catch holy hell for this, but I dare say that this is even better than 2017, if by a smidge. It just feels absolutely right.
Finally got my Tactical guy to Rank 8. Luckily the one tier 8 weapon is an unlock and doesn't have to be purchased, which is good because just getting the rest of the Tactical weapons will required another MILLION credits more than I have currently.

The weapon is pretty awesome. It's called Pesticide Missile, does 500k damage with a 150m blast. Only one shot with a 15 second reload though. Not something you want to fire anywhere near anyone.

EDIT: And promptly beat the last level on Inferno with another rank 8 guy. Those big Hectors take 4 shots from the Pesticide Missile, everything else as far as I can tell only takes one. Accidentally killed each other a couple times too.

EDIT 2: Unfortunately I don't recommend taking tier 8 weapons online. It's far too easy to kill other players, and sometimes cause the whole team to wipe. Offline however, I'll gladly sacrifice both of my AI squadmates if it means I can annihilate 4 metal wasps in one shot. I've kind of figured out the kill range and how high I need to fire the weapon without a lock-on to stay out of it, but accidents can still happen. I've been killed by other people's tier 8 weapons before, and it does suck.
With my net on the fritz for the past week or so, I haven't been able to play online but whats the consensus on Survival mode, tried it solo offline and really didn't have any fun. Hopefully will try online, seems that's going to be the one thing that holds me back with regards to getting a platinum.
magnificent83 said:
With my net on the fritz for the past week or so, I haven't been able to play online but whats the consensus on Survival mode, tried it solo offline and really didn't have any fun. Hopefully will try online, seems that's going to be the one thing that holds me back with regards to getting a platinum.

It's a fun distraction for me, at least. It's not persistent with your armors, so I wouldn't do more than a little bit at a time, and only for pure shooting. And due to it's nature, online or bust. I played 2 rounds offline and I don't think I'll touch it solo ever again.
Is it me or do drop ships take a fuckton of hits before they die?

They also seem to recharge a bit of health each time they close and open semi-arbitrarily.
Played it for a around a week, love it's crazy appeal... But can they just let use lvl up a bit faster thought? Got tons of class this quarters with full time work... I wish I have more time playing with this game.
ShockingAlberto said:
Is it me or do drop ships take a fuckton of hits before they die?

They also seem to recharge a bit of health each time they close and open semi-arbitrarily.
Haven't noticed them recharging health but yes they take forever. Especially on harder difficulties.
Also, it's kind of weird how....for lack of a better term, engrishy the achievement descriptions are.

These are some secret achievements, so don't highlight if you don't want to know.

Manticide 10
We mean it Man…..

Manticore 25
Preying ON Mantis

Patricide 10
Well he's a long gone daddy….

Hectorcide 10
The bigger they are….

They seem...really weirdly written. Like they didn't have time to look them over and just rushed to get them done. They're the kind of achievements I would expect from a hastily brought over Japanese XBLA game.

I'm not really complaining, but it's so...weird. And makes the game feel kind of cheap.


Sketchbook Picasso
I like the "engrishy" achievements, which aren't even really engrishy. They seem more like attempts at humor, which, like many of them in this game, will easily fall flat for some / many / most!

As far as the cheevo's writing making overall games feel cheap? I'm not sure I could stretch it that far. I know what you mean, in a "These are amature errors, only budget games do this!" kinda stuff, but everything in the sample set there seems very purposeful, unlike, say, the achievement mispellings and incorrect sentece stucture of something like Samurai Shodown Sen.

Such as

Mantacide: We mean it, Man...

Manticore: Preying ON Mantis (Like Praying Mantis)

Also like how the 10,000 killed ants basically says something around the lines of "That's a good beginning!"

Their achievements depend on the picture to describe what you actually earned, and leave the description for use as a goody quip. I kinda like it myself, much better than "Killed 1,000 enemies." or "Defeated the stage 2 boss." Cheevo-writing should be considered part of the games writing too! And these actually fit the percieved tone of this EDF. (They sound a lot like the quips the dropship pilot would say...)
SAB CA said:
I like the "engrishy" achievements, which aren't even really engrishy. They seem more like attempts at humor, which, like many of them in this game, will easily fall flat for some / many / most!

As far as the cheevo's writing making overall games feel cheap? I'm not sure I could stretch it that far. I know what you mean, in a "These are amature errors, only budget games do this!" kinda stuff, but everything in the sample set there seems very purposeful, unlike, say, the achievement mispellings and incorrect sentece stucture of something like Samurai Shodown Sen.

Such as

Mantacide: We mean it, Man...

Manticore: Preying ON Mantis (Like Praying Mantis)

Also like how the 10,000 killed ants basically says something around the lines of "That's a good beginning!"

Their achievements depend on the picture to describe what you actually earned, and leave the description for use as a goody quip. I kinda like it myself, much better than "Killed 1,000 enemies." or "Defeated the stage 2 boss." Cheevo-writing should be considered part of the games writing too! And these actually fit the percieved tone of this EDF. (They sound a lot like the quips the dropship pilot would say...)
Right, but

For example, the
one you posted, you added that comma there because that's logically how it should be. But in the actual description, it's not. So it's a weird grammatical error that makes the game feel rushed or cheap to me. Not that it's an entirely rational reaction and I doubt anyone feels that way but me, but all those ellipses and grammar errors like that rub me the wrong way.

I'm sure I wouldn't want someone grammar/spell checking all my posts, but I'm also not releasing these as a professional product. For the writing I do release professionally, I make sure that stuff is pristine.


Sketchbook Picasso
-nod- Yeah, could see how that'd be annoying. I guess my personal "budget achievement" meter lies closer to the "These descriptions suck! And I had lazy incriments!" (Such as the "kill 5" "kill 50" "kill 100" type stuff).

Even the errors in this particular case just sound like a cheesy speaking style, so it doesn't bother me as much. But I can see where you're coming from!

I didn't mind the stiff, minimal achievements of 2017, either, since we're talking of cheevos; it was kinda nice getting such big boost per one. I think some of the ones in IA are a bit overgrindy, but I can appreciate the wider recognition of mini-milestones.
2017's are crazy. I don't hold a grudge against that game, but I probably put close to 60 hours in to it and got 300 points.

To some extent, I miss achievements like that. They were unforgiving in every way. They were also unimaginative, but you know if someone got those things solo, they were damn good at that game.


I find it really sad that a lot of the funny dialogue is in those little soldiers that you are barely around and are barely audible. I heard a soldier mentioning how to beat the alien hordes we had to "think outside the box" and went on like thing was some team meeting at a business. It was hilarious.
ShockingAlberto said:
2017's are crazy. I don't hold a grudge against that game, but I probably put close to 60 hours in to it and got 300 points.

To some extent, I miss achievements like that. They were unforgiving in every way. They were also unimaginative, but you know if someone got those things solo, they were damn good at that game.
You don't really need to be good at the game to do 2017 solo. All you have to do is grind for weapons and health, and you'll be able to beat most levels on your own without much problems. Obviously, it is much easier, and way more fun, with a friend.

I think I played around 65 hours before I got all achievements in 2017. I did about half the game in co-op.
A friend and I just played this for the first time tonight, and it is awesome. I love the swarms of enemies, the cheesy AI chatter(I swear that one dude will not shut up about the damn Alamo), and how hectic and intense the fights can get.

Unfortunately, I don't have a 360 or a PS3, so I can't get my EDF fix at home. Are there any PC games in a similar vein? A shooter with hordes of enemies, customizable/unlockable gear, and stages with lots of room to move around?

Either way, muchas gracias GAF for bringing this game to my attention. It did not disappoint.

Adam J.

Finally got my copy in the mail today. It's a lot of fun, but I'm not feeling the visuals at all. The colors are so drab--I really miss the blue-sky aesthetic of 2017. I think the perfect EDF would have Armageddon's gameplay and animations, combined with Sandlot's visual style and general Japanese-arcadey awesomeness.


Everyone done playing the game already or just not much to talk about?

Today was the release date for EDF:IA in EU, but somehow Sweden got neglected and nobody knows what's going on...
So I'm in quite a spot, no EDF for an unknown period of time hurts...


Still playing it with my co-op buddy. Only unlocked tier 5 so far and muscling our way through hard. Still loving it.
Sephon said:
Everyone done playing the game already or just not much to talk about?

Today was the release date for EDF:IA in EU, but somehow Sweden got neglected and nobody knows what's going on...
So I'm in quite a spot, no EDF for an unknown period of time hurts...
It's not going to get an official release in Sweden, or the rest of the Nordic countries. Import from Amazon UK, it's quite cheap and they have free delivery to Sweden.


Just finished this game with the trooper offline and I wasn't disappointed (apart from the ending anyway).

I didn't find the "westernisation" a problem and even then I got some camp vibes from the stuff the soldiers say just like 2017.

Just wish there was more level variations like the caves or beaches and an actual
last boss

Gonna give the other classes and online a go later on. A great addition to the EDF series.
finished the game on inferno and fully leveled the trooper. i found it to be some of the most fun i've ever had playing co-op. crossing my fingers for some mission DLC.

still i'm not going to grind out another character. going from 6 to 8 is ridiculous lol
Hey Guys, I'm on the fence with this game. Which version is the the one to get? i dont have xbl gold anymore and dont wanna resub unless i have to.

How is the performance on ps3?, framerate / loading times etc.
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