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EDF Insect Armageddon |OT| There is no magnifying glass big enough


WickedLaharl said:
finished the game on inferno and fully leveled the trooper. i found it to be some of the most fun i've ever had playing co-op. crossing my fingers for some mission DLC.

still i'm not going to grind out another character. going from 6 to 8 is ridiculous lol
They're going to put up the weapon pre-order packs as DLC, and release a patch for certain issues. Haven't seen anything beyond that, but I'd pay cash money for more content.
Is anyone else having problems where you or someone you're playing with will get disconnected from the game and also get kicked out of party chat?

My friend and I have been having this issue pretty frequently lately. Googling it, it appears other people have, too.


Wow, I just finished what they dare call the "campaign". I was pleasantly surprised to see they actually nailed the EDF gameplay only to find out they completely forgot to actually make a game around it. How can this be just 15 missions all set in a generic city? Where are the tunnels (admittedly I hated those levels in 2017) and where is the countryside? Where are the awesome enemy scenarios? This is just the same thing every damn level. Such a shame because the core gameplay is really good and the different battle armors are a real addition to EDF (I realize EDF2 had the jet already).

I wouldn't call it a complete disappointment because, as I said, the game plays just fine. It's just the levels themselves that suck. They better make some free DLC for this, but we all know that's not gonna happen.
WickedLaharl said:
finished the game on inferno and fully leveled the trooper. i found it to be some of the most fun i've ever had playing co-op. crossing my fingers for some mission DLC.

still i'm not going to grind out another character. going from 6 to 8 is ridiculous lol

Yeah, Halfway to getting rank 8 but its getting absurd, its the same amount of points I needed to just get to level 7 as it is to get to level 8 right now. Plus with my internet problems and general problems finding someone to play with online, its just going to be a grind especially since the level 7 weapons are so unbalanced on Inferno for Jet with assault rifles better than missiles and the reload mechanic. The Bomber Spiders and Wasps are infinitely hard to put down. That is, compared to the Hectors and Mantis. I don't even want to think how bad the last couple of levels will be.

Right now, I am glad for the Bots (really wish i could choose their classes) but their boss kill stealing is getting obnoxious ...


Do you get xp in survivor mode? I started that mode in offline singleplayer, and didn't see any xp bar at the end. Then I played splitscreen with a friend in the campaign and got a level up. We had a great time :)
Aaron said:
They're going to put up the weapon pre-order packs as DLC, and release a patch for certain issues. Haven't seen anything beyond that, but I'd pay cash money for more content.
Me too, we need a new level area and some new bugs.
I like this game as an insect genocide game (the "War of the worlds" interpretation of Hectors and other Ravager machines is particularly powerful) , but I really hate the grinding and I wish they had done that differently.

The thing about it, is that appears to be a solution to a problem that comes specifically with online coop: how to distribute 'powerups' and get people to cooperate instead of getting turned off and dropping out.

In EDF3 (2017), coop is always local and resources are pooled. Cooperation arises naturally in this context, because everything that either player does benefits both at the same time. Since this also negates the need for any kind of scorekeeping, aside from the amount of enemies left, there are no distractions from the actual job. Working for the same cause and with a wide variety of weaponry (and limited aggro on enemies), means that within moments of starting to play, you'll find yourselfs discussing strategy and options.
Having short levels (which are more like scenes than levels) also allows for quick trail & error, without losing a lot of powerups and getting frustrated.

In IA, both powerups of weapons and armor are locked down to your rank (even those you pick up in missions) and all coop partners have an individual ranking. Meaning that despite being coop, it's still very much every man for himself when it comes to your advancement in rank. The wierd thing about it is that the score in each mission you play tends to divided over three people anyway. I can think of some reasons why that would be, but the most likely one to me seems 'Call of Duty syndrome' where nobody gives a fuck what anyone else ("team, lol") is doing. Obviously, when the aim is to prevent random people from dropping from a game (which may also deny partners their advancement), this is a good thing to have if that means people will actually stick around. It may also be that XBL and PSN allow little other means of keeping track of advancement, as they need to be tied to a specific XBL or PSN account.
The obvious downside however, are the long levels that are needed to give people ample time to play together anyway. There is nothing more frustrating than building up a high score, spending tens of minutes on a missions and then have everyone killed off quickly in a later part, with nothing to show for it in terms of advancement / powerups. One level in particular would benefit immensly from being a two-stage or checkpoint enabled level instead of everything in one go.

Tying all powerups to rank just reinforces that frustration, as you cannot farm armor indepently and retry after that. If you get stuck somewhere, your only option is to go back and do some really dull, repetitive farming. Yet in EDF 2017, where armor is separate, you can farm, retry and farm some more if you still failed, but you're going to succeed at some point anyway.
All of this combined makes grinding in IA to be a rather dull and unrewarding process, where the Sandlot version avoid that problem.

If EDF 4 is going to have online coop, I hope powerups will be party based (every collected powerup counts for everyone in the party) and that the mission selection will be as well.
I doubt that Sandlot has those kinds of funds though. :p
Regardless, I'll be more than happy to keep playing offline.


Is the online broken today on the 360? I can not even create a private game.. it just hangs. And when trying to join a public game it gives an error every time.

Very annoying as I have never had any problems before.
I think I'm pretty much done with this now. I've reached a roadblock in Hard mode, but to get the next level requires almost double my current experience level. Unlike 2017, I don't find replaying old levels in IA to be that much fun - a combination of the longer levels & weedier weapons. Fire a rocket into a crowd of ants in 2017 and you watch them go flying - do the same in IA and you might kill one of them.

It's clearly been the online co-op that's affected the game. The number of creatures has been reduced for bandwidth reasons, and they've been given more health to stop it being too easy in 3-player mode. Unfortunately, this has made the single player a bit poor.

Some things are just poor design, though. The level/tier system is pretty retarded, as well as limiting the level you get to on a difficulty basis. 2017 was all about freedom, whereas IA is immensely limited by comparison.

I suppose it could have been worse, but I can't think of a single thing IA does better than 2017.
I've played the game a lot now, mostly doing online co-op, and overall I definitely like the game a lot, but there are three things that kind of suck in this game.

The first is what is being mentioned in the last post, which is the level/tier system. It's complete shit once you get to tier 5, and doesn't allow for any experimentation whatsoever because the weapons cost way too much. If you buy 2-3 weapons, you won't have enough money for a long time, and by then you've reached the next tier, which means that you'd rather want to save up for the weapons in the new tier than try out one of the weapons in the previous tiers. This means that you'll basically have to settle for two weapons for each tier, and that's just bullshit.

My next complaint falls in line with the last one, which is the weapons in general. There are four classes, which means that there are only about 25-27 dropped weapons for each class (there are only 107 weapons you can get from drops iirc). Since you usually get 1-3 weapons in a level you're probably not going to get a lot of new cool weapons for the class you're using. I don't think I've used a single dropped weapon for my Jet class, and I'm now at tier 6. I think I've gotten 6-7 weapons for this class, and all of them pretty much suck. They should have had only two classes, one with energy weapons and one with conventional weapons (basically like EDF2), and they definitely should have made it so that all weapons you can buy can also be dropped from enemies, or at least make the weapons cheaper.

The third flaw is probably the reason why the tier and weapon systems suck. There are only 15 levels. With so few levels you make progression really fast in the tier system, and you skip a lot of weapons on the way because of it.

This game is overall a lot of fun though. I like pretty much all of the enemies. There are way more enemy types than in 2017, and I hope that Sandlot makes at least as many different types of enemies for EDF4.

I also like that you have to plant a bomb at ant hills. I know that some of you here don't like it, but I think it's a great addition. It was way too easy to cheese the ant hills in 2017 with a sniper rifle. It got a bit ridiculous.

The online is pretty damn awesome in this game. It has better net code than most big budget games. Vicious Cycle can't be complemented enough for that part of the game. Great work!

I hope that Vicious Cycle get another shot at making EDF in the future. With more levels and tweaking their tier/class system, they could make a really great EDF. I think that it's better if they keep on making their own kind of EDF while Sandlot make their versions. Hopefully EDF4 will be like EDF2 with online co-op and even more enemy types.

EDIT: I forgot to say that Remix Mode is a great addition to the series. I hope that's one thing Sandlot would consider for their next EDF.
robut said:
Finally maxed all classes. I've must have played the first level over a hundred times by now, lol.
You can easily farm on the second ant hill. It will take shorter time and you don't have to go through the stupid flying sequence at the start. You can get over 20k in less than 30 minutes on the first level on hard remix. I'm guessing you'll be able to get much more than that if you do it on inferno remix.

Not that it helps you at this point.


Man, I can't imagine maxing out all the classes... I'd like to, though. I don't have a single class on level 6, yet.

I do like the way that having multiple classes allows you to play single-player when the mood strikes you, without it screwing up a coop play-through that is happening on that same save. Me and a couple buddies are working our way through the campaign. I'm playing as Jet, and the other two are playing Battle and Tactical. We're all level 5 right now, although the Battle dude is way ahead on points. If I was to play in my Jet armor by myself, I'd risk leveling up without my buds, and screwing up our team "balance". So, I just play some other class when alone. It works well.

I spent the last couple evenings getting my Battle armor up to level 5. When we get the team together this weekend, I'll have the option of sticking with Jet, or using Battle instead. That'll be nice. Jet is fun, but when you absolutely, positively, need to kill a bunch of stuff fast, Battle is clearly the way to go. Also, the team has been getting swarmed by ticks while fighting Bomber Spiders, and the Battle armor seems practically tick-proof. (Thanks to its bug-zapper power.)

Are we sure that weapon drops aren't shared across the team? I thought that they were.
What's the inferno ending like, I am stuck at chapter 3.2 due to the lack of good weapons at tier 7 for the jet class and can't find people online to play with and I don't even want to think about the last 2 levels without the tier 8 sniper rifle.

Also spending 30 hours on level one just to get 20k is insane
I know you meant 30 minutes
magnificent83 said:
What's the inferno ending like, I am stuck at chapter 3.2 due to the lack of good weapons at tier 7 for the jet class and can't find people online to play with and I don't even want to think about the last 2 levels without the tier 8 sniper rifle.

Also spending 30 hours on level one just to get 20k is insane
I know you meant 30 minutes
Haha. That would indeed be insane.


Two classes fully upgraded. Working on the Jet right now and the Battle armor after.

I am too playing stage 1-1 on inferno. Once you hit level 6 with the character I can get the 65k in like 50 minutes. So I just watch an episode of any tv show and come back to my pad.

Auto leveling :)

Man this game is crazy fun. Once you get to Tier 8 and get the pesticide guns, it takes the game to a whole new level.

Huge explosions that look like mini nukes. FUCKING AWESOME!
Lima said:
Two classes fully upgraded. Working on the Jet right now and the Battle armor after.

I am too playing stage 1-1 on inferno. Once you hit level 6 with the character I can get the 65k in like 50 minutes. So I just watch an episode of any tv show and come back to my pad.

Auto leveling :)

Man this game is crazy fun. Once you get to Tier 8 and get the pesticide guns, it takes the game to a whole new level.

Huge explosions that look like mini nukes. FUCKING AWESOME!

How are you making it auto level so you can walk away?


I plug in my wired 360 controller. Works with the wireless and the play and charge kit too.

Now set yourself up at the road to fire at the 2nd anthill. Make sure you bring a rocket or missile launcher with autolock.

Rubber band the right trigger so it constantly fires.

Now if it is on Inferno, put the controller down for 40 minutes, come back and profit.

I perfected this method. I play with my regular wireless controller until I'm ready to fire at the second hill. I disconnect it and connect the wired one. After I'm done I switch back to the wireless controller and play the rest of the level.

You need a Tier 6 weapon for Inferno though. I just tried it with a lower tier, just takes too long to kill an enemy.


i did finally pick up this game a week or two ago. couple of steps forward a few back. its fun though.

got my trooper up to Teir 5 and beat the campaign on Normal so far. played some online co-op on hard.

good budget game. its a grind and a half though. cant believe robut maxed all classes. that must have taken some serious time.
So the CEO of Vicious Cycle posts on the Gamefaqs board for this game and I came across him replying to a question about the inverted aim for the turret sequences.

The reason we didn't have this as an invert option was because you don't have camera control during these sequences. Most people seem to want to invert the camera, hence why we left it out of these portions.

Also, we prob wont patch this. Just an FYI.

That's...what? It doesn't even make sense and if it was actually a conscious decision, that is a really shitty conscious decision!
Daigoro said:
i did finally pick up this game a week or two ago. couple of steps forward a few back. its fun though.

got my trooper up to Teir 5 and beat the campaign on Normal so far. played some online co-op on hard.

good budget game. its a grind and a half though. cant believe robut maxed all classes. that must have taken some serious time.

I also beat Bastion, Link's Awakening, played lots of MVC3, half way through Ms Splosion Man, Catherine, From Dust and started ITSP today along with OoT.

Forever alone.
Okay, so I don't know if this is an actual bug (ha!), or if it's just my shitty luck, but the game resets certain kill counts. For example, I have 60 out of the 100 survival rounds completed. So I go play a couple of survival rounds, and the game shows 62 out of 100. I hop to the dashboard and when I return, it's back to 60 out of 100.

What's really infuriating, is that the achievements are still being tracked for it. So I've already gotten the achievement for 500 kills with the turrets, but every time I start a game up, it boots me back to 485. This means that I will never, ever get the achievements for 500 survival rounds, 1K Gunships destroyed, and so on unless I actually sit down and do it all in one session.



ShockingAlberto said:
Tried a bit of the Tactical class today

Holy shit the turret is a special kind of broken

I mostly play with my brother & sister... I have them as Tactical so they can be turret-farms... and I chose the Trooper for Tier 8 Rocket Launcher. When we play we're near unstoppable.


Daigoro said:
good budget game. its a grind and a half though. cant believe robut maxed all classes. that must have taken some serious time.

Doesn't take that long actually.

I'm currently maxing out a character within a day with my method. And I can play other games while leveling too.

The real grind will be the daddy warbugs achievement. You only need 3,147,000 xp total for max level on all classes. After that you still need an additional 5 million xp to buy all the weapons in the game. That is some serious shit right there.


Lima said:
Doesn't take that long actually.

I'm currently maxing out a character within a day with my method. And I can play other games while leveling too.

The real grind will be the daddy warbugs achievement. You only need 3,147,000 xp total for max level on all classes. After that you still need an additional 5 million xp to buy all the weapons in the game. That is some serious shit right there.

What's your leveling stratgy?


I wrote it down in post #327.

I start by playing the first chapter on normal until I hit level 4. Then I would do the anthill method on hard until level 6. After that I continue to do the same method on inferno.

But when I'm saying it takes me a day I literally mean a day. I'm doing this the whole day with only 3 hours of sleep in between.


Lima said:
I wrote it down in post #327.

I start by playing the first chapter on normal until I hit level 4. Then I would do the anthill method on hard until level 6. After that I continue to do the same method on inferno.

But when I'm saying it takes me a day I literally mean a day. I'm doing this the whole day with only 3 hours of sleep in between.

I plan to follow a similar strategy, do you do it with bots just in case you die so they can revive you? I find that they don't attack until the ants are like right on you.


ShockingAlberto said:
Tried a bit of the Tactical class today

Holy shit the turret is a special kind of broken

What do you mean by broken? Under or over powered?

My friend and I swore by them in 2017, so far they seem useless until they level up, plus you can only have one this time :(


rayner said:
I plan to follow a similar strategy, do you do it with bots just in case you die so they can revive you? I find that they don't attack until the ants are like right on you.

Yeah I'm taking the bots with me. They usually just stand around and attack any ant that might come close to you.
So guys I started this game last friday and I love it, but I want more crazy enemies, might we get something new via dlc or will I have to wait for edf4?


Lima said:
Well every time you start up the game, it checks for dlc, so I would say it is possible.
There was pre-order DLC, which they're going to release for purchase eventually.
You know what really bothers me about the first level?

The pilot saying "I just had to swerve to miss one of those" and then swerving to miss it.

I've had to replay the first level so often that things like this are really annoying.


I hate Survival. It is very poorly done. The lack of variety is really bothering me. I hate that you can not select the difficulty and that you can not use your own soldiers.


Finally got through all of Hard Mode, now I'm going to work on specific enemy kills like 10K spiders and Gunships... gotta level Tactical. I'm really hating Armored Wasps!!!
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